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AutoCAD? Civil 3D? 2010 “Country Kit Denmark”Form?let med dette dokument:At beskrive generelle indstillinger af AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 Country Kit for DenmarkForfatter:Jens Hallkvist, NTI CADcenter A/SRevision HistoryStatusJan 12 2009Draft 1 / JHLJan 23 2009Draft 2 / JHLFeb 3 2009Final 2.1 / JHLThe Requirement Analysis Brief describes the general customer problem to be addressed It is used to present research findings and requirements and is an extension of Product Management’s ‘Market Requirements Document’ (MRD) It is used to help define the scopeHelpful text appears in italics in this template. Delete all italicized comments in the template before you publish your RAB for review.Text in parentheses, such as (MRD Theme) are called Fields. Fields in Word allow you to enter a property once in a single place and have that text be kept consistent in the document. Properties are also visible and editable outside the documents in SharePoint. To set the value of a Field, go to File / Properties and use the SharePoint PropertiesIn order to update Fields, Select all (Ctrl – A ) and press the F9 key. Your text in Fields will update based on the Property value. Note you will also need to edit the Headers separately by double-clicking on them and performing the same action.Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1General PAGEREF _Toc221461281 \h 41.1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc221461282 \h 41.2Overview PAGEREF _Toc221461283 \h 42Text PAGEREF _Toc221461284 \h 73Hatch PAGEREF _Toc221461285 \h 84Layers PAGEREF _Toc221461286 \h 95Reports PAGEREF _Toc221461287 \h 116Drawing Settings PAGEREF _Toc221461288 \h 126.1Object Layers PAGEREF _Toc221461289 \h 126.2Ambient Settings PAGEREF _Toc221461290 \h 147Object styles PAGEREF _Toc221461291 \h 197.1Multi-purpose Styles PAGEREF _Toc221461292 \h 197.2Points PAGEREF _Toc221461293 \h 267.3Surfaces PAGEREF _Toc221461294 \h 287.4Parcels PAGEREF _Toc221461295 \h 397.5Grading PAGEREF _Toc221461296 \h 417.6Alignments PAGEREF _Toc221461297 \h 447.7Profiles PAGEREF _Toc221461298 \h 507.8Sections PAGEREF _Toc221461299 \h 597.9Pipe Networks PAGEREF _Toc221461300 \h 617.10Corridors PAGEREF _Toc221461301 \h 647.11Plan and Profile Sheets PAGEREF _Toc221461302 \h 737.12Survey PAGEREF _Toc221461303 \h 748Tool palette(s) PAGEREF _Toc221461304 \h 758.1Assemblies PAGEREF _Toc221461305 \h 758.2Material styles PAGEREF _Toc221461306 \h 758.3Drawing symbols and (MV) Blocks PAGEREF _Toc221461307 \h 759Pipe and Structure Catalog PAGEREF _Toc221461308 \h 769.1Spildevand PAGEREF _Toc221461309 \h 769.2Regnvand PAGEREF _Toc221461310 \h 779.3F?lles PAGEREF _Toc221461311 \h 789.4Dr?n PAGEREF _Toc221461312 \h 799.5Labels PAGEREF _Toc221461313 \h 799.6Tables PAGEREF _Toc221461314 \h 7910Highway design check files PAGEREF _Toc221461315 \h 8111Quantity Take Off PAGEREF _Toc221461316 \h 8311.1Introduction of QTO PAGEREF _Toc221461317 \h 8311.2QTO Settings PAGEREF _Toc221461318 \h 8312Superelevation PAGEREF _Toc221461319 \h 8513Intersections PAGEREF _Toc221461320 \h 86GeneralIntroductionThe document is an overview of all settings that AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 Country Kit Denmark contains.The document contains abbreviations mention below:AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 - Civil 3DAutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 Country Kit Denmark - CKDOverviewCKD contains folders mention below:Template. Folder with template for Danish styles for Civil 3D objects and labels._DK Pipes Catalog. Folder with pipes files that correspond with Parts Lists (styles) in the template. Plan Production. Folder with templates that contains settings for Plan ProductionCorridor Design Standards. Folder with a setup file for Design Criteria and Superelevation for Corridor models.Quantities Reports. Folder with files containing settings for generating reports of volume for Corridor models or dynamic tables in the current drawing.Toolbox. Folder with files containing reports, which can be run from the Toolbox tab in the Toolspace.Assemblies. Folder containing drawings with predefined assemblies that can be aceesed by the Tools Palettes or create intersections.Pay Item Data. Folder with files containing settings for reporting areas and length from objects in the current drawing.Toolspace is the Primary Civil 3D property window. This window is used for handling Civil 3D objects and settings of all Civil 3D styles for Civil 3D objects and labels. The Toolspace has two important tabs:Prospector. Use this tab for handling properties and styles for Civil 3D objects and labels.Settings. Use this tab for general settings of Civil 3D styles.ProspectorAny Civil 3D object contains its own style. This style controls the Civil 3D object appearance (object and label) in the drawing. The Prospector tab in the Toolspace is the Primary window for handling property, styles and commands for all Civil 3D objects.Below is a list of Civil 3D object types:Points og Point GroupFeature LinesSurfacesAlignmentsProfilesCorridors og SectionsPipesParcelsGradingSurveyView Frame Groups – Plan ProductionIntersectionsFrom the Prospector tab in the Toolspace it is possible to create, copy or edit styles for Civil 3D objects. In addition to this labels are generated as dynamic data mostly annotative.Note that new styles not automatically will be saved in the template for the CKD. This has to be done manually with Drag and Drop.SettingsCivil 3D objects are generated with their own styles when created in the drawing with a Civil 3D command. Styles are standard in the template for the current CKD which is recommended to use for every new drawing in Civil 3D so new objects are created with the same look (Danish). Use the QNEW settings in AutoCAD Options to startup Civil 3D with the correct template.Style setting happens from the Settings tab in the Toolspace. Here it is possible create, copy or edit Civil 3D styles. Note that new or edited styles not automatically will be saved in the template for the CKD. This has to be done manually with Drag and Drop.US or UK styles are not removed from the CKD. In Denmark there are no standards for layer and color. Regarding the layers Civil 3D objects are assigned with standard Civil 3D layers while other objects are placed in layer 0.ColorsIn general there is an idea regarding colors for some Civil 3D objects. This is:Red color. Is primary used for Profiles, Sections and Mass Haul Diagram together with grey and black/white nuanceBlack/white color. Is primary used for labels and tables created in the drawingBy this it is quick By this color choice you will get a fast visual overview of the Civil 3D drawing regarding to find the plan, profiles, sections and dynamic tables that are created in the drawing.TextThe table below lists used text styles.Text StyleDescriptionFontPlotted SizeStandardISOCP1.5mm > 5.0mmPlease quote the actual MRD item wording here. It should include the Personal Goal, Problem Statement, and Requirement(s).HatchThe table below lists used hatch types.Hatch Pattern NameDescriptionHatch Pattern FileSOLIDUsed for hatching Corridor elements in Plan, some specific views in Profiles and SectionsTemplateANSI31Used for hatching some views in Profiles and in SectionsTemplateLayersThe table below lists used layers and selected settings.LayerOnFreezeLockColorLinetype0TrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousA-BLDGTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousAHPTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousBlock amenity light columnsTrueFalseFalse50,50,50ContinuousBlock amenity light glassTrueFalseFalse200,200,200ContinuousBlock tree concept canopyTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousBlock tree concept trunkTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ALIGNTrueFalseFalsewhiteDASHEDC-FLINETrueFalseFalse152ContinuousC-FLINE-PROFTrueFalseFalse152ContinuousC-FLINE-SCTNTrueFalseFalse152ContinuousC-HLP-KURVETEKSTTrueFalseFalseblueContinuousC-PIPE-DRNTrueFalseFalsegreenACAD_ISO02W100C-PIPE-FLSTrueFalseFalseredDASHEDC-PIPE-RGVTrueFalseFalseblueContinuousC-PIPE-SPVTrueFalseFalseredContinuousC-PIPE-STDTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-PIPE-STD-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-PIPE-STD-PROFTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-PIPE-STD-SCTNTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-PIPE-TABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-PROPTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-PROP-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-PROP-LINETrueFalseFalsemagentaContinuousC-PROP-LINE-LABLTrueFalseFalsemagentaContinuousC-PROP-TABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROADTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-ALG-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-ASSMTrueFalseFalse40ContinuousC-ROAD-CORRTrueFalseFalseblueContinuousC-ROAD-INTSTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-INTS-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-PROFTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-PROF-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-SAMPTrueFalseFalsewhiteHIDDENC-ROAD-SAMP-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteHIDDENC-ROAD-SCTNTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-SCTN-CORRTrueFalseFalseblueContinuousC-ROAD-SCTN-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-SCTN-QTOTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-SCTN-SHETTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-ROAD-SHAPTrueFalseFalseblueContinuousC-ROAD-SHAP-PATTTrueFalseFalseblueContinuousC-ROAD-TABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-STRM-PIPETrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-STRM-SCTNTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-STRUCT-STDTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-STRUCT-STD-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-TOPOTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-TOPO-GRADTrueFalseFalse94ContinuousC-TOPO-GRAD-FLINTrueFalseFalse152ContinuousC-TOPO-LABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousC-TOPO-TABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousDEFPOINTSTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousHj?lplinje Niv?kurvtextTrueFalseFalseblueContinuousNOT-TABELLTrueFalseFalsegreenContinuousNOT-TABELL-RAMTrueFalseFalsegreenContinuousNOT-TABELL-RASTERTrueFalseFalsegreenContinuousNOT-TABELL-TEXTTrueFalseFalsegreenContinuousNOT-TABELL-TITELTrueFalseFalsegreenContinuousPROFIL-DIAGTrueFalseFalseredContinuousPROFIL-RAMTrueFalseFalseredContinuousPROFIL-TEXTTrueFalseFalseredContinuousPROFIL-TICKTrueFalseFalseredContinuousPROFIL-TITLTrueFalseFalseredContinuousTERRAENKOTEPKTTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousV-NODETrueFalseFalseredContinuousV-NODE-TABLTrueFalseFalsewhiteContinuousVAG-SHAPE-2DTrueFalseFalseredContinuousVAG-SHAPE-3DTrueFalseFalse8ContinuousVAG-SHAPE-RASTERTrueFalseFalse31ContinuousReportsThe table below lists all CKD reports (Toolspace > Toolbox > DK rapporter).Report NameDescriptionSample File NamePriorityAlignment > KurverDanish report with a list of curves for a selected Alignment.Alignment > Station og kurverDanish report with a list og station and curve for a selected Alignment.Parcel > ArealerDanish report with a list of Parcel areas.Parcel > Arealer til Excel…Microsoft Excel of Parcel areas.Points > PunkterDanish report with a list of Points.Points > Punkter til Excel…Microsoft Excel of Points.Profile > PVI stationerDanish report with a list of PVI points.Profile > Ver. Profiler til Excel…Microsoft Excel with PVI points.Ledningsnetv?rk > LedningerDanish report with a list of pipes.Ledningsnetv?rk > KomponenterDanish report with a list of structures.Ledningsnetv?rk > Ledninger og komponenterDanish report with a list of pipes and structures.Ledningsnetv?rk > Komponenter til Excel…Microsoft Excel with structures.Surface > InformationDanish report with summary data for Surfaces.Surface > Punkter til Excel…Microsoft Excel with surface points.Drawing SettingsObject LayersThe table below lists all assigned Civil 3D object layers.ObjectDefault LayerObjectLayerAlignmentC-ROADAlignment-LabelingC-ROAD-LABLAlignment TableC-ROAD-TABLAssemblyC-ROAD-ASSMBuilding SiteA-BLDGCorridorC-ROAD-CORRCorridor SectionC-ROAD-SCTN-CORRFeature LineC-FLINEGeneral Note Label0General Segment Label0GradingC-TOPO-GRADGrading-LabelingC-TOPO-LABLGrid SurfaceC-TOPOGrid Surface-LabelingC-TOPO-LABLInterference0IntersectionC-ROAD-INTSIntersection-LabelingC-ROAD-INTS-LABLMass Haul Line0Mass Haul View0Match Line0Match Line-Labeling0Material Section0Material Table0ParcelC-PROPParcel-LabelingC-PROP-LABLParcel SegmentC-PROP-LINEParcel Segment-LabelingC-PROP-LINE-LABLParcel TableC-PROP-TABLPipeC-PIPE-STDPipe-LabelingC-PIPE-STD-LABLPipe and Structure TableC-PIPE-TABLPipe Network SectionC-PIPE-STD-SCTNPipe or Structure ProfileC-PIPE-STD-PROFPoint TableV-NODE-TABLProfileC-ROAD-PROFProfile-LabelingC-ROAD-PROF-LABLProfile ViewC-ROAD-PROFProfile View-LabelingC-ROAD-PROF-LABLSample LineC-ROAD-SAMPSample Line-LabelingC-ROAD-SAMP-LABLSectionC-ROAD-SCTNSection-LabelingC-ROAD-SCTN-LABLSection ViewC-ROAD-SCTNSection View-LabelingC-ROAD-SCTN-LABLSection View Quantity Takeoff TableC-ROAD-SCTN-QTOSheetC-ROAD-SCTN-SHETStructureC-STRUCT-STDStructure-LabelingC-STRUCT-STD-LABLSubassemblyC-ROAD-ASSMSurface Legend TableC-TOPO-TABLSurvey Figure0Survey Network0Tin SurfaceC-TOPOTin Surface-LabelingC-TOPO-LABLView Frame0Edit Drawing Settings…Civil 3D object layers are available from Edit Drawing Settings. The figure below shows from where the command is accessible.Object Layers…Figure below show the window and tab with Object Layers.Ambient SettingsTable below lists all values for Civil 3D units.PropertyValueGeneralPlotted Unit Display TypedecimalSet AutoCAD UnitsnoSave Command Changes to SettingsnoShow Event VieweryesShow TooltipsyesImperial to Metric conversionUse International FootNew Entity Tooltip StateonDriving DirectionRight Side of the RoadDrawing UnitmeterDrawing Scale0.500Scale Inserted ObjectsyesIndependent Layer OnnoLabelingLabeling Prompt MethodCommand LineUnitlessPrecision3Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'DistanceUnitmeterPrecision3Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'DimensionUnitmillimeterPrecision3Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'CoordinateUnitmeterPrecision3Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'Grid CoordinateUnitmeterPrecision4Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'ElevationUnitmeterPrecision3Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'AreaUnitsquare meterPrecision2Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'VolumeUnitcubic meterPrecision2Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'SpeedUnitkilometer/hr.Precision0Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'AngleUnitgradPrecision3Roundinground normalFormatdecimalSignsign negative '-'Drop Decimal for Whole NumbersnoDrop Leading Zeros for DegreesyesDirectionUnitgradPrecision3Roundinground normalFormatdecimalDirectionshort nameCapitalizationupper caseSignsign negative '-'Measurement TypeNorth AzimuthBearing Quadrant1 - NEDrop Decimal for Whole NumbersnoDrop Leading Zeros for DegreesyesLat LongUnitdegreePrecision3Roundinground normalFormatDD° MM' SS.SS" (spaced)Directionprefix short nameCapitalizationupper caseDrop Decimal for Whole NumbersnoDrop Leading Zeros for DegreesyesGradePrecision3Roundinground normalFormatpercentSignsign negative '-'SlopePrecision3Roundinground normalFormatrise:runSignsign negative '-'Grade/SlopePrecision2Roundinground normalFormatrise:runSignsign negative '-'StationUnitmeterFormatstation formatPrecision3Roundinground normalSignsign negative '-'Station Delimiter Characterplus sign '+'Station Delimiter Position1+000Drop Decimal for Whole NumbersyesDrop Leading Zeros Right of Station CharacteryesMinimum Display Width0Transparent CommandsPrompt for 3D PointsfalsePrompt for Y before XfalsePrompt for Easting then NorthingfalsePrompt for Longitude then LatitudefalseEdit Drawing Settings…Civil 3D units are available from Edit Drawing Settings. The figure below shows from where the command is accessible.Ambient Settings…Figure below show the window and tab with Ambient Settings.Object stylesAll Civil 3D object styles is in the CKD template. The name and the template is <_AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 DK.dwt>. All Civil 3D object styles with no CKD modification are indicated with <None>.Multi-purpose StylesFeature Line StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultBasis Feature LineFeature Line with color 152 and linetype CENTERYesCode Set StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultAlle koderShow all Corridor Subassemblies with markers.YesAlle koder uden mark?rShow all Corridor Subassemblies without markers.Alle koder uden mark?r [Hatch]Show all Corridor Subassemblies as hatch without markers.Only for use in Top View.Alle koder uden mark?r [Viz]Show all Corridor Subassemblies with Materials and without markers.Only for use in a Isometric View and Visual Style different from 2D Wireframe.Marker StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultBasisMarker is a small circle with magenta colorYesSlukketNo markerLink StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Shape StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultFortovHatch of Sidewalk when using Code Set Style Alle koder uden mark?r [Hatch].YesKantstenHatch of Curb when using Code Set Style Alle koder uden mark?r [Hatch].YesK?rebaneHatch of Pave when using Code Set Style Alle koder uden mark?r [Hatch].YesTerr?nHatch of Daylight (Cut and Fill) when using Code Set Style Alle koder uden mark?r [Hatch].YesSlope Pattern StyleDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultSkr?ningssignaturDraw Slopes with yellow color.YesMulti-purpose Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultNote<None>Line<None>Curve<None>Marker<None>Link<None>Shape<None>Projection StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>YesPointsUser Defined Attribute ClassificationsDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Point StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Point Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultKodeShow only the code (Raw Description).KoteShow only the elevation (Point Elevation).NummerShow only the number (Point Number)Nummer m. kode og koteShow number, elevation and code.Description Key SetsDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultNummerExample of a Description key Sets.Point Table StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultKoordinaterTable in drawing listing number, code, x, y and z coordinates.SurfacesSurface StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultAfvandingsomr?deShow surface Watersheds with labelsCut og Fill (TIN Volume)Show surface with 2 colors for Cut and Fill plans (TIN Volume surface).Adjusts colors in Surface Properties > Definition by creating 2 elevation interval with elevation 0 as focal point.Elevation in TIN Volume Surfaces is relative elevations.Farver (1 m)Show surface with colors for 4 elevation intervals.Grid (25 m)Show surface with grid in 25m in X and Y direction.Grid (25 m) som overdrivelseShow surface with grid in 25m in X and Y direction and 10x exaggerate I elevation.Grid (50 m)Show surface with grid in 50m in X and Y direction.Grid (50 m) som overdrivelseShow surface with grid in 50m in X and Y direction and 10x exaggerate I elevation.Grid (100 m)Show surface with grid in 100m in X and Y direction.Grid (100 m) som overdrivelseShow surface with grid in 100m in X and Y direction and 10x exaggerate I elevation.Kurver (0.25 m)Show surface with contours with interval 25cm.Colors are red and green.Kurver (? m)Show surface with contours with interval ?m.Colors are red and green.Kurver (? m) med h?ldningerViser surface med forskellige farver efter st?rrelse p? h?ldningerShow surface with different colors depending the value of slopesKurver (? m) med h?ldningspileShow surface with contours with interval ?m with colored slope arrows.Colors are red and green for contours.Kurver (? m) som baggrundShow surface with contours with interval ?m.Color is grey.Kurver (2? m)Show surface with contours with interval 2?m.Colors are red and og punkterShow surface triangles and points.SlukketShow surface border in Plan and Model view. Slukket (uden gr?nser)Don’t show any surface items at all in both Plan and Model view.Surface Label Styles Name/TypeDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultContourH?jdekurverSpot Elevation.SlopeH?ldning i procentSlope in per mille.H?ldning i promilleSlope in percent.Spot ElevationPunkth?jdeSpot Elevations.WatershedAfvandingsomr?deLabel for Watersheds.Surface Table Styles Name/TypeDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultDirectionMin og max tegningElevationMin og max h?jdeSlopeMin og max h?ldningSlope ArrowH?ldningspilContourMin og max h?jdekurverWatershedAfvandingsomr?deUser Defined ContourEkstra h?jdekurverParcelsUser-Defined AttributesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Parcel StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultEjendomShow Parcels with green color.Omr?deS Parcel Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultAreaBetegnelseShow parcel number i a circle.Betegnelse og arealShow Parcel number and area in a circle.Omr?deShow number and area in a rectangle.LineEjendomShow length and direction for lines.CurveKurverShow length and radius for curves.Parcel Table StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultLine<None>Curve<None>Segment<None>AreaEjendomTable with Parcel number, area, length for lines and curves that defines a Parcel.GradingGrading StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultAfgravningSlope Pattern Style for cut with red color in Plan and Model view.YesOpfyldningSlope Pattern Style for fill with yellow color in Plan and Model.YesGrading Criteria SetsDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultBasisAfstand & h?ldningSlope with distance from Feature Line with Grade.Afstand & skr?ningSlope with distance from feature Line with slope fx 1:2.H?jde & h?ldningSlope with height and grade fx 1:2 from Feature Line.Terr?n & 1-2 h?ldningSlope to daylight with slope 1:2.YesTerr?n & 1-3 h?ldningSlope to daylight with slope 1:3.Terr?n & 1-6 h?ldningSlope to daylight with slope 1:6.Terr?n og h?ldningSlope to daylight with slope input for cut and fill.AlignmentsAlignment StyleDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultPlotAlignment (color red) without indicating transitions.VejeAlignment with red color for tangents, green color for spirals and blue color for curves.YesVeje parallelOffset Alignments with red color for tangents, green color for spirals and blue color for curves.Linetype is HIDDEN for visual separation from primary Alignment.Alignment Design ChecksDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultDesign Check Sets<None>Line<None>Curve<None>Spiral<None>Tangent Intersection<None>Alignment Label Type/NameDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultAlignment Label SetsBasisBlack/white labels with station and transitions.JernbaneYellow labels with station and no transitions.SlukketNo labels but minor ticks.VejeBlack/white labels with station and transitions.Veje (simpel)Black/white labels with stations.Veje (superelevation)Black/white labels with station and transitions.Major StationLabel at Major StationsBasisJernbaneSlukketVejeVeje (simpel)Minor StationLabel at Minor StationsBasisJernbaneVejeVeje (simpel)Geometry PointLabel at Geometry PointsBasisJernbaneVejeVeje (simpel)Profile Geometry PointLabels at the profile geometry points on the alignment<None>Station EquationStation equation LabelsKonnektion JernbaneKonnektion VejeDesign SpeedDesign Speed labelsJernbaneVejeSuperelevation Critical PointsLabels at the critical Superelevation points on the alignmentSkulder superelevation (model)Superelevation (model)Station OffsetStation Offset LabelsSektion og sideafstandLineTangent labelsElementnummerCurveArc LabelsElementnummerSpiralSpiral LabelsElementnummerTangent IntersectionPI LabelsVinkelspotAlignment Table Type/NameDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultLineLinietabelCurveKurvetabelSpiralKoltoidetabelSegmentLine, curve or spiral element in a single tableElementtabelProfilesProfile StyleDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultBund (sektion)Purple (color 202) line for Datum Corridor (sektion)Light-blue (color 140) line for Top Corridor Surface.R?jordGrey (color 9) line for soil.Terr?nGreen (color 72) line for existing ground.VejprofilRed color for tangents and blue colors for curves.Linetype is Continous.Vejprofil (simpel)Green color for tangents and blue color for curves.Linetype is Continous.Profile Design ChecksDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultDesign Check Sets<None>Line<None>Curve<None>Profile Label Type/NameDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultProfile Label SetsVejprofilStandard label for PVI.Major StationHovedsektionMinor StationSektionHorizontal Geometry PointSektion og typeGrade BreaksH?ldning og h?jdeLineTangent LabelsTangentCurveKurverKonkavKonvexStandard label for Concave and Convex curves.DataDetail label for Concave and Convex curves.Profile View Type/NameDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultVejprofilStandard Profile with a 5m block above and below lowest and highest elevation for vertical profiles.Grid is 5m for elevation and 20m for station.Grid is 10x exaggerated.YesVejprofil (simpel)Profile with a 1m grid for elevation and 20m for station.Grid is 10x exaggerated.Vejprofil (uden overdrivelse)Som vejprofil uden overdrivelseProfile like Vejprofil but without exaggrerated.Profile View Label Type/NameDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultStation ElevationStation og koteStandard label for a selected point.DepthH?ldning (promille)Slope in per mille.Profile Band Type/NameDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultProfile Band SetVejprofilBands for station, elevation (EG), elevation (Top Corridor model), vertical (Top Corridor model) and horizontal (Alignment) geometry.Vejprofil (simpel)Bands for station, elevation (EG) and elevation (Top Corridor model).YesVej- og ledningsprofilSee Vej- og ledningsprofil (Spildevand) but with 3 sets of Structures and Pipes.Se under Vej- og ledningsprofil (Spildevand)Vej- og ledningsprofil (F?lles)See under Vej- og ledningsprofil (Spildevand)Se under Vej- og ledningsprofil (Spildevand)Vej- og ledningsprofil (Regnvand)Se under Vej- og ledningsprofil (Spildevand)Se under Vej- og ledningsprofil (Spildevand)Vej- og ledningsprofil (Spildevand)Bands for station, elevation (EG), elevation (Top Corridor model), vertical (Top Corridor model) and horizontal (Alignment) geometry.Additional data for Structures and Pipes.Profile DataJordartKote terr?nKote vejKote vej simpelMarkslagStationStation simpelTangeringspunktVertical GeometryGeometri terr?nH?ldning vej i procentProfildataVer. Geometri vejHorizontal GeometryHor. Geometri vejPlandataSuperelevation DataTv?rfaldSectional Data<None>Pipe NetworkFv. Geometri og materialeFv. Komp.dataRgv. Geometri og materialeRgv. Komp.dataSpv. Geometri og materialeSpv. Komp.dataSectionsFigur nedenfor viser standard udskrivning af tv?rsnit, der har baggrund i korridor model til en vej.Sample Line StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultSektionsmarkeringSample Line Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultSektionsnavnSection StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultBundDark-purple (color 202) line.Terr?nDark-green (color 72) Light-blue (color 140) line.VejsektionRed line.Section Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultLabel SetsSlukketMajor Offset<None>Minor Offset<None>Grade Break<None>Segment<None>Section View StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultTv?rprofilStandard Section view without bands.Structure and Pipes are colored by their Parts List. YesGroup Plot StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Sheet StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultOffset ElevationOffset over koteGradeFald (mellem to punkter)Section Band StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultBand Sets<None>Section Data<None>Section Table StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultTotal Volume<None>Material<None>Pipe NetworksParts ListsDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultDr?nMaterial and dimension for Drain system. Only for Pipes.F?llesMaterial and dimension for Common system for Structure and Pipes.RegnvandMaterial and dimension for Rain water system for Structure and Pipes.SpildevandMaterial and dimension for Sewage water system for Structure and Pipes.Interference StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Pipe StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultDr?nPipes are green and linetype is ACAD_ISO02W100 and layer C-PIPE-DRN.F?llesPipes are red and linetype is DASHED and layer C-PIPE-FLS.RegnvandPipes are blue and layer is C-PIPE-RGVSpildevandPipes are red and layer is C-PIPE-SPVPipe Rule SetDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultDr?nF?llesRegnvandSpildevandPipe Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultPlan ProfileDr?nLabel dimension, material and grade in per mille with green color along pipes.F?llesLabel dimension, material and grade in per mille with red color along pipes.RegnvandLabel dimension, material and grade in per mille with blue color along pipes.SpildevandLabel dimension, material and grade in per mille with red color along pipes.Crossing Section<None>Pipe Table StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Structure StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultDr?nStructure are green colored.F?llesStructure are red colored.RegnvandStructure are blue colored.SpildevandStructure are red colored.Structure Rule StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultRegnvandSpildevandStructure Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultDr?n<None>Child of Dr?n<None>F?llesDisplay number on right side of Structure with red color.Child of F?llesDisplay number, top and bottom elevation in a rounded box on right side of Structure with red color.Label can be dragged. RegnvandDisplay number on right side of Structure with blue color.Child of RegnvandDisplay number, top and bottom elevation in a rounded box on right side of Structure with blue color.Label can be dragged.SpildevandDisplay number on right side of Structure with red color.Child of SpildevandDisplay number, top and bottom elevation in a rounded box on right side of Structure with red color.Label can be dragged.Structure Table StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>CorridorsCorridor StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Assembly StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultBasisYesMass Haul Line StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Mass Haul View StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultMasseStandard ”Profile” for Mass Haul Diagram.YesQuantity Takeoff CriteriaDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault4 lagCut og Fill (Materiale)Cut og Fill (Volume)Cut og Fill + 4 lagQTO Table StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultTotal VolumeCut og FillTable with Cut and Fill volumes (per section).MaterialAreal og volumeArea and total volume per section.AsfaltPave 2 area and volume per section.BundsikringSubBase area and volume per section.CutCut area and volume per section.FillFill area and volume per section.SlidlagPave 1 area and volume per section.StabilBase area and volume per section.Plan and Profile SheetsView Frame StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>View Frame Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Match Line StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Match Line Label StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefaultMatch Line Left<None>Match Line Right<None>SurveyNetwork StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Figure StylesDescriptionScreen grab / DWF / DWGDefault<None>Tool palette(s)AssembliesSubassemblies<None>AssembliesFigur nedenfor viser liste med tegninger med dansk standard tv?rprofiler, som kan anvendes i forbindelse med automatisk opret af kryds.Figure below lists CKD drawings with assemblies for automatically creation of intersections.Material styles<None>Drawing symbols and (MV) Blocks<None>Pipe and Structure CatalogThe CKD contains 4 Parts Lists for designing Pipes and Structures. It is Spildevand (Waste), Regnvand (Rain), F?lles (Common) and Dr?n (Drain). See the figure below.Hver Parts Lists er oprettet egne Civil 3D styles, som styrer udseende og farver. Lag ved start af netv?rk og dermed ogs? Parts List (system) er 0. Der findes lag til de enkelte Parts Lists. Tabel nedenfor viser dette.Each Parts Lists is created with thier own Civil 3D object style who manage appearance and color. Layers are 0 when start up a new Pipe Networks and therefore choosing Parts Lists. The template contains pre-defined layers that can be used. See the figure below.Parts ListeColorAutoCAD LayerSpildevandR?dC-PIPE-SPVRegnvandBl?C-PIPE-RGVF?llesR?dC-PIPE-FLSDr?nGr?nC-PIPE-DRNStandardSort/hvid0Section below describe each Parts Lists listed in the table above.SpildevandFigure below lists material and dimension for Pipes.Figure below lists type and dimension for Structures.RegnvandFigure below lists material and dimension for Pipes.Figure below lists type and dimension for Structures.F?llesFigure below lists material and dimension for Pipes.Figure below lists type and dimension for Structures.Dr?nFigure below lists material and dimension for Pipes.Figure below lists type and dimension for Structures.LabelsEach Parts Lists contains label (Structures and Pipes) that can be dragged for plot purpose. Fiugre below is an example in Plan view.The dragged labels for plot purpose can also be used in Model, Profile and Section view.TablesFigure below is a table containing Pipes data for a Pipe Network.Figure below is a table containing Structure data for a Pipe Network.For both table counts that they are dynamic and will be updated when the Corridor model is adjusted.Highway design check filesDesign Criteria is used for alignments and profiles used in corridor models for road design. The design will therefore follow the local standard for road design.If violate the design criteria Civil 3D gives you a warning in the drawing for curves that are violated. The figure below is an example of violating the design criteria.Design Criteria is also used for calculating super elevation for spirals and curve in road design. Figure below is an example for automatic calculation of super elevation in a right curve.CKD design criteria are saved in <_DK Civil 3D Metric Roadway Design Standards.xml>. Figure below show CKD design criteria.Figure below shows where Civil 3D internal editor can be found.Quantity Take OffIntroduction of QTOIn Civil 3D it is possible til create a link between an Pay Item list and Civil 3D objects as well as AutoCAD objects. The link is on 2 levels:Settings in the template. Corridor (Subassemblies), Pipes and Structures are automatically linked to the Pay Item list.Select objects. Select polygon, polylines, lines or Feature Lines by manual select in the Pay item list. If objects in the Civil 3D drawing are linked to the pay Item list, then it is possible to run a report that prints areas and length for objects, that are linked.Figure below shows a report with summary of Pay Items.It is possible to summary different types based on count, area or length. Fx was found 761.667m polyline(s) in the Civil 3D drawing that is not a Corridor Subassembly or Pipe or Structure.The Pay Item can contain a formula that fx can multiply the summary with a price. This can be a very easy way to calculate prices on fx rmation from QTO can be shown in reports (CSV, HTML or TXT) or be exported to use in third part calc. application.QTO SettingsPay Items List<Pay Item Data\Denmark\_DK standard.csv> is the Pay Item list.This is an CSV file that can be edited with Microsoft Excel or Notepad. The CSV file contains Pay Items that can be linked directly to Civil 3D objects or common AutoCAD objects for counting in meters and areas.Pay Items Index<..\Pay Item Data\Denmark\_DK standard.xml> contains Setting of the Pay Item list. Fx. Is it possible to group by by:PipesStructuresCorridor SubassembliesUncategorizedThe file can be edited with Notepad.Enheder - Units Mapping Fil<Pay Item Data\Units\QTOUnits.xml> contains the ”units” definition for the Pay Item list in general.UnitDescriptionEAEach (count)M1Meter (length)M2Kvadrat meter (area)M3Kubik meter (volume)ReportsQTO reports to an HTML style sheets (.XSL) files with the QTO counting from the current drawing. After this is it possible to change format to CSV, HTML or TXT format.CKD style sheets are saved in the folder <Takeoff Report Style Sheets> under %DataDir% folder.SuperelevationDesign Criteria, se chapter 10, is also used for automatic calculation of super elevation for curve with or without spirals. The design criteria are stored in <_DK Civil 3D Metric Roadway Design Standards.xml>.Figure below show settings for calculation of super elevation in curves and spirals.Figure below is an example for automatic calculation of super elevation in a right curve.IntersectionsTable below lists settings for automatically creation of intersections.General typeNameValueCommentsDefault StylesIntersection StyleBasisIntersection Label StyleBasisOffset Alignment StyleVeje paralleltSom Veje, men linetype er HIDDENCurb Return Alignment StyleVeje paralleltSom Veje, men linetype er HIDDENOffset Profile StyleVejprofilCurb Return Profile StyleVejprofilOffset Alignment Label SetBasisCurb Return Alignment Label SetBasisDefault Name FormatIntersection Name FormatKryds - (<[Next Counter(CP)]>)Intersection Quadrant Name Format<[Quadrant Location]> - QuadrantOffset Alignment Name Format<[Parent Alignment Name(CP)]>-<[Side]>-<[Offset Value(Um|P3|RN|Sn|OF|AP)]>Curb Return Alignment Name Format<[Intersection Name(CP)]> - <[Intersection Quadrant Name(CP)]>Offset Profile Name Format<[Parent Alignment Name(CP)]> - <[Side]> - <[Cross Slope Value(FRise|P2|RN|Sn|OF|AP)]>Curb Return Profile Name Format<[Alignment Name(CP)]> - ProfileCorridor Region Name FormatRG - <[Assembly Name(CP)]> - (<[Next Counter(CP)]>)<_Autodesk (Metric) Assembly Sets DK.xml> is the setting file that contains links to drawings with Danish Assemblies. Section 9.1 contains the Danish Subassemblies used for create an Civil 3D intersection.It is possible to select between different Settings (Assemblies) in the Wizard window used for creating Intersection. ................

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