English 10 Literary Terms

English 10 Literary Terms

Higher Level Question(s) Literary Terms and Examples

| |Alliteration: |

| | |

| |The repetition of initial identical consonant sounds or any vowel sounds in successive or|

| |closely associated syllables (especially stressed syllables) |

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| |Ex: The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, |

| |The furrow followed free |

| |Allusion: |

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| |a figure of speech that makes a brief reference to a historical, or literary figure or |

| |object. Biblical allusions are frequent in literature. |

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| |Ex: Of Mice and Men from the poem from Burns “A Mouse” |

| |Antagonist: |

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| |The character directly opposed to the protagonist. A rival, opponent, or enemy of the |

| |protagonist. |

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| |Ex: Scar would be the antagonist to Simba in The Lion King |

| |Apostrophe: |

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| |A figure of speech in which someone (usually absent but not always) some abstract |

| |quality, or nonexistent personage is directly addressed as though present. |

| | |

| |is a special type of personification in which a speaker in a poem or rhetorical work |

| |pauses to address some abstraction that is not physically present in the room |

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| |Ex: on address to God, Emily Dickenson writes: |

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| |Papa Above! |

| |Regard a Mouse. |

| |Archetype: |

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| |the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on |

| |which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. |

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| |Romeo and Juliet are an archetype of eternal love and a star-crossed love story. |

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| |Ex: Light vs. Dark, good vs. evil, colors, hero… |

| |Conflict (External): |

| |The struggle that grows out of the interplay of two opposing forces. |

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| |Ex: struggle against nature= “To Build a Fire” |

| |Struggle against man = “The Interlopers” |

| |Struggle against society = “Harrison Bergeron” |

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Higher Level Question(s) Literary Terms and Examples

| |Conflict (Internal): |

| |The internal struggle occurs within the person. The existence of motivation |

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| |Ex: |

| |Struggle within self = “To Build a Fire” motivation… |

| |Characterization (Direct): |

| | |

| |the process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed by the use |

| |of descriptive adjectives, phrases, or epithets. |

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| |Ex: |

| |Characterization (Indirect): |

| |is the method used by a writer to develop a character. The method includes (1) showing|

| |the character's appearance, (2) displaying the character's actions, (3) revealing the |

| |character's thoughts, (4) letting the character speak, and (5) getting the reactions |

| |of others |

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| |Connotation: |

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| |is an implied meaning of a word. Emotional connection |

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| |Ex: |

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| |Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest (burial) |

| |Denotation: |

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| |is the literal meaning of a word, the dictionary meaning |

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| |Ex: |

| |Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest (sleep). |

| |Dialect: |

| |The language of a particular district, class, or group of persons. The term dialect |

| |encompasses the sounds, spelling, grammar, and diction employed by a specific people |

| |as distinguished from other persons either geographically or socially. Dialect is a |

| |major technique of characterization that reveals the social or geographic status of a |

| |character |

| |Ex: |

| |Jim: "We's safe, Huck, we's safe! Jump up and crack yo' heels. Dat's de good ole Cairo|

| |at las', I jis knows it." |

| |Huck: "I'll take the canoe and go see, Jim. It mightn't be, you know." |

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Higher Level Question(s) Literary Terms and Examples

| |Diction: |

| |The choice of a particular word as opposed to others. A writer could call a rock |

| |formation by many words--a stone, a boulder, an outcropping, a pile of rocks, a cairn,|

| |a mound, or even an "anomalous geological feature." |

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| |Ex: |

| |Epiphany: |

| |a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight, or realization into the reality or |

| |essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or |

| |commonplace occurrence or experience. |

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| |Ex: |

| |Euphemism: |

| |is the substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that |

| |may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the listener |

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| |Ex: “senior citizen” instead of “old people” |

| |Flashback: |

| |is action that interrupts to show an event that happened at an earlier time which is |

| |necessary to better understanding |

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| |Ex: |

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| |Flat Character: |

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| |flat character is a minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo |

| |substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as |

| |"two-dimensional characters" or "static characters |

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| |Foreshadowing: |

| |is the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in literature |

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| |Ex: |

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Higher Level Question(s) Literary Terms and Examples

| |Hubris: |

| |It is a negative term implying both arrogant, excessive self-pride or self-confidence,|

| |and also a hamartia (see above), a lack of some important perception or insight due to|

| |pride in one's abilities. |

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| |Ex: |

| |Hyperbole: |

| |the trope of exaggeration or overstatement |

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| |Idiom: |

| |refers to a construction or expression in one language that cannot be matched or |

| |directly translated word-for-word in another language |

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| |Ex: She has a bee in her bonnet," meaning "she is obsessed," cannot be literally |

| |translated into another language word for word |

| |Irony (Dramatic): |

| |involves a situation in a narrative in which the reader knows something about present |

| |or future circumstances that the character does not know. In that situation, the |

| |character acts in a way we recognize to be grossly inappropriate to the actual |

| |circumstances, or the character expects the opposite of what the reader knows that |

| |fate holds in store, or the character anticipates a particular outcome that unfolds |

| |itself in an unintentional way. |

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| |Ex: |

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| |Irony (Situational): |

| |accidental events occur that seem oddly appropriate, such as the poetic justice of a |

| |pickpocket getting his own pocket picked. However, both the victim and the audience |

| |are simultaneously aware of the situation in situational irony |

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| |Irony (Verbal): |

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| |a speaker makes a statement in which its actual meaning differs sharply from the |

| |meaning that the words ostensibly express. Often this sort of irony is plainly |

| |sarcastic in the eyes of the reader, but the characters listening in the story may not|

| |realize the speaker's sarcasm as quickly as the readers do. |

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Higher Level Question(s) Literary Terms and Examples

| |Imagery: |

| |imagery includes the "mental pictures" that readers experience with a passage of |

| |literature. It signifies all the sensory perceptions referred to in a poem, whether by|

| |literal description, allusion, simile, or metaphor. Imagery is not limited to visual |

| |imagery; it also includes auditory (sound), tactile (touch), thermal (heat and cold), |

| |olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), and kinesthetic sensation (movement). |

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| |Ex: |

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| |Metaphor: |

| |A comparison or analogy stated in such a way as to imply that one object is another |

| |one, figuratively speaking |

| |which figuratively makes the comparison by stating outright that one thing is another |

| |thing |

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| |Ex: |

| |we speak of "the ladder of success," we imply that being successful is much like |

| |climbing a ladder to a higher and better position. |

| |Motif: |

| |A conspicuous recurring element, such as a type of incident, a device, a reference, or|

| |verbal formula, which appears frequently in works of literature |

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| |Ex: |

| |Motivation (Objective): |

| |Reason or reasons behind a character's action; what induces a character to do what he |

| |does; motives. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, love motivates the title characters.|

| |In Shakespeare's Macbeth, ambition (lust for power) motivates the title character and |

| |his wife to murder the king. |

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| |Ex: |

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| |Onomatopoeia: |

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| |The use of sounds that are similar to the noise they represent for a rhetorical or |

| |artistic effect |

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| |Ex: |

| |buzz, click, rattle, and grunt make sounds akin to the noise they represent |

| |Oxymoron: |

| |Using contradiction in a manner that oddly makes sense on a deeper level. |

| |The richest literary oxymora seem to reveal a deeper truth through their |

| |contradictions. These oxymora are sometimes called paradoxes. |

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| |Ex: Simple or joking examples include such oxymora as jumbo shrimp, sophisticated |

| |rednecks, and military intelligence |

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Higher Level Question(s) Literary Terms and Examples

| |Personification: |

| |A trope in which abstractions, animals, ideas, and inanimate objects are given human |

| |character, traits, abilities, or reactions. |

| | |

| |Ex: Sylvia Plath's "The Moon and the Yew Tree," in which the moon "is a face in its |

| |own right, / White as a knuckle and terribly upset. / It drags the sea after it like a|

| |dark crime." |

| |Point of View (First Person): |

| |The vantage point from which a narrative is told |

| |Many narratives appear in the first person (the narrator speaks as "I" and the |

| |narrator is a character in the story who may or may not influence events within it). |

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| |Ex: |

| |Point of View (Limited): |

| |The narrator can also be limited--a narrator who is confined to what is experienced, |

| |thought, or felt by a single character, or at most a limited number of characters |

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| |Ex: |

| |Point of View (Omniscient): |

| |The third-person narrator can be omniscient--a narrator who knows everything that |

| |needs to be known about the agents and events in the story, and is free to move at |

| |will in time and place, and who has privileged access to a character's thoughts, |

| |feelings, and motives |

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| |Ex: |

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| |Point of View (Third Person) |

| |. third-person narrative (the narrator seems to be someone standing outside the story |

| |who refers to all the characters by name or as he, she, they, and so on). When the |

| |narrator reports speech and action, but never comments on the thoughts of other |

| |characters, it is the dramatic third person point of view or objective point of view. |

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| |Ex: |

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| |Point of View (Second Person) |

| |In second person point of view, the narrator tells the story to another character |

| |using "you"; the story is being told through the addressee's point of view. Second |

| |person is the least commonly used POV in fiction, though there are a few examples. |

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| |Ex: |

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Higher Level Question(s) Literary Terms and Examples

| |Protagonist: |

| |The main character in a work, on whom the author focuses most of the narrative |

| |attention |

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| |Ex: |

| |Pun: |

| |play on two words similar in sound but different in meaning |

| |Originally, puns were a common literary trope in serious literature, but after the |

| |eighteenth century, puns have been primarily considered a low form of humor |

| |Ex: |

| |“If you find me tomorrow I will be a grave man” |

| |Round Character: |

| | |

| |A round character is depicted with such psychological depth and detail that he or she |

| |seems like a "real" person. |

| |If the round character changes or evolves over the course of a narrative or appears to|

| |have the capacity for such change, the character is also dynamic |

| |Typically, a short story has one round character and several flat ones. However, in |

| |longer novels and plays, there may be many round characters |

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| |Ex: |

| |Satire: |

| |An attack on or criticism of any stupidity or vice in the form of scathing humor, or a|

| |critique of what the author sees as dangerous religious, political, moral, or social |

| |standards |

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| |Ex: Popular cartoons such as The Simpsons and televised comedies like The Daily Show |

| |make use of it in modern media. |

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| |Setting: |

| |The general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in which the action of a|

| |fictional or dramatic work occurs; the setting of an episode or scene within a work is|

| |the particular physical location in which it takes place |

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| |Ex: |

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| |Simile: |

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| |An analogy or comparison implied by using an adverb such as like or as |

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| |Ex: |

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Higher Level Question(s) Literary Terms and Examples

| |Suspense: |

| |That quality of a literary work that makes the reader or audience uncertain or tense |

| |about the outcome of events. Suspense makes the reader ask "What will happen next?". |

| |Suspense is greatest when it focuses attention on a sympathetic character. Thus, the |

| |most familiar kind of suspense involves a character hanging form the lee of a tall |

| |building, or tied to a railroad tracks as a train approaches. |

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| |Ex: |

| |Symbolism: |

| | |

| |Frequent use of words, places, characters, or objects that mean something beyond what |

| |they are on a literal level. Often the symbol may be ambiguous in meaning |

| |symbols can be cultural, contextual, or personal. A word, place, character, or object|

| |that means something beyond what it is on a literal level |

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| |Ex: |

| |Syntax: |

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| |the standard word order and sentence structure of a language. Sentence structure |

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| |Ex: |

| |Theme: |

| |A central idea or statement that unifies and controls an entire literary work. The |

| |theme can take the form of a brief and meaningful insight or a comprehensive vision of|

| |life. A theme is the author's way of communicating and sharing ideas, perceptions, |

| |and feelings with readers, and it may be directly stated in the book, or it may only |

| |be implied. |

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| |Tone: |

| | |

| |The means of creating a relationship or conveying an attitude or mood. By looking |

| |carefully at the choices an author makes (in characters, incidents, setting; in the |

| |work's stylistic choices and diction, etc.), careful readers often can isolate the |

| |tone of a work and sometimes infer from it the underlying attitudes that control and |

| |color the story or poem as a whole. The tone might be formal or informal, playful, |

| |ironic, optimistic, pessimistic, or sensual. |

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| |Ex: To illustrate the difference, two different novelists might write stories about |

| |capitalism. Author #1 creates a tale in which an impoverished but hard-working young |

| |lad pulls himself out of the slums when he applies himself to his education, and he |

| |becomes a wealthy, contented middle-class citizen who leaves his past behind him, |

| |never looking back at that awful human cesspool from which he rose. Author #2 creates |

| |a tale in which a dirty street-rat skulks his way out of the slums by abandoning his |

| |family and going off to college, and he greedily hoards his money in a gated community|

| |and ignores the suffering of his former "equals," whom he leaves behind in his selfish|

| |desire to get ahead. Note that both author #1 and author #2 basically present the same|

| |plotline. While the first author's writing creates a tale of optimism and hope, the |

| |second author shapes the same tale into a story of bitterness and cynicism. |

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| |Understatement: |

| |Understatement, the opposite of exaggeration: "I was somewhat worried when the |

| |psychopath ran toward me with a chainsaw." (i.e., I was terrified). |

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| |Ex: |

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