Book suggestions for Around the World

Book suggestions for Around the World

|Title |Author |ISBN |Publisher |Description |

|Children Around the |Donata Montanari |1-55337-064-3 |Kids Can Press |Adam lives in Nunavut, where it is very cold. Malaika lives in |

|World | | | |Tanzania, where it is always hot. In this book, you will meet |

| | | | |children from all around the world. They play games, go to |

| | | | |school, and learn new things…. just like you! |

|If the World Were a |David J. Smith |1-55074-779-7 |Kids Can Press |If the World Were a Village tells us who we are, where we live, |

|Village | | | |how fast we are growing, what languages we speak, what religions |

| | | | |we practice and more. So come and learn about our global |

| | | | |village. What you find out may surprise you! |

|Wake Up, World! |Beatrice Hollyer |0-8050-6293-9 |Henry Holt and Company |The sun is rising, and children all over the world are waking up.|

| | | | |As the day unfolds, readers are invited to look inside eight |

| | | | |homes in eight different countries and see where the children |

| | | | |sleep, what they eat, and how they learn and play. What’s life |

| | | | |like in such diverse places as Ghana and Russia, Australia and |

| | | | |Vietnam, Brazil and England, India and America? |

|How People Live |Penelope Arlon |0-7894-9867-7 |DK Publishing, Inc. |How People Live combines the appeal of a fascinating collection |

| | | | |of stories with the educational qualities of a reference book. |

| | | | |Focusing on the daily lives, customs, languages, and religions of|

| | | | |peoples from around the world. |

|Material World |Peter Menzel |0-87156-430-0 |Sierra Club Books |Vividly portraying the look and feel of the human condition |

| | | | |everywhere on Earth like nothing before, Material World puts a |

| | | | |human face on the issues of population, environment, social |

| | | | |justice, and consumption and brilliantly illuminates the crucial |

| | | | |question facing our species today: Can all 5 billion of us have |

| | | | |all the things we want? |

|A Life Like Mine |Amanda Rayner |0-7894-8859-0 |DK Publishing, Inc. |How children live around the world. |

|Our Favorite Stories |Jamila Gavin |0-7894-1486-4 |DK Publishing, Inc. |This extraordinary portrait of the daily lives, families, hopes, |

|From Around the World | | | |and dreams of the world’s children. |

|We All Have a Heritage|Sandy Lynne Holman |0-9644655-2-3 |The Culture C.O.O.P. |In our fast paced, ever changing world, it is important, now more|

| | | | |than ever, for children of all ages to learn to embrace diversity|

| | | | |and the nature of our multicultural societies. |

|Scholastic Atlas of |Anne Marshall |0-439-52797-X |Scholastic Inc. |The Scholastic Atlas of the World presents information in a new |

|the World | | | |and exciting way. Comparisons are made between countries and the|

| | | | |United States – land area, time difference, life expectancy, and |

| | | | |car ownership, how long it takes to travel between distant cities|

| | | | |– and many more features. |

|Somewhere in the World|Stacey Schuett |0-679-88549-8 |Dragon Fly Books |Somewhere in the world right now, it’s deepest night. Elephants |

|Right Now | | | |sleep in the African darkness while a little girl lies dreaming |

| | | | |of tomorrow. But Somewhere else, tomorrow is already here. As |

| | | | |one new day begins, another draws to a close. |

|Houses |Marcia Fries |1-57471-140-7 |Creative Teaching Press,|Describes different houses around the world. |

| | | |Inc. | |

| | | | | |

|Come Home with Us! |Annie Kubler and |0-85953-791-9 |Discovery Flaps |Children love surprises. They love lifting flaps. This series |

| |Caroline Formby | | |rewards their curiosity with interesting discoveries about their |

| | | | |world. |

|My House Has Stars |Megan McDonald |0-531-07181-2 |Orchard Books |About different houses around the world and children describing |

| | | | |their homes. |

|Houses and Homes |Ann Morris |0-688-10168-2 |Lothrop, Lee & Shepard |Houses and their differences around the world |

| | | |Books | |

|Tools |Ann Morris |0-688-16165-0 |Harper Collins |Different Tools used around the world |

|On the Go |Ann Morris |0-688-13637-0 |Mulberry Book |Different ways people travel around the world. |

|Bread Bread Bread |Ann Morris |0-688-06334-9 |Lothrop, Lee & Shepard |Bread is a food enjoyed by people in all parts of the world. Its |

| | | |Books |many shapes, sizes, textures, and colors are as varied as the |

| | | | |people who eat it. This photo-graphic round the world tour |

| | | | |provides a glimpse into the rich variety of world cultures, as |

| | | | |well as an informative look at an important food that everyone |

| | | | |agrees is as necessary as water and air. |

|This is the Way We Go |Edith Baer |0-590-43162-5 |Scholastic Inc. |This Is the Way We Go to School takes readers on a journey around|

|to School | | | |the world, celebrating the many different ways children travel to|

| | | | |the classroom. |

|Kids Multicultural |Deanna Cook |0-913589-91-8 |Williamson Kids Can! |From Australia to the Americas, Deanna Cook traveled the far |

|CookBook | | |Book |corners of the globe – and everywhere in between – to meet kids |

| | | | |and share the delicious foods they cook up in their kitchens. |

|Everybody Cooks Rice |Norah Dooley |0-87614-591-8 |Carolrhoda Books, Inc. |Carrie travels from one house to another, looking for her brother|

| | | | |at dinnertime. Each family invites her in for a taste of what |

| | | | |they are cooking. |

|The World in a |Rozanne Lanczak |1-57471-126-1 |Creative Teaching Press |Shows what different countries around the world would bring to a |

|Supermarket |Williams | | |supermarket. |

|Let’s Eat! |Beatrice Hollyer |0-8050-7322-1 |Henry Holt and Company |Packed with colorful photographs that explore the role of food in|

| | | | |daily life – whether that means hunting for mushrooms, picking a |

| | | | |flavor of ice cream, or weeding the vegetable patch – let’s Eat! |

| | | | |Gives thought-provoking insight into the way people eat and live |

| | | | |around the world. |

|Masai and I |Virginia Kroll |0-689-80454-7 |Aladdin Picture Books |One day in school, Linda learns about a people of East Africa |

| | | | |called the Masai. She feels a sense of kinship and begins to |

| | | | |wonder what her world would be like if she were Masai. Would she|

| | | | |live in an apartment in a big city as she does now – or in a hut |

| | | | |in a tiny African village? What would her life be like? |

|My Rows and Piles of |Tolowa Mollel |0-395-75186-1 |Houghton Mifflin Company|The market is full of wonderful things – roasted peanuts, rice |

|Coins | | | |cakes, toy trucks, and kites – but Saruni doesn’t buy any of |

| | | | |them. He is saving for something special. How happy and proud |

| | | | |he will be when he can help his mother carry heavy goods to |

| | | | |market on his very own bicycle! |

|Emeka’s Gift An |Ifeoma Onyefulu |0-525-65205-1 |Puffin Books |As Emeka travels to visit his grandmother, he passes through the |

|African Counting Story| | | |village market, where he sees lots of things Granny would like – |

| | | | |four brooms, five big hats to keep the sun off, six necklaces, |

| | | | |and seven musical instruments. But with no money, Emeka can’t |

| | | | |buy Granny a present. Will she understand? |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|The Great |Sue Scullard |0-525-44692-3 |Dutton Children’s Books |What could be more exciting than a race round the world in a |

|Roung-the-World | | | |hot-air balloon? Winning it! Rebecca and William and their |

|Balloon Race | | | |enterprising aunt think that their balloon, Firebreather, can |

| | | | |come in first. |

|The Pot That Juan |Nancy Andrews-Goebel |1-58430-038-8 |Lee & Low Books Inc. |Juan Quezada is the premier potter in Mexico. Using local |

|Built | | | |materials and the primitive methods of the Casas Grandes people, |

| | | | |Juan creates stunning pots in the traditional style. Each is a |

| | | | |work of art unlike any other. |

|Saturday Market |Patricia Grossman |0-688-12176-4 |Lothrop, Lee & Shepard |By Friday night, everyone is ready. Those who live far away are |

| | | |Books |already loading their trucks and carts and donkeys with beautiful|

| | | | |rebozos and fiery chili peppers, comfortable huaraches and |

| | | | |squawking parrots. They will travel by moonlight. Those who |

| | | | |live closer can sleep through most of the moonlit night. But |

| | | | |everyone from near or far, will arrive at the market before dawn.|

| | | | |And what a market it is! |

|Abuela’s Weave |Omar S. Castaneda |1-880000-20-2 |Lee & Low Books |Grandmother teaches her granddaughter to weave. Then the |

| | | | |granddaughter has to travel to the market by herself to sell the |

| | | | |beautiful tapestries. |

|Erandi’s Braids |Antonio Hernandez |0-399-23212-5 |Puffin Books |She can hardly wait to go to the store with Mama to pick out her |

| |Madrigal | | |present. The yellow dress she has her eye on will look beautiful|

| | | | |with her long, thick braids. But Mama’s fishing net is full of |

| | | | |holes, and there isn’t enough money to buy both a new net and a |

| | | | |birthday dress. The only solution lies with the hair buyers from|

| | | | |the city, who purchase braids from the women of Erandi’s Mexican |

| | | | |village. But Mama’s hair isn’t nearly as long or as thick as |

| | | | |Erandi’s. Will Erandi have to choose between her birthday |

| | | | |present and her braids? |

|Children From |Maya Ajmera & Anna |1-57091-478-8 |Shakti for Children |Children from Australia to Zimbabwe: A Photographic Journey |

|Australia to Zimbabwe |Rhesa Versola | | |around the World takes its readers on a trip through the alphabet|

| | | | |and around the globe. Find out what children do with their |

| | | | |families in Mexico, how they dress for festivals in Japan, and |

| | | | |what they ride to school in India. Learn how children say hello |

| | | | |in many different countries. |

|Children Just Like Me |Barnabas and Anabel |0-7894-0201-7 |DK Publishing, Inc. |A book about children around the world. |

| |Kindersley | | | |

|Follow an Ice Cream |Neale Godfrey |0-38224911-9 |Silver Crest | |

|Cone Around the World | | | | |

|Beatrice Goat |Page McDrier |0-689-82460-2 |Atheneum Books for Young| |

| | | |Readers | |


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