CHECKLIST for Tenure/Promotion Dossiers




[for use by the candidate and the candidate’s mentor]

Candidate’s Name: ________________________ Faculty Track: _______ Teaching-Research _______ Clinician-Educator

Primary Department: ______________________ 2nd Department: _____________________

Application for Tenure: _____Yes _____No ……….. If yes, date of initial appointment to tenure track: _____________________________

Application for Promotion: _____Yes _____No …… If yes, rank sought: ___________________

If tenured, date tenure was conferred__________________________

________ Letter of Intention (06/01)

_______ Application for tenure or promotion or both

_______ 6 – 12 peer reviewers identified; minimum of 2 external reviewers

_______ 6 student reviewers identified (minimum number, more allowed)

Name, Contact Info Peer - External/Internal Qualifications Noted Relationship Noted

1. __________________ __________________ ________________ ________________

(contact info:) ___________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


3. __________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


4. __________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


5. __________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


6. __________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


__________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


__________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


__________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


__________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


__________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


__________________ __________________ ________________ ________________


_______ Curriculum Vitae – a working version, ready to be sent with peer review requests (06/01)

(See pp. 4 - 6, infra, for a detailed checklist.)

_____ Teaching

_____ Scholarship

_____ Service

_____ Clinical service, if applicable

_____ Comments on meeting the University and college/school mission are encouraged.

_______ Dean’s letter to Candidate, identifying dean-selected external reviewers (07/01)

Name External Qualifications Noted Method of Selection

1. _____________________ ______________ ________________ _________________

2. _____________________ ______________ ________________ _________________

________ Candidate’s letter to Dean, commenting on dean-selected reviewers (08/15)

________ Student Course Evaluations requested from Dean’s Office (as soon as possible)

_______ Other Evaluation of Teaching, specify: _________________________

_______ Other Evaluation of Teaching, specify: _________________________

________ Curriculum Vitae, final version (10/31)

________ Optional Faculty Profile (If there is no submission, please note “N/A” on the line.) (10/31)

_______ Within department/school page limits, if any (or U-CR&T recommended limit)

_______ Addressing aspect of candidacy not otherwise evident elsewhere in dossier

________ Summary Page, signed by Candidate, Department Chair, and Dean (10/31)

Date signed

Candidate _____________

Department Chair (Primary appointment) _____________

Dean of the College/School _____________

________ Appendix (10/31)

_______ Copies of publications from past five years:







_______ Other material; specify: ___________________________________________

_______ Other material; specify: ___________________________________________

_______ Other material; specify: ____________________________________________

________ Student Review Letters[2] (11/01)

(Minimum of 6; physically or electronically signed by the student) Date Received

1. __________________________________________________ _____________

2. __________________________________________________ _____________

3. __________________________________________________ _____________

4. __________________________________________________ _____________

5. __________________________________________________ _____________

6. __________________________________________________ _____________

__________________________________________________ _____________

__________________________________________________ _____________

__________________________________________________ _____________

__________________________________________________ _____________

__________________________________________________ _____________

__________________________________________________ _____________

________ Peer Review Letters[3] (11/01)

(Minimum of 6; not more than 12; on letterhead and signed by peer reviewer)

Name of Reviewer External Date Received

1. _________________________________________________ ___ _____________

2. _________________________________________________ ___ _____________

3. _________________________________________________ ___ _____________

4. _________________________________________________ ___ _____________

5. _________________________________________________ ___ _____________

6. _________________________________________________ ___ _____________

_________________________________________________ ___ _____________

_________________________________________________ ___ _____________

_________________________________________________ ___ _____________

_________________________________________________ ___ _____________

_________________________________________________ ___ _____________

_________________________________________________ ___ _____________









← Name

← College or school

← Department

← Date and rank of first appointment

← Secondary appointment(s) (if any)

← Years granted toward tenure at time of employment

← Current rank

← Date of current rank

← Date of tenure (if held)

← Proposed action:

o conferral of tenure, and/or

o rank of proposed promotion

← Years of academic service

← Whether degree is terminal

← (with explanation if degree is not a doctorate)

← Schools attended

o degrees

o dates

← Degrees earned:

o fields

o dates

← Special training programs:

o fields

o dates

← Field(s) of interest:

o In teaching

o In research

← Professional employment:

o appointment

o Institution

o dates

← Consultantships and professional services:

o Dates

← Organizations:

o memberships

o offices held

o dates

← Fellowships and honors:

o dates

← Awards and prizes:

o Dates

← Grants:

o dates

o amounts

o whether approved and/or funded

o candidate’s level of participation

o whether principal investigator or co-investigator or other role


← Scholarship:

o Publications and presentations with complete citations:

o by category, with most recent first

o The status of any scholarship which has not yet been published shall clearly be indicated as either “submitted” or “accepted.”

o monographs and books

o articles

o reviews

o abstracts

o scholarly papers

o artistic exhibits (group, invited, one-person) and Performances (directed, written, performed)

o other,

o In cases of multiple authors, the candidate’s level of participation should be indicated.

o Other achievements in the area of scholarship

o Comments are encouraged on meeting the Mission of the University and college/school.


← Teaching (classroom, graduate and professional)

o Load and level by year, since coming to Creighton

o Other contributions to the area of teaching

o Comments are encouraged on meeting the Mission of the University and college/school.

← Graduate and honors student theses

o Dates


← Service to the University

o activity

o dates

o leadership

← Service to the College or School

o activity

o dates

o leadership

← Service to the Department

o activity

o dates

o leadership

← Service to the profession

o activity

o dates

o leadership

← Service to the community

o activity

o dates

o leadership

← Comments are encouraged on meeting the Mission to the University and college/school.


← Clinical Activity/Service, if applicable

o activity

o dates

o achievements

o Comments are encouraged on meeting the Mission of the University and college/school.


[1] Check with the Office of the Dean to learn of any other deadlines and requirements in your college/school that you must observe.

[2] Check with Office of the Dean for process used with requesting student reviews. Dean’s Office, not the candidate, receives student review letters; it is helpful to keep track of whether/when letters are received to assure dossier is complete.

[3] Dean’s responsibility; it is helpful to keep track of whether/when received to ensure that dossier is being completed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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