Read the following sentences. - Mrs. Boyd's English I

ANALOGIESRead the following sentences.0104140Sentence 1: Gary’s effrontery in inviting himself to dinner said a lot about his high opinion of himself. Sentence 2: The effrontery of her demand astonished the jury; no one had ever dared ask the prudent judge to explain his ruling because he always made good decisions.00Sentence 1: Gary’s effrontery in inviting himself to dinner said a lot about his high opinion of himself. Sentence 2: The effrontery of her demand astonished the jury; no one had ever dared ask the prudent judge to explain his ruling because he always made good decisions.Which analogy best explains the relationship between effrontery and prudent?Effrontery is to audacity as prudent is to oldEffrontery is to arrogance as prudent is to wiseEffrontery is to weakness as prudent is to sensibleEffrontery is to boldness as prudent is to dumb -182880458470Sentence 1: The small boy was sadistic towards animals and enjoyed torturing them for fun.Sentence 2: Everyone looked up to the venerable man until they learned about his sadistic behavior during the war.00Sentence 1: The small boy was sadistic towards animals and enjoyed torturing them for fun.Sentence 2: Everyone looked up to the venerable man until they learned about his sadistic behavior during the war.Read the following sentences.Which of the following best describes the relationship between sadistic and venerable?Sadistic is to brutal as venerable is to kind Sadistic is to cruel as venerable is to respectedSadistic is to helpful as venerable is to honored Sadistic is to vicious as venerable is to youngerSentence 1: Aunt Alexandra was worried about Bob Ewell publicly proclaiming his personal vendetta against Atticus.Sentence 2: Judge Taylor made Mr. Ewell look like a fool, thus making it inevitable that he would have a vendetta against the judge.vendetta is to wicked plan as inevitable is to necessaryvendetta is to grudge as inevitable is to positively going to happenvendetta is to actions as inevitable is to evidentvendetta is to creepy as inevitable is to awkwardSentence 1: Because Courtney studies all the time this year, many of her friends think she has disaffected herself from the group. Some of her old friends are calling her a snob.Sentence 2: By affronting his family so rudely, he disaffected himself from others who didn’t want to be around him.Which of the following best explains the relationship between disaffected and affronting?Disaffect is to alienate as affront is to insult.Disaffect is to separate as affront is to praise Disaffect is to join as affront is to assail.Disaffect is to better as affront is to communicate.AUTHOR’S PURPOSERead the following sentences. Sentence 1: The chance to make a real difference in people's lives is the reason most volunteers serve in the Peace Corps. Sentence 2: The chance to make a significant difference in people's lives is the reason most volunteers serve in the Peace Corps. How does the connotation of the word “significant” in Sentence 2 convey the author's purpose? By emphasizing the change volunteers can make By demonstrating that differences exist between people By illustrating the level of help these people actually need By revealing the mission of the Peace CorpsRead this excerpt from the article "Joining the Peace Corps." From practical benefits such as student loan deferment, career benefits like fluency in a foreign language, and the intangible benefits that come with making a difference in people's lives, there are a variety of lifelong rewards for the dedicated volunteers. The benefits of Peace Corps service don't end with overseas service. It's an experience to draw on for the rest of one's life. As is often said, the Peace Corps isn't simply something great; it's the beginning of something great. You too could be a part of something great if you join. Based on the author's use of language and details, what can the reader infer about the author's purpose? The author is trying to entertain readers with a story of volunteers and their service. The author is trying to inform readers about the benefits of deferring loans. The author is trying to persuade readers to consider serving in the Peace Corps. The author is trying to explain to the reader that rewards are something that can add great things to their life. Excerpt 1: By the end of October the rain had come, falling heavily upon the six-inch layer of dust which had had its own way for more than two months. At first the rain had merely splotched the dust, which seemed to be rejoicing in its own resiliency and laughing at the heavy drops thudding against it; but eventually the dust was forced to surrender to the mastery of the rain and it churned into a fine red mud that oozed between our toes and slopped against our ankles as we marched miserably to and from school. What is the author’s purpose for using figurative language in Excerpt 1?To characterize the narrator To emphasize conflictTo emphasize the themeTo reveal settingExcerpt 2: The bus rattled up the road, though not as quickly as we had hoped. It rolled cautiously through a wide puddle some twenty feet ahead; then, seeming to grow bolder as it approached our man-made lake, it speeded up, spraying the water in high sheets of backward waterfalls into the forest. But instead of the graceful glide its occupants were expecting, the bus emitted a tremendous crack and careened drunkenly into our trap. What is the author’s purpose for using figurative language in Excerpt 2?To provide sensory imageryTo characterize the narratorTo reveal themeTo illustrate settingThe fire roared happily, and along with the heat from the kitchen, it kept the house toasty warm. By including the phrase toasty warm, what does the author want to express? The house was pleasantly warm and comfortable. The house was too hot because of the heat from the fire and the kitchen. The narrator was beginning to feel less sad as the house warmed up. Everyone's mood improved after the dinner was cooked. CAPITALIZATIONWorksheetAnswer #1-15COMMASWhich of the following is written correctly? In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Mildred D. Taylor wrote, “’Papa, could he ... could he die?’ asked Stacey, hardly breathing.” In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Mildred D. Taylor wrote, “”Papa, could he ... could he die?” asked Stacey, hardly breathing. In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Mildred D. Taylor wrote, “Papa, could he ... could he die? asked Stacey, hardly breathing.” In Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Mildred D. Taylor wrote, “Papa, could he ... could he die?’ asked Stacey, hardly breathing.” Which sentence is written correctly? Mildred D. Taylor wrote several historical, fiction novels about the Logan family. I believe that an author has to work through long, tedious, brainstorming sessions.Mildred Taylor is one of many great, African-American authors. I am sure Mrs. Taylor traveled down several winding, treacherous roads during her years in the Peace Corps.Which sentence requires a comma to improve clarity or prevent confusion? On her desk were several storybooks that students had brought in. She hoped that after eating the students would return to reading silently. She selected a book from the stack and read it aloud to the class. Above her desk hung a lamp that was usually used during reading sessions. Which sentence contains an error in comma usage? I was reluctant, to hand Mrs. Martin The Three Little Lambs, my most treasured book.Lisa, one of my teacher's favorites, was allowed to look at the books during the reading session. My father, understanding my distress, reassured me that I had done the right thing in getting my book back. The Three Little Lambs, my first book, awakened my vivid imagination to the world of reading. Sentence 1: To serve her fellow citizens as a courageous civil rights activist was Daisy Bates's goal in founding the newspaper. Sentence 2: Daisy Bates sat on the stage with her head held high despite the fact that she and the other women were prevented from actively participating in the event. Sentence 3: Attending the civil rights march the female leaders were disappointed by their deliberate exclusion from the speeches. Sentence 4: The women were prevented from speaking at the march simply because of their gender. Which of the following correctly states which sentence above needs a comma to be correct? Sentence 1 to set off items in a series Sentence 2 to avoid misreading Sentence 3 after an introductory phrase Sentence 4 to set off a subordinate clause CONCISENESSNow, let's put this advice to work. The sentences below contain unnecessary words. Without eliminating any essential information, revise each sentence to make it more?concise. When you're done, compare your revisions with the shortened sentences on?page two.TIP:?To view this exercise without ads, click on the printer icon near the top of the page.In the cellar there are four wooden-type crates with nothing in them that might perhaps be used by us for storing paint cans inside of.This morning at 6:30 a.m., I woke up out of sleep to hear my alarm go off, but the alarm was turned off by me, and I returned back to a sleeping state.The reason that Merdine was not able to be in attendance at the hockey game was because she had jury duty.Omar and I, we returned back to the hometown where we both grew up to attend a reunion of the people that we went to high school with ten years ago in the past.Melba has designed a very unique kind of shirt that is made out of a polyester type of material that never creases into wrinkles when it rains and the shirt gets wet.She used her money to purchase a large-type desk made of mahogany wood that is dark brown in color and handsome to look at.In view of the fact that it was raining down, orders were given that the game be canceled.At that point in time when Merdine was a teenager the basic fundamentals of how to dance were first learned by her.Some sort of identification that would show how old we were was requested of us by the man that collects tickets from people at the movie theater.There is a possibility that one of the causes of so many teenagers running away from home is the fact that many of them have indifferent parents who don't really care about them.CONFLICTDefinition: A struggle that takes place in a character's mind is called internal conflict.0000Internal Conflict is:NOT a visual or tangible opposition.?a character dealing with his or her own mixed feelings or emotions.Example: A character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem.Subcategory: Man vs. himselfInternal conflict is often referred to as man vs. himself since the struggle is inside one’s head.Examples:?Roger vs. his worry of going to jailGerald vs. his fear of being beat by MamaPhylicia vs. her sleepiness during Independent Reading =)Definition: A struggle between a character and an outside force is an external conflict.0444500Examples of External Conflict:?Characters may face several types of outside forces.?The outside force may be another character. It may be the character and the community.?The outside force may also be forces of nature. For example, a story might be the main character struggling against the arctic cold.?Subcategories:Man vs. ManMan vs. Environment?CONFLICTMan vs. ManThis is mostly seen in the form of two characters against each other.?It can also be represented by a group of people.?It does not have to be a physical confrontation; it can be a battle between two ideas.?Man vs. Man Examples:Roger vs. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington JonesGerald vs. MamaErin vs. Josh =)Man vs. EnvironmentEnvironment is defined as anything surrounding a person.This can include weather, objects, activities.Basically anything external EXCEPT people.Man vs. Environment Examples:?A child with allergies vs. flowersA ship crew vs. a StormExplain the internal/external conflict from this photo:18288003365500CONFLICTInternal ConflictDefinition: A struggle that takes place in a character's mind is called internal conflict.Internal Conflict is:~NOT a visual or tangible opposition.?~a character dealing with his or her own mixed feelings or emotions.Example: A character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem.What is the inferred internal conflict of Laurie Strode in the clip below??[WARNING: THE CLIP IS SCARY!!]Subcategory: Man vs. himselfInternal conflict is often referred to as man vs. himself since the struggle is inside one’s head.Examples:?Roger vs. his worry of going to jailGerald vs. his fear of being beat by MamaPhylicia vs. her sleepiness during Independent Reading =)External ConflictDefinition: A struggle between a character and an outside force is an external conflict.Examples of External Conflict:?~Characters may face several types of outside forces.?~The outside force may be another character. It may be the character and the community.?~The outside force may also be forces of nature. For example, a story might be the main character struggling against the arctic cold.?What is the external conflict in the clip below??[WARNING: THE CLIP IS SCARY!!]Subcategories:Man vs. ManMan vs. Environment?Man vs. Man~This is mostly seen in the form of two characters against each other.?~It can also be represented by a group of people.?~It does not have to be a physical confrontation; it can be a battle between two ideas.?Man vs. Man Examples:~Roger vs. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones~Gerald vs. Mama~Erin vs. Josh =)Man vs. Environment~Environment is defined as anything surrounding a person.~This can include weather, objects, activities.~Basically anything external EXCEPT people.Man vs. Environment Examples:?~A child with allergies vs. flowers~A ship crew vs. a Storm~Terriq vs. the cold weather =)Explain the internal/external conflict from this photo:Double Cheeseburger ConflictExplain the possible internal conflict from this photo. What are some examples of what could be taking place in a person's mind for this internal conflict?CONNOTATION/DENOTATIONREFER TO WORKSHEETCOORDINATION/SUBORDINATIONRead these statements. Statement 1James enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking.Statement 2James’s brother Patrick preferred to stay inside and work on the computer. Which sentence combination emphasizes statement 2 and uses subordination?James, who enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking, had a brother named Patrick who preferred to stay inside and work on the computer.Although James’s brother Patrick preferred to stay inside and work on the computer, James enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking.While James enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking, his brother Patrick preferred to stay inside and work on the computer. James’s brother Patrick preferred to stay inside and work on the computer, but James enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking. REFER TO WORKSHEETS (2)DETAILSRead the following excerpt from the address Kennedy gave to the students of the University of Michigan in 1960. How many of you who are going to be doctors are willing to spend your days in Ghana? Technicians or engineers, how many of you are willing to work in the Foreign Service and spend your lives traveling around the world? On your willingness to do that, not merely to serve one year or two years in the service, but on your willingness to contribute part of your life to this country, I think will depend the answer whether a free society can compete. I think it can! And I think Americans are willing to contribute. But the effort must be far greater than we have ever made in the past. Now read this excerpt from "Joining the Peace Corps." Peace Corps volunteers work in a variety of fields. Think of the Peace Corps, and a person might imagine teaching in a one-room schoolhouse or farming in a remote area of the world. However, while education and agriculture are still an important part of what the Peace Corps does, today's volunteers are just as likely to be working on HIV I AIDS awareness, helping to establish computer learning centers, or working on small-business development. Peace Corps volunteers work in the following areas: education, youth outreach, and community development; business development; agriculture and environment; health and HIV/AIDS; and information technology. Which of the following statements represents a fact characterizing both the excerpt from Kennedy's speech and the excerpt from "Joining the Peace Corps"? Volunteers in the Peace Corps are the most generous people of our time. John F. Kennedy inspired millions to join in his bold words. Volunteers are skilled in a variety of fields to meet the needs of host countries. Political campaigns require candidates to reach out to young voters. DICTIONExcerpt 1: I did not relish opening the door and getting soaked by the rain just before dinner; that was all I needed to make this depressing day complete. Excerpt 2: There were whispers and laughter from the kitchen, and I bit my lip to keep from marching in there and reprimanding them for forgetting my father. Which of the following describes the effect of the author's use of language in these two excerpts? a. It conveys the author's tone toward the narrator's family. b. It portrays the narrator's family as uncaring and inconsiderate. c. It characterizes the narrator through her thoughts and feelings.d. It conveys a sense of foreboding about the resolution of the story.REFER TO THE EXTRA PRACTICE PAGES!FACT/OPINIONPractice 1Try these questions on the following statements. Read them carefully, and then write F in the blank if the statement is a fact and O if it is an opinion. The answers appear right after the questions.The Academy Awards honor the film industry.The Academy Awards are always fun to watch.More independent films should win Academy Awards.The Academy Awards are an annual event.Best Director is the most interesting Academy Award category.REFER TO WORKSHEETSFIGURATIVE LANGUAGEExcerpt 1: By the end of October the rain had come, falling heavily upon the six-inch layer of dust which had had its own way for more than two months. At first the rain had merely splotched the dust, which seemed to be rejoicing in its own resiliency and laughing at the heavy drops thudding against it; but eventually the dust was forced to surrender to the mastery of the rain and it churned into a fine red mud that oozed between our toes and slopped against our ankles as we marched miserably to and from school. What type of figurative language is used in Excerpt 1?IdiomAllusionMetaphor Personification Excerpt 2: The bus rattled up the road, though not as quickly as we had hoped. It rolled cautiously through a wide puddle some twenty feet ahead; then, seeming to grow bolder as it approached our man-made lake, it speeded up, spraying the water in high sheets of backward waterfalls into the forest. But instead of the graceful glide its occupants were expecting, the bus emitted a tremendous crack and careened drunkenly into our trap. Which of the following types of figurative language is NOT used in Excerpt 2?OnomatopoeiaAlliteration PersonificationSimile How does the author's use of figurative language in both excerpts affect the texts? In both excerpts the author uses metaphor to affect setting. In only one excerpt does the author use personification to affect mood. In only one excerpt does the author use metaphor to affect characterization. In both excerpts the author uses personification to affect imagery. 0228600Excerpt 1 (from "The Christmas Dinner"): The fire roared happily, and along with the heat from the kitchen, it kept the house toasty warm. Soon the old farmhouse was filled with color and the warm smell of roast turkey and dressing. Excerpt 2 (from "A Childhood without Television"): Sitting with a bowl of fruit or some other sweets, we listened intently to the tales of adventure and mystery as the candle flames danced festively or made ghost-like shadows, depending on the story being told. 00Excerpt 1 (from "The Christmas Dinner"): The fire roared happily, and along with the heat from the kitchen, it kept the house toasty warm. Soon the old farmhouse was filled with color and the warm smell of roast turkey and dressing. Excerpt 2 (from "A Childhood without Television"): Sitting with a bowl of fruit or some other sweets, we listened intently to the tales of adventure and mystery as the candle flames danced festively or made ghost-like shadows, depending on the story being told. Read the following excerpts.How does the use of figurative language in these two excerpts contribute to the mood? a. Both excerpts use metaphor to compare the fire to the festive dancers. b. Both excerpts use personification to show how the fire made the room feel. c. Both excerpts use hyperbole to exaggerate the tension created by the setting. d. Both excerpts use oxymoron to contrast the fire to the narrator's feelings. The mattress groaned under the weight of the large man. This is an example of: a) simile b) metaphor c) alliteration d) personificationI’m so tired that I could sleep for a year. This is an example of: a) simile b) hyperbole c) allusion d) personificationPRACTICE:After playing in the snow all day, Robert’s skin was as cold as ice.The room is a dark cave.Alice’s eyes are blue as the ocean.The table sighed under the weight of Ann’s heavy school books.Jack sneezes as loud as a lion’s roar.The sun smiled on the hot summer day.George Washington is considered the Father of America.I am so hungry I could eat a house!FORMAL/INFORMAL LANGUAGEJim became vaguely articulate and said: “ Hey, ’d you see him, Scout? ‘d you see Atticus just standin’ there? . . .’n all of a sudden he just relaxed all over, an’ it looked like the gun was a part of him. . . an’ he did it so quick like . . .I hafta aim for ten minutes ‘fore I can hit somethin’ . . . .”In this text from To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem’s dialogue serves to informal language makes his father look formal language is used to show author’s informal language is used to develop Jem’s formal language is used to show how smart Jem and Scout are.Decide where to place these examples of formal or informal language on the grid. Remember, we tend to use more informal language with people we are close to and in situations where we feel most comfortable. We are more formal with people we don’t know so well and in situations which are more difficult or uncomfortable.A. “Could you tell me how to get to the nearest post office please?”B. “More tea?”C. “You can’t go out in that!”D. “Thank you so much for all your assistance.”E. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you.”F. “Lend us a tenner ‘til tomorrow.”G. “Where’s my coat?”H. “Would you be interested in taking part in a competition? “I. “I would like to make a complaint about your service.”J. “You can’t be serious!”INFERENCE-114300281940A few graves in the cemetery were marked with crumbling tombstones; newer ones were outlined with brightly colored glass and broken Coca-Cola bottles. Lightening rods guarding some graves denoted dead who rested uneasily; stumps of burned-out candles stood at the heads of infant graves. It was a happy cemetery.00A few graves in the cemetery were marked with crumbling tombstones; newer ones were outlined with brightly colored glass and broken Coca-Cola bottles. Lightening rods guarding some graves denoted dead who rested uneasily; stumps of burned-out candles stood at the heads of infant graves. It was a happy cemetery.Read the following excerpt.From the description of the cemetery above, the reader can infer that the members of Calpurnia’s church werea.superstitious about the deadb.concerned about marking the gravesc.honoring their deceased loved onesd.all of the aboveRead the following paragraph then choose the best answer.?Tommy and John were hot and sweaty as they sat outside the principal’s office.??Dirt smeared both of their faces, and they could hear their teacher’s voice as she gave Mr. Jones her account of what had happened.??Tommy sneered at John, and John returned the angry glare.??As Miss Brown left Mr. Jones’ office, the boys hung their heads so they wouldn’t have to look her in the eye.?From this paragraph you can infer that,a.??Tommy and John had disappointed their teacherb.??Tommy and John are sworn enemiesc.??The principal, known for being hard on students, would yell at them both?A is the correct answer.??How do we know that???Let’s look at the clues:We know the boys were mad at each other, because Tommy sneered at John and John returned the angry glare.?We can guess that they had been fighting, because dirt smeared both of their faces, and they were sitting outside the principal’s office. The biggest clue is in the last sentence: the boys hung their heads so they wouldn’t have to look her in the eye. They had disappointed their teacher.?Why are the other two answers wrong?Well, reread the paragraph. It does not say that the boys were best friends, but it doesn’t say they were NOT best friends either. We don’t really know. All we know about the principal is that his name is Mr. Jones. He might be a nice guy, but the paragraph doesn’t give us a clue about what kind of person he is.The only answer we can infer is that the boys felt that they had disappointed their teacher, because they didn’t want to look her in the eye.EXTRA PRACTICE:Your best friend is not at school, you can infer that ___________________.If you go to a birthday party, you can infer that ______________________.If you see a house that says “FOR RENT,” you can infer that _____________________.MAKE 4 OF YOUR OWN.MOODPassage 1: I sat alone, pretending to string popcorn for Grandpa to hang. Although I was clearly wasting time, Grandpa indulged me. I listened to the patter of the rain on the window and stared out at trees waving in the gusty wind. And I thought about my father somewhere far away, eating food from an army-rationed tin can and dreaming of home. Passage 2: I sat abjectly, forcing myself to string popcorn for Grandpa to hang. Because I was clearly wasting time, Grandpa gave up on me. I listened to the beating of the rain on the window and peered out at trees bending in the perilous wind. And I obsessed about my father somewhere isolated, scrounging for food from an army rationed tin can and longing for home. What effect did replacing the italicized words have on Passage 2? a. The passage is more neutral. b. The passage has a more optimistic mood. c. The passage is more informative. d. The passage has a more depressing mood. What is the MOOD of the following passages?During the holidays, my mother's house glittered with decorations and hummed with preparations. We ate cookies and drank cider while we helped her wrap bright packages and trim the tree. We felt warm and excited, listening to Christmas carols and even singing along sometimes. We would tease each other about our terrible voices and then sing even louder. After New Year's the time came to put all the decorations away and settle in for the long, cold winter. The house seemed to sigh as we boxed up its finery. The tree was dry and brittle, and now waited forlornly by the side of the road to be picked up. PARALLELISMWhich sentence demonstrates correct use of parallel structure?Dog walking, helping with dinner dishes, and to take out the trash are some ways I help at home.To walk the dog, to help with dinner dishes, and taking out the trash are some ways I help at home.Walking the dog, helping with dinner dishes, and trash takeout are some ways I help at home.Walking the dog, helping with dinner dishes, and taking out the trash are some ways I help at homeWhich of the following sentences correctly uses parallel structure? We appreciated the support of our families, the confidence of our peers, and our encouraging teachers.We appreciated our families’ support, our peers who were confident, and our encouraging teachers.We appreciated the support of our families, the confidence of our peers, and the encouragement of our teachers.We appreciated the support of our families, the confidence of our peers, and our teachers who were encouragingRead the following sentences below that have problems with parallelism.??How would you correct the problem????The Biology class and the class about history are my favorites.Working two jobs and to get enough sleep are difficult to accomplish.Her dress was beautiful, and it cost a lot.His feet were tired and they swelled after a long day on the job.Alexander Graham Bell was the man who invented the telephone and he invented the phonograph, too.My sister is hoping to finish her degree quick and easily.The playful dog and the cat that was feisty didn’t get along well.PUNCTUATIONAtticus is a lawyer and the book is centered around his representation of Tom RobinsonWhat is the correct punctuation and rule for the above sentence?Atticus is a lawyer. And the book is centered around his representation of Tom Robinson. Rule: Use a period and start the next sentence with “and”Atticus is a lawyer and the book is centered around his representation of Tom Robinson.Rule: No comma is needed between two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (fanboy).Atticus is a lawyer, and the book is centered around his representation of Tom Robinson.Rule: Insert a comma between two independent clauses when they are joined by a coordinating conjunction (fanboy).Atticus is a lawyer, and the book is centered around his representation of Tom Robinson.Rule: Insert a comma every time there is a coordinating conjunction (fanboy).Which sentence best combines the following two sentences and uses correct punctuation?Sentence 1: Jem was twelve. Sentence 2: He was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody.Jem was twelve but he was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody.Jem was twelve so he was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody.Jem was twelve, and he was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody.Read the following sentences.Sentence 1: The author states that the red poppies that grew on the Western Front were often called “flanders poppy” after the bloody battlefields at Flanders. Sentence 2: The author states, The red poppies that grew on the Western Front were often called “Flanders poppy” after the bloody battlefields at Flanders.Sentence 3: The author states, “The red poppies that grew on the western front were often called “Flanders poppy” after the bloody battlefields at Flanders.”Sentence 4: The author states, “The red poppies that grew on the Western Front were often called ‘Flanders poppy’ after the bloody battlefields at Flanders.” Which sentence above avoids an error in the use of capitalization, end punctuation, and quotation marks? Sentence 1 because the phrase is set off by quotation marksSentence 2 because the phrase is capitalized and set off by quotation marksSentence 3 because the entire sentence is a quote and must be set off by quotation marksSentence 4 because the phrase is set off by single quotation marks since it is a quote within a quote Instructions: Select the incorrectly punctuated sentence from each group of choices. If all are correct, select d) all are correct. After completing the entire exercise, click on the "Are You Prepared?" button at the bottom of this page to see the answers.1) a) Her quickly amassed fortune includes a dramatic collection of paintings that are stored in the basement.b) Herb’s sister yelled, "Does anyone have a telephone"?c) Christina missed her graduation from high school, yet her parents didn’t seem to care.d) all are correct2) a) The three-week-old injury does not appear to be healing.b) Most of the Duck fans were optimistic about the teams chances of winning the championship.c) Hoping to reach the summit by midnight, the expedition team pushed forward at a grueling pace.d) all are correct3) a) The manager told his sales team, "If you want to win the award, you will need to double your sales."b) Jack Kennedy, who was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, was a popular president.c) The local newscaster enjoyed being famous, she was often asked for her autograph.d) all are correct4) a) Pudding and custard are Ted's two favorite desserts which Kate cannot understand at all.b) Her inexperienced assistant told the visitor, "My boss didn’t feel like working and went golfing instead."c) To reach the peak of success in business, most people devote very concentrated time to their professions.d) all are correct5) a) "These dogs are from championship bloodlines," the breeder explained confidently. "You should buy one."b) Matt told the princess that he had "always longed to be a servant."c) Surrounded by old friends and family; the couple said their vows.d) all are correct6) a) Martina asked Chicago Bulls star Michael Jordan to act as the head of the company.b) After the game ended, the coach complained: "We didn’t block. We didn’t tackle. We didn’t win."c) As Carter worked to secure the sail, Seamus went below to get their raincoats.d) all are correct7) a) Did you read Susan Orlean’s article in The New York Times Magazine?b) Their sister said, "I want to go to the game. I’m sure it will be good. We need to be on time."c) The attorney filed the brief because her client opposed the developer’s plan.d) all are correct8) a) After such a long-winded introduction, the speech itself will certainly be terrible.b) The balloon’s pilot climbed a 60 foot cable to repair the leak.c) She has a deep-seated fear of speaking in front of a judge.d) all are correct9) a) The announcer repeated the same thing: "The white zone is for loading and unloading only."b) The manicurist thanked the salesman for showing her "the light."c) Last year Greg read "Gone with the Wind;" his sister recommended it.d) all are correct10) a) The carpenter liked using medieval technology (e.g. a hand-turned lathe).b) The gangsters told the shopkeeper, "If you are not careful you’ll be ‘fish food.’"c) Britt Hume himself will lead the news team to Somalia.d) all are correct11) a) Every day, Stephen reads The New York Times to his reporting class.b) Shirley did not expect her trip to Greece to be such an exhilarating, whirlwind adventure.c) Sarah is intrigued that her Uncle Cliff was a pilot in the war; nonetheless, he rarely discusses it.d) all are correct12) a) After she poured the brass, Alice took off her gloves; filled the tub with water; and submerged the sculpture.b) When Daniel got too close to the edge of the cliff his father yelled, "Get back here, Daniel!"c) Driven by the need to prove his tormentors wrong, Karl worked hard every day to improve his backhand.d) all are correct13) a) The doctor is popular among his patients although he does not spend much time with them.b) Have you seen the new show "The West Wing"?c) Grant asked the teacher, "When will the test results be posted?"d) all are correct14) a) His mother and father chose to stay home and work in the yard.b) Nerdly is one of the most aptly-named children Monique has ever met.c) Are you going to see "What Lies Beneath"?d) all are correct15) a) Meryl Streep, who has won several acting awards, seems to be just a regular person.b) Trying desperately not to cry the young child explained that the "booger monster" had taken his spinach.c) Before we start this exercise, let’s do a few stretches.d) all are correct16) a) The class visited the museum, they went to a baseball game, too.b) Maria Shriver is a talented journalist and a completely devoted mother.c) When they leave for the concert—she thinks it will be near noon—they’ll call you.d) all are correct17) a) Nancy prefers gold to silver; she thinks its more elegant.b) For such a quick-witted employee, she has been rather confused by this easily operated machine.c) Has Michael enjoyed his internship at The Register Guard?d) all are correct18) a) Kimberly is flying to Mexico to meet her husband Jack for a vacation.b) The race between the two sprinters was widely hyped and completely disappointing.c) The speaker asked every audience the same thing: "Do you want to be right, or do you want it to work?"d) all are correct19) a) Before you decide that you hate this strawberry pie, take a bite.b) The moose made its way across the meadow, and into the forest.c) The picnic basket contains the following: potato salad, Grandma’s recipe; Jello, Aunt Judy’s recipe; and fried chicken, the Colonel’s recipe.d) all are correct20) a) Grace is going to the movies without him, Bryce has already seen it.b) Cole’s scooter, which he got for his eighth birthday, is totally cool.c) Have you ever tried to pronounce "ameliorate"?d) all are correctREVISIONSThe fact that I had a permanent fiancé was little compensation for Dill’s absence I had never thought about it but summer meant Dill by the fish pool smoking string Dill’s eye’s alive with complicated plans to make Boo Radley emerge. What is the best way to revise this passage?a. The fact that I had a permanent fiancé was little compensation for Dill’s absence. I had never thought about it, but summer meant Dill by the fish pool smoking string. Dill’s eyes alive with complicated plans to make Boo Radley emerge. b. The fact that I had a permanent fiancé was little compensation for Dill’s absence I had never thought about it, but summer meant Dill by the fish pool smoking string. Dill’s eyes alive with complicated plans to make Boo Radley come out.c. The fact that I had a permanent fiancé was little compensation for Dill’s absence. I had never thought about it, but summer meant Dill by the fish pool smoking string, with wide eyes alive, full of complicated plans to make Boo Radley come out.d. The fact that I had a permanent fiancé was little compensation for Dill’s absence. I had never thought about it. Summer meant Dill by the fish pool smoking string. Dill’s eyes alive with complicated plans to make Boo Radley come out. Mr. Ewell reminded me of a deaf mute. I was sure he had never heard the words Judge Taylor directed at him – his mouth struggling silently with them – but their importance registered on his face. Smugness faded from it, replaced by a dogged earnestness that did not fool Judge Taylor. Mr. Ewell lives behind the dump like an animal. As long as Mr. Ewell was on the stand, the judge kept his eyes on him, as if daring him to make a false move.Which sentence in the paragraph is unnecessary?a. I was sure he had never heard the words Judge Taylor directed at him – his mouth struggled silently with them – but their importance registered on his face. b. Smugness faded from it, replaced by a dogged earnestness that did not fool Judge Taylor. c. Mr. Ewell lives like an animal over behind the dump.d. As long as Mr. Ewell was on the stand, the judge kept his eyes on him, as if daring him to make a false move.Read the following sentences:Sentence 1: “Have you ever wondered,” asked Judd, “about how long it would take to drive to Alaska?”Sentence 2: “That’s what she told me,” Faye said. “Just because she believes it doesn’t make it true.”Sentence 3: Mr. Judd said, “The sheriff actually told me, ‘That woman will shoot you dead.’”Sentence 4: The Chief leaned in and asked, “Is this about the murder of Carroll Calhoun”? Which of the following statements corrects a mistake in a sentence above?In sentence 1, about should be capitalized because it is the second half of a broken quoteIn sentence 2, the comma after me should be a periodIn sentence 3, That should not be capitalized because it is a quote-within-a-quoteIn sentence 4, the question mark should be inside the quotation markRead the following passage and answer the questions.“The Benefits of Walking”In recent months, there has been a movement to get the residents of Mississippi to do more walking. The state’s governor has even been on commercials to advertise the campaign. Encouraging Mississippians to walk is a good idea because it could help to improve the health of our state, which has one of the highest rates of obesity in the nation. According to a recent study, walking regularly is one of the most effective ways to improve over-all health. Three to four thirty-minute walks a week improve mood, stress levels, and sleep. Additionally, regular walking reduces the risk of heart-attack, stroke, breast cancer, hip fracture, and Type-2 diabetes. Heart-attack, stroke, and breast cancer are all serious and potentially fatal diseases that are common in Mississippi. Walking is also virtually risk free and requires no gym membership. Which of the following sentences should be omitted from the paragraph because it does not provide support for the main idea?Encouraging Mississippians to walk is a good idea because it could help to improve the health of our state, which has one of the highest rates of obesity in the nation.According to a recent study, walking regularly is one of the most effective ways to improve over-all health. Heart-attack, stroke, and breast cancer are all serious and potentially fatal diseases that are common in Mississippi. Additionally, regular walking reduces the risk of heart-attack, stroke, breast cancer, hip fracture, and Type-2 diabetes. Which would be an appropriate ending for this paragraph while maintaining the focus and mode?With all the health benefits, Mississippians should definitely go walking.The movement to get Mississippians walking has numerous health benefits.My friends and I plan to join many other residents in walking more often.How often do you walk each week?SENTENCE TYPESSentence Types – Practice TestIdentifying Fragments and Run-On Sentences: Write (S) if the group of words expresses a complete sentence. Write (RO) if the group of words is a run-on sentence, and write (F) on the line if the group of words is a fragment. ______ 1. Having been introduced to the guest of honor. ______ 2. Will you practice guitar? ______ 3. We have a test in math tomorrow, on Monday we have a test in English. ______ 4. Mailed the invitations on Monday. ______ 5. What a good time we had!SCORE: _____ / 5 Identifying Independent and Subordinate Clauses: Write IND on the line if the bold words express an independent clause. Write SUB on the line if the bold words express a subordinate clause. _______ 1. While Dad was sleeping, we decorated the house for his birthday party. _______ 2. Just as Terri came in the door, the phone rang. _______ 3. Before the sun sets, I need to mow the lawn. _______ 4. That art paper that you are using really soaks up ink. _______ 5. Do you know when the train will arrive?SCORE: _____ / 5Identifying Simple and Compound Sentences: Identify each of the following sentences as (S) simple or (CD) compound _____ 1. My dad and I like tacos, and we’re making them for dinner. _____ 2. Some trees and shrubs live thousands of years. _____ 3. It rained, but we marched in the parade anyway. _____ 4. Mr. Edwards will lead the singing, for Mrs. Jones is ill. _____ 5. Janet read the book Stuart Little and reported on it in English class last Friday. SCORE: _____ / 5Identifying Compound Sentences and Complex Sentences: Identify each of the following sentences as (CD) compound or (CX) complex _____ 1. Before Julia planned his garden, he made a sketch of the layout. _____ 2. I liked this movie best; it was more exciting than the others. _____ 3. When bees collect pollen, they fertilize the plants that they visit. _____ 4. John is on the soccer team, and his brother plays basketball. _____ 5. Is Julia the one who went to Australia for spring break?SCORE: _____ / 5 Identifying Complex or Compound-Complex Sentences: Identify the following sentences as either (CX) complex or (CD-CX) compound-complex. _____ 1. I picked up the branches that had fallen during the storm, and Rachel mowed the lawn. _____ 2. Because opinions are still divided, further discussion will be necessary. _____ 3. Between Asia and Africa lies a land bridge that is known as the Sinai Peninsula. _____ 4. After I visited my grandmother, I decided to go shopping at the mall. _____ 5. The boy who fell off the scooter was not terribly hurt, yet he did brake his arm. SCORE: _____ / 5 Identifying Different Sentence Types: Identify the following sentences as either (S) simple, (CD) compound, (CX) complex, or (CD-CX) compound-complex. _____ 1. Cuba’s capital is Havana, and this beautiful city has been the center of Cuban culture since 1552._____ 2. The heavy branches of an oak tree hung over our table and shaded us from the sun. _____ 3. When you are looking at a work by Monet, stand back at least fifteen or twenty feet. _____ 4. As it happens, you are right and I am wrong. _____ 5. The clock’s minute hand is moving, but the second had has stopped. SCORE: _____ / 5 Multiple Choice: Read each sentence below. Then, choose the answer that identifies the type of sentence.1. Before the sun rises, she runs two miles or does calisthenics.A simple sentenceB compound sentenceC complex sentenceD compound-complex sentenceSUMMARY/PR?CIS/EXPLICATIONRead this excerpt from “The Fisherman.”As the uncontested Largemouth Bass Champion of our regions, Turner’s prowess at reeling in the big catches was renowned. A less modest man would have capitalized on the success he had garnered on area lakes and rivers; but he was, in his own words, “the ultimate amateur.” Turner shunned fame along with the opportunities for profit that cam with such talent as a fisherman. Every newspaper photograph of Turner – taken only when a nearby fisherman happened to have a camera at the ready – depicted a reluctant hero, a white-haired, simply dressed fellow holding a fish as a coveted honor. Looking at these snapshots, I saw a lightly lined face arranged in an expression of near reverence as he prepared to release his prizes back into their home waters.In mid-week on September day after years of our working together, Turner had asked casually, “Can you go to the lake Saturday and Sunday?”Few could boast of friendship with this unassuming yet strangely distant man. Fewer still had ever been invited to fish with him. I had in some way earned his amity and his respect, two considerations which Turner seldom game in combination. His invitation for two consecutive days was so unexpected that I balked before nodding assent, clumsily and unsuccessfully feigning nonchalance. Now read this précis of the excerpt.Although Turner is well known for his skill as a fisherman, he is humble. He avoids any fame and fortune that the sport offers and releases any fish that he catches back into the water. Turner has few friends and does not often invite others to fish with him. The narrator of the passage is thrilled and surprised to receive an invitation form Turner to accompany him on a fishing trip. Justify the accuracy of the précis by selecting the statement below that is a correct evaluation of the précis. The précis mentions that Turner will usually release his catches, thus providing irrelevant information.The précis discusses Turner’s shyness and the narrator’s love of fishing, thus restating the central points of the excerpt.The précis focuses on Turner’s modesty and the narrator’s response to the invitation, thus targeting the important elements of the excerpt.The précis fails to mention that Turner and the narrator work together, thus omitting an important discussion of the connection between them.Read the research information from these two sources.Excerpt 1By formulating a fictional county in which to set his stories, William Faulkner followed in a long tradition of creating an imaginary place that is at once very real. The world he created resembled our own, but it was not our own. Faulkner freed himself from the bonds of absolute literalism. No one could say “It wasn’t like that” because it was, after all, a fictitious place.Excerpt 2Faulkner often used real events and real people in his fiction. While he changed names and dates, factual information influenced his work. Actual events and real people provided the grit of sand that produced the pearl.2. Which statement accurately compares the information in both excerpts?A. Faulkner offended many people in his hometown by using them in his literary works.B. Faulkner acknowledged that the world he created had to be an entirely imaginative realm.C. Although Faulkner created a fictional setting for his stories, he based it on real people and real events.Read the entry and the excerpt. Electronic encyclopedia entryOjibwa – a Native American people from the North American plains. The Ojibwa language is part of the Algonquian group of languages. The Ojibwas lived along Lake Superior and in southern Canada through the eighteenth century. They then settled throughout the Great Lakes region and into Minnesota and North Dakota. Today the Ojibwa form one of the largest Native American tribes in North America. Excerpt from an online articleThe Mississippi River meanders over two thousand miles from Lake Itasca in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. The Ojibwa tribe named the river the Messipi, which means “Big River” or “Father of Waters.”Which of the following accurately and appropriately summarizes the two sources?The Mississippi River stretches throughout the land where the Ojibwa lived. Because they lived so close to the river, they named it Messipi, meaning “Big River” or “Father of Waters.”The Ojibwa tribes named the river Messipi, meaning “Big River” or “Father of Waters,” because they saw that the river stretched more than two thousand miles from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.The origin of the name of the Mississippi River came from the Ojibwa, one of today’s largest Native American tribes who originally came from Canada but settled in upper regions of North America. The Ojibwa named the river Messipi.The Ojibwa tribe is a group of Native American people from the North American plains who have lived for about two hundred years in what is now northern Minnesota. They still live along the Mississippi River and are one of the largest Native American groups in North America today. TEXT FEATURESExamine the Table of Contents in the box below. -18288088900 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page NumbersPrefacei-xiChapter 1: A boy’s Dream1-15Chapter 2: A Young Man’s Search16-27Chapter 3: Overcoming Obstacles28-39Chapter 4: Beginning the Climb40-61 Chapter 5: Reaching the Pinnacle62-74Chapter 6: Descent75-88Chapter 7: Worldwide Fame89-10500 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page NumbersPrefacei-xiChapter 1: A boy’s Dream1-15Chapter 2: A Young Man’s Search16-27Chapter 3: Overcoming Obstacles28-39Chapter 4: Beginning the Climb40-61 Chapter 5: Reaching the Pinnacle62-74Chapter 6: Descent75-88Chapter 7: Worldwide Fame89-105Now read the following excerpt from the book Conquering Everest. -6858027940“…I knew that I only had another thousand yards before I attained a height no man had ever gained. My legs were numb, but I pressed on. As the last few hours of the day eclipsed, I found my footing more sure and my efforts more vigorous. I knew that I would see the top within the next hour. I realized my goal in half that time.”00“…I knew that I only had another thousand yards before I attained a height no man had ever gained. My legs were numb, but I pressed on. As the last few hours of the day eclipsed, I found my footing more sure and my efforts more vigorous. I knew that I would see the top within the next hour. I realized my goal in half that time.”Which chapter in the Table of Contents does the excerpt in the box support?Chapter 3 B. Chapter 4 C. Chapter 5 D. Chapter 6TEXT STRUCTURESRead this excerpt from Kennedy's address to University of Michigan students. Let me say in conclusion, this University is not maintained by its alumni or by the state merely to help its graduates have an economic advantage in the life struggle. There is certainly a greater purpose, and I'm sure you recognize it. In comparing and contrasting the information in this excerpt and the section of the article "Joining the Peace Corps" labeled What is the Mission of the Peace Corps, which is an accurate analysis? John F. Kennedy was primarily interested in people in foreign nations. Universities exist to prepare students for an international marketplace. Kennedy created the Peace Corps so students could find a place to work after they graduated. Universities were created not only to educate students but also for the greater purpose of helping humankind. Read the following paragraph from the article "Joining the Peace Corps." Peace Corps volunteers work in a variety of fields. Think of the Peace Corps of the past, and a person might imagine teaching in a one-room schoolhouse or farming in a remote area of the world. However, while education and agriculture are still an important part of what the Peace Corps does, today's volunteers are just as likely to be working on AIDS awareness, helping to establish computer learning centers, or working on small-business development. Peace Corps volunteers now work in the following areas: education, youth outreach, and community development; business development; agriculture and environment; and the new areas of health and AIDS; and information technology. Within these areas, the specific duties and responsibilities of each volunteer can vary widely. Ask any Peace Corps volunteer, and he or she will tell you that everybody, no matter what time period they worked in, has a unique experience. How does the author use the organizational structure of the paragraph to convey purpose? Chronological/sequential order is used to inform readers of the events in the development of the Peace Corps. Comparison and contrast shows the work that volunteers did in the past and the work that they do now. Cause and effect shows the changes in the background of many new Peace Corps volunteers. Spatial order shows where Peace Corps volunteers work.Read the following paragraph from "A Kindergarten Memory." That day in kindergarten was my first experience with injustice. It was a small matter in comparison to some of life's later brushes with prejudice and unfairness, but it helped to shape my worldview. I realized that I could not always depend on those in authority to do what was right. I learned to speak up for myself, even though others might ridicule me. And by extension, I later learned to speak up for those around me who couldn't speak for themselves. What text structure did the author use in the paragraph above? a. Spatial c. Order of importance b. Cause and Effect d. All of the aboveWhich of the following organizational structures could the author have used instead to reveal how the event affected the narrator? a. Spatial c. Chronologicalb. Problem and solution d. ProceduralTHEMEPractice 1: "Sea Fever"?by John MasefieldRead the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,And a gray mist on the sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tideIs a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.1.What is the theme, or message, the author expresses in this poem?a.Hard work never hurt anyone.b.The simple things in life may be the best.c.Everyone should learn to sail.d.There should be freedom for all people.2.What words are repeated to point out the theme?a.and the seasc.all I askd.I must down3.In your own life, according to the theme, if harder, you can own your own boat.b.look around, you'll find simple things that make you the sea, you will be very happy on shore.d.don't have a hobby, you should get one.Practice 2:?EpaminondasA Folk Tale RetoldRead the selection, and then answer the questions that follow.(1)Epaminondas lived with his mama in a little house on a hill. He was a sweet boy, but as his mama always said, not the brightest bulb in the lamp! Most days, Epaminondas went to visit his auntie. She lived on the other side of the hill. He loved to walk through the forest and cross the stream to her house. Most days she gave him something to take home.(2)One day Auntie gave Epaminondas half a cake. He grabbed it in his fists and carried it home. When he got there, it was smeared all over his hands. "What have you got there?" asked Mama.(3)"Cake, Mama," said Epaminondas.(4)"Epaminondas, that's no way to carry cake!" said Mama. "You wrap it in clean leaves and put it in your hat. Now will you remember that?"(5)"Yes, Mama," said Epaminondas.(6)The next week, Auntie gave Epaminondas some fresh, sweet butter. He wrapped it in leaves and put it in his hat. It was a hot day. The butter began to melt and when he got home, it was all over him. His mama cried, "That's no way to carry butter! You wrap it in leaves, cool it in the brook, and carry it home! Will you remember that?"(7)By and by, Auntie gave Epaminondas a puppy. He wrapped it in leaves, cooled it in the brook, and carried it home. His mama rubbed the poor shivering pup with a soft towel and fed it warm soup. "That's no way to treat a puppy!" she said. "You tie a string around its neck, put it on the ground, and walk it home! Will you remember?"(8)"Yes, Mama," said Epaminondas.(9)Today, Auntie gave Epaminondas a freshly-baked loaf of bread. He tied a string around it, put it on the ground, and walked home! The birds loved it because there were enough crumbs on the ground to feed a flock for a week! But when he got home, all he had left was a small, sticky lump of bread stuck to the string!(10)His mama shook her head and said, "No sense telling you any more, Epaminondas! Now I'm going to get more bread from Auntie. You see those pies cooling on the porch? They're for the bake sale. While I'm gone, you?mind how you step in those pies!"(11)Now?we?know she meant "be careful and?don't?step in the pies," but Epaminondasminded?his mama. He stepped right in the middle of each pie! When his mama got home and saw the mess, she just laughed. "Oh, Epaminondas, you ain't got the brains you were born with … but I love you anyway!" Then she gave him a big hug … and a slice of fresh bread.4.Which best states the theme of this folk tale?a.Do things the right way the first time.b.Give unconditional love and accept differences in people.c.Always bring your own groceries home.d.Volunteer to help children visit their relatives.5.Which character in the story most clearly states the author's message?a.Mamab.Epaminondasc.Auntied.none of the above6.Which would most likely have been the theme if Auntie had given Epaminondas a bag of money and he had lost it on the way home?a.You can't believe everything you hear!b.It's better to be safe than sorry.c.Slow and steady wins the race.d.Money can't buy happiness.7.The most likely theme, if Auntie gave Epaminondas milk and he dropped it, isa.better late than never.b.don't cry over spilled milk.c.deeds speak louder than words.d.everyone has some kind of talent.8.Which other word describes the theme of the Epaminondas story?passionb.loathingc.panicTHESIS STATEMENTSYour teacher has given you an assignment to write an informative essay about the life of Mildred D. Taylor. Which sentence would be the best thesis for this assignment? Mrs. Taylor wrote an outstanding number of novels and books during her life. Mildred Taylor was a volunteer for the Peace Corps and spent two years working in Africa. Mildred Taylor has influenced our world today by her contributions to both literature and humankind. I will tell below how Mrs. Taylor helped her fellowman in Africa and how she wrote many inspiring stories for us to read and enjoy. Your teacher has given you an assignment to write an informative essay. Think about your favorite holiday and explain why it is important to you. Which is an appropriate thesis statement for a response to this prompt? a. My family enjoys traveling to new places, participating in various sports, and eating delicious meals during our holidays. b. Some people do not understand the origins of Kwanza, a new Christmas holiday. c. My favorite holidays include Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving because of the good food, family memories, and excellent shopping. d. Christmas is an amazing holiday because it allows me to enjoy many wonderful moments with my family.TONEExcerpt 2: Little Man, Christopher-John, and I, with the others, circled the fighters, chanting loudly as they rolled back and forth punching at each other. All of us were so engrossed in the battle that no one saw a mule wagon halt on the road and a giant man step out. It wasn't until I realized that the shouting had stopped behind us and that the girls and boys behind me were falling back that I looked up. Mr. Morrison towered above us. What is the tone of excerpt 2?a. Cocky and confident b. Violent or threatening c. Scared or paranoidd. Hopeless and deflatedExcerpt 1: My youngest brother paid no attention to me. Grasping more firmly his newspaper-wrapped notebook and his tin-can lunch of cornbread and oil sausages, he continued to concentrate on the dusty road. He lagged several feet behind my other brothers, Stacey and Christopher-John, and me, attempting to keep the rusty Mississippi dust from swelling with each step and drifting back upon his shiny black shoes and the cuffs of his corduroy pants by lifting each foot high before setting it gently down again. Always meticulously neat, six-year-old Little Man never allowed for dirt or tears or stains to mar anything he owned. Today was no exception. Which of the following words does not contribute to tone in Excerpt 1?grasping c. meticulouslyexception d. gentlyHow does the tone change from Excerpt 1 to Excerpt 2? The tone is the same in both Excerpts. The tone is more threatening in Excerpt 2. The tone is more neutral in Excerpt 2. The tone is more humorous in Excerpt 2. Paragraph 1: Maybe Momma was trying to be brave for us. That's what I kept telling myself all day as I watched them preparing the Christmas dinner. After breakfast, Sally and I were asked to help Grandpa clean up the house while Momma, Grandma, and Aunt Lou busied themselves in the kitchen. There were whispers and laughter from the kitchen, and I bit my lip to keep from marching in there and reprimanding them for forgetting my father. Paragraph 2: I had gone into the kitchen just a few minutes before, and I knew that dinner was already done. Why was Grandma waiting, I wondered. Did she really want a large fire after spending all day in a hot kitchen? The merry sounds had died down in the kitchen, and I glimpsed Momma sitting by the kitchen window, sipping a cup of tea as Aunt Lou patted her shoulder. Which contrast concerning the narrator's tone in these two paragraphs is accurate? a. Both paragraphs convey a judgmental tone. b. The tone in Paragraph 1 is annoyed while the tone in Paragraph 2 is concerned. c. The tone in Paragraph 1 is honest while the tone in Paragraph 2 is insincere. d. Both excerpts express a negative tone toward the narrator's mother. VARIED SENTENCE STRUCTURERead these statements. Statement 1James enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking.Statement 2James’s brother Patrick preferred to stay inside and work on the computer. Which sentence combination emphasizes statement 2 and uses subordination?James, who enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking, had a brother named Patrick who preferred to stay inside and work on the computer.Although James’s brother Patrick preferred to stay inside and work on the computer, James enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking.While James enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking, his brother Patrick preferred to stay inside and work on the computer. James’s brother Patrick preferred to stay inside and work on the computer, but James enjoyed outdoor activities such as camping and hiking. Read these two statements.-6858050165Statement 1My brother never can figure out how to use the remote control for our television center.Statement 2He asks me for help.00Statement 1My brother never can figure out how to use the remote control for our television center.Statement 2He asks me for help.Which sentence correctly combines these two statements and uses subordination to emphasize Statement 2?Since my brother never can figure out how to use the remote control for our television center, he asks me for help.My brother never can figure out how to use the remote control for our television center when he asks me for help.While he asks me for help, my brother never can figure out how to use the remote control for our television center.He asks me for help, but my brother never can figure out how to use the remote control for our television center.DIRECT/INDIRECT CHARACTERIZATION0217805Sentence 1- “There goes the meanest man ever God blew breath into,” murmured Calpurnia, and she spat meditatively into the yard.Sentence 2 - “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view . . until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”—Atticus00Sentence 1- “There goes the meanest man ever God blew breath into,” murmured Calpurnia, and she spat meditatively into the yard.Sentence 2 - “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view . . until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”—AtticusRead the following excerpt.From the quotes above, the reader can tell that the author isusing indirect characterization to describe Mr. Radley in sentence 1 and a simile to describe Atticus in sentence 2.using direct characterization to describe Calpurnia in sentence 1 and direct characterization to describe Atticus in sentence 2.using direct characterization to describe Mr. Radley in sentence 1 and indirect characterization to describe Atticus in sentence 2.using personification to describe Mr. Radley in sentence 1 and hyperbole to describe REFER TO WORKSHEET! ................

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