Five German-Arab Master’s Programmes train experts in the ...


Admission requirements

n Bachelor's degree or equivalent n Professional or academic background related

to the water sector n Proof of English language proficiency

(TOEFL 500 points or IELTS Band 5)

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Four major requirements for future leaders in the MENA region

Educating future leaders in German-Arab development cooperation

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is undergoing an enormous process of transition which goes beyond current political changes. Population growth, environmental damages, depleting energy resources, rapid urbanisation and the necessity for economic reform represent most urgent challenges that require the commitment of qualified experts with the following qualifications:

n Professional knowledge in the specific field or sector. Wellqualified professionals with the capacity to analyse problems, define strategies, monitor implementation processes and assess their impact play a vital role in shaping development.

n Interdisciplinary thinking to develop approaches that integrate social, ecological and economic considerations. Analysing, designing and implementing solutions to overcome impediments in the transformation process of the MENA region requires human resources whose strategic planning and implementation skills transcend sectoral borders.

n Intercultural communication skills are essential for ensuring that different cultural backgrounds support transnational cooperations. Successful project management requires not only language skills, but also the ability to communicate across the different cultural codes, norms and expectations of all stakeholders involved.

n Regional expertise is necessary to ensure that sectoral concepts and approaches are appropriate and adapted to the specific conditions in the MENA region.

Sustainable development cooperation needs qualified professionals with a sound understanding of their respective subject matter. But today's world also requires leaders who have good interpersonal, management and intercultural communication skills. Therefore, German and Arab universities are supported in establishing five joint postgraduate programmes to prepare future leaders in industry, business and administration to contribute to the transformation process in the Arab World in the areas of water management, renewable energy, education, economic development and urban planning. The German-Arab Master's Programmes provide up-to-date transdisciplinary training in areas with high importance for development in the MENA region. They go beyond technical training by placing particular emphasis on conveying regional knowledge and intercultural communication as well as management skills. Young professionals who join the programme are awarded a double degree after attending courses at a German and an Arab university. Teaching is characterised by small group sizes and the presence and interaction of both German and Arab lecturers. The study experience abroad as well as the programmes' close links to relevant national and international institutions ensure that graduates can serve as facilitators in transnational business and development cooperation projects in the future.

The practical relevance of the German-Arab Master's Programmes is illustrated by its graduates' close links to future employers. As a survey in 2012 showed, about 60 per cent of students write their master's thesis in cooperation with a company, organization or development cooperation project. More than 77 per cent of graduates found adequate employment within a year after graduation.

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Cologne University of Applied Sciences ? University of Jordan in Amman

Course concept

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) offers solutions to the water crisis by viewing the entire water cycle and the effects of human interventions as the basis for sustainable water management. The master's course in IWRM educates experts to promote this concept in the context of German-Arab cooperation. The programme's holistic approach incorporates not only an interdisciplinary curriculum, but also the varied professional and educational backgrounds of its students.

Course content

n training on the latest concepts and technologies of water management

n first hand advice from high level professionals and entrepreneurs

n training on project management and leadership qualifications

n information on practice and projects of international cooperation


n excellent career opportunities in international cooperation and development assistance and in the expanding water management business sector

n leadership positions in the public and private water sector

n membership in the German-Arab network of excellence on IWRM

Admission requirements

n Bachelor's degree or equivalent (minimum grade "good") n Professional or academic background related to the water sector n Proof of English language proficiency

(TOEFL 550 points or IELTS Band 6)

DAAD scholarships n Participants from Arab countries, DAC list countries

and Germany

Scholarships from OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) n Participants from Arab countries

Duration of course

2 years (1st sem. Cologne, 2nd sem. Cologne, 3rd sem. Amman, 4th sem. Arab region)

Degree awarded

Master of Science (joint degree)


Beginning of course

Classes are starting in Cologne in September each year

Application deadline

Please refer to our website

For further information, please contact

Cologne University of Applied Sciences Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) Betzdorfer Stra?e 2 50679 Cologne, Germany Phone: +49(0)2 21-82 75-22 88

University of Jordan Water, Energy and Environment Center (WEEC) Amman, Jordan Phone: +962(0)6-535 50 00

Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)

Philipps-University Marburg ? Lebanese American University Beirut

Course concept

EMEA is a unique master's programme designed for students who want to acquire a solid foundation in economic analysis in combination with specific knowledge about the economies of the MENA region.

For this purpose, EMEA combines an academic focus with hands-on regional experience: lectures are taking place in Beirut and the master's thesis can be written during a six months' stay in the MENA region.

Course content

n Graduate level economics and introductory MENA economics followed by specialised courses

n Economics and interdisciplinary electives facilitate specialisation according to individual interests

n Financial support for German and Arab language courses available for DAAD scholarship holders


n Unique combination of economics and economic topics specifically relating to the Middle East

n Master of Science tailored to the job market for economists with in-depth regional expertise

n Practical insights, development of soft skills and intercultural competence through extracurricular activities

Admission requirements

n First degree in economics or related studies n Proof of English language proficiency

Applicants for a DAAD scholarship should furthermore

n have at least 2 years of work experience n provide two letters of recommendation (one from

the current employer if possible)

Duration of course

Beginning of course

4 semesters (1st and 2nd sem. Marburg, 3rd sem. Beirut, 4th sem. Arab region or Marburg)

Annually in October

Degree awarded

Master of Science, joint or double degree planned

Application deadline

Please refer to our website

For further information, please contact

Philipps-University Marburg Faculty of Business Administration and Economics Am Plan 2 35032 Marburg, Germany Phone: +49(0)64 21-282 37 25 Fax: +49(0)64 21-282 89 12

Lebanese American University P.O. Box 13-5053 Chouran Beirut: 1102 2801 Lebanon Phone: +961(0)1-78 64 56

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Middle East and North Africa Region (REMENA)

University of Kassel ? Cairo University

Course concept

Ensuring a sustainable energy supply will remain a crucial challenge for the Arab region in the coming decades and it is a main focus of German development cooperation. REMENA qualifies young professionals in renewable energy and development cooperation to contribute to the energy transition process by providing them with the necessary technological expertise and skills in languages, intercultural communication and project management.

Course content

n Courses on advanced renewable energy and energy efficiency concepts and technologies

n First hand advice from high level professionals and experts in the Arab and German energy sectors

n Visits to relevant institutions and companies n Training in intercultural communication and

project management


n Experience in German-Arab institutions and projects n Excellent career opportunities in international cooperation

and development assistance n Working for Arab and German companies in the

expanding renewable energy business sector n Leadership positions in the public and private

energy sectors

Admission requirements

n Bachelor's degree or equivalent n Work experience in a field related to

the REMENA study focus n Proof of English language proficiency

(TOEFL 550 points or IELTS Band 6)

Applicants for a DAAD scholarship should furthermore

n have at least 2 years of work experience n provide two letters of recommendation (one from

the current employer if possible)

Duration of course

21 Months (1 sem. in Cairo, 1 sem. in Kassel, 3rd sem. in Arab region)

Beginning of course

Annually in October and April

Degree awarded

Master of Science (double degree)

Application deadline

August 1st for winter term March 1st for summer term For scholarships visit website

For further information, please contact

University of Kassel Dept. of Electrical Engineering/ Computer Science Communications Laboratory Wilhelmshoeher Allee 73 34121 Kassel, Germany Phone: +49(0)5 61-804 64 19

Cairo University Faculty of Engineering Giza, 12613, Egypt Phone: +202(0)3 56-7 82 64 adelkhk@


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