
|Lesson |Learning outcome (to include a PLT |Levelled Learning Outcomes (referenced to |Differentiated Learning Activities (to include tasks that develop students’ independent |resources |

| |objective) |specific grade criteria) |learning skills (Kagan structure, peer- and self-assessment activities and timed tasks) | |

| |Students will improve their ability | | | |

| |to_______________ as they: | | | |

| | |Reading & Writing |Speaking & Listening | | |

| | |Assessment Objectives |Assessment Objectives | | |

|1 What is creative |As a team worker, you: |WAF1 – Present ideas in | |Starter: In pairs, write a description of the word ‘creative’. |‘The Scream’ – Edvard |

|writing? – Word order for|WILL write in sentences to describe a |a sustained, imaginative| |Main Activity: Look at the sentence – The scream faded slowly into the night – change |Munch |

|effect. |picture |way with depth and | |the order of the sentence around to see what effect it has. In pairs, add two sentences | |

| |SHOULD use word order for effect |detail | |to the previous sentence to build up further suspense. | |

| |COULD choose apt vocabulary and word |WAF5 – Deliberately | |Pairs to swap their sentences with another pair and play around with the word order and | |

| |order to create suspense |design sentences for | |punctuation to change the effect. | |

| | |purpose and effect | |Reflection: Pairs to join with pair they swapped with a discuss effects of word order | |

| | | | |and punctuation. Choose the best two sentences that build up suspense. | |

| | | | |Home learning: Write 3 more sentences to build up suspense based on the original | |

| | | | |sentence and picture. | |

|2 Individual descriptive |As an independent enquirer, you: |WAF5 – Confidently use a| |Starter: Pair share home-learning sentences, choosing one sentence that holds the most | |

|writing |WILL write a description |variety of sentence | |suspense and interesting word order to share with class. | |

| |SHOULD use vocabulary for effect within |features to clarify or | |Main Activity: Link to ‘Of Mice and Men’. Pupils will individually write a description | |

| |writing |emphasize | |of the farm that George and Lennie are working on – 150 words. With a partner, look | |

| |COULD carefully select appropriate and |WAF7 – Select | |through each other’s work and change 3 words to make the piece more descriptive. | |

| |interesting vocabulary for effect within|appropriate and | |Write up neatly to go on display. | |

| |writing |effective vocabulary | |Reflection: Teacher led discussion on importance of vocabulary and sentence structure. | |

| | | | |Home learning: | |

|3 Vocabulary exploration |As an effective team worker, you: |WAF7 – Select | |Starter: In 3s, groups will have 1 minute to describe ‘A summer day’ in one word at a |Theme cards |

| |WILL explore a theme verbally and |appropriate and | |time. There are to be no repeats. Aim is to be the last person still contributing new |(Hate, Love, Jealousy, |

| |physically |effective vocabulary | |words. |Anger) |

| |SHOULD work effectively in a group to |WAF4 – Construct | |Main Activity: In groups of 4, pupils will be given a theme which they must create a | |

| |explore vocabulary within a theme |paragraphs and use | |tableau for. When they perform, the rest of the class will be given post-it notes and | |

| |COULD explore and develop the theme |cohesion within and | |must write as many words as they can to describe the tableau as possible. | |

| |through the use of sentence structure |between paragraphs | |When all tableaux have been seen, pupils will place post-it notes on the board. | |

| |and vocabulary | | |Pupils will each have to take 2 post notes and write alternatives for that word. | |

| | | | |Written response: Pupils must write a descriptive piece of writing exploring the idea of| |

| | | | |a summer day with the aim of trying to vary their vocabulary. | |

| | | | |Reflection: Reading paragraphs in front of the class. Teacher to pick up 3 favourite | |

| | | | |words used in description. | |

| | | | |Home learning: | |

|4 Writing from a stimulus|As an effective team worker, you: |WAF7 – Select | |Starter: Individually write a description of one character from ‘Of Mice and Men’ |Pictures of landscapes |

| |WILL choose vocabulary to describe |appropriate and | |Main Activity: Pictures of landscapes will be placed around the room. Pupils will be | |

| |pictures |effective vocabulary | |split into pairs. One of the pair will have 1 minute at a picture and must remember as | |

| |SHOULD creatively develop a character |WAF6 – Write with | |much as they can about the picture. They will then have 2 minutes to tell their partner | |

| |COULD use apt vocabulary to create and |technical accuracy using| |about it who will have to draw what they have been told. Compare drawings to pictures. | |

| |develop a character |punctuation in phrases, | |Individually, pupils will have to imagine they are now part of this picture. They must | |

| | |clauses and sentences. | |write 250 words. This can be in the form of a diary entry or a story. Remember to write | |

| | | | |with accuracy and effective vocabulary. | |

| | | | |Reflection: Peer marking of each other’s work, focussing on vocabulary and sentences. | |

| | | | |Home learning: | |

|5 Identifying good |As an independent enquirer, you: |WAF6 – Write with | |Starter: Write 5 similes or metaphors to describe features of a person you know. | |

|practice |WILL use metaphors and similes for |technical accuracy using| |Main Activity: What is a…? Various words (simile, metaphor, assonance, repetition) will | |

| |effect |punctuation in phrases, | |be placed around the room. In small groups, pupils must go around and write a definition| |

| |SHOULD identify English devices and |clauses and sentences. | |and an example of these on the sheet so that it can be displayed. | |

| |techniques and use them in their work | | |Read through (PASSAGE) from Of Mice and Men. Identify use of any of the words explored | |

| |COULD use the devices for effect within | | |previously (metaphor, repetition, assonance). Write a P.E.E paragraph on the effect of | |

| |their work. | | |this device used in the writing. | |

| | | | |Reflection: Teacher led quiz/questioning on devices and their effects | |

| | | | |Home learning: Write a diary entry about a day at school with the aim of using at least | |

| | | | |one of every device looked at. | |

|6 Writing about yourself |As an independent enquirer, you: | | |Starter: Write a personal ad for yourself |Personal ad examples |

| |WILL identify third person | | |Main Activity: Pair discussion – what is ‘third person’ give an example. Individually, |Criteria |

| |SHOULD use third person within your work| | |write about yourself in third person as the eulogy at your funeral or pleading your case| |

| |COULD effectively use third person and | | |to a judge. | |

| |varied vocabulary for effect | | |Pair share work and mark against criteria – aim to change a sentence or vocabulary to | |

| | | | |make piece of creative. | |

| | | | |Reflection: | |

| | | | |Home learning: | |

|7 The best day of my life|As a reflective learner, you: |WAF1 – Present ideas in | |Starter: Write a description of how George would describe Lennie. Vary sentence length | |

|so far… |WILL use vocabulary and devices learned |a sustained, imaginative| |and vocabulary. | |

| |in your writing |way with depth and | |Main Activity: Controlled assessment conditions. Pupils will be given 10 minutes to plan| |

| |SHOULD choose devices and vocabulary for|detail | |and 50 minutes to write an answer to the statement ‘The best day of my life so far’. | |

| |effect | | |Pupils should be encouraged to use paragraphs, varied sentences and vocabulary. | |

| |COULD use paragraphs, vocabulary and | | |Reflection: Individual reflection and marking of own work against the criteria. | |

| |devices for a desired effect to enhance | | |Home learning: Write an evaluation of performance in written work in lesson. | |

| |their writing | | | | |

|8 Writing for a purpose |As am independent enquirer, you: |WAF1 – Present ideas in | |Starter: Punctuation practice (worksheet) |Punctuation practice |

| |WILL write in sentences to describe a |a sustained, imaginative| |Main Activity: Reflection on work from last lesson. Teacher led feedback. Describe your | |

| |person |way with depth and | |best friend in 5 words. Work in a pair to change the words to the opposite meaning. | |

| |SHOULD choose vocabulary for effect |detail | |Write a diary entry which includes a clear description of your friend within it. | |

| |COULD write cohesively in paragraphs | | |Remember to use full sentences and punctuation. | |

| |with varied vocabulary. | | |Reflection: In pairs, choose the most interesting paragraph and get them written up | |

| | | | |neatly. | |

| | | | |Home learning: Write interesting paragraph neatly if not finished in lesson, ready for | |

| | | | |display. | |

|9 Poetry |As an effective participator, you: | | |Starter: Read the copy of the poem |Copies of poem |

| |WILL participate in class discussion | | |Main Activity: As a class, annotate a copy of the poem on the board for poetic devices. | |

| |SHOULD offer helpful suggestions during | | |Discuss the effect of different devices and why we would use them. | |

| |the discussion | | |Reflection: | |

| |COULD take a leading role in suggesting | | |Home learning: Write an acrostic poem for the phrase – ‘War is coming’ | |

| |ideas in the class discussion whilst | | | | |

| |listening to others. | | | | |

|10 Exploring a theme |As a n effective participator, you: | | |Starter: Word association as a class – looking for last man standing | |

| |WILL take part in whole class work | | |Main Activity: The theme of conflict will be explored this lesson. As a class they will | |

| |SHOULD offer suggestions in class work | | |create a story by each adding a sentence to the one before, each pupil should write them| |

| |COULD carefully offer suggestions which | | |down in their books. | |

| |enhance the lesson | | |The pupils must reflect upon the story that has been written as a class and tweak it to | |

| | | | |make it more descriptive and interesting. | |

| | | | |Reflection: Volunteers to read their version of the story aloud. | |

| | | | |Home learning: Write the story up neatly for display | |

|11 Becoming a character |As an independent enquirer, you: | | |Starter: Role on the wall for one of the characters in one of the pictures |Stimulus pictures |

| |WILL create a character from a stimulus | | |Main Activity: ‘Speed dating’ in pairs. Each pupil has 2 minutes to explain to their | |

| |SHOULD develop a character from a | | |partner everything about themselves as the character in the picture. Could mention where| |

| |stimulus | | |they are and why in the picture. | |

| |COULD write descriptively and | | |Write 2 paragraphs about their character in the form of a biography. | |

| |effectively about the character | | |Reflection: Pair share with a partner. | |

| | | | |Home learning: | |

|12 Writing a story |As a reflective learner, you: |WAF6 – Write with | |Starter: Written P.E.E paragraph; what makes a good story? |Stimulus pictures |

| |WILL reflect upon what makes a good |technical accuracy using| |Main Activity: Teacher led examples of good gripping opening to stories. Pupil |Story (read by teacher) |

| |story |punctuation in phrases, | |discussion on favourite opening and why? Write down an answer in the form of a P.E.E | |

| |SHOULD demonstrate understanding of good|clauses and sentences. | |paragraph. | |

| |stories in your own work | | |Reflection: Share ideas with class and finish discussion. | |

| |COULD take a leading role in discussion | | |Home learning: Write a review on one of the story openings. | |

| |and implement ideas within your own work| | | | |

|13 Working from memory |As an effective team worker, you: | | |Starter: Write a description of one of the pictures from memory in as much detail as | |

| |WILL recall ideas from a given stimulus | | |possible. | |

| |SHOULD recall main imagery from stimulus| | |Main Activity: In small groups of 2 or 3, recreate one of the pictures from memory and | |

| |COULD place stimulus into context whilst| | |create a tableau to show what is happening in it. | |

| |recalling main these | | |Write a short story of what had happened 1 hour previous to this picture being taken. | |

| | | | |Reflection: In small groups, choose one of the stories an turn it into a tableau. | |

| | | | |Home learning: | |

|14 Planning and |As an independent enquirer, you: | | |Starter: Punctuation practice worksheet |Worksheet |

|preparation |WILL produce a plan for the assessment | | |Main Activity: Class led discussion on what should go into a plan. As a class complete a| |

| |SHOULD produce a detailed plan | | |template on the board for an assessment piece. | |

| |COULD write an effective plan with ideas| | |Individually complete a plan that will be used in the assessment. | |

| |and skills included | | |Reflection: Teacher to look at plans to ensure they are suitable. | |

| | | | |Home learning: Assessment prep. | |

|15 Controlled assessment |As a reflective learner, you: |WAF6 – Write with | |Starter: Write name on each piece of paper and fill in details |Stimuli pictures |

|writing |WILL complete an assessment piece |technical accuracy using| |Main Activity: Timed written controlled assessment. |Lined paper |

| |SHOULD use skills learned to complete an|punctuation in phrases, | |Reflection: Reflection with a pair to talk about how well they planned and used time in | |

| |assessment piece |clauses and sentences. | |exam. | |

| |COULD effectively use time and |WAF1 – Present ideas in | |Home learning: Create a poster of 5 top tips for completing an exam. | |

| |vocabulary to complete an assessment |a sustained, imaginative| | | |

| |piece |way with depth and | | | |

| | |detail | | | |

|16 Reflection and |As a reflective learner, you: | | |Starter: Share home-learning with a partner. Pick the best 2 tips to share with the | |

|evaluation |WILL evaluate own performance | | |class. | |

| |SHOULD consider improvements for future | | |Main Activity: Class feedback on tips for success. Pupil led discussion on how they | |

| |COULD look objectively at own | | |found the assessment and what they could have done. | |

| |performance and set targets | | |Write a reflective article that could be used for The Chronicle about how to achieve in | |

| | | | |exams or how to prepare for them. | |

| | | | |Reflection: Share article with a partner – check for mistakes. | |

| | | | |Home learning: Finish article if not finished in lesson. | |


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