International conferences by the Spelling Society since 1975

International conferences by the Spelling Society since 1975 7. 7-8 June 2008, Coventry University, UK, The cost of English spelling 6. 29-31 July 2005, University of Mannheim, Germany, International English Spelling for Global Literacy‘5. 24-26 July 1987, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, Spelling for Efficiency 4. 26-28 July 1985, University of Southampton, UK, Spelling reform now 3. 31 July - 3 August 1981 Edinburgh, UK, Spelling Research and Reform 2. 27-30 July 1979, University of Northampton, UK, (at that time Nene College) Improving Spelling, 1. 26 August - 1 September 1975, University of London, UK, Reading and Spelling Papers7. 7-8 June 2008, Coventry University, UK, The cost of English spelling The most costly English spelling irregularities Ms Masha Bell: Journal 34The cost of English spelling in primary schools Ms Zuzana Kotercová Journal 34Why do we need pronunciation dictionaries? Keynote speaker: Prof John Wells, President of the Spelling Society, Emeritus Professor of Phonetics, U.C. London Journal 34Remedial teaching of reading: a trial with reformed spellings‘ Mr Christopher Jolly Journal 34Does being a Chinese speaker reduce the time of learning English spelling? Ms Raffaela Buonocore (in her absence presented by Dr John Gledhill) Journal 34Between the Spellchecker and the Spelling Bee, or, The moral cost of teaching English spelling Prof. Anatoly Liberman Journal 34The international costs of English spelling, and the comparative costs of improvement Dr Valerie Yule (in her absence presented by Dr John Gledhill) Journal 34The costs of poor reading skills Mr Tom Zurinskas Journal 34The cost argument in historic appeals for spelling improvement Dr Stephen Bett Journal 346. 29-31 July 2005, University of Mannheim, Germany, ?International English Spelling for Global Literacy‘ The worst aspects of English Spelling Mrs. Masha Bell Journal 33Why the Internet age will not accept simplified English spelling Dr. Christopher Rollason Journal 33How to prepare for, select and implement a reformed spelling scheme for global English Mr. Niall Waldman Journal 33The German spelling reform – An example for the Simplified Spelling Society Prof. Gerhard Augst Journal 33Challenges with English spelling while teaching English in Germany Mr. Adrian Alphohziel Journal 33Spelling in Indian English – English spelling simplification activity in ‘my’ country: The classroom experience Dr. Jenny Bayer Journal 33Strategies for implementing spelling reforms Mr. Christopher Jolly Journal 33Centre of power in educational change Mrs.Isobel Raven Journal 33An alphabet for English – XVIII Dr. J Conrad Crown Journal 33Strategies for English spelling reforms Dr. L. Devaki Journal 33A practical plan for achieving spelling reform Mr. J.Carter Journal 33How systematic repair is possible Dr. Valerie Yule, SSS Vice-President Journal 33The case for an International Commission on English Spelling Dr. Valerie Yule, SSS Vice-President Journal 33Working Party for an International English Spelling Commission (IESC) Dr. Valerie Yule, SSS Vice-President Journal 335. 24-26 July 1987, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, ?Spelling for Efficiency‘ Form and Reform: the four great communicative shifts. Tom McArthur, Editor English Today: Journal 7The end of shortcuts, Oxford 1483-1660. John M Fletcher & Christopher A Upton Journal 7Foreign Learning of English. Thomas R Hofmann, Hokuriku University, Japan: Journal 7English spelling and non-native speakers: the example of Singapore Adam Brown, Language Studies Unit, Aston University: Journal 9Maximizing the alphabetic efficiency of English orthography. David Stark, Cumbermauld, Scotland Journal 7The Initial Teaching Alphabet: proven efficiency and future prospects. Ronald Threadgall, General Secretary, United Kingdom i.t.a. Federation Journal 7The hyphen in written English: conventionality and efficiency. Patrick Hanks, Editor Collins English Dictionary Collins Birmingham University International Language Database (COBUILD) Journal 8Comparative efficiency of Slavonic orthographies and the lessons for English Frank Knowles, Professor of Language, Department of Modem Languages, Aston University Journal 8Experimental methodology for investigating reading efficiency. John Kerr, Dept. of Vision Sciences & Road Signal Perception Group, Aston University Journal 9The marketability of spelling reform. Chris Jolly, Chairman, Simplified Spelling Society, & Marketing Consultant Journal 8A sibilant extravaganza epitomizing our spelling non-system. Julius Nyikos, Dept. of Languages, Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania Journal 9The strategy of spelling reform in stages: pros and cons. Edgar Gregersen, Dept. of Anthropology, Queens College of the City University of New York Journal 9Conflicting efficiency criteria in Cut Spelling. Chris Upward, Editor Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society, & Dept. of Modem Languages, Aston University Journal 94. 26-28 July 1985, University of Southampton, UK, Spelling reform now Spelling Reform Now, Laurence Fennelly. Journal 1Steps Towards More Efficient Learning (Abstract & Table, David V. Moseley) Journal 1Lingua Anglica, Govind N.Deodhekar. Journal 1Spelling Reform from an Engineer's Point of View (Abstract), R.I.Damper. Journal 1Literate Adults' Response to Spelling Reform (Abstract). Valerie Yule. Journal 1Spelling Reform and Politics: the Case of Norwegian. R.G.Baker. Journal 1Spelling Reform for the Computer Age. Abraham F.Citron. Journal 1The Introduction by Stages of New Letter-symbols. C.J.H.Jolly. Journal 1Cut Spelling as a First-Stage Reform. Christopher Upward. Journal 1Morphological Considerations in the Creation of Rational Orthographies. Edgar Gregersen. Journal 2A World Script is Necessary. Madhukar N. Gogate. Journal 2When Noah Missed the Boat. Harvie Barnard. Journal 2Spelling Reform 1 - And Nothing Else! Garry Jimmieson. Journal 2Spelling Reform Now. H. W. Herbert. Journal 23. 31 July - 3 August 1981 Edinburgh, UK, ?Spelling Research and Reform‘ Message from H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, Patron of the Simplified Spelling Society. SPB Spring 1982Cognitive Processes in Spelling and their Relevance to Spelling Reform. Dr. Uta Frith, Developmental Psychology Unit, Medical Research Council. SPB Spring 1982Psychological Processes in Spelling Recognition and Production. Dr. P. H. K. Seymour, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Dundee, Scotland. SPB Spring 1982Spelling errors made by 8-11 year old pupils. Miss Barbara Smith, formerly Dundee College of Education, Scotland. SPB Spring 1982Spelling of consonant clusters: a developmental study. Dr. Maggie Snowling, National Hospital's College of Speech Sciences and University College, London. SPB Spring 1982Spelling difficulties in school-leavers and adults. Dr. Dolores Perin, Developmental Psychology Unit, Medical Research Council, London. SPB Fall 1982Spelling errors of 11 phonologically disordered children compared with 11 normal children. P. Robinson, R. Beresford, Barbara Dodd. (in abs.) U. of Newcastle upon Tyne. SPB Spring 1982Principles of Esperanto spelling. Mr. Stuart Campbell, Edinburgh, Scotland. SPB Fall 1982Experiments in teaching English in Francofone Africa. Dr. Henry Niedzielski, Univ. of Hawaii/Univ. of Burundi. SPB Fall 1982The history of Spanish orthografy, Andres Bello's proposal and the Chilean attempt: Implications for a theory of spelling reforms: Dr. Iraset Paez Urdaneta, Instituto Autonomo Biblioteca National, Caracas, Venezuela. SPB Fall 1982Spelling reform in international perspective. Prof. Dr. Jesus Mosterin, Dept. de Logica, Facultad de Filosofia de Education, Univ. of Barcelona, Spain. SPB Fall 1982Computer transliteration of shorthand for the post-lingually def. Mr. Colin Brooks, Dept. of Electronics, Univ. of Southampton. SPB Fall 1982Semantic aspects of spelling reform. Dr. Neville Brown, Foundation for the Education of the Under-achieving and Dyslexic. SPB Winter 1982How to reconcile conflicting principles for reformed English spelling. Dr. Walter Gassner, Australia. SPB Winter 1982An account of the 'English Maximally Simplified Writing' (EMSR) Prof. V. A. Vassilyev, SPB Winter 1982A Chomsky-style spelling reform for English? Directions for research: Valerie Yule, Univ. of Aberdeen, Scotland. SPB Winter 1982Commercial and marketing perspectives in orthografic reform: Mr. C. H. J. Jolly, Marketing Manager, London. SPB Winter 1982Spelling: roads to reform. Mr. George O'Halloran, formerly of the Gambian Civil Service, now teaching in London, (in absentia). SPB Winter 19822. 27-30 July 1979, University of Northampton, UK, (at that time Nene College) ?Improving Spelling‘, Analogy in English Spelling, Dr. D.G. Scragg, Univ. of Manchester, Eng. SPB, Winter, 1979. Research on Spelling Reform, Dr. John Downing, Univ. of Victoria, B. C. Canada. SPB, Spring 1980. Phonographic Relationships in English Spelling and their Implications, Fergus McBride. Not available.Implications of Spelling Reform for Certain Phonemes. Graphic R, Dr. Emmett A. Betts, Research Prof, Univ. of Miami, Fla. SPB Winter, 1979. Language, Orthography and the Schwa, Dr. Katherine P. Betts. SPB, Summer, 1979. A Pedagogical Purview of Orthography, George O'Halloran former Education Officer, The Gambia, W. Af. H.M. Overseas Education Service. Pub. SPB, Spring, 1980. Patterns in Pupils' Spelling Errors, Dr. David Moseley, Univ. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. SPB Winter 1980In Defence of Conservatism in English Spelling, Dr. Philip Smith, Projektgruppe fur Psycholinguistik, Nijmegen, Netherlands, SPB, Summer, 1980. Multisensory Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Spelling, Alun Bye, Head, Remedial Teaching Service, Northamptonshire, Eng. SPB, Spring, 1980. The Cultural Impediments of English Orthography, Vic. Paulsen, Publisher, San Francisco, Ca. SPB, Fall, 1980. Traditional Orthography as Psychic Child Abuse, Dr. Abraham F. Citron, Wayne State Univ, and Cloyzelle K. Jones, Univ. of Mich. SPB, Fall, 1978. The Effects of a Simplified Spelling on Children's Readiness to Read, Dr. Derek Thackray, Editor of Reading (UKRA). SPB, Spring, 1980. Modern Technology and Spelling Reform, Dr. Helen B. Bisgard, SPB, Winter, 1979. C. Practical Aspects of Spelling Reform. Is Spelling Reform Feasible? Mrs. Elsie Oakensen, Head, Daventry Teachers Centre, Eng. SPB Summer, 1980. Spelling Reform and The Psychological Reality of English Spelling Rules, Dr. Robert Baker, Univ. of Southampton. SPB, Summer, 1980. The Right to Read, Dr. Axel Wijk, formerly Stockholm Univ. SPB, Spring, 1980. Some Proposed Principles for Simplifying English Orthography, Dr. John R. Beech, New Univ. of Ulster, Coleraine, N. Ireland. SPB, Summer, 1980. A Transitional Spelling Reform for Adults and Learners, Valerie Yule, Child Psychologist. Aberdeen, Scotland. SPB Fall, 1980. On the Choice of the Right Symbol, Dr. Walter Gassner, Translator, Randwick, Australia. Not available.The Phonetic Representation of Speech, Ess Ess Ess Fonetik, S. S. Eustace, Sec. Simplified Spelling Society. SPB, Fall, 1980. Reading and Writing in English, S. Bakowski. SPB, Fall, 1980.The Sensible Solution to Simplified Spelling: One Sound-One Symbol, Hugh V. Jamieson. SPB, Fall, 1980 Practical Aspects of Implementing a Simpler Spelling, Valerie Yule, Child Psychologist, Aberdeen, Scotland. SPB, Fall, 1980. An experimental investigation of attitudes to English spelling reform: Dr. Robert Baker, Dept. of Electronics, Univ. of Southampton. SPB, Spring, 1983An experimental comparison between adults learning to read text in two proposed spelling systems. Dr. John Beech, Dept. of Psychology, New Univ. of Ulster, No. Ireland. SPB, Spring, 1983Spelling reform - be practical. Dr. John Downing, Univ. of Victoria, Canada, Pres. Simplified Spelling Society, (in absentia). SPB, Fall, 1982Simplified spelling: the real battle and the real battleground. Dr. Ayb Citron, formerly of Wayne St. Univ., Mich, Director, Better Education thru Simplified Spelling. SPB, Spring, 1983The inevitability of change, the happy alternative, Mr. Harvie Barnard, member of Editorial Board, Spelling Progress Bulletin. (in absentia). SPB, Winter, 19821. 26 August - 1 September 1975, University of London, UK, Reading and Spelling Writing in Japanese, Prof. F. J. Daniels Not available.Ancient & Modern African Syllabaries, Geo. O'Halloran Not available.Sounds & Symbols in Spanish, A. R. G. Burrows Not available.Problems of Spelling in German Rolf Landolt Not available.The History of English Spelling, Dr. D. Scragg Not available.Speed-Writing Shorthand, Bryan Edwards Not available.Possibilities of a Useful Pasigraphy, Prof. T. Hofmann, SPB, Fall 1981 Not available.Visual Methods in Teaching Reading, George O'Halloran Not available.Phonic Methods in Teaching Reading, Beatrix Tudor-Hart Not available.Chomsky, the English Orthography & Reading, Prof. John Downing Not available.Spelling, Psychology & Colour Story Reading, Ken Jones Not available.Regularised English & the Teaching of Reading, Prof. Axel Wijk Not available.Direct Methods in Teaching Eng. as a For. Lang., Dr. J. Osanyinbi Not available.A Cross Cultural Study of Eng. Lang. Competence, Dr. J. Osanyinbi Not available.Illiteracy: Is Eng. Spelling a Factor?, Marjorie Chaplin. SPB, Winter, 1975Sensubul English Spelling, Hugh Jamieson of the Simplified Spelling Society Not available.Essential Requirements for Reformed Spelling, Dr. W. Gassner. SPB Fall 1978The Spel, Patrick Burke Not available.Torskript, Vic. Paulsen Not available.A Future Orthography Balancing Sound & Sense, D. Masson Not available.Towards a Spelling Reform, Prof. A. Mazurkiewicz. SPB, Winter, 1980 Spelling & Parliament, W. Reed. SPB, Winter, 1975 Light at the End of the Tunnel, Ed. Rondthaler. SPB. Fall, 1977 Assistance to Spelling via Pronunciation, R. Cropper Not available. ................

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