Writing@CSU Writing Guide Informative Speaking


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Writing@CSU Writing Guide

Planning and Presenting an Informative Speech

In this guide, you can learn about the purposes and types of informative speeches,

about writing and delivering informative speeches, and about the parts of

informative speeches.

Purposes of Informative Speaking

Informative speaking offers you an opportunity to practice your researching, writing,

organizing, and speaking skills. You will learn how to discover and present

information clearly. If you take the time to thoroughly research and understand your

topic, to create a clearly organized speech, and to practice an enthusiastic,

dynamic style of delivery, you can be an effective "teacher" during your informative

speech. Finally, you will get a chance to practice a type of speaking you will

undoubtedly use later in your professional career.

The purpose of the informative speech is to provide interesting, useful, and unique

information to your audience. By dedicating yourself to the goals of providing

information and appealing to your audience, you can take a positive step toward

succeeding in your efforts as an informative speaker.

Major Types of Informative Speeches

In this guide, we focus on informative speeches about:

1. Objects


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2. Processes

3. Events

4. Concepts

These categories provide an effective method of organizing and evaluating

informative speeches. Although they are not absolute, these categories provide a

useful starting point for work on your speech.

In general, you will use four major types of informative speeches. While you can

classify informative speeches many ways, the speech you deliver will fit into one of

four major categories.

Speeches about Objects

Speeches about objects focus on things existing in the world. Objects include,

among other things, people, places, animals, or products.

Because you are speaking under time constraints, you cannot discuss any topic in

its entirety. Instead, limit your speech to a focused discussion of some aspect of

your topic.

Some example topics for speeches about objects include: the Central Intelligence

Agency, tombstones, surgical lasers, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the pituitary gland,

and lemmings.

To focus these topics, you could give a speech about Franklin Delano Roosevelt

and efforts to conceal how he suffered from polio while he was in office. Or, a

speech about tombstones could focus on the creation and original designs of grave


Speeches about Processes

Speeches about processes focus on patterns of action. One type of speech about

processes, the demonstration speech, teaches people "how-to" perform a process.

More frequently, however, you will use process speeches to explain a process in

broader terms. This way, the audience is more likely to understand the importance

or the context of the process.

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A speech about how milk is pasteurized would not teach the audience how to milk

cows. Rather, this speech could help audience members understand the process

by making explicit connections between patterns of action (the pasteurization

process) and outcomes (a safe milk supply).

Other examples of speeches about processes include: how the Internet works (not

"how to work the Internet"), how to construct a good informative speech, and how to

research the job market. As with any speech, be sure to limit your discussion to

information you can explain clearly and completely within time constraints.

Speeches about Events

Speeches about events focus on things that happened, are happening, or will

happen. When speaking about an event, remember to relate the topic to your

audience. A speech chronicling history is informative, but you should adapt the

information to your audience and provide them with some way to use the

information. As always, limit your focus to those aspects of an event that can be

adequately discussed within the time limitations of your assignment.

Examples of speeches about events include: the 1963 Civil Rights March on

Washington, Groundhog's Day, the Battle of the Bulge, the World Series, and the

2000 Presidential Elections.

Speeches about Concepts

Speeches about concepts focus on beliefs, ideas, and theories. While speeches

about objects, processes, and events are fairly concrete, speeches about concepts

are more abstract. Take care to be clear and understandable when creating and

presenting a speech about a concept. When selecting a concept, remember you

are crafting an informative speech. Often, speeches about concepts take on a

persuasive tone. Focus your efforts toward providing unbiased information and

refrain from making arguments. Because concepts can be vague and involved, limit

your speech to aspects that can be readily explained and understood within the

time limits.

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Some examples of topics for concept speeches include: democracy, Taoism,

principles of feminism, the philosophy of non-violent protest, and the Big Bang


Strategies for Selecting a Topic

In many cases, circumstances will dictate the topic of your speech. However, if the

topic has not been assigned or if you are having difficulty figuring out how to frame

your topic as an informative speech,the following may be useful.

Begin by thinking of your interests. If you have always loved art, contemplate

possible topics dealing with famous artists, art works, or different types of art. If you

are employed, think of aspects of your job or aspects of your employer's business

that would be interesting to talk about. While you cannot substitute personal

experience for detailed research, your own experience can supplement your

research and add vitality to your presentation. Choose one of the items below to

learn more about selecting a topic.

Learn More about an Unfamiliar Topic

You may benefit more by selecting an unfamiliar topic that interests you. You can

challenge yourself by choosing a topic you'd like to learn about and to help others

understand it. If the Buddhist religion has always been an interesting and

mysterious topic to you, research the topic and create a speech that offers an

understandable introduction to the religion. Remember to adapt Buddhism to your

audience and tell them why you think this information is useful to them. By taking

this approach, you can learn something new and learn how to synthesize new

information for your audience.

Think about Previous Classes

You might find a topic by thinking of classes you have taken. Think back to

concepts covered in those classes and consider whether they would serve as

unique, interesting, and enlightening topics for the informative speech. In

astronomy, you learned about red giants. In history, you learned about Napoleon. In

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political science, you learned about The Federalist Papers. Past classes serve as

rich resources for informative speech topics. If you make this choice, use your class

notes and textbook as a starting point. To fully develop the content, you will need to

do extensive research and perhaps even a few interviews.

Talk to Others

Topic selection does not have to be an individual effort. Spend time talking about

potential topics with classmates or friends. This method can be extremely effective

because other people can stimulate further ideas when you get stuck. When you

use this method, always keep the basic requirements and the audience in mind.

Just because you and your friend think home-brew is a great topic does not mean it

will enthrall your audience or impress your instructor. While you talk with your

classmates or friends, jot notes about potential topics and create a master list when

you exhaust the possibilities. From this list, choose a topic with intellectual merit,

originality, and potential to entertain while informing.

Framing a Thesis Statement

Once you settle on a topic, you need to frame a thesis statement. Framing a thesis

statement allows you to narrow your topic, and in turns allows you to focus your

research in this specific area, saving you time and trouble in the process.

Selecting a topic and focusing it into a thesis statement can be a difficult process.

Fortunately, a number of useful strategies are available to you.

Thesis Statement Purpose

The thesis statement is crucial for clearly communicating your topic and purpose to

the audience. Be sure to make the statement clear, concise, and easy to

remember. Deliver it to the audience and use verbal and nonverbal illustrations to

make it stand out.

Strategies For Framing a Thesis Statement

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