OCTOBER 19, 2009



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Committee in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Committee and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

MONDAY, 19- October OCT-2009


1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Oversight Committee was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by John Haddock, Chair.

The meeting was restricted to Committee members as well as NMC members and members of the 2009 NMC Oversight Audit Team. The meeting was called to order by John Haddock, Chair.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


| | | | | |

|* |Pascal |Blondet |Airbus | |

|* |Christian |Buck |SAFRAN | |

|* |David |Burger |Rockwell Collins | |

| |Mark |Cathey |Spirit AerosystemsAeroSystems | |

|* |Michael |Coleman |The Boeing Company | |

|* |Alan |Fertig |United Space Alliance | |

| |Robin |Gorman |The Boeing Company | |

|* |John |Haddock |BAE Systems MAS |Chair |

| |Tim |Hayes |Hawker Beechcraft | |

| |Martha |Hogan Battisti |The Boeing Company | |

| |Henry |Johansson |Volvo Aero Corporation | |

|* |Frank |Mariot |Vought Aircraft | |

| |Gary |Maxwell |The Boeing Company | |

|* |Robin |McGuckin |Bombardier Aerospace | |

|* |Heather |Meyer |Cessna Aircraft Co. | |

|* |Donald |Missel |Lockheed Martin Corp. | |

|* |Jay |Park |Northrop Grumman | |

| |Jeremy |Phillips |Cessna Aircraft Co. | |

|* |Michel |Pierantoni |Eurocopter | |

| |Alberto |Portal |EADS CASA | |

|* |Mark |Rechtsteiner |GE Aviation | |

| |Steve |Tooley |Rolls-Royce plc | |

|* |Kevin |Ward |Goodrich | |

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


| | | | | |

| |Mike |Brandt |Alcoa Inc. | |

| |Vern |Talmadge |Howmet Casting-Thermatech Coatings | |

PRI Staff Present

|John |Barrett |

|EJ |Kegerreis |

1.2 Review of Nadcap Code of Conduct and Meeting Conduct

The meeting attendees were reminded of the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest documented in the Attendees Guide on page 7 which should guide all in their participation in the meeting.

1.3 Review of agenda completed.

The agenda for the meeting was discussed and no changes were made.


1.3 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from July 2009 were approved as written.

1.4 Committee Membership

Committee voting status is reflected in the attendee listing above.

1.5 Review Action Item Status

No action items remain open at this time.

2.0 2009 Audit Plan Review

2009 NMC Oversight Audit Team Leader, Michael Coleman, reviewed the 2009 Audit Plan.

Michael Coleman emphasized that any findings or observations should be coordinated with the appropriate PRI staff member prior to submittal. All findings or observations should be documented on the audit finding report and submitted to Michael Coleman with a copy to John Barrett.

At the time of the meeting, audits in the first two phases were still in process. All reports are due to Mike Michael Coleman not later than Friday, 23- Oct- 09.



3.1 Merit Concept

John Haddock led a discussion on the background and history of the current NMC Oversight Audit process. He suggested that the Oversight Committee consider all aspects of where the NMC currently monitors and audits the Nadcap process and where special emphasis is needed based on our risk assessment and historical audit results. There was an open discussion and consensus that further review would be of value. A sub-team was selected from the members to review the current audit scope and what the scope of the NMC Oversight Audit should include going forward.

John Haddock volunteered to put a summary of options together and circulate it to the sub-team prior to scheduling a meeting to discuss.

The sub-team members are: John Haddock, Mike Coleman, Don Missel, Heather Meyer, Mark Cathey, Robin McGlucklin, Jay Park, Pascal Blondet, Frank Mariot, Chet Date, Tim Hayes, Martha Hogan Battisti, and Kevin Ward. Staff support – John Barrett

ACTION ITEM: John Haddock to pPrepare and distribute meeting materials to support the discussion of a revision to the NMC Oversight 2010 Audit Plan. (John Haddock, DUE DATE: 11-Nov NOV- 2009)

ACTION ITEM: John Barrett to sSchedule teleconference/WebEx meeting with sub-team to discuss revision of the NMC Oversight 2010 Audit Plan. (John Barrett, DUE DATE: 14-Nov-09 NOV 2009)

3.2 Observer Feedback Form

The Observer Feedback Form (t-frm-01) to be used for documenting the feedback whenever a Subscribing member performs an observation of a Nadcap audit is now posted in the Resources section under Nadcap Procedures/NOP. An instruction sheet is included which identifies how the form is to be completed. When an audit is completed, a copy of the Observation Feedback Form should be forwarded to the Task Group Staff Engineer and John Barrett.



Begin the 2010 Planning Process

John Haddock presented the updated timeline to demonstrate that, even though the 2009 audit is not yet complete, it is important to begin the planning for 2010 at this meeting. A volunteer from the 2009 audit team was selected to lead the 2010 audit: Frank Mariot. Given the work identified to review and possibly revise the scope of the NMC Oversight Audit for 2010, staffing of the audit team will not be finalized until that work is completed.


A lesson learned from this audit cycle is that Subscribing Members should avoid nominating audit team members who are also Task Group Chairs or Vice-Chairs, since this may present obstacles in completing the auditing tasks in a timely manner.


65.1 A new process was introduced to the committee which will provide the opportunity to provide feedback on how the meeting was facilitated. The attached feedback form contains the meeting feedback provided by the attendees.


65.2 The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.

Minutes prepared by:

John Barrett, PRI Staff (barrett@)

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|***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** |

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|Is procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) |

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|YES* NO |

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|*If yes, the following information is required: |

|Documents requiring revision: |Who is responsible: |Due date: |

| | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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