Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind ...

[Pages:3]Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind/Cognitive Science

Rocco J. Gennaro (Area Editor) University of Southern Indiana

Articles Needed

Action Theory Agnosia Armstrong, David Auditory Perception Blindsight Brentano, Franz Chalmers, David Churchland, Patricia Churchland, Paul Church's Thesis Computational Theory of Mind Consciousness, Representational Theories of Consciousness, Unity of Dissociative Identity Disorder Dretske, Fred Dreyfus, Hubert Eliminative Materialism Frame Problem Idealism Innateness Inverted Spectrum Kim, Jaegwon Lewis, David Lycan, William McGinn, Colin Memory Mental Content, Theories of Mental Representation Methodological Solipsism *Mind, Philosophy of Nagel, Thomas Non-Conceptual Content Pain Parallelism Parapsychology Philosophical Psychopathology (overall article) Privileged Access Propositional Attitudes Prototype Theories of Concepts Rosenthal, David Ryle, Gilbert

Schizophrenia Searle, John Sense Data Simulation Theory Shoemaker, Sydney Turing Test Tye, Michael

*an IEP Top 100 most desired article

Articles in Progress/Under Review:

Animalism Binding Problem Dennett, Daniel Dreams Experimental Philosophy Extended Mind Theory Folk Psychology *Intentionality Intuitions Neuroscience, Philosophy of Physicalism and Materialism Psychologism Self-Knowledge The Unconscious Zombies

Articles Completed and Posted:

Alexander, Samuel (Emily Thomas) Animal Minds (Robert Lurz) Anomalous Monism (Mark Silcox) Artificial Intelligence (Larry Hauser) Autism (Michael Cundall) Behaviorism (Larry Hauser) Brain in a Vat Argument (Lance Hickey) Chinese Room Argument (Larry Hauser) Classical Theory of Concepts (Dennis Earl) Collective Intentionality (Deborah Tollefsen) Color (Eric Rubenstein) Concepts (Dennis Earl) Conceptual Role Semantics (Daniel Whiting) Connectionism (Jonathan Waskan) Consciousness (Rocco J. Gennaro) Consciousness, Hard Problem of (Josh Weisberg) Consciousness, Higher-Order Theories of (Paula Droege) Davidson, Donald (Vladimir Kalugin) Descartes: The Mind-Body Distinction (Justin Skirry) Disjunctivism (William Fish)

Dualism (Scott Calef) Embodied Cognition (Monica Cowart) Emotion, Theories of (Gregory Johnson) Epiphenomenalism (Sven Walter) Events (Susan Schneider) Evolutionary Psychology (Sven Walter) Fodor, Jerry (Bradley Rives) Free Will (Kevin Timpe) Freud, Sigmund (Stephen Thornton) Functionalism (Tom Polger) Identity Theory (Steven Schneider) Imagery and Imagination (Amy Kind) Immortality (Gabriel Andrade) Introspection (Amy Kind) Language of Thought Hypothesis (Matthew Katz) Lucas-Penrose Argument (Jason Megill) Knowledge Argument (against materialism) (Torin Alter) Mental Causation (Julie Yoo) Mitchell, Sir William (William Davies) Molyneaux's Question (Brian Glenney) Multiple Realizability (Bill Jawarski) Panpsychism (David Skrbina) Perception, Objects of (Daniel O'Brien) Personal Identity (Carsten Korfmacher) Phenomenology (Joel Smith) Phenomenology and Time-Consciousness (Michael Kelly) Qualia (Amy Kind) Reductionism (Alyssa Ney) Self-Consciousness (Uriah Kriegel) Sellars, Wilfrid (emphasis on phil. of mind) (Eric Rubenstein) Sense-Data (Daniel O'Brien) Solipsism and the Problem of Other Minds (Stephen Thornton) Supervenience and Determination (Dean Rickles) Supervenience (Mind) (Robert Francescotti) Synesthesia (Sean Allen-Hermanson & Jennifer Matey) The Theory-Theory of Concepts (Daniel Weiskopf) Theory of Mind (Massimo Marraffa)

Updated: June 2, 2012

Rocco J. Gennaro University of Southern Indiana


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