The phrase “Computer Graphics” was coined in 1960 by

Graphics (from Greek γραφικ?? graphikos) are visual presentations on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, computer screen, paper, or stone to brand, inform, illustrate, or entertain. Photographs Drawings Line Art Graphs Diagrams Typography Symbols Geometric designs Maps Engineering drawings Other images 42722801066801607185109220-254095250-5664202433320-43173652381250-97790219710-2364105210185-4259580381635 Computer graphics are graphics created using computers and more generally, the representation and manipulation of graphics data by a computer.Vizualizācija (visualization)Glabā?ana (storage)Sameklē?ana un izgū?ana (search and extraction)Relāciju DBSRelaciju-objektu DBSXML DBSThe phrase “Computer Graphics” was coined in 1960 by William Fetter, a graphic designer for Boeing. Early projects like the Whirlwind and SAGE Projects introduced the display and interaction interface and introduced the light pen as an input puter graphics may be used in the following areas:Computational biology, Computational physics, Computer-aided design, Computer simulation, Digital art, Education, Graphic design, Infographics, Information visualization, Rational drug design, Scientific visualization, Video Games, Virtual reality, Web designSkait?o?anas ?eometrija (computational geometry)Computational geometry is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry. The main branches of computational geometry are:1. Combinatorial computational geometry, also called algorithmic geometry, which deals with geometric objects as discrete entities. A groundlaying book in the subject by Preparata and Shamos dates the first use of the term "computational geometry" in this sense by 1975. 2. Numerical computational geometry, also called machine geometry, computer-aided geometric design (CAGD), or geometric modeling, which deals primarily with representing real-world objects in forms suitable for computer computations in CAD/CAM systems. ?eometrijas objekti kā diskrētas vienības (geometric objects as discrete entities)Problēma: nepārtrauktā telpa (reālā dzīve) un diskrētā telpa (datori)-571528575------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------34290168275Grafiskie datu tipi (spatial data types)GEOMETRY (abstract superclass)POINT (a single coordinate, usually but not necessarily 2 dimensional)LINESTRING (a set of two or more coordinates, with a linear interpretation of the path between the coordinates)LINEARRING (a linestring of three or more coordinates in which the start and end points are the same, usually not instantiable, but used to build polygons)POLYGON (a set of one or more closed linearrings, one exterior ring that defines a bounded area, and a set of interior rings that define exceptions (holes) to the bounded areas)MULTIPOINT (a set of points)MULTILINESTRING (a set of linestrings)MULTIPOLYGON (a set of polygons)GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (a heterogeneous set of geometries)13855705532755Grafisko datu tipi un to interpretācijas1. Point. Geometric aspect of an object, for which only its locationin space, but not the extent, is relevant.718185211455city2. Line (polyline). Moving through space, connections in space.1509395206375rivercablehighway3. Region. Abstraction of an object with extent.958850183515forestlakecity1965960285754. Partitions.5. Networks (graphs).216154071755Grafisko datu standartiThis basic model is defined in the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) “Simple Features for SQL” (SFSQL) specification and defines the playing field shared by all the particular spatial database implementations we will be discussing.The SFSQL specifies the particular rules for building valid geometries, the legal representations of geometries in both ASCII and binary form, and a set of basic functions for constructing, inspecting, measuring and manipulating geometries.Simple Features (officially Simple Feature Access) is both:an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC);an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard ISO 19125 that specifies a common storage model of mostly two-dimensional geographical data (point, line, polygon, multi-point, multi-line, etc.)The ISO 19125 standard comes in two parts. Part one, ISO 19125-1 (SFA-CA for "common architecture"), defines a model for two-dimensional simple features, with linear interpolation between vertices. The data model defined in SFA-CA is a hierarchy of classes. This part also defines representation using Well-Known Text (and Binary). Part 2 of the standard, ISO 19125-2 (SFA-SQL), defines an implementation using SQL. The OpenGIS standard(s) cover implementations in CORBA and OLE/COM as well, although these have lagged behind the SQL one and are not standardized by ISO.The ISO/IEC 13249-3 SQL/MM Spatial extends the Simple Features data model mainly with circular interpolations (e.g. circular arcs) and adds other features like coordinate transformations and methods for validating geometries as well as Geography Markup Language support. Standartu dokumenti1. ISO/IEC: ISO 19125-1:2004 Geographic information -- Simple feature access -- Part 1: Common architectureISO 19125-2:2004 Geographic information -- Simple feature access -- Part 2: SQL optionISO SQL/MM part 32. OpenGIS: OpenGIS Implementation Specification for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture (05-126, 06-103r3, 06-103r4), current version 1.2.1OpenGIS Simple Feature Access - Part 2: SQL Option (99-054, 05-134, 06-104r3, 06-104r4), current version 1.2.1, formerly OpenGIS Simple Features [Implementation Specification] for SQLOpenGIS Simple Features Implementation Specification for CORBA (99-054), current version 1.0OpenGIS Simple Features Implementation Specification for OLE/COM (99-050), current version 1.1 Standards and Interoperability (ESRI) Standards (NCGIA Core Curriculum 1990) Organization for Standardization (ISO) Data Standards and Interoperability White Paper (ESRI) realizācija grafiskajās datu bāzes sistēmas Part 2 of Simple Feature Access is implemented to varying degrees in:1) MySQL Spatial Extensions, although "All of the functions that calculate relations between geometries are implemented using bounding boxes not the actual geometries." MySQL DBMS implements the datatype geometry plus some spatial functions that have been implemented according to the OpenGIS specifications. However, in MySQL version 5.5 and earlier, functions that test spatial relationships are limited to working with minimum bounding rectangles rather than the actual geometries. MySQL versions earlier than 5.0.16 only supported spatial data in MyISAM tables. As of MySQL 5.0.16, InnoDB, NDB, BDB, and ARCHIVE also support spatial features.2) PostgreSQL DBMS (database management system) uses the spatial extension PostGIS to implement the standardized datatype geometry and corresponding functions.2) PostGIS extension for PostgreSQL, also supporting some of the SQL/MM Spatial features. 3) SpatiaLite extension for SQLite. SpatiaLite extends Sqlite with spatial datatypes, functions, and utilities.4) Oracle Spatial, which also implements some of the advanced features from SQL/MM Spatial. 5) IBM DB2 Spatial Extender and IBM Informix Spatial DataBlade. IBM DB2 Spatial Extender can be used to enable any edition of DB2, including the free DB2 Express-C, with support for spatial types6) Microsoft SQL Server since version 2008, with significant additions in the 2012 version. Reālās grafiskās datu bāzes sistēmas1. Oracle RDBMS with Spatial or Locator2. SQL Server 2008 with Spatial3. PostgreSQL with PostGIS?. IBM DB2 with Spatial Extender?. IBM Informix with Spatial Blade?eometrijas objektu mode?i Oracle Spatial ?eometrijas objektu modelis -214630299085IBM DB2 Spatial Extender ?eometrijas objektu modelis3810175260MS SQL Server ?eometrijas objektu modelis?eometrisko objektu tips SDO_GEOMETRY un tā elementi SDO_ELEM_INFO SDO_ORDINATES SDO_ SDO_ SDO_GTYPE SRID POINT SDO_STARTING_OFFSET X1, Y1, X2, Y2, . . . SDO_ETYPE SDO_INTERPRETATION create type SDO_GEOMETRY as object( SDO_GTYPE number, SDO_SRID number, SDO_POINT SDO_POINT_TYPE, SDO_ELEM_INFO SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY, SDO_ORDINATES SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY);create type SDO_POINT_TYPE as object( X number, Y number, Znumber);create type SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY as varray(1048576) of number;create type SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY as varray(1048576) of number;Jaunie datu tipi DBVS PostgreSQL374713559055-14605337820PostGis vienkār?ība (simplicity of PostGis)-5334022225?eogrāfija un ?eometrija?eometrisko datu indeksi (spatial indexes)1) Grid (spatial index);2) Z-order (curve);3) Quadtree;4) Octree;5) UB-tree;6) R-tree: Typically the preferred method for indexing spatial data. Objects (shapes, lines and points) are grouped using the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR). Objects are added to an MBR within the index that will lead to the smallest increase in its size.7) R+ tree;8) R* tree;9) Hilbert R-tree;10) X-tree;11) kd-tree;12) m-tree - an m-tree index can be used for the efficient resolution of similarity queries on complex objects as compared using an arbitrary metric.Universālo DBS indeksiGrafisko indeksu veido?ana (indexes of graphic)Grafisko objektu telpa (space of graphics)-6286535560Aproksimējo?ie taisnstūri (bounding boxes)37661851079505143573660470535170815Pārklā?anās noteik?ana (find intersecting shapes)213078480137160381020447043307848014605038103810?eometrisko datu apstrādes funkcijas un operatoriThe functions fall into a few basic categories:1) construction, for building geometries from text and binary representations2) serialization, for outputting geometries into various text and binary representations (like KML, GML, JSON and SVG)3) predicates, for testing relationships between geometries and returning true/false answers4) analysis and measurement, for returning numerical summaries (areas, lengths, distances) about geometries5) accessors, for stripping out parts from geometries (rings from polygons, points from linestrings, and so on)6) builders, that take geometry inputs and build new altered outputs (like unions, differences, buffers, convex hulls and so on)7) aggregates, that take geometry sets and return single resultants, union is the most commonThe list of possible functions is very large, but a common set of functions is defined by the OGC SFSQL and implemented by all the spatial databases recommended in this workshop.?eometriju predikāti (geometric predicates)38100 -4507230200025Parklājumu veidi (types of intersections)3810-3810PostgreSQL grafisko datu apstrādes funkcijas(functions)444517653044454967605Grafisko datu datu bāzes sistēma1185545484505Skait?o?anas ?eometrijas nozīmīgākās problēmas (computational 4090035525145geometry problems)1. Minimāls aptvērums (convex hull or convex envelope).38138104552952. Līniju segmentu savstarpējās attiecības (krusto?anās un citas).-50803587753. Delaunay triangulation. The triangulation is named after Boris Delaunay for his work on this topic from 1934.21717001104904. Divi tuvākie punkti. -57152463805. Eiklīda tuvākais attālums. 24390351568456. Poligona triangulācija (sadalī?ana trīsstūros). Vektoru un rastra grafika (bitmap)In computer graphics, a raster graphics image or bitmap is a data structure representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels, or points of color, viewable via a monitor, paper, or other display medium. Raster images are stored in image files with varying formats.Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.Rastra grafika Vektoru grafika (objekti un telpa) -260359525 96329561595868680158752927985189230Vektoru un rastra grafikaRastra grafikas attēlsVektoru grafikas attēlsGrafiskās sistēmas (graphical systems)1. CAD/CAM (computer aided design/ computer aided manufacturing) sistēmas2. GIS (geographical information systems) sistēmas3. Vadības informācijas sistēmas (management information systems)4. Pētniecības informācijas sistēmas (research information systems).-129540408940CAD/CAM sistēmas2324103807460a) projektē?ana (design)38100b) izstrāde (manufacturing)-571570485152400838204121150266065GIS sistēmas3810204470-55905401402080-172529513843073850552705 Vadības informācijas sistēmas (management information systems) ar grafikas izmanto?anu425196016510"A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also aptly characterizes one of the main goals of visualization, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.3810111760495300311785GIS companies with High Market Share1. Autodesk – Products include Map 3D, Topobase, MapGuide and other products that interface with its flagship AutoCAD software package.2. Bentley Systems – Products include Bentley Map, Bentley PowerMap and other products that interface with its flagship MicroStation software package.3. ERDAS IMAGINE by ERDAS Inc; products include Leica Photogrammetry Suite, ERDAS ER Mapper, and ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 SDK (ECW (file format))are used throughout the entire mapping community (GIS, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, and image compression).4. ESRI – Products include ArcView 3.x, ArcGIS, ArcSDE, ArcIMS, ArcWeb services and ArcGIS Server.5. IDRISI – GIS product developed by Clark Labs, a part of Clark University. Economical but capable, it is used for both operations and education.6. Intergraph – Products include GeoMedia, GeoMedia Professional, GeoMedia WebMap, and add-on products for industry sectors, as well as photogrammetry.7. MapInfo by Pitney Bowes – Products include MapInfo Professional and MapXtreme. integrates GIS software, data and services.8. RegioGraph by GfK GeoMarketing; GIS software for business planning and analyses; company also provides compatible maps and market data.9.Smallworld – developed in Cambridge, England (Smallworld, Inc.) and purchased by General Electric and used primarily by public utilities.Open source desktop GIS projects 390906034290GRASS GIS – Originally developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, open source: a complete GIS3895725426085SAGA GIS – System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses- a hybrid GIS software. SAGA has a unique Application Programming Interface (API) and a fast growing set of geoscientifc methods, bundled in exchangeable Module Libraries.Quantum GIS – QGIS is an Open Source GIS that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, and Windows.389953542545MapWindow GIS – Free, open source GIS desktop application and programming component.ILWIS – ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System) integrates image, vector and thematic data.uDiggvSIG – Open source GIS written in Java.JUMP GIS / OpenJUMP – (Open) Java Unified Mapping Platform (the desktop GIS OpenJUMP, SkyJUMP, deeJUMP and Kosmo emerged from JUMP) 3251835180975Raster graphics editors Proprietary softwareCommercialFreewareAbility PhotopaintACD Canvas (formerly Deneba Canvas)Adobe FireworksAdobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop LightroomAdobe Photoshop ElementsAutodesk SketchBook ProApertureArtRageCodedColorCorel PainterCorel Painter EssentialsCorel Paint Shop Pro PhotoCorel Photo-Paintcosmigo Pro MotionDigimage Arts Color It!ERDAS IMAGINEGraphicConverterHelicon Filter Home/ProiPhotoKonvertorLView ProManga StudioMicrosoft Office Picture ManagerMicrosoft PaintMST ViewerNaked lightNeoPaintOpenCanvasPhotobrushPhotogenicsPhotolinePhoto MechanicPhotoPerfectPicMasterPictor PaintPixBuilder Photo EditorPixel image editor (formerly Pixel32)PixelmatorPortrait ProfessionalProject DogwaffleQFXSAISerif PhotoplusTVPaintTwistedBrush Pro StudioUnified Color HDR PhotoStudioUlead PhotoImpactUltimate PaintWinImagesZoner Photo StudioArtRage Starter EditionArtweaverBrush Strokes Image EditorEffectbankFastStone Image PicasaPicnikPixiaProject Dogwaffle 1.2 Free VersionStylePixSView5TwistedBrush Open StudioXnviewVector graphics editorsCreatorFirst releasedLatest versionList price (USD)RavenAviary20091.00.00bFree (closed source)CorelDRAW Graphics SuiteCorel1989X5 (15)$489, $189 upgrade (includes Photopaint)Macromedia FreehandAdobe Systems1988MX (11)$399, $99 upgradeAdobe IllustratorAdobe Systems1987CS5 (15)$599, $199 upgradeDrawit [3]Bohemian Coding3.7.3 (March 2009)€29, Free Drawit Lite versionChittramChittram20101.0 (July 2010)Free (closed source)InkscapeInkscape Team20030.48 (Aug 2010)Free (open source)Intaglio [4]Purgatory Design20033.1.2$89MagicTracerElgorithms20051.0$49Mayura Draw [5]Mayura Software4.3 (Sept. 2007)€39Microsoft VisioMicrosoft199212.0$560, $350 upgrade (Pro), $260, $130 upgrade (Standard)Microsoft Expression DesignMicrosoft20074.0 (7.0.20516.9) (June 2010)(closed source) DrawThe community20003.2.1 (June 2010)Free (open source)PhotoLineComputerinsel GmbH199514.01€59Serif DrawPlusSerif Europe2010X4?79.99sK1sK1 Team20090.9.0 (May 2009)Free (open source)SodipodiSodipodi20000.34 (Feb 2004)Free (open source)Swift 3DElectric Rain20006.0 (June 2009)$249SynfigSynfig Team20050.61.09Free (open source)Xara XtremeXara19953.2$79Xara Xtreme LXXara20060.7Free (open source)ZCubesZCubes20062007 DecFree (closed source)JGeometry klaseMDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY JGeometryjava.lang.Object??oracle.spatial.geometry.JGeometryA Java class that maps Oracle Spatial's SQL type MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY. Provides basic access functions to the geomeries stroed in Oracle Spatial database.Packagesoracle.spatial.geometryProvides support for the Spatial SQL SDO_GEOMETRY data support for the Oracle Spatial network data support for the Oracle Spatial topology data classes that perform miscellaneous operations.Class SummaryJGeometryA Java class that maps Oracle Spatial's SQL type MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY.JGeometry.PointA convenient class that represents a double-typed point.Specializētas datu bāzes sistēmas veido?anas varianti1. Jaunu datu tipu izmanto?ana (new data types) datu bāzes sistēmās (piemēram, PosgreSQL).2. Jaunu SQL funkciju izmanto?ana (new SQL function use) (piemēram, Oracle Analytical function (OVER tipa vaicājumi), datu noliktavas realizē?anas vaicājumi (GROUP by CUBE, Grouping), hierarhiskie vaicājumi).3. Datu bāzes sistēmas papla?inājuma veido?ana izmantojot papildus programmu paketes (extended DBS packages); - IT firmu produktu izmanto?ana (piemēram, Oracle Spatial); - programmu pake?u izstrāde izmantojot datu bāzes servera programmē?anas valodu (piemēram, PLSQL un Java (Oracle DBVS)) izmanto?ana.4. Datu bāzes servera kodola papla?inājumu veido?ana (use of cartriges) (piemēram, Oracle cartridges, DB2 data blades, spraud?u (plug-ins) izmanto?ana). ................

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