Joplin Business Department

International Business: Culture Around the WorldLESSON REVIEWDirections: For each of the following statements, if the statement is true, type the word “True”; if the statement is false, type the word “False”…please highlight your answers.A culture is the sum of a group’s way of life. 2. All aspects of a particular culture are usually taught in homes, schools, religious institutions, and the workplace. 3. It is usually possible to learn all about a culture by examining people’s behavior, appearance, and the culture’s literature, art, and music. 4. Most people are members of more than one subculture. 5. Business subcultures around the world have similar values, beliefs, and assumptions. 6. Each business subculture has its own mind-set.7. Canada and the United States have identical business subcultures.the statement is false, write an F on the answer line.8. Extended families are very common in developed countries.9. Family and business ties are weak in the United States and strong in Mexico.10. One aspect of mobility is the willingness to relocate to another location for better employment.11. Although it was not always true in the past, today women can participate equally with men in the workplace in all countries.12. A culture that values education for all its members has a business advantage over those thatdo not.13. In a country with a strong class system, it is relatively difficult to change your class level.Directions: For each of the following items, decide which choice best completes the statement. Highlight the letter that identifies your choice on the answer line.14. A culture isA. a system of learned, shared, unifying, and interrelated beliefs, values, and assumptions.B. usually logical and reasonable to people outside the culture.C. shared willingly with outsiders.D. none of these15. A high school studentA. is a member of several different subcultures.B. can be a member of any subculture.C. is usually too inexperienced to have developed any cultural baggage.D. none of these16. Business subcultures would probably be very similar inA. France, Egypt, and Chile.B. the U.K., U.S.A., and Italy.C. Argentina, Chile, and Venezuela.D. none of these17. In a culture with strong business and family tiesA. several members of a family may work in the same business.B. family members are usually promoted first in a family-owned business.C. protecting a family member is sometimes more important than a good business decision.D. all of these18. Education, occupation, and income are factors that may determineA. mobility.B. gender roles.C. class level.D. none of these19. Members of a society are most likely to have good educational opportunities inA. a developing country.B. a less developed country.C. an industrialized economy.D. none of these20. In most cultures the belief about gender roles is thatA. both males and females work outside the home.B. males are the primary workers outside the home.C. females may work outside the home but are not the primary support of the family.D. none of these21. A situation in which parents, children, and other relatives live together isA. a nuclear family.B. an extended family.C. family class system.D. none of theseDirections: For each of the following statements, if the statement is true, type the word “True”; if the statement is false, type the word “False”…please highlight your answers.22. Spanish is not an important business language.23. The major advantage of English as a language for conducting international business is that it takes fewer words to send a message than some other languages.24. Since English is the major language in international business, it is not very useful to learn another language.25. In a high-context culture, language is very direct and words are taken literally.26. In high-context cultures, business people make a serious mistake if they cause a customerpersonal embarrassment.27. The meanings of body language are universal.Directions: For each of the following items, decide which choice best completes the statement. Highlight the letter that identifies your choice on the answer line.28. Nonverbal communicationA. includes body language, color, and smells.B. includes written language but not spoken language.C. includes e-mail.D. none of these29. In international business activitiesA. people from the U.S. need more personal space than people from many other countries.B. personal space requirements are a form of nonverbal communication.C. it is important to make people from other cultures comfortable by respecting theirPersonal space requirements.D. all of these30. In the United States brides traditionally dress in white for a wedding but in China they dressin red. This is an example ofA. body language.B. nonverbal communication.C. contexting.D. none of these31. All of the following are examples of nonverbal communication exceptA. wearing black to a funeral in the United States.B. shaking hands when you meet a new business associate.C. introducing your husband to a coworker at a business dinner.D. wearing a suit to a job interviewDirections: For each of the following statements, if the statement is true, type the word “True”; if the statement is false, type the word “False”…please highlight your answers.32. No culture has both individualism and collectivism.33. Technology threatens the way of life of some cultural groups.34. Religious beliefs dominate business practices in the United States even though there are several major religions.35. All countries welcome technology as a way of improving the standard of living.36. Clock time is generally viewed as unimportant in industrialized countries such as Canada.37. Reverse culture shock is a normal reaction to returning home after a lengthy stay abroad.Directions: For each of the following items, decide which choice best completes the statement. Highlight the letter that identifies your choice on the answer line.38. Collectivism is characterized byA. self-reliance.B. consensus or group agreement.C. selfishness.D. none of these39. The attitudes of business subcultures toward technologyA. are usually positive in developed countries.B. are not affected by religious beliefs.C. are positive in India where people are relieved from performing menial tasks.D. none of these40. In authoritarian countries such as ChinaA. requests to share authority are not welcome by the leaders.B. leaders modify decisions based on feedback from citizens.C. leadership, power, and authority are concentrated in the hands of a few older leaders.D. none of these41. Reverse culture shock isA. a reaction to becoming reacquainted with your own culture after having accepted anotherculture.B. frustration in adapting to a culture other than your own.C. highly unusual when returning to your own culture&D. none of these ................

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