| |

| |

|TOPIC: Disasters YEAR LEVEL: 3/4 |


|Many phenomena people call disasters are actually part of the natural cycle. |Analysing |

|These events become disasters when they are accompanied by human tragedy and damage to the environment. |Checking |

|Disasters can be manmade or natural. |Classifying |

|Disasters vary in their intensity and the amount of damage they cause to people and the environment. |Cooperating |

|Community members, emergency services and aid agencies often assist in times of disaster. |Considering options |

| |Designing |

| |Elaborating |

| |Estimating |

| |Explaining |

| |Generalising |

| |Hypothesising |

| |Inferring |

| |Interpreting |

| |Justifying |

| |Listening |

| |Locating information |

| |Making Choices |

| |Note-taking |

| |Observing |

| |Performing |

| |Persuading |

| |Planning |

| |Predicting |

| |Presenting in a range of ways |

| |Providing Feedback |

| |Questioning |

| |Reading |

| |Recognising bias |

| |Reflecting |

| |Reporting |

| |Responding to others’ work |

| |Restating |

| |Revising |

| |Seeing patterns |

| |Selecting information |

| |Self-assessing |

| |Sharing ideas |

| |Summarising |

| |Synthesising |

| |Testing |

| |Viewing |

| |Visually representing |

| |Working |

| |Independently |

| |Working to a |

| |timeline |

| | |


|Guided Reading books: Twisters, Tornados and Other wild weather, twisters and other wind storms, Earthquakes, Quirks of| |

|the earth, read hot rocks, disaster plan. | |

|National Geographic: Extreme Weather, Droughts, Floods, Earthquakes and Volcanoes | |

|Websites: kids/dizarea.htm | |

|Library Books: | |

|100 Greatest Natural Disasters | |

|Australian Disasters Books: Bushfires, Cyclones | |

|Australia’s Worst Disasters: Droughts, Cyclones and Storms, Fires, Floods, Air Disasters, Mining Disasters, Rail | |

|Disasters | |

|Totally Weird Natural Disasters | |

|The Best ever book of Disasters | |

|Crash the search for the stinson | |

|Sea Disasters | |

|Fire and Flood | |

|Eyewitness: Volcano, The Visual Dictionary of the earth | |

|Can you believe– Hurricanes | |

|Extraordinary Volcanoes | |

|Volcanoes-facts, stories, activities | |

|Earthquakes and Volcanoes | |

|Video: All About Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Glaciers | |

| | |


|Science |Biological |Chemical |Earth & Space |Physical | |

|SOSE |History |Geography |Economy & Society | | |

|Technology |Information |Materials |Systems | | |

|Health |Health of |Self and |Movement and physical | | |

| |individuals and |relationships |activity | | |

| |populations | | | | |

|Assessment routines and |Keep individual brainstorm as a record of their understanding and repeat at end of unit to compare. |

|records: |Journal– students keep a journal showing their understandings throughout the unit. |

|What needs to be set up at |Self/ Group Assessment– of their Expert Group |

|the beginning of the unit|Group presentation– Peer assessment of their presentation |

|to ensure: |Alpha ladder– Compile a list of A-Z words for Disasters. |

| | |

|Systematic | |

|collection of assessment | |

|data? | |

|Ongoing | |

|reflection and | |

|self-assessment (see | |

|assessment plan) | |

| | |

|Tuning in and preparing to |Brainstorm individually words associated around the word disaster. |Groupings |

|find out: |“When I hear the word “Disaster” I think of…….’ | |

|What variety of activities |Concept Extraction– share ideas from brainstorm– place under headings as students submit words eg natural,| |

|will be used to: |medical, caused by people, effects. | |

| |Begin a collection of newspaper, magazine articles. Set up class | |

|engage all |bulletin board. | |

|students in the topic? |Set up a reading corner with books– fact and fiction. | |

|Assess prior |Provide large sheets, each with the name of a disaster such as cyclone, tidal wave, earthquake, storm, | |

|knowledge? |volcanic eruption, drought, flood. Place around room. Students in pairs or groups of three move from sheet| |

|Refine further |to sheet , reading information already provided and add information as they proceed. | |

|planning? |Prepare a class wall list of terms. Make a class glossary. Ask students to find out the meanings and | |

|Lead into the |record in their own words. Add to the glossary as the unit progresses. | |

|‘finding out’ |Homework– Students ask their parents/grandparents about disasters they remember or have heard about. | |

|experiences? |Students prepare questions to ask. Record data from the survey. Students could draw a table to record | |

| |results or select own recording method. | |

| |Teach ‘Tuning Protocol’- In groups of 6-8 one student presents one disaster he recorded from the parent | |

| |interview– both orally and visually. | |

| |Focus on our inquiry– to generate questions-Question matrix– present a 3x3 grid– play noughts and crosses–| |

| |ask a question before placing a nought or cross. Following this, students write questions they would like | |

| |answered by the unit. Think, pair, share. Write questions on cardboard strips and display in room. | |

| |Prepare a class data chart. In left hand column list a range of identified disasters. Write focus | |

| |questions that match the disaster in the next column. Add examples of these disasters from Australia and | |

| |other parts of the world. | |

| |Use a world map to locate and build up a picture of disasters recently/ currently occurring in the world. | |

| |As the unit progresses add more locations to help build a pattern of areas subject to particular to types | |

| |of disasters. | |

| | | |

|Finding out: |Sorting out: |

|Experiences to assist |Activities to assist students to process and work with the information and ideas they have gathered about the topic (including |

|students to gather |exploring values). |

|new information about the |Organise, represent, present. |

|topic. | |

|Challenge– take children | |

|beyond what they already | |

|know. | |

| | |

|Study of a natural disaster|Expert groups– assign students to a group responsible for finding out about one type of natural disaster. |

| |Explain each group is to find out- |

| |How the natural disaster occurs |

| |Its impact on people and the environment |

| |Examples of emergency groups. |

| |How people work together to restore the damage associated in Australia and in other countries. |

| |About some of the worst examples of these disasters in Australia and other countries , now and past. |

| | |

| |Implement cooperative learning roles eg: encourager, reporter, gatherer, time keeper |

| |Self/ Group Assessment At the end of sessions– 1 or 2 lessons give groups a sheet to complete on which they rank (from1-10) their|

| |performance/ cooperation, capacity to stay on task, work output. |

| |Presentation of research to the class. Groups decide how to best present their findings. Select from –poster, drama, model, |

| |frieze, mural, board game, book, news report…..-Different parts of the presentation should be clear and logical and models, |

| |diagrams, other activities should be used to support their explanation of the disaster and it’s effects. |

| |Peer Assessment– at end of presentation each student completes an assessment of the group presentation, highlighting new |

| |information , questions answered, group cooperation. |

| |Use talk tokens to ensure whole class involvement in peer assessment. |

| | |

|Related Reflections/ Activities |

|Risk taking– Would you rather be in an earthquake or flood. Choose one and give 3 reasons. |

|Venn Diagram– Use a Venn diagram to compare the similarities and differences between a Tornado and a cyclone. |

|Alpha Ladder- Compile a list of A-Z words for Disasters |

|Y Chart– Create a Y chart for an earthquake. Looks like. Feels like. Sounds like. |

|Imagination– Imagine you are a fire raging through a building. Describe in poem or diary entry. |

|PMI– Bush Fires– P (plus), M (minus), I (interesting) |

|Inventions Key– Invent a machine to clean oil spills from the sea. Draw a diagram and label the parts. |

|Making |Question Key- Each student selects a card that has an answer written on it. They then write one or two questions for the answer.|

|conclusions: |Collect all students questions. Read them out to the class who give their answers. See if they match the cards children are |

|Activities to ‘pull it all |holding. |

|together’, to assist | |

|students to demonstrate |How big was the disaster? |

|what they have learned and |As a class prepare an intensity line from 0-10. Students place identified disasters along the line to indicate a scale and |

|reflect on their learning. |justify their placements. Consider how children made their choice and whether they took both human and natural effects into |

| |account. |

| | |

|Related |Multiple Intelligences—Students select one activity from each area– Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, |

|Experiences: |Evaluation—to complete. Work may be completed at school and home. |

|Ways of extending students’| |

|interest and learning in | |

|the topic. Ways of | |

|challenging students’ ideas| |

|and providing different | |

|perspectives. | |

| | |

|Reflection and Action: |Ask students– What do these disasters have to do with you? Why should you be concerned if your family , your friends are not |

|Ways of empowering students|affected by them? Should you leave the responsibility to the government and aid agencies to deal ? |

|to act on what they have |As a class identify emergencies that could affect the local area. How could these be prevented? What procedures are in place to |

|learnt. |lessen the affects? Discuss and list local organisations that could assist in an emergency. Who is responsible for a local |

| |disaster plan? Is there an evacuation point? |

| |Invite representatives from SES to speak to the class about their role/ knowledge of disasters in our area. |

| | |

| |Plan an evacuation procedure for your family. |

| | |

| |

|Possible weekly overview |

| |Tuning In |

|Week 1 | |

|Week 2 |Tuning In |

| | |

|Week 3 |Finding and Sorting Out |

| | |

|Week 4 |Finding and Sorting Out |

|Week 5 |Finding and Sorting Out |

| |Thinkers Keys |

|Week 6 |Finding and Sorting Out |

| |Thinkers Keys |

|Week 7 |Presentation of Projects |

| | |

|Week 8 |Making conclusions |

| | |

|Week 9 |Multiple Intelligences |

| | |

|Week 10 |Reflection and Action |

|Week 11 |Reflection and Action |

|Unit Evaluation and Comments: |

| |


| |Tools | | | |

|Values to be developed throughout |K.W.L. |Applying Past Knowledge To New |*Brainstorm individually words associated around the |Keep Individual brainstorm as a |

|this unit? |Interviews |Situations |word disaster. |record of their understanding and |

|Respect: For the |Mind Maps | |Concept Extraction– share ideas from brainstorm– place |repeat at end of unit to compare. |

|environment. |Y-Chart | |under headings as |Student Journal |

|Safety: Personal Safety / health |T-Chart | |students submit words eg natural, medical, caused by |Checklist for HOMs |

|Inclusion: Sharing |Jigsaw | |people, effects. |Key Words |

|resources, working together |Note taking | |*Role-plays |Self/ group assessment |

|Understanding and |Labelling | |*Mind Maps |Presentation-group |

|empathy - for people |Comparison |Questioning and Posing Problems |*Question matrix |Questioning-appropriateness |

|affected by disasters. |Sequencing | |*Question Key |Research Skills |

| |Classification | |Tuning Procotol |Co-operative Skills |

| |Decision Making |Thinking Interdependently |*Co-Operative Group activities |Completion of Multiple |

| |Brainstorming | |*Self/ Group Assessment of. their expert group. |Intelligences |

| |Thinker’s Keys | |*Think-Pair-Share | |

| |Questioning | |Expert Groups | |

| |BAR | |*Chinese Whispers/Share Circles | |

| |Six Thinking Hats |Listening With Understanding and Empathy |*Think-Pair-Share | |

| |Multiple Intelligences | | | |


|*Many phenomena people call disasters are actually part of the natural cycle. |

|These events become disasters when they are accompanied by human tragedy and damage to the environment. |

|Disasters can be manmade or natural. |

|Disasters vary in their intensity and the amount of damage they cause to people and the environment. |

|Community members, emergency services and aid agencies often assist in times of disaster. |


| |Tools | | | |

|Values to be developed throughout |K.W.L. |Applying Past Knowledge To New |*Brainstorm individually words associated around the |Keep Individual brainstorm as a |

|this unit? |Interviews |Situations |word disaster. |record of their understanding and |

|Respect: For the |Mind Maps | |Concept Extraction– share ideas from brainstorm– place |repeat at end of unit to compare. |

|environment. |Y-Chart | |under headings as |Student Journal |

|Safety: Personal Safety / health |T-Chart | |students submit words eg natural, medical, caused by |Checklist for HOMs |

|Inclusion: Sharing |Jigsaw | |people, effects. |Key Words |

|resources, working together |Note taking | |*Role-plays |Self/ group assessment |

|Understanding and |Labelling | |*Mind Maps |Presentation-group |

|empathy - for people |Comparison |Questioning and Posing Problems |*Question matrix |Questioning-appropriateness |

|affected by disasters. |Sequencing | |*Question Key |Research Skills |

| |Classification | |Tuning Procotol |Co-operative Skills |

| |Decision Making |Thinking Interdependently |*Co-Operative Group activities |Completion of Multiple |

| |Brainstorming | |*Self/ Group Assessment of. their expert group. |Intelligences |

| |Thinker’s Keys | |*Think-Pair-Share | |

| |Questioning | |Expert Groups | |

| |BAR | |*Chinese Whispers/Share Circles | |

| |Six Thinking Hats |Listening With Understanding and Empathy |*Think-Pair-Share | |

| |Multiple Intelligences | | | |


|*Many phenomena people call disasters are actually part of the natural cycle. |

|These events become disasters when they are accompanied by human tragedy and damage to the environment. |

|Disasters can be manmade or natural. |

|Disasters vary in their intensity and the amount of damage they cause to people and the environment. |

|Community members, emergency services and aid agencies often assist in times of disaster. |





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