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Name _______________________________________________________________ Period __________39433507620000Nonrenewable Energy introduction videosENERGY LAB | introduction?|?how we make and use energydraw the appropriate lines:coalnuclearoilelectricityhydronatural gastransportationwindbiomassheatsolarbio fuelsgeothermal266700029845Password - energyeducation00Password - energyeducation SWITCH |Powering Growing Nations Why was India chosen for this segment?How will energy demands change as people in countries like India and China continue to move into the middle class?Why will developing nations contribute so much to climate change?Which energy sources will be in the highest demand?electricity videosenergy lab |?how electricity is madeDescribe a generator.Describe how a generator is lab |?The electric gridLabel each step.Why does electricity have to be constantly monitored and generated?energy lab |?how batteries workWhat are the three parts of a battery?Batteries don’t supply much power compared to their cost. What’s the benefit of batteries?coal videosenergy 101|?coaladvantagesdisadvantagesenergy Lab|?What is Coal?What did coal start as? How did it get to be a rock?Where can we find coal today?What are the benefits of coal?What countries use coal?What compounds are released when coal is burned?What are the drawbacks of coal?energy Lab|?clean coal?Describe the technologies that are currently in place to “clean” the process of coal burning.Why aren’t these technologies used globally?switch |?foundational energies: coalThe Belle Ayr Mine (Wyoming) is in the largest coal reserve in the world. How many people per year are powered by coal from this mine? (Use scientific notation!)What type of mining is being used here?Do they practice reclamation? How?What are the advantages of coal?The Parish Generating Station in Texas is the largest coal power plant in the United States. How many people does it serve each year?What is the process for producing electricity?(5 steps)__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________Add another advantage to number 4.What are the disadvantages of coal?What step will have to be taken to make coal more climate friendly? How will this be done?How does David Crane define “clean coal”? Will we be able to achieve this? Why or why not?oil videosadvantagesdisadvantagesenergy 101 |?oil What is the biggest oil challenge? What is the solution?energy lab |?how oil is madeHow is oil made?What can be made from oil?energy lab |?drilling for oilHow does an oil rig work?How is new technology being used to make drilling more effective?How does offshore drilling differ?energy lab |?unconventional sources of oilWhere is oil found?How is oil being extracted from “unconventional reservoirs”?What unconventional source is rock that contains kerogen, a waxy organic solid that can be converted into oil?What unconventional source can be mined and melted or melted underground to release oil?What are the environmental concerns with extraction of unconventional oil?Why are we turning to unconventional reservoirs?energy lab |?oil and transportation alternativesWhy are oil based fuels dominant in the transportation market?What fuels can run an internal combustion engine?How is the internal combustion engine used differently in a hybrid car?What is the drawback of electric cars (run only by an electric motor and battery)?What could be the power source of the car of the future?switch |?foundational energies: oilWhat ultimately drives the price of oil?Where will most of our future oil come from?Perdido Platform:How many people can it power?Where is the Perdido Platform? How deep does it drill? How long did it take from lease to first use? How much did it cost?What was learned from the Deepwater Horizon event?Richmond Refinery:How many people are powered by the Richmond Refinery?Where is the Richmond Refinery?What are their main three products?How many barrels does the largest tanker carry?The world uses one tanker of oil every _____ minutes!Natural gas videosadvantagesdisadvantagesenergy 101 |?natural gasWhat is the role of natural gas?Why is natural gas considered cleaner than coal or oil?Natural gas is cheap, abundant, and more environmentally friendly than coal or oil. Why is it still controversial?energy Lab |?what is natural gas?Describe natural gas. How is it formed?What are some alternative sources of natural gas that are currently being developed and used?Where is most commercial natural gas found?How is natural gas extracted?energy Lab |?uses of natural gasWhat is natural gas? What can be made from natural gas?What is produced when we oxidize (burn) natural gas? CH4 + O2 __________ + __________ + __________What things in your house may be powered directly by natural gas?How much electricity is produced in the U.S. using natural gas as a fuel source?How is natural gas used in transportation?energy Lab |?benefits of frackingUnconventional oil and gas have created over _____ jobs and added over _____ dollars to the U.S. economy.How long will it take these numbers to double?How has the supply of natural gas changed since 2005? How has this affected the price?How do natural gas emissions compare to coal emissions?How have CO2 emissions changed in the U.S. since 2005? Why?What is happening to CO2 emissions in developing countries? Why?energy Lab |?risks of fracking: waterWhat is fracking?How much water does a typical natural gas well use? What makes up frack fluids?What have studies shown about groundwater contamination?What are the likely sources of groundwater contamination?How is frack fluid disposed of after use?energy Lab |?risks of fracking: methaneHow might methane get into groundwater?Why are we concerned about methane in the atmosphere?switch |?transporation options: natural gasWhat is CNG?What are the emissions produced by CNG?How does the cost compare to diesel?What are the additional costs associated with CNG?What will have to happen for the use of CNG to make an impact nation-wide?switch |?electricity options: natural gasHow can natural gas complement renewable energy use?How many people can be powered by the Barnett Shale Natural Gas Field in Texas?Why does hydraulic fracturing have to be done?How much water is used for a typical fracturing job on one well?How many gallons of additives go into each well? Why might this be concerning?What does the Environmental Defense Fund representative say about groundwater contamination as a result of hydraulic fracturing?What is LNG? Why is natural gas put into this form?How many people can be powered by the RasGas LNG Plant in Qatar?What is the benefit of LNG ships over pipelines? ................

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