4. The 2nd Conference on Lifetime Data Science ...

 ICSA Member News April 2019 A. Highlights1. ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium (June 9-12, 2019)ICSA 2019 Applied Statistics Symposium will be held on June 9-12, 2019 at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, NC.Professor Wenbin Lu at North Carolina State University (lu@stat.ncsu.edu) will be the Chair of the organization committee.For more information, please visit the website . 2. ICSA China Conference (July 1-4, 2019)The 2019 ICSA China Conference will take place, July 1-July 4, 2019, in Tianjin, China. The Conference will be organized jointly by the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA), Nankai University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. It will be held on the campus of Nankai University, pending government approval.The objective of the conference is to provide a platform for the exchange of recent research and developments in modern statistical methods, to create collaboration opportunities and to identify new directions for further research. All sessions in the conference will be invited sessions. The program committee members have organized over 80 invited sessions. Due to space limit, the conference will not accept any additional invited session proposals. Please visit , or call Professor Zhezhen Jin at 1 (212) 305-9404 or email zj7@cumc.columbia.edu, or stat@nankai. for detailed information. Call for Applications for Junior Researcher Award for the 2019 ICSA China ConferenceThe 2019 ICSA China Conference invites applications for Junior Researcher Award. Awardees will be selected from junior researchers who submit their papers for presentations at the conference. PhD students or Junior Researchers who received their doctoral degrees no earlier than June 1, 2016 are encouraged to submit a research paper in topics on either methodological research, novel application of statistical methods to problems in other disciplines, or other suitable contributions to biostatistics and data sciences. Jointly authored papers are acceptable, but the applicant is expected to be the lead author and present the work in the meeting.Application:Formal application consists of sending an e-mail to Professor Haonan Wang at wanghn@stat.colostate.edu with the subject title as "Application - 2019 ICSA China Conference Junior Researcher Award" with the following attachments (in PDF):1. Current curriculum vita of the applicant2. The manuscript of the completed researchPlease apply for the award no later than May 31, 2019.3. The 4th ICSA – Canada Chapter Symposium, Advances and Innovations in Statistics and Data Science (August 9-11, 2019)The 4th ICSA – Canada Chapter Symposium, Advances and Innovations in Statistics and Data Science, will be held August 9-11, 2019 at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Devon Lin of Queen’s University is the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee, Wenqing He of the University of Western Ontario is the Chair of the Scientific Committee. Professor Tony Cai of University of Pennsylvania and Professor Runzhe Li of Pennsylvania State University will be the Keynote Speakers of the Symposium.The Symposium welcomes proposals for invited sessions. An invited session consists of four speakers (or three speakers and a discussant), with each speaker having 25 minutes for the presentation and discussion. Please visit for more updated information.4. The 2nd Conference on Lifetime Data Science: Foundations and Frontiers (May 29-31, 2019)The Lifetime Data Science Section of American Statistical Association is pleased to announce an exciting upcoming conference on Lifetime Data Science: Foundations and Frontiers which will be held at the University of University of Pittsburgh May 29-31, 2019. The event will begin with short courses by experts in topics of current interest on May 29 and will be followed by a two-day conference featuring keynote addresses by internationally renowned statisticians, a student paper competition, a poster session and many stimulating talks. A banquet will be held on May 30, 2019. The Scientific Program Committee is led by Richard Cook (Chair, U Waterloo) and Jianwen Cai (co-Chair, UNC). Ying Ding (Chair, U Pittsburgh) and Yu Cheng (co-Chair, U Pittsburgh) are leading the Local Arrangements Committee.Please visit for detailed information related to this conference.5. IMS-China International Conference on Statistics and Probability (July 6-10, 2019)The IMS-China International Conference on Statistics and Probability will be held from July 6, 2019 to July 10, 2019 at Dalian, China. It is an international conference held biennially and covers a wide range of topics in statistics, probability and their related areas. The conference provides an excellent forum for exchanges of the cutting-edge research at the frontiers of those areas, and for forging new research collaborations. Past IMS-China conferences were successfully held in Hangzhou (2008), Weihai (2009), Xian (2011), Chengdu (2013), Kuning (2015), and Nanning (2017).The more information about the conference, please visit the website of the previous conference held in 2017: . The 11th ICSA International Conference (December 20-22, 2019)The 11th ICSA International Conference will be held at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, from December 20, 2019 to December 22, 2019. Organizing committee Chair: Hongzhe Li (hongzhe@pennmedicine.upenn.edu) 7. Statistics Association Presidents Establish the Elizabeth L. Scott and F.N. David LectureshipsOn April 26, 2018, the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Sciences (COPSS) announced the establishment of two lectureships named after women: The Elizabeth L. Scott Lecture, and the F.N. David Lecture. The lectures will be given in alternate years at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) beginning in 2019. For more information, please download the file . 8. ICSA Springer Book Series in StatisticsThe co-editors of ICSA Springer book series in statistics, Drs. Jiahua Chen and Din Chen, have reported that there are 10 books in the series now. If you plan to write books in the series, please contact Dr. Jiahua Chen (jhchen@stat.ubc.ca) or Dr. Din Chen (dinchen@email.unc.edu). Five books in the ICSA Springer book series were published in 2017:1) "Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Statistical Modeling"?(edited by Chen, Ding-Geng, Chen, John Dean);2) "Phase II Clinical Development of New Drugs"?(edited by Ting, N., Chen, D.-G., Ho, S., Cappelleri, J.C.).3) "Biased Sampling, Over-identified Parameter Problems and Beyond"?(edited by Qin, Jing)4) "Statistical Modeling for Degradation Data" (edited by Chen, D.-G., Lio, Y., Ng, H.K.T., Tsai, T.-R.)5) "New Advances in Statistics and Data Science"?(edited by Chen, D.-G., Jin, Z., Li, G., Li, Y., Liu, A., Zhao, Y.)Thanks to all authors who contributed to these books.1)?)?)?)?)? following 6 books were published in 2018:1)?Biopharmaceutical Applied Statistics Symposium, Volume 1 Design of Clinical Trials?(edited by Peace, K.E., Chen, D.-G., Menon, S.)2)?Biopharmaceutical Applied Statistics Symposium, Volume 2 Biostatistical Analysis of Clinical Trials?(edited by Peace, K.E., Chen, D.-G., Menon, S.)3)?Biopharmaceutical Applied Statistics Symposium, Volume 3 Pharmaceutical Applications?(edited by Peace, K.E., Chen, D.-G., Menon, S.)4)?Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Statistical Conference for Production Engineering: Big Data, Production Engineering and Statistics?(edited by Choi, D., Jang, D., Lai, T.L., Lee, Y., Lu, Y., Ni, J., Qian, P., Qiu, P., Tiao, G.)5) Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data with R (edited by Xia, Y., Sun, J., Chen, D.-G.)6) New Frontiers of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (edited by Zhao, Y., Chen, D.-G.)B. Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Journals1. Statistica SinicaForthcoming papers' information is available at? new issue (Volume 28, Number 4, October 2018) is published.ICSA members have access to these articles via the "membership only area" at? you have any problems with subscription, please contact the editorial office through?ss@stat.sinica.edu.tw.2. Statistics in BiosciencesThe published new issue is Volume 10 Number 3, in December 2018 accepted articles can be found at the journal website A link for submitting your article to SIBS online is below 3. Statistics and Its InterfaceStatistics and Its Interface is an international statistical journal promoting the interface between statistics and other disciplines including, but not limited to, biomedical science, geosciences, computer sciences, engineering, and social and behavioral sciences. The journal publishes high-quality articles in broad areas of statistical science, emphasizing substantive problems, sound statistical models and methods, clear and efficient computational algorithms, and insightful discussions of the motivating problems. Visit SII's web page at for more information. Most recent issue is available at Press and Tsinghua University Mathematical Science Center are pleased to announce open online access (free of charge) to the journal Statistics and Its Interface (SII) which includes five volumes.Statistics and Its Interface (SII) invites submissions for a special issue on Modern Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis. SII promotes interface between statistical theory and methodology and applications. Thus, we strongly encourage innovative meta-analysis theory or methods in all areas of sciences. Your papers, once accepted, will be published together in a future issue of SII.The submission deadline for the special issue is November 1, 2019. All submissions must be online through the website and please state that your submissions are "For the Special Issue on Modern Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis" in the Box of Comments to the editors.For more information, please download the file: . With your support and collaboration, we are confident that the special issue will be a success that will reflect the state-of-art of research at the frontier of this vital and rapidly developing area. We look forward to receiving your papers in due course.Jeng-Min Chiou (Co-Guest Editor), Academia SinicaWensheng Guo (Co-Guest Editor), University of PennsylvaniaFang Yao (Co-Guest Editor), University of TorontoMing-Hui Chen (Co-Editor-in-Chief), University of ConnecticutYuedong Wang (Co-Editor-in-Chief), University of California, Santa BarbaraC. Upcoming ICSA MeetingsPlease find below a list of upcoming ICSA meetings. This list also appeared on the ICSA website. Meetings not included in our list are not authentic ICSA meetings. If you have any questions, please contact Gang Li, the ICSA Executive Director?(gli@its.). 1. ICSA 2019 Applied Statistics Symposium (June 9-12, 2019)ICSA 2019 Applied Statistics Symposium will be held on?June 9-12, 2019?at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, NC.Professor Wenbin Lu?at North Carolina State University (lu@stat.ncsu.edu)?will be the Chair of the organization committee.For more information, please visit the website . 2019 ICSA China Conference (July 1-4, 2019)The 2019 ICSA China Conference will take place, July 1-July 4, 2019, in Tianjin, China. The Conference will be organized jointly by the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA), Nankai University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. It will be held on the campus of Nankai University.The objective of the conference is to provide a platform for the exchange of recent research and developments in modern statistical methods, to create collaboration opportunities and to identify new directions for further research. All sessions in the conference will be invited sessions. The program committee members have organized over 80 invited sessions. Due to space limit, the conference will not accept any additional invited session proposals.3. ICSA 2020 Applied Statistics Symposium (May 17-20, 2020)ICSA 2020 Applied Statistics Symposium will be held on May 17-20, 2020 at The Westin Galleria Houston, Houston, TX.Dr. Hulin Wu at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (hulin.wu@uth.tmc.edu) chairs the Organization Committee.D. Upcoming Co-Sponsored MeetingsPlease find below a list of upcoming ICSA co-sponsored meetings. This list also appeared on the ICSA website. Meetings not included in our list are not authentic co-sponsored meetings. If you have any questions, please contact Gang Li, the ICSA Executive Director (gli@its.).1. The 7th Workshop on Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (May 10-12, 2019)The 7th Workshop on Biostatistics and Bioinformatics will be held at 25 Park Place, Georgia State University, Atlanta from May 10, 2019 to May 12, 2019.Biostatistics and Bioinformatics have been playing key and important roles in statistics and other scientific research fields in recent years. The goal of the 7th workshop is to stimulate research and to foster the interaction of researchers in Biostatistics & Bioinformatics research areas. The workshop will provide the opportunity for faculty and graduate students to meet the top researchers, identify important directions for future research, facilitate research collaborations.A distinguished speaker of the Workshop is Prof. Samuel Kou, Harvard University.For more information, please visit the website . Conference on Current Trends in Survey Statistics (August 13-16, 2019)The conference “Current Trends in Survey Statistics” will be held in Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, from 13th to 16th August, 2019. We are happy to announce that this conference has already been declared as a satellite conference to the 62nd ISI World Science Congress to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 18th to 23rd August, 2019. More information about the conference, including the organising committees, timeline, venue, registration and abstract submission can be found in the following web-page: . Questions and queries should be directed to: Sanjay Chaudhuri, Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, NUS, email: sanjay@stat.nus.edu.sg or stasc@nus.edu.sg3. The 6th International Symposium on Biopharmaceutical Statistics (August 26-30, 2019)The 6th International Symposium on Biopharmaceutical Statistics (ISBS2019) will be held 26-30 August, 2019 at Kyoto International Conference Center in Kyoto, Japan. The purpose of the symposium is to bring together statisticians, quantitative scientists, medical product development professionals and regulators across the world to share and exchange information, experiences, challenges and research findings, and to promote international standards for statistical practice in the biopharmaceutical industry. The theme of the 2019 symposium is "Statistical Innovation and Contribution in the Era of Precision Healthcare".Keynote speakersRobert Hemmings, Consilium Salmonson and HemmingsTze Leung Lai, Stanford UniversityFrank W Rockhold, Duke UniversitySue-Jane Wang, Food and Drug Administration (remotely via video)Further keynote speakers will be available soon.Registration is NOW OPEN!Kyoto is ready to welcome you! Registration is now open for ISBS2019. The conference will include 6 half-day short courses on August 26, and five keynote lectures, 18 invited sessions, 17 topic-contributed session, 2 workshops, and 6 featured sessions in regulatory science on August 27-30. Social events will include a welcome mixer (August 27) and a conference dinner (August 29). Further program will be available soon. The registration fees include: access to all sessions, welcome reception and lunches and coffee breaks from Tuesday (Augsut 27) to Friday (August 30). You are encouraged to register early. Early bird registration is open until 5PM, 31 May, 2019.Call for contributed abstractWe've received some wonderful abstracts and if you're quick, there's still time to submit an abstract via online. Each abstract submission must include the title, list of authors and author affiliations, and abstract, with each submission having a maximum length of 250 words and keywords. The number of abstract submissions with the same presenting author is limited to one.Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Statistics (SBR), an Official Journal of the American Statistical Association (ASA), will publish a special issue for the ISBS2019. All presenters at ISBS2019 including both of speakers (at invited/topic contributed/contributed sessions) and poster presenters are invited to submit their high quality papers on statistical methods for the life sciences and medical product development. In particular, submissions to the symposium theme "Statistical Innovation and Contribution in the Era of Precision Healthcare" are welcome. All submissions will be peer-reviewed according to the reviewing principles of SBR.4. The 3rd International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications (October 10-12, 2019)The 3rd International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications will be held from October 10, 2019 to October 12, 2019 at Eberhard Conference Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. For more information about the conference, please visit . The 11th International Multiple Comparisons Procedures (MCP) Conference (December 12-15, 2019) The 11th International Multiple Comparisons Procedures (MCP) Conference will be held during December 12-15, 2019 in Taipei. The conference will cover the latest methodological and applied developments in the areas of simultaneous and selective inference: testing, confidence intervals, estimation, adaptive designs and statistical modelling, under a variety of error-rates to be controlled. The conference will be supplemented by pre-conference short courses. Please visit for detailed information.Open date for abstract submission is 1st March, 2019, deadline for abstract submission is 1st June, 2019. 6. Online Training ProgramOnline training serves as a viable alternative to traditional continuing education options, e.g., to short courses offered at biostatistical conferences. Over the past year, the ASA Biopharmaceutical Section has been working on creating an online training program aimed at clinical trial statisticians and set up a pilot program which includes half-day and full-day courses on key topics in biopharmaceutical statistics:Analysis of Longitudinal and Incomplete DataMultiplicity Issues in Clinical TrialsAnalysis of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical TrialsThe section has received much positive feedback from industry and academic statisticians. Clinical trial statisticians who took advantage of the online training program emphasized that this program is convenient, inexpensive and quite flexible. A similar online training program has been set up for ICSA members. As a member of the ICSA, you will receive a 50% discount when you sign up for any course included in the program. The online training courses are based on professionally recorded videos using a format similar to that used in YouTube videos. The videos can be accessed 24/7 on a computer or even on a smartphone. The cost of online training is quite low compared to traditional training, and it can be further reduced by using a group-training format. Up to 25 people can view an online training course with a single registration, which lowers the cost of online training to about $20-25 per person for full-day courses and $10-15 per person for half-day courses.For more information about the online training program and to sign up for the individual online courses, please visit this web page:. Job ListingsAssistant Professor - Department of Applied Mathematics (several posts) (Ref. 19022115), The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a government-funded tertiary institution in Hong Kong. It offers programmes at various levels including Doctorate, Master’s, and Bachelor’s degrees. It has a full-time academic staff strength of around 1,400. The total annual consolidated expenditure budget of the University is in excess of HK$7.4 billion. DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICSAssistant Professor in Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics / Engineering and Computational Mathematics / Applied Optimization and Operations Research (several posts) (Ref. 19022115)The Department of Applied Mathematics (AMA) is part of the Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles. The Department offers undergraduate programmes in Investment Science and Finance Analytics, and Data Science and Analytics, and makes a significant contribution to most of the other academic programmes of the University by providing service teaching. It also offers master’s programmes in Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology with specialism in Decision Science and Actuarial and Investment Science, and Operational Research and Risk Analysis. Members of the Department have expertise in applied optimisation and optimal control, engineering computation, operational research, management science and applied statistics. There are currently 43 academic staff and about 50 research personnel in the Department. Please visit the website at for more information about the Department.The appointees will be required to (a) teach and contribute to curriculum development at undergraduate and postgraduate levels; (b) supervise MPhil and PhD students; (c) engage in scholarly research, consultancy and other scholarly activities leading to publications in top-tier refereed journals and awards of research grants; and (d) undertake academic and departmental administrative duties. The Department has established a Joint Research Institute with the Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The appointees are expected to be actively involved in the activities of the Institute.Applicants should have (a) a doctoral degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Operations Research, Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or a closely related field; (b) an established track record in research and scholarship, including refereed publications and external grant applications; (c) expertise in applied statistics, operations research and mathematics; and (d) a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching.Remuneration and Conditions of ServiceA highly competitive remuneration package will be offered. Initial appointments will be on a fixed-term gratuity-bearing contract. Re-engagement thereafter is subject to mutual agreement. For general information on terms and conditions for appointment of academic staff in the University, please visit the website at . Applicants should state their current and expected salary in the application.ApplicationPlease send a completed application form to Human Resources Office, 13/F, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong or via email to hrstaff@polyu.edu.hk. Application forms can be obtained via the above channels or downloaded from . If a separate curriculum vitae is to be provided, please still complete the application form which will help speed up the recruitment process. Consideration of applications will commence on 20 March 2019 until the positions are filled. The University’s Personal Information Collection Statement for recruitment can be found at . ................

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