Public Internet Service Business Case

Public Internet Service Business Case<PUBLIC-OPEN INTERNET SERVICE>Table of Contents TOC \h \z \u \t "Heading 2,1" Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc347312853 \h 21.Problem Definition PAGEREF _Toc347312854 \h 22.Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. PeopleSoft) PAGEREF _Toc347312855 \h anizational Impact PAGEREF _Toc347312856 \h 34.Benefits PAGEREF _Toc347312857 \h 35.Strategic Alignment PAGEREF _Toc347312858 \h 36.Cost PAGEREF _Toc347312859 \h 47.Alternatives (add lines as necessary) PAGEREF _Toc347312860 \h 48.Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary) PAGEREF _Toc347312861 \h 49.Technology Migration/Resource Identification PAGEREF _Toc347312862 \h 510.Product Life/Application Sunsetting or Decommissioning PAGEREF _Toc347312863 \h 511.References PAGEREF _Toc347312864 \h 512.Recommendation PAGEREF _Toc347312865 \h 613.Approvals PAGEREF _Toc347312866 \h 6Executive SummaryCentral Washington University has numerous visitors and guests visiting the University annually. These guests include prospective students, their parents and relatives, conference attendees, visiting faculty, potential employees, business contacts and vendors, visiting athletes, alumni, potential donors, general public, and many more. In today’s environment, these guests to the University need ubiquitous wireless Internet connectivity, as would be available at many retail locations, to stay connected, receive/send email, visit the web, and much more. CWU, as an institution of Higher Education, is governed by many regulations and acts which limit or prohibit our ability to provide open/public wifi which does not require the user to attain guest credentials. However, other Internet Service Providers (ISP) can provide open/public wifi without many of the same restrictions, or they already have the technology deployed to meet the strict requirements of these regulations. As a result, CWU is looking to partner with a major/public ISP to provide open/public wifi across the University, while still meeting the regulatory requirements. Sponsoring Department(s): President’s Office, Information Technology ServicesDate of Business Case Preparation: September 13, 2013Contact Person Name/Phone: Carmen A. Rahm (ext. 2925) or Noah Rodriguez (ext. 2934) FORMCHECKBOX New Product/ServiceIf there is a draft or sample contract, please provide a copy. FORMCHECKBOX Renewal of Existing Product/Service – if checked, include background information.If there is a site license agreement, existing contract or new contract draft, please provide a copy.Problem Definition CWU has numerous visitors to the campus annually. These include prospective students, prospective employees, parents, relatives, visiting faculty, donors, alumni, and many others. These guests of the University expect and require wireless Internet access so that they can remain connected for email, web access, etc. This is an expectation in today’s BYOD and mobile environments. Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. PeopleSoft)For CWU to provide this service (utilize our Secure network IDs, utilize our IP addressing and domain, etc.) we must comply with several laws and regulations such as CALEA, HEOA, etc. To do so, at a minimum, requires that all users of our network connecting to the Internet have unique credentials. OPTION 1 (Currently Deployed Option): Public Wifi is currently being achieved at CWU by having the users connect to our GUEST Network, enter their name and mobile device #, and have a unique user name and a 4 digit PIN text-messaged to them. This is currently operational but requires a few additional steps to get access. OPTION 2: CWU could provide open (unauthenticated) wifi without requiring the users to receive unique credentials, but this would violate several of the regulatory requirements. This is not considered to be an acceptable solution. OPTION3 (Proposed Solution): Utilize a 3rd party ISP to connect/interface to the CWU wifi infrastructure, utilize their SSID and IP addressing, and their domain. This is the option proposed in this Business Case. Organizational ImpactThere is little to no organization impact with this proposal. While all students, faculty and staff would benefit from using the secure network already provided, everyone on campus will benefit from 1) the ability to quickly connect to the open/public wifi system, and 2) the ability to have their friends, visitors and guests connect to the open/public wifi system without restrictions. It is anticipated that the vast majority of students connecting wirelessly on campus would connect to the Open/Public wifi instead of connecting to the secure wifi. This has the potential of reducing calls and visits to the ITS HelpDesk. All Stakeholders: Anyone visiting CWU who desires to connect to the Internet wirelessly is a stakeholder and will benefit from this service, even existing students and others. Potential Partners/Primary Users: Primary users will be guests to the University including potential students, parents, relatives, donors, alumni, visiting faculty, business guests/vendors, meeting attendees, general public, conference and summer program attendees, and others. RFP Requirements Contributors (add lines as necessary) – This section may or may not be requiredDepartmentNameInformation Technology ServicesCarmen RahmVendor SubmissionsCharter Communications and Ednetics, Inc. Benefits CWU will benefit from this service in many ways. It will provide a needed and expected resource to prospective students, their guests, parents, etc. It will also provide a valuable resource for business efficiency when vendors, guest faculty and others associated with the University need quick web/Internet access but do not require secure and full Guest Access. It will be a value added service for conference and camp attendees at the University, and can be used as a “marketing” tool. It would be possible to have users initially connect to a “splashpage” promoting the University or scheduled activities. Strategic Alignment This Business Case supports several of the goals of the CWU Strategic Plan. Some of the specific goals and outcomes supported by this proposal include:4.0: Public Service and Community Engagement5.4: Provide the technology infrastructure and services appropriate to meet the University Objectives. of Funding (Project ID) or Description of the Source of Funding. The source of the funding to pay for this service has not yet been identified. If this is determined to be an acceptable proposal, and is approved for implementation, funding will need to be identified at that time. Cost Breakdown One-Time Costs: Vendor and CWU estimated one-time costs:$2500Recurring Annual Costs: Bandwidth (250M) & Management $55,000ESTIMATED 5-Year Cost: $277,500** Estimated is based on vendor proposals (based on an RFI) for providing 250M of Open/Public service to be used by anyone that connects to the network. Alternatives (add lines as necessary)AlternativeReasons For Not Selecting AlternativeOpen Wifi Provided by CWUMay Violate several laws and regulations Guest with SMS Credential (Current)Less convenient to access. Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary)Task Target DateProject Initiation/Contract1 weekProject Planning and Review2 weeksFinal Design/Approval1 weekImplementation5 weeksTesting and Go-Live1 weekTechnology Migration/Resource Identification Installation of the Public/Open Wifi utilizing a 3rd party, will require that vendor to establish connectivity at our Data Center. Utilizing a combination of equipment provided by the vendor and the University, they will connect to the CWU network and utilize our Wifi infrastructure, their SSID and their IP addressing/domain. ResourceRequirements TimeframePersonnel Equipment FacilitiesFor sake of planning, this assumes that the project will start in January of a specific year. Maintenance and support beyond assisting with the initial setup of this service will be the responsibility of the service provider, and all costs are covered in their monthly bandwidth and service fee! ResourceJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecProject ManagerBusiness AnalystSnr. ProgrammerTester ManagerDatabase AdminTest ManagerTechnical WriterTraining ManagerConfiguration MgrLAN Engineer1020Total Hours1020Product Life/Application Sunsetting or DecommissioningWhile this service can be extended indefinitely with the agreement of both parties, the prices quoted by vendors are based on an estimated bandwidth need of 250M and a 3 year commitment. ReferencesInformation was gathered from the following potential vendors:Charter Business: Jill Stark, PresidentEdnetics, Inc. Recommendation: Implement OPEN/PUBLIC Wifi for visitors and guests of the University. ApprovalsThe following actions have been taken by the appropriate Sub-Council (ATAC or Non-Academic Sub-Council) and University Enterprise Team:DateAction By09/30/2013Presented to EISCNoah Rodriquez09/30/2013Approved for Review by CabinetEISC Upon approval by the Enterprise Team (ET) or one of the two Sub-Councils (Academic or Non-Academic), CWU procurement policies and procedures should be used to initiate a purchase.? Please contact the Purchasing office at x1001 with any questions regarding the procurement process.If you have any questions, please contact Sue Noce 963-2927 or Tina Short 963-2910. ................

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