2. NATIONALITY: American

3. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: Feb 4, 1958 Lahore


5. ADDRESS: P.O. Box No. 77464, Alkhobar 31952,

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tele: Nos. Office: 013 33 31494

Res. X

Mobile: 054 688 7268

6. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (in chronological order):

|Academic Degree |Place of Issue |Address |Date |

|BDS |Lahore, Pakistan |Univ. of Punjab |1982 |

|MSc (Periodontology) |London, UK |Univ. of London |1987 |

|MSc (DPH) |London, UK |Univ. of London |1988 |

|FRACDS |Sydney, Australia |Royal Australasian College of Dental |1996 |

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|FDSRCS |Edinburgh, UK |Royal College of Surgeons of |1997 |

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7. PROFESSIONAL RECORFD (beginning from the most recent):

|Job Rank |Place and Address of Work |Date |

|Professor |Univ. of Dammam, College of Dentistry |Feb 2014-todate |

|Professor |UCHC, School of Dental Medicine, Connecticut, USA |Sept 2011, Jan 2014 |

|Associate Professor |UCHC, School of Dental Medicine, Connecticut, USA |Feb 2007-Aug 2011 |

|Associate Professor |New York University College of Dentistry |Aug 2003-Feb 2007 |

|Assistant Professor |King Saud University College of Dentistry, Riyadh |Dec 1994-July 2003 |

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8. Language Proficiency: English, Urdu, Arabic (Reading only),

Punjabi, Persian (Reading only)


Please see in following section

B (1) Published refereed scientific researchers:

|S.No |Name of Investigator/s |Research Title |Publisher and Date of Publication |

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B (2) Refereed Scientific Researchers accepted for publication:

|S.No |Name of Investigator/s |Research Title |Publisher and Date of Publication |

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B. (3) Scientific Researchers presented to Refereed Specialized

Scientific Conferences:


Papers Published

More than 150 papers in peer reviewed journals and 40 abstracts presented in Conferences, 5 Chapters in Books and 1 Book

6 Manuscript submitted for publication in 2014, 4 published so far, one got accepted and sixth under review

Please see Pubmed, for current publications

|S.No |Name of Investigator/s |Research Title |Publisher and Date of Publication |

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B (4) Other Publications:

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B (5) Scientific Researchers presented to non-refereed

And refereed scientific conferences and symposia.

Abstracts presented and published at IADR and other meetings:

1. Almas K, Komabayshi T , Zhu Q . Cytotoxicity of various cell culture

IADR 2014, Presented at Cape Town, South Africa

2. Almas K, Majeed M, Alsalman WT, and C Davila-Peixoto. Breath odor Evaluation of Healthy Subjects after Eating and Drinking . IADR 2013 presented at IADR Seattle meeting.USA

3. Almas K, Zhu Q , Komabayshi T Cytotoxicity of S. persica (miswak) Extract and Chlorhexidine Gluconate on Fibroblasts. Abstract # 1244 , Presented at IADR 2012 Brazil.

4. Almas k, Diaz PI, Eshky RT, Khan ZA and Dongari-Bagtzoglou A. Antimicrobial effect of Miswak (Salvadora persica) on oral microorganisms. IADR 2010 . Abstract # 2671, Barcelona, Spain .

5. Almas K., Aslam S, Burleson J A. Effect of dentifrice on efficacy of toothbrushing on plaque removal. IADR 2009., Abstract # 3503 April 2009 Miami , Florida.

6. Almas K and Ashri N. Oral malodor among pregnant mothers. Abstr # 931 , IADR 2005 Baltimore.

7. Almas K. Oral malodor in implants patients and quality of life. Submitted to ICOI annual meeting, Jan Miami 2005.

8. Almas K, Maroof F, McAllister C and Freeman R. Smoking behavior and knowledge in high school students in Riyadh and Belfast. J Dent Res 2001; 80 (4),1160 (Abstract # 148).

9. Al-Jabreen T, Almas K and Al-Shamrani S. Comparison of conventional and a new admission criteria to KSU College of Dentistry, Riyadh. J Dent Res 2001;80: special issue; 670 (Abstr #1149).

10. Almas K & Maroof F. Prevalence of smoking and oral hygiene habits among secondary school boys in Riyadh. J Dent Res 2001;80: Special issue; 636 (Abstr #0789)

11. Al-Badr KI and Almas K. Crowding of the lower anterior teeth and periodontal status of male Saudi cadets. J Dent Res 2001; 80; Special Issue 625 (Abst #0787)

12. Almas K, Al-Mutair F, Al-Hulaimi H. Dental informatics; awarensss and utilization among dental professionals at KSU, College of Dentistry, Riyadh. J Dental Res 2000;79 (Abstr No. 2553).

13. Almas K., Al-Ghamdi S. Gingival veneer; an esthetic approach in periodontal practice. J Dent Res 2000;79(5):1281 (Abstr #38).

14. Almas K., Mahmoud A., Dahlan A. A comparative study of propolis and saline application on human dentin; An SEM study. J Dent Res 2000;79(5):1281 (Abstr #40).

15. Almas K., Felemban N., Al-Baker A. Knowledge of health and diseases among dental patients: A multicentre study. J Dent Res 2000;79(5):1282 (Abstr #48).

16. Almas K., Al-Amri MA., Al-Eid A., Al-Shahrani S., Khan N. The prevalence of oral hygiene, smoking habits and oral conditions among Bedouin population. J Dent Res 2000;79(5):1282 (Abstr #53).

17. Al-Badr K., Almas K. Overjet and overbite profile of a Saudi cadet population from King Abdul Aziz Military Academy (KAMA). J Dent Res 2000;79(5):1282 (Abstr #56).

18. Almas K. The effect of Salvadora persica extract and chlorhexidine on human dentin. J Dent Res 2000;79(5);1278 (Abstr #10).

19. Almas K., El-Bisher H., Al-Saeed M. Prevalence and severity of localized Juvenile periodontitis (LJP) in a male Saudi population. J Dent Res 2000;79(5):1279 (Abstr #25).

20. Almas K., Al-Harbi M., Al-Ghunaim M. The effect of a 10% carbamide peroxide home bleaching system on the gingiva. J Dent Res 2000;79(5):1279 (Abstr #26)

21. Almas K, Al-Amri M, Al-Eid A, Al-Shahrani S, Khan N. Dental treatment needs and satisfaction among Bedouin population in Saudi Arabia. J Dental Res 2000;79: (Abstr no. 467).

22. Mahmood A., Almas K, Dahlan A. The effect of propolis on female subjects with dentinal hypersensitivity. J Dental Res 2000; 79: (Abstr no. 2097).

23. Almas K., Al-Mutairi F., Al-Hulaimi H. Dental informatics;awareness and utilization among dental professionals at KSU, College of Dentistry, Riyadh. J Dental Res 2000;79: (Abstr no 2553).

24. Almas K., Al-Amri M., Al-Eid A., Al-Shahrani S.,Khan N. Oral health status of a Bedouin population in Saudi Arabia. J Dental Res 2000; 79: (Abstr no. 3347).

25. Puttaiah R., Bedi R., Shetty R, Almas K. Dental Infection Control Needs Assesment Among South Asian Dentist. J D R 1999; 78: 180 Abst #599.

26. Zulqarnain B J and Almas K. Effect of beam vertical angulation on radiographic assessment of alveolar crest level. J Dent Research 1999:78;1153 (Abstr no. 17).

27. Almas K, Al-Bagieh N and Akpata E S. In vitro antimicrobial effects of extracts of freshly cut and one month old miswak (Salvadora persica). J Dent Research 1999: 78;1154 (Abstr 24).

28. Atassi F and Almas K. A comparative study of two pressure sensitive manual periodontal probe: A pilot study. J Dent Research 1999: 78; 1155 (Abstr 25).

29. Almas K. The effect of extract of chewing sticks (Salvadora persica) on human dentin: A SEM study. Proceedings of the third Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology Conference, 5 Dec 1999 Bangkok, Thailand. 1999; pp 48, Abstr no. 29.

30. Almas K. Miswak (Chewing stick): A natural tooth brush. Proceedings of the First Thai International Convention of Periodontology, 6-7 Dec 1999, Bangkok Thailand. 1999; pp 25, Abstr no. 8.

31. Ra'ed I. Al Sadhan., Almas K. Miswak (chewing stick); a cultural and scientific heritage. Saudi Dental Journal 1998: 10; special issue. pp 27.

32. Al Ruhaimi A H., Almas K., Khan N. Oral Health Status, hygiene habits and level of satisfaction among a population from intern clinics, College of Dentistry, Riyadh. Saudi Dental Journal 1998: 10; special issue. pp 25.

33. Zulqarnain B J., Almas K. Effect of x-ray beam vertical angulation on radiographic assessment of alveolar crest level. Saudi Dental Journal 1998: 10;pp 28.

34. Atassi F., Almas K. A comparative study of pressure sensitive manual periodontal probes. Saudi Dental Journal 1998: 10; pp 25.

35. Fakiha Z., Almas K. Reasons of permanent teeth extraction, at King Saud University, College of Dentistry, Riyadh. Saudi Dental Journal 1998: 10; pp 22.

36. Almas K. Monitoring of alveolar bone level from standardized bitewing radiographs. J Dent Res 1998; 77: Abstract no. 2898.

37. Paul T., Almas K., Maktabi M A. Awareness of Hepatitis B vaccination and needle stick injury among dental personnel at Military Hospital, Riyadh. J Dental Res 1998; 77:Abstract no. 555.

38. Almas K. Validity of standardized bitewing radiographs in assessing alveolar bone status. J Dental Research 1997; 76(5): 1057 Abstr # 310.

39. Almas K. Computer vs manual measurement of alveolar bone level from standardized bitewing radiographs. J Dental Research 1996; 75: 1190 (Abstr # 483).

40. Almas K and Sheiham A. Dental manpower implications of using the CPITN-Data analysis from dental practice. J Dental Research 1989; Vol 68, No. 4. Abstract 256.

41. Almas K., Bulman J S. and Newman H N. Assessment of Periodontal Status with CPITN and Conventional Periodontal Indices. J Dental Research 1989; Vol 68. Special issue, IADR, Abstract 119.

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B (6) Scientific Publications (Books, translations, biographies,

chapter in books, verification of manuscripts, data collection etc.)

Books and chapters:

1. Dental Source Book 2000.

Editors: Almas K & Bokhari S A H

Publishers: Pak Dental Publishers, Lahore Pakistan.

ISBN: 969-8582-00-02.

2. Chapter in Textbook of Oral Diagnosis & Oral Medicine (2004)

Editor: Prabhu SR

Publisher: Oxford University Press (Published)

Chapter 4: Halitosis (Oral Malodor)

3. Advances in Dentistry. (2006)

Editor; VP Dabas and U Dabas

Chawla Medical Publications, New Delhi, India

Chapter 3; Oral Malodor (Halitosis): Classification, Diagnosis and Management pp, 23-34

4. Comprehensive Periodontics for the Dental Hygienists. (2006)

Chapter; Oral Hygiene Self-Care (2006) 2nd Edition, pp 337-382

Galvis MD, Kriesman J, Almas K

Editor Weinberg, Westphal, Palat and Froum. Prentice Hall Publications. USA

5. Textbook of Oral Diagnosis (2007)

Edited by; S R Prabhu

Chapter; Computer-assisted Oral Diagnosis.

Oxford University Press. New Delhi, India

6. Book on Implants Dentistry in progress. (2013-15)

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B (7): Current Researches:

|S.No. |Name of Investigator/s |Research Title |Publisher and Date of Publication |

|1. |Khalid Almas |Faculty periodontal probing |Submitted for Grant |

|2. |Hesham Marei and Khalid Almas|Flapped vs Flapless Implants |Submitted for Grant |

|3. |Khalid Almas |Teachers oral Health |Non funded |

|4. |Khalid Almas |Evidence Based Practice and Health Professionals |Non Funded |

|5. |Khalid Almas |Prevalence of Dentinal Hypersensitivity |Non Funded |

|6. |Muhmmad Al- Abbad and Khalid |Dental Composites and Mouthrinses |Submitted for grant |

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B (8): Contribution to Scientific Conferneces & Symposia:


|Sr.No |Participation |Place and Date |Name of Conference |

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Membership of Scientific and Professional Societies and Organizations:

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Member of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), Chicago, USA.1987-todate

Member International Association for Dental Research (IADR) 1985- todate

Member Northeastern Society of Periodontology (NESP), New York 2003-todate

Member New York Academy of Sciences. USA (2008-)

Member ISBOR, International Society of Breath Odor Research 2007-).

Member American College of Maxillofacial Surgeons , USA. 2000-2003

Member American Academy of Implant Dentistry AAID 2004-todate)

Member International Congress of Oral Implantologist (ICOI) 2002-todate)

Member Academy of Dentistry Internationale (ADI) 2000-todate).

Fellow International College of Dentists (FICD) 1995.

Member of International Dental Federation (FDI), London. 1985-2002

Member of the British Society of Periodontology (BSP), UK.1985-2002

Member of BSDR. British Society for Dental Research. 1985-2008

Member of The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD), UK. 1987

Member College of Dentistry Research Council (CDRC), King Saud University.1994-2003

Member Saudi Dental Society. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.1994-2003

Member Saudi Osseointegration & Dental Implantology Club (SODIC).1998-2003

Regional advisor, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK to Saudi Arabia.2000-2004

Middle East Liaison Officer, Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, Sydney,


Vice President of Pakistan Dental Association (1984-86) Central Council.

Registered with Pakistan Medical & Dental Council, Islamabad.

Member of the Pakistan Dental Association.

Member of DMCD Graduates Association, Lahore, Pakistan.

Life member of the Public Health Association of Pakistan.

Prizes conferred upon the candidate:


American Academy of Periodontology; AAP 2011 Educator Award- In recognition of “Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring in Periodontics”. USA

2010; Faculty Achievements and Services Medal Acknowledged, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2008 & 2010; Significantly Exceeded Expectations Faculty, Division of Periodontology, Department of Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences. UConn School of Dental Medicine. (Faculty Financial Incentive Award).

1997; King Saud University, Travel award to Paris for FDI meeting , International Dental Conference. France.

International "Man of The Year in Health Care 1993" Award by Directory of International Biography, Cambridge, England, UK.

1989-92; Overseas Research Scholarship award (ORS), University of London.UK.

1975-77; M A Jinnah National Scholarship for College Education. Lahore. Pakistan.


| |Course Director, PDS 571 Clinical Periodontology 5th Year BDS Class |

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1. Invited Guest Curriculum Committee UOD COD (Competencies)

2. UODCOD Research Committee

3. SPEC Committee UODCOD

4. APR Committee

5. And many others from previous appointments at different institutions

6. Students Research Evaluation Committee

7. Interns Research Evaluation Committee



Ad hoc Reviewer for Many National and International Biomedical Journals.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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