Science Club Activities Guide

[Pages:40]Science Club Activities Guide

Lisa Manning 12/22/03

This is a guide is meant to suggest ideas for an after-school science club. Obviously, after-school programs are voluntary, so our primary objective is to get the students there and keep them excited about science. Activities are designed primarily to introduce students to interesting/exciting science ideas, like motors, circuits, rockets, goofy putty, and squid. A secondary goal is to relate these ideas to science concepts from the classroom, as well as explain science topics. All activities are designed to take between one and one and a half hours. (Our science club meetings lasted an hour and a half; leftover time was used for organizational things or for snack time.) Also, consumable supplies are necessary for almost every activity ? These range in cost from $5 to $50 for supplying 20 students. With the exception of liquid nitrogen, all supplies are readily available from grocery and drug stores.

Table of Contents 1. Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration 2. Electric Motor 3. Speakers 4. Paper Bridge Building Contest 5. Squid Dissections 6. Shrinky Dinks, Goofy Putty and Ooze 7. Stomp Rockets 8. Holiday Lights/Electricity

Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration

This is an excellent first-day demo because it grabs the students' attention and introduces many science concepts in an appealing way. It includes creating ice cream on the spot, eating freeze dried marshmallows, shattering a carnation, seeing a balloon deflate, and breaking racquetballs.

Science Topics covered: phases of matter, density, and elasticity


Liquid Nitrogen (available at colleges, universities, or anyplace where there is a chemistry or physics laboratory. Caution: Liquid nitrogen is very cold and poses a severe frostbite risk. Make sure you keep it a safe distance from students and take necessary safety precautions. You also need a dewar to hold the liquid nitrogen and keep it cold, as well as insulated gloves for the person handling the liquid nitrogen. )

VERY IMPORTANT: See the following web page for safety details and possible trouble spots:

Metal tongs Several Metal pie plates (or other shallow containers for holding liquid nitrogen) Plastic Bucket (or other deep container for holding liquid nitrogen) Marshmallows Carnations Balloon Test tube or clear plastic soda bottle 2 Racquetballs

Ice Cream Supplies (1/2 gallon, serves about 20 people): Large metal mixing bowl Measuring cups Large Wooden spoon Paper towels Plastic cups with spoons/ice cream cones cream base: 4 cups heavy cream 1 ? cups half and half 1 3/4 cups sugar berry mixture: 1 quart frozen strawberries that have been allowed to thaw or fresh strawberries, mashed ? cup sugar

Total cost: About $25 for ice cream supplies, $5/liter for liquid nitrogen


Supervisor Activity guide 1. Tell the students that you will be working with liquid nitrogen. Perhaps ask them if they have seen a liquid nitrogen demonstration before, or if they know what nitrogen is. Caution them that liquid nitrogen is so very cold that it will give them frostbite immediately, so not to touch it, and to be very cautious. 2. Pour liquid nitrogen into bucket about 2-3 inches deep. Place one racquetball in the nitrogen. Leave it there while you perform other demonstrations, turning it occasionally to ensure the ball gets cold everywhere. 3. Place marshmallows one layer deep on a pie plate. Pour liquid nitrogen slowly over the marshmallows and stir with a wooden spoon until the marshmallows no longer yield under pressure. 4. Allow the students to eat a marshmallow. The `mallows will be quite cold and crunchy, similar to the marshmallows in Lucky Charms cereal. Ask the students to describe how the taste and the texture. Ask them why they think the `mallow is cold. Why it is crunchy? 5. Next, pour some more nitrogen into a pie pan, and place the top of a carnation into the nitrogen. Stir the flower around by the stem until the petals harden or freeze. 6. Ask a student to touch the carnation petals (it's safe). The petals will be rock hard. Ask a student to grasp the top of the flower, or hit the top of the flower on the desk. The petals will shatter. Why does the flower get hard? What words could you use to describe it? (Brittle, frozen) 7. Pour some more liquid nitrogen into the pie pan. Blow up the balloon, but make sure the balloon is small enough to fit inside the pie pan. DO NOT TIE THE BALLOON. Instead, stretch the mouth of the balloon over the mouth of the test tube so it forms an airtight seal. 8. Place the balloon inside the pie pan and using the wooden spoon press on the balloon. Turn the balloon over a few times to ensure the entire balloon gets cold. The balloon will deflate. In the bottom of the test tube, there will be `liquid air'. As the balloon warms up it will re-inflate. Why does the balloon deflate if there is no hole in the balloon? Where does the liquid (not water) in the test tube come from? Why does the balloon re-inflate when it gets warm again? 9. Keep all ingredients cold! Make sure the sugar is dissolved in the cream base. Pour the cream base into a large metal bowl. Add one to two liters of liquid nitrogen and stir vigorously. When the cream has thickened, add the berry mixture and more nitrogen, if necessary. Continue to stir until the nitrogen has evaporated (the fog has disappeared). The recipe does not keep well and is best if consumed immediately. If it begins to melt before everyone is served, simply add more liquid nitrogen. 10. Dispense into cups/cones. What makes the ice cream cold? What is the fog that you see? 11. Use tongs to retrieve racquetball that has been chilling in liquid nitrogen. Ask students to predict what might happen to the ball when you drop it. Drop a normal racquetball at room temperature. (It bounces) Drop the normal racquetball and the `frozen' racquetball


side by side. (the cold racquetball will shatter.) Why does the cold ball shatter? What has changed about the ball? How is this similar to the carnation petals? To the marshmallow? 12. Being careful to avoid students, you can carefully pour the remaining liquid nitrogen on the floor, to create a `fog'. This is safe as long as liquid nitrogen is not poured directly on people's feet.

Science behind the demo:

Physical properties of Nitrogen

Boiling Point at 1atm


Freezing Point at 1atm


Density of the gas at 21.1? and 1atm 1.153 kg/m3

Nitrogen is about 78% of the volume of the atmosphere. By decreasing the temperature/increasing the pressure, nitrogen can be changed from its gaseous phase (at room temperature/pressure) to liquid phase. Liquid nitrogen is very cold; at normal atmospheric pressure it is ?196 degrees Celsius. We breathe nitrogen everyday in our air, and liquid nitrogen only becomes dangerous if it splashes on your skin and causes frostbite or too much of it evaporates into a closed environment and there is not enough oxygen to breathe.

An important concept for students to realize is that just like water boils when heated to 100 degrees Celsius and changes phase into water vapor, liquid nitrogen boils when heated to ?196 degrees Celsius and turns into gaseous nitrogen. But since room temperature is ALWAYS above ?196 degrees, liquid nitrogen is always boiling at atmospheric pressure. Of course, by increasing the pressure we can increase the temperature at which the liquid will boil. So liquid nitrogen can be stored by keeping it at a very high pressure where it won't boil at room temperature. That is why liquid nitrogen and other gases are stored in high-pressure tanks. This concept is closely related to density, as well. When matter is heated, kinetic energy is added to the atoms/molecules that make up the material. In a solid, the matter vibrates but doesn't change shape. In a liquid, the molecules squirm around each other, slipping and sliding around in close contact. In a gas, the molecules are separated from each other and go whizzing about, bouncing off the walls. In general, solids have the highest density, while gases have the lowest.

Explaining the demos: When liquid nitrogen is poured over the marshmallows, all of the water in the `mallows

instantly freezes. The normally spongy texture becomes hard, which leads to the crunchy texture. If the marshmallow is allowed to warm up again, it will taste and feel like a normal marshmallow again. Also, the extreme cold changes the elasticity of the marshmallow. Normally, elastic materials bend and store the energy from an impact and release it by exerting a `restoring force' in the opposite direction. When these materials get very cold they no longer bend, but instead they break or shatter, and no longer store elastic energy. They become brittle or inelastic.

Similarly, the nitrogen freezes all of the water in the carnation petals, which makes the petals brittle and easily shattered. This is the same reason why the racquetball shatters, too.

The balloon shrinks when you put it in liquid nitrogen because as the gaseous air (80% nitrogen) in the balloon cools, the molecules slow down and take up less volume. The air


becomes more and more dense until the molecules are all very close to each other and the gas turns into a liquid. Liquid air is what you see in the bottom of the test tube. It is important for the students to realize that no air has left the balloon/test tube. It has simply changed phase. To prove this, when the balloon warms back up, the liquid will boil and turn into gaseous air again and reinflate the balloon.

Liquid Nitrogen makes good ice cream for two reasons: 1) The mix freezes very quickly, so you get small crystals and a very creamy texture. 2) The evaporating Liquid N2 aerates (nitrogenates?) the mixture, so it doesn't end up as a frozen lump.

When you add the liquid nitrogen to the cream base (which is mostly water) it cools the water until it freezes. Conversely, the water warms the liquid nitrogen and makes it boil, creating liquid nitrogen. The fog that you see is water particles in the air that are condensed into water by the very cold liquid nitrogen (The fog is not liquid nitrogen itself).

Uses of Nitrogen:

Nitrogen finds use in diverse commercial applications, including:

Chemical Processing ... to inert vessels and oxygen-sensitive chemicals, creating an oxygen-deficient environment that reduces safety hazards; to propel liquids through pipelines; and to manufacture ammonia.

Food ... to extend shelf-life in packaged foods by preventing spoilage from oxidation, mold growth, moisture migration and insect infestation; to rapidly freeze; and to refrigerate perishables during transport.

Petroleum Recovery and Refining ... to improve recovery and maintain pressure in oil and gas reservoirs; to blanket storage tanks and product loading/unloading; to purge pipelines; and to strip volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from waste streams or to cool vent streams. Controlling VOC emissions helps refiners comply with U.S. Clean Air Act requirements.

Metal Production and Fabrication ... to protect metals such as steel, copper and aluminum during annealing, carburizing and sintering operations in high temperature furnaces; to cool extrusion dies; and to shrink fit metal parts; utilized as a purge gas with stainless steel tube welding. Also used to support plasma cutting.

Electronics ... to prevent oxidation in the manufacture of semiconductors and printed circuits; and to enhance solvent recovery systems by eliminating the use of chlorofluorocarbons for cleanup.

Glass Manufacturing ... to cool furnace electrodes and prevent oxidation during manufacturing; and to lower air temperatures for optimum cooling rates.

Research and Health Services ... to freeze and preserve blood, tissue, semen and other biological specimens; to freeze and destroy diseased tissue in cryosurgery and dermatology; and to pre-cool or insulate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), conserving the more costly helium.

Construction ... to suppress the pour temperature of concrete mixtures, inhibiting the formation of cracks; and to stabilize the ground as in the restoration of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.



Shoestring Electric Motor

Students may have seen this before on Beakman's World, or at the Exploratorium. It is a nifty little motor that students can build out of ordinary everyday stuff. A lot of the instructions must be followed precisely to get this motor to work, and students usually need a fair amount of oneon-one help to troubleshoot. It is nice to have extra helpers around for this activity.

Science Topics covered: Electricity, Magnetism

Materials for EACH electromagnet 'D' Cell Alkaline Battery 1-2 meters of Heavy Gauge Magnet Wire (the kind with red enamel insulation, not plastic coated) (available at Radio Shack) One iron nail (2-5 inches long) Fine Sandpaper Rubber Band Clear Tape Small paper clips

Materials Required for EACH motor: 'D' Cell Alkaline Battery Paper Cup Rubber Band Clear Tape Two Large Metal Paper Clips 1 meter Heavy Gauge Magnet Wire One or Two Rectangular Ceramic Magnets (available at Radio Shack) Toilet Paper Tube, Test tube, or other cylindrical object Fine Sandpaper Optional: Glue, Small Block of Wood for Base

Supervisor Activity guide: To prepare students for this activity, ask them about electricity ? where do they use electricity? What does it do? Ask them what a motor does (converts electrical energy into mechanical energy). Can they give an example of a motor? What are magnets? What properties do they have? This is also a good time to discuss positive and negative charges, and north and south poles on a magnet. Do positive and negative charges attract or repel? What about north and south poles?

To help the students understand electromagnets, it may be helpful to have them construct an electromagnet. This shows them that electricity makes a magnetic field.

? The ends of the copper wire need to be exposed so that the battery can make a good electrical connection. Use sandpaper to sand off the insulation all the way around the wire.

? Neatly wrap the wire around the nail. The more wire you wrap around the nail, the stronger your electromagnet will be. Make certain that you leave enough of the wire unwound so that you can attach the battery.


? When you wrap the wire around the nail, make certain that you wrap the wire all in one direction. You need to do this because the direction of a magnet field depends on the direction of the electric current creating it.

? Use a rubber band to hold the ends of the wire next to the battery terminals. Secure in place using clear tape.

? Use you electromagnet to pick up small paper clips. See how many you can string together.

It is a good idea to have one working electric motor to show the kids before they begin. As they are building the motor, ask them how the different parts of the motor work. Be sure to stress that the loop of wire in the motor turns into a magnet just like the electromagnet they just made.

? Starting about 3 inches from the end of the wire, wrap it 7 times around the toilet paper tube. Remove the tube (you don't need it any more). Cut the wire, leaving a 3-inch tail opposite the original starting point. Wrap the two tails around the coil so that the coil is held together and the two tails extend perpendicular to the coil. See illustration below:

Note: Be sure to center the two tails on either side of the coil. Balance is important. You might need to put a drop of glue where the tail meets the coil to prevent slipping. ? On one tail, use fine sandpaper to completely remove the insulation from the wire. Leave about 1/4" of insulation on the end and where the wire meets to coil. On the other tail, lay the coil down flat and lightly sand off the insulation from the top half of the wire only. Again, leave 1/4" of full insulation on the end and where the wire meets the coil.


? Bend the two paper clips into the following shape (needle-nosed pliers may be useful here):

? Turn the paper cup upside down. Place the battery on top of the cup and tape into place. (You may need to break the rim on the bottom of the cup a little to fit the battery into place)

? Use the rubber band to hold the paperclips to the terminals of the "D" Cell battery. See finished motor diagram.

? Stick the ceramic magnet on top of the battery ? Place the coil in the cradle formed by the right ends of the paper clips. You may have to

give it a gentle push to get it started, but it should begin to spin rapidly. If it doesn't spin, check to make sure that all of the insulation has been removed from the wire ends. If it spins erratically, make sure that the tails on the coil are centered on the sides of the coil. Note that the motor is "in phase" only when it is held horizontally (as shown in the drawing). ? It also helps to bend the ends of the coil a bit so that as it slips right or left, the bends keep it in the proper position:



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