Andrew Jackson Webquest

Andrew Jackson Webquest


The Federal Reserve System placed Andrew Jackson’s portrait on the $20 bill in 1928. Other important Americans given the honor of their portrait on paper money include George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin.

Now the year is 2014. There are some Americans that believe Jackson does not deserve to be on the bill and want his portrait removed. They feel he should be replaced with some other important American.


o Investigate each of the websites below to learn more about Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States.

o You can access all websites directly from this document.

o Answer all questions and complete all tasks directly in this document.

o After you have completed the webquest, you will type a full-page editorial defending your opinion as to whether or not Jackson should be removed from the twenty dollar bill. You must use specific evidence from the webquest to support your opinion.

o Have fun and good luck!

Topic #1: Andrew Jackson Introduction ()

1. What was Jackson’s nickname?________________________________

2. What political party did Jackson belong to? ________________

3. What years did Jackson serve as President?______________________________

4. Under the section “Essays on Andrew Jackson…” click on “Life Before the Presidency.” Read that paragraph, as well as the one following it titled “Soldier, Prisoner and Orphan.” Summarize Jackson’s life before he became a lawyer in 1787. ___________________________________



Topic #2: Interesting Facts about Jackson

Choose any two facts from the list and write them in the space below.

Fact #1 _______________________________________________________________


Fact #2 _______________________________________________________________


Topic #3: Election of 1828

1. According to the map, which candidate won the Election of 1828?__________

2. How many electoral votes did the winning candidate receive? ___________

3. Which region of the country tended to support the winning candidate?________

Why do you think this is so?_______________________________________



Topic #4: Nullification Crisis

Fast forward to 1:10:20 and end at 1:14:10

Watch the 4-minute video clip, located at the site above, to answer the following questions.

1. Who was Jackson’s Vice-President?____________________________________

2. Calhoun was obsessed with protecting ________________________.

3. Congress, eager to protect northern factories, passed a high tax on cheap imported


4. Calhoun began promoting nullification. Nullification stated that every state had the right to

disregard, within its borders, any law that it felt was _______________________________.

5. Nullification’s fiercest supporters were congressmen from _________________________

6. Nullification’s opponents were Northern congressmen who were convinced it would lead to the

breakup of the ____________________.

7. On April 13, 1830, Jackson made a toast saying “our federal union, it must be preserved.” What

does this statement tell us about Jackson’s point of view about nullification?_______________



Topic #5: The Bank War

Website #1:

You may remember that Alexander Hamilton, George Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury, created the Bank of the United States. Use the website above to answer the following questions.

1. Why had Hamilton long believed in the need for a national bank? _____________________



2. Some Americans, especially Madison and Jefferson, had argued that the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional. How does Hamilton respond?


(For more information on the establishment of the national bank, click on the video link at the bottom of the webpage)

Website #2:

Scroll down and read the fifth paragraph on this webpage.

What three reasons does Jackson give for vetoing the charter?




Website #3:

1. What is the title of the cartoon?____________________________________

2. What objects are seen in the cartoon?_______________________________________

3. Do you think the cartoonist is in favor of Jackson closing the bank? Why or why not?



Website #4:

Watch the 3:26 minute video clip, located at the site above, to answer the following questions.

1. What was the central question of Andrew Jackson’s presidency?_____________________


2. Why does Jackson dislike the Bank of the United States? ___________________________


3. What did Jackson’s opponents feel about the Bank of the United States? _________________


Topic #6: Indian Removal Act

Website #1:

1. “Early in the 19th century, while the rapidly-growing United States expanded into the lower South, white settlers faced what they considered an obstacle.” Who did they see as their “obstacle”?


2. What did white settlers want to do with land that was occupied by Native Americans?________


3. Scroll down to the 9th paragraph. In 1830, Jackson pushed through a new law called the Indian Removal Act. What was the purpose of the Act? _________________________________


4. Describe the Trail of Tears._______________________________________________


Website #2:

In chronological order, list the five main Indian tribes that were removed from their homes and forced onto “Indian Territory” Include the year

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

Culminating Assignment

Type a one-page editorial (double spaced, one inch margins, 12 pt font) in which you argue whether or not Jackson’s image should be removed from the twenty dollar bill. You must cite specific text-based evidence from this webquest to defend your position. Good luck!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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