# Unit/Themes- Kindergarten Essential Questions

# Unit/Themes- Kindergarten 1 Take A New Step 1.1 Make New Friends 1.2 Get Up and Go! 1.3 Use Your Senses 2 Let's Explore 2.1 Tools We Use 2.2 Shapes All Around Us 2.3 World of Bugs 3 Going Places 3.1 Rules to Go By 3.2 Sounds Around Us 3.3 The Places We Go 4 Around the Neighborhood 4.1 Time for Work 4.2 Meet Your Neighbors 4.3 Pitch In 5 Wonders of Nature 5.1 How Does Your Garden Grow? 5.2 Trees 5.3 Fresh from the Farm 6 Weather for All Seasons 6.1 The Four Seasons 6.2 What's the Weather 6.3 Stormy Weather 7 The Animal Kingdom 7.1 Baby Animals 7.2 Pet Pals 7.3 Animal Habitats 8 From Here to There 8.1 On the Move 8.2 My U.S.A. 8.3 Look to the Sky 9 How Things Change 9.1 Growing Up 9.2 Good Citizens 9.3 Our Natural Resources 10 Thinking Outside the Box 10.1 Problem Solver 10.2 Sort It Out 10.3 Protect Our Earth

Essential Questions What can we learn when we try new things? How can we get along with new friends? How do baby animals move? How can your senses help you learn? What can you find out when you explore? How do tools help us to explore? What shapes do you see all around you? What kind of bugs do you know about? What can you learn by going to different places? What rules do we follow in different places? What are the different sounds we hear? What places do you go to during the week? What do you know about the people and places in your neighborhood? What do people use to do their jobs? Who are your neighbors? How can people help to make your community better? What kinds of things can you find growing in nature? What do living things need to grow? How do living things change as they grow? What kinds of things grow on a farm? How do weather and seasons affect us? How are the seasons different? What happens in different kinds of weather? How can you stay safe in bad weather? What are different kinds of animals? How are some animals alike and how are they different? How do you take care of different kinds of pets? Where do animals live? Where can you go that is near and far? What can help you go from here to there? What do you know about our country? What do you see in the sky? How do things change? How can you help out at home? What do good citizens do? How can things in nature be used to make new things? How can new ideas help us? What can happen when we work together? In what ways are things alike? How are they different? What ideas can you suggest to protect the environment?

# Unit/Themes- Grade 1 1 Getting to Know Us 1.1 At School 1.2 Where I Live 1.3 Our Pets 1.4 Let's Be Friends 1.5 Let's Move! 2 Our Community 2.1 Jobs Around Town 2.2 Buildings All Around 2.3 A Community in Nature 2.4 Let's Help 2.5 Follow the Map 3 Changes Over Time 3.1 What Time Is It? 3.2 Watch it Grow 3.3 Tales Over Time 3.4 Now and Then 3.5 From Farm to Table 4 Animals Everywhere 4.1 Animal Features 4.2 Animals Together 4.3 In the Wild 4.4 Insects! 4.5 Working with Animals 5 Figure It Out 5.1 See It, Sort It 5.2 Up in the Sky 5.3 Great Inventions 5.4 Sounds All Around 5.5 Build It! 6 Together We Can 6.1 Taking Action 6.2 My Team 6.3 Weather Together 6.4 Sharing Traditions 6.5 Celebrate America

Essential Questions What makes you special? What do you do at your school? What is it like where you live? What makes a pet special? What do friends do together? How does your body move? What makes a community? What jobs need to be done in a community? What buildings do you know? What are they made of? Where do animals live together? How do people help out in the community? How can you find your way around? What can happen over time? How do we measure time? How do plants change as they grow? What is a folktale? How is life different than it was long ago? How do we get our food? What animals do you know about? What are they like? How do animals' bodies help them? How do animals help each other? How do animals survive in nature? What insects do you know about? How are they alike and different? How do people work with animals? How can we make sense of the world around us? How can we classify and categorize things? What can you see in the sky? What inventions do you know about? What sounds can you hear? How are they made? How do things get built? How does teamwork help us? How can we work together to make our lives better? Who helps you? How can weather affect us? What traditions do you know about? Why do we celebrate holidays?

# Unit/Themes- Grade 2 1.0 FRIENDS AND FAMILY 1.1 Friends Help Friends 1.2 Families Around the World 1.3 Pets Are Our Friends 1.4 Animals Need Our Care 1.5 Families Working Together 2.0 ANIMAL DISCOVERIES 2.1 Animals in Nature 2.2 Animals in Stories 2.3 Animal Habitats 2.4 Baby Animals 2.5 Animals in Poems 3.0 LIVE AND LEARN 3.1 The Earth's Forces 3.2 Look at the Sky 3.3 Ways People Help 3.4 Weather Alert! 3.5 Express Yourself 4.0 OUR LIFE, OUR WORLD 4.1 Different Places 4.2 Earth Changes 4.3 Our Culture Makes Us Special 4.4 Folktales about Nature 4.5 Poems about nature 5.0 LET'S MAKE A DIFFERENCE 5.1 Being a Good Citizen 5.2 Cooperation Works! 5.3 Our Heroes 5.4 Preserving our Earth 5.5 Rights and Rules 6.0 HOW ON EARTH? 6.1 Plant Myths and Facts 6.2 We Need Energy 6.3 Team Up to Explore 6.4 Money Matters 6.5 The World of Ideas

Essential Questions How do families and friends learn, grow, and help one another? How do friends depend on each other? How are families around the world the same and different? How can a pet be an important friend? How do we care for animals? What happens when families work together? How do animals play a part in the world around us? How do animals survive? What can animals in stories teach us? What are features of different animal habitats? How are offspring like their parents? What do we love about animals? What have you learned about the world that surprises you? How do the Earth's forces affect us? What can we see in the sky? How can people help out their community? How does weather affect us? How do you express yourself?

How do different environments make the world an interesting place?

What makes different parts of the world different? How does the Earth change? How are kids around the world different? How can we understand nature? What excites us about nature? How can people make a difference? What do good citizens do? How do people get along? What do heroes do? How can we protect the Earth? Why are rules important? What keeps our world working? What do myths help us understand? How do we use energy? Why is teamwork important? How do we use money? Where can your imagination take you?

# Unit/Themes- Grade 3 1.0 Growing and Learning 1.1 Storytime 1.2 Traditions 1.3 Communities 1.4 Inventions 1.5 Landmarks 2.0 Figure it Out 2.1 Cooperation 2.2 Immigration 2.3 Government 2.4 Survival 2.5 Figure it Out 3.0 One of a Kind 3.1 Be Unique 3.2 Leadership 3.3 Discoveries 3.4 New Ideas 3.5 Value the Past 4.0 Meet the Challenge 4.1 Choices 4.2 Skills and Talents 4.3 Adaptations 4.4 Flight 4.5 Inspiration 5.0 Take Action 5.1 Let's Trade! 5.2 Reuse and Recycle 5.3 Teaming Up 5.4 Good Citizens 5.5 Energy 6.0 Think It Over 6.1 Treasures 6.2 Weather 6.3 Learning to Succeed 6.4 Animals and You 6.5 Funny Times

Essential Questions How can learning help us grow? What can stories teach you? What can traditions teach you about cultures? How do people from different cultures contribute to a community? How can problem solving lead to new ideas? How do landmarks help us understand our country's story? What does it take to solve a problem? Why is working together a good way to solve a problem? Why do people immigrate to new places? How do people make government work? How can people help animals survive? How do people figure things out? Why are individual qualities important? What makes different animals unique? How can one person change the way you think? What do we know about Earth and its neighbors? What ideas can we get from nature? How is each event in history? What are different ways to meet challenges? What choices are good for us? How can you use what you know to help others? How do animals adapt to challenges in their habitat? How are people able to fly? How can others inspire us? What are ways people can take action? How do we get what we need? How can we reuse what we already have? How do teams work together? What do good citizens do? What are different kinds of energy? How do we decide what's important? How do you decide what's important? How can weather affect us? Why are goals important? How can learning about animals help you respect them? What makes you laugh?

# Unit/Themes- Grade 4 1.0 Think it Through 1.1 Clever Ideas 1.2 Think of Others 1.3 Take Action 1.4 Ideas in Motion 1.5 Putting Ideas to Work 2.0 Amazing Animals 2.1 Literary Lessons 2.2 Animals in Fiction 2.3 Natural Connections 2.4 Adaptations 2.5 Animals All Around 3.0 That's the Spirit! 3.1 Friendship 3.2 Helping the Community 3.3 Liberty & Justice 3.4 Powerful Words 3.5 Feeling the World 4.0 Fact or Fiction 4.1 Our Government 4.2 Leadership 4.3 Breakthroughs 4.4 Wonders in the Sky 4.5 Achievements 5.0 Figure it Out 5.1 Make it Happen 5.2 On the Move 5.3 Inventions 5.4 Zoom In 5.5 Digging up the Past 6.0 Past, Present, and Future 6.1 Old and New 6.2 Notes from the Past 6.3 Resources 6.4 Money Matters 6.5 Finding My Place

Essential Questions How can a challenge bring out our best? Where do good ideas come from? How do your actions affect others? How do people respond to natural disasters? How can science help you understand how things work? How can starting a business help others? What can animals teach us? What are some messages in animal stories? How do animal characters change familiar stories? How are all living things connected? What helps animals survive? How are writers inspired by animals? How can you show your community spirit? How can you make new friends feel welcome? In what ways can you help your community? How can one person make a difference? How can words lead to change? In what ways can advances in science be helpful or harmful? How do different writers treat the same topic? Why do we need government? Why do people run for public office? How do inventions and technology affect your life? How do you explain what you see in the sky? How do writers look at success in different ways? What helps you understand the world around you? In what ways do people show they care about each other? What are some reasons people moved west? How can inventions solve problems? What can you discover when you look closely at something? How can learning about the past help you understand the present? How can you build on what came before? How do traditions connect people? Why is it important to keep a record of the past? How have our energy resources changed over the years? What has been the role of money over time? What shapes a person's identity?

# Unit/Themes- Grade 5 1.0 1.1 Meeting a Need 1.2 Trial and Error 1.3 Seeing for Yourself 1.4 Inventions 1.5 New Technology 2.0 2.1 Reaching a Compromise 2.2 Seeking the Answer 2.3 Investigations 2.4 A Plan of Action 2.5 Making it Happen 3.0 3.1 Cultural Exchange 3.2 Being Resourceful 3.3 Patterns 3.4 Teamwork 3.5 Into the Past 4.0 4.1 Sharing Stories 4.2 Discoveries 4.3 Take Action 4.4 Consider Our Resources 4.5 Express Yourself 5.0 What's Next? 5.1 New Perspectives 5.2 Better Together 5.3 Our Changing Earth 5.4 Now We Know 5.5 Scientific Viewpoints 6.0 Linked In 6.1 Joining Forces 6.2 Getting Along 6.3 Adaptations 6.4 Making a Difference 6.5 Out in the World

Essential Questions

How do we get the things we need? What can lead us to rethink and idea? How can experiencing nature change the way you think about it? How does technology lead to creative ideas? What are the positive and negative effects of new technology?

What do good problem solvers do? What can you do to get information you need? How do we investigate questions about nature? When has a plan helped you accomplish a task? What motivates you to accomplish a goal?

What can learning about different cultures teach us? How can learning about nature be useful? Where can you find patterns in nature? What benefits come from people working as a group? How wo we explain what happened in the past?

What kinds of stories do we tell? Why do we tell them? What can you discover when you give things a second look? What can people do to bring about a positive change? Why are natural resources valuable? How do you express that something is important to you? In what ways can things change?

What experiences can change the way you see yourself and the world around you?

How do shared experiences help people adapt to change? What changes in the environment affect living things? How can scientific knowledge change over time? How do natural events and human activities affect the environment? How are we all connected? How do different groups contribute to a cause? What actions can we take to get along with others? How are living things adapted to their environment? What impact do our actions have on the world? What can our connections to the world teach us?

# Unit/Themes- Grade 6 1.0 1.1 Perspectives 1.2 Alliances 1.3 Environments 1.4 Dynamic Earth 1.5 Using Money 2.0 2.1 Contributions 2.2 Democracy 2.3 Ancient Societies 2.4 Influences 2.5 Past and Present 3.0 3.1 Common Ground 3.2 Transformations 3.3 Inspiration 3.4 Milestones 3.5 A Green Future 4.0 4.1 Changing Environments 4.2 Overcoming Challenges 4.3 Standing Tall 4.4 Shared Experiences 4.5 Taking Responsibility 5.0 5.1 Myths 5.2 Personal Strength 5.3 Innovations 5.4 Breakthroughs 5.5 Exploration 6.0 6.1 Resources 6.2 Witness 6.3 Investigations 6.4 Extraordinary Finds 6.5 Taking a Break

Essential Questions

How do new experiences offer new perspecitves? Why do people form alliances? How do life forms vary in different environments? How do natural forces affect Earth? What factors influence how people use money?

What contributions were made by early civilizations? How did democracy develop? What was life like for people in ancient cultures? What influences the development of a culture? What can the past teach us?

What happens when people share ideas? What kinds of challenges transform people? What can people accomplish by working together? How can one person affect the opinions of others? What steps can people take to promote a healthier enviroment?

How do people meet environmental challenges? How do people meet personal challenges? When are decisions hard to make? How do people uncover what they have in common? How can we take responsibilitiy?

Why do people tell and retell myths? How do people show inner strength? How do people benefit from innovation? How does technology lead to discoveries? How have tools used for exploration evolved over time?

How have people used natural resources? How do we learn about historical events? How can a scientifics investigation be an adventure? What can scientists reveal about ancient civilizations? Why is taking a break important?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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