Espanol 2 - Quia


Course Syllabus

Aminta Romaguera-McNulty Spring 2008

Caledonia-Mumford Central School Room 137

Phone # (585) 538-6811 EXT. 1137

e-mail: aromaguera@cal-

Course Description:

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de la Sra. Romaguera!

Welcome to Spanish 3, Mrs. Romaguera’s class. At the end of this course you should be able to speak intermediate Spanish, know a good amount of vocabulary, as well as the past tenses, future tense, the conditional and (of course) the present tense in Spanish. We will cover Units 3-5 in the ¡En Español 2! Textbook. There will also be many conversational and supplementary activities that I will give you. Communication in Spanish will be stressed.

As you are aware, at the end of this course you will be taking the New York State Regents Exam. It will be given during the last week of the semester. Since this is a state exam you must be present on the schedule date. THERE IS NO MAKEUP DATE! The Regents exam has four sections that we will be working on strengthening with each unit and daily activities. (Sections Regents: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing).

Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to perform the following

activities at the intermediate level in the target language:


1. Employ effective everyday speaking skills such as asking and answering

spontaneous questions, interviewing, carrying on conversations and making oral

presentations. These will be formally evaluated through interviews,

task cards, oral exams and/or presentations.

Listening: (Escuchar)

2. Demonstrate listening comprehension skills such as understanding native speech,

extracting the main idea and detailed information from a passage. These will be

formally evaluated through quizzes or exam questions (preguntas personales )and

textbook activities.

Reading: (Lecturas)

3. Demonstrate reading comprehension abilities by answering questions about

selections such as authentic articles, and short stories. At least two of these will be

formally evaluated through quiz or exam questions, workbook and/or homework


Writing: (Escribir)

4. Demonstrate written proficiency by writing journals, dialogs, letters, essays and/or

informative and persuasive papers.

* The above areas will be evaluated through the activities mentioned and a minimum of 5

quizzes and/or homework assignments and a minimum of five major closed-book exams.

In addition students will:

*5. Demonstrate cultural knowledge of Latino, Hispanic or Spanish cultures.

through completion in Spanish of a web-page exercises and a project.

Required Material:

1. A three ring-binder (2” size)

2. One packed of 5 - tab index dividers. Do not write in them until you get instructions.

3. Lined paper and writing utensil. (pen or pencil)

4. Spanish-English Dictionary

5. You are expected to bring your textbook and binder to every class

6. Practice on the computer: , , spanish.

Required Text:

• ¡En Español 2! Publish by McDougal Littell Inc.

Course Requirement/Grading Criteria:

1. EXAMS: At least eight exams at the end of each etapa. The tests consist of personal questions, listening to short passages, grammar, reading stories and writing essays. The test will cover the material presented in class and the content of the etapas

2. ORAL COMPONENT: There are three major parts of the oral component of your grade.

Speaking activities done in class, oral presentations, and pronunciation recording. (A two

minutes oral presentation is a major part

3. QUIZZES, CLASS WORK and WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS (Projects): Various vocabulary and grammar quizzes will be given throughout the semester. In addition students will have journals, hand outs and written assignments that will be collected and graded.

4. HOMEWORK, CLASS PARTICIPATION, and PREPARATION: Homework will be assigned every day. Some of these assignments will be checked and graded. Active participation is a necessity to succeed in this class. If you are actively participating throughout the course, expressing yourself and understanding Spanish will become much easier. Come to class prepared, pay attention, volunteer, ask questions when you do not understand and, “por supuesto” speak Spanish. No late homework will be accepted and no make-ups for class activities will be given.

5. FINAL EXAM: At the end of the semester the students will have the Regents exam. This count as 20% of the overall average of the year or as a Final Exam.

6. Your grades will be determined using Point System.

a. Example: points earn

total possible points

Policies: We will follow the Caledonia-Mumford code of conduct

Attendance: Daily attendance is required and necessary to succeed in the study of a foreign language. If you have to be absent, it is YOUR responsibility for being prepared for the next class, and make up the work you missed within two days of your absence.

Behavior in Class

1. Please be seated and ready to start working when the bell rings.

2. Be courteous and respectful to everyone in the classroom.

3. Pay attention in class.

4. Please no food or drinks in the classroom unless you have permission beforehand.

5. Take notes on what is written on the overhead or board. If it is important enough for me to write it down, it will be on a quiz or test.

6. Do not interrupt or call out. Wait for your turn to speak.

7. If you ever have a Substitute Teacher, you must be as polite to him/her as you would be to me. You will have assigned work for any period in which there is a Sub. This work will be graded.

Homework Policy

1. Homework is worth 25% of your grade. You will have 15-20 minutes of homework for each class. You are also expected to study your class notes and handouts, along with vocabulary every night in preparation for the Regents exam.

2. Flex time is the perfect time to get help with your homework and any other question. Get me to sign your Agenda before you want to come in for help.

3. Homework cannot be handed in late for full credit unless you were absent. Feel free to call a class member or make an appointment to see me or e-mail me (aromaguera@cal-) for the homework assignment you missed.

How to be Successful in Spanish Class

1. Be prepared for class. Bring your materials to every class.

2. Take and review notes daily.

3. Study your vocabulary every day.

4. Ask questions and get extra help from the teacher if you do not understand.

5. Study with a friend or a parent.

6. Write your homework assignment in your agenda. It will be written on the board daily.

7. Do your homework for every class.

8. Do not plan to cram everything the night before a test or quiz.

9. If you have a project or a presentation due, use your class time to prepare. Then do the rest at home. The best presentations are written over several days or weeks, not the night before they are due.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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