Top Ten List of Interesting Things to Know About Me

Top Ten Things to Know About Me

Directions: Take a few minutes and answer the following questions about yourself. Record your responses in the column titled ‘My Answers.” Next, talk with others in the room and see if you can find individuals who recorded the same responses as you. As you find matches, have the person sign their name in the corresponding box under the column titled “Matching Responses.” Try to find ten different people—a different person for each of the ten questions.

|Question |My Answers |Matching Responses |

|10. If you could be any animal, what would you | | |

|choose? | | |

|9. What is your favorite food to cook? | | |

|8. How long have you been in 4-H? | | |

|7. In what 4-H project or activity have you had | | |

|the most experience? | | |

|6. What musical instrument(s) do you play? | | |

|5. In what sport(s) do you | | |

|participate? | | |

|4. What foreign country(ies) have you visited? | | |

|3. In what ways are you involved in your home | | |

|community? | | |

|2. What are your plans once you finish high | | |

|school? | | |

|1. How do you spend you free | |- |

|time? | | |


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