EXERCISE 47.1 Writing works-cited entries

Prepare works-cited entries from the following information. Follow the models of the MLA Handbook given in this chapter unless your instructor specifies a different style. For titles, use underlining (as here) unless your instructor requests italics. Arrange the finished entries in alphabetical order, not numbered.

1. An article titled “Use of Third Parties to Collect State and Local Taxes on Internet Sales,” appearing in The Pacific Business Journal, volume 5, issue 2, in 2004. The authors are Malai Zimmerman and Kent Hoover. The article appears on pages 45 through 48 of the journal.

2. A government publication you consulted on November 12, 2005, over the Internet. The author is the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce. The commission is an agency of the United States government. The title of the publication is Report to Congress. It was published in April 2005 and can be reached at .

3. A Web site with no listed author. The title is The Internet Tax Freedom Act Home Page, and the site is dated June 3, 2005. The address is . You consulted the site on November 2, 2005.

4. An article in the magazine Forbes, published December 17, 2003, on pages 56 through 58. The author is Anne Granfield. The title is “Taxing the Internet.”

5. A book titled All’s Fair in Internet Commerce, or Is It? by Sally G. Osborne. The book was published in 2004 by Random House in New York, New York.

6. An e-mail interview you conducted with Nora James on November 1, 2005.

7. An article titled “State and Local Sales/Use Tax Simplification,” appearing on pages 67 through 80 of an anthology, The Sales Tax in the Twenty-First Century. The anthology is edited by Matthew N. Murray and William F. Fox. The article is by Wayne G. Eggert. The anthology was published in 2004 by Praeger in Westport, Connecticut.


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