DCB Bank | We value you

< On Company Letterhead >Date: _____________To,DCB Bank Limited,_____ BranchDear Sir / Madam,SUB: Re-Generation of Business Internet Banking (BIB) PasswordOur Business Internet Banking Password(s) is / are forgotten / misplaced / blocked / not received by me / us. Hence, request you to re-generate Business Internet Banking Log in / Transaction Password(s) for the following User/s.Customer ID: ____________S. No.User Name User ID 1??2??I / We select the following mode of Password Delivery (Tick one. Default is Green Password): -21399510033000 Green Password (Electronically): On the User’s email id and mobile number registered on the BIB platform.-2139951905000 Physical Password (Paper based): At my registered mailing address as per Bank’s records.I / We understand that for green pin to be generated successfully, my mobile number and email id needs to be correctly updated in the Bank’s BIB platform. In the absence of the same, a physical paper based password may be generated and sent to our registered mailing address.I / We understand that in case of Green Password, DCB Bank shall ensure the electronic delivery of the Green Password on our BIB registered mobile number and email id. However, Bank shall not be responsible for non-receipt of the Green PIN / Paper based PIN or delay for reasons beyond its control. I / We also understand that DCB Bank holds no responsibility for any losses occurred due to non-delivery/mis-delivery of the password through SMS , email and physical modes. I confirm having read the terms and conditions for Business Internet Banking mentioned on the Bank’s website and agree with the same.Thanking you,Yours faithfullyFor ______________Name: ______________Name:______________Designation:____________ Designation:_______________ ................

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