Theme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject1.Strong sense of community:Improving Communication and community networks: creating new or improved networks sharing (events/ questions/help) to link isolated peopleparticularly in outlying areas.Overcoming social isolation and loneliness Auditing and Linking existing networks/social media groups.Creating a community hub including info about events, calls for help, offers and a skills/ lift share network.Create a community link magazine to replace church munity internet access Grosmont website,Community noticeboard,Village mailing lists,Village Facebook pages: (Grosmont Noticeboard, Grosmont community hub, Grosmont events, Grosmums, Grosmont Market)Strong community spirit rmal support for neighbours is already common.Young families/ people who have recently moved to GrosmontYouth and teensOwner/manager of shop/ pubCommunity Council/ new shop cafe113211CJJTheme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject2.Activities and eventsSocial isolationMore daytime social opportunities for: Stay at home parents Elderly residents More free / low cost eventsMore activities and events for and organised by young people Establishing a youth clubStreet play days(Park-see also maintaining and improving facilities)Increasing the frequency of coffee mornings at the churchLocal resident interested in helping to set up youth club.Theme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject3.Affordable housingMaintaining a healthy demographic mix, Allowing young and older people to stay in the villageSelf- build affordable homes, care home-possibly community owned.Support for older people to stay in their homesTheme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject4.Maintaining and improving facilities Saving the post office shopDaytime social interactionIncreasing the availability of fresh local produce Local farms or GROW (links to protecting heritage)The reopening of a caféLocal resident who is trying to obtain planning permission to make changes that make the shop viable11C-Community to support ownerProviding space for all children to play / Encouraging village children to mix New children’s playgroundUpgrading town hall Improved access.Increase income and reduce costs.Energy efficiency.Free Wi-Fi to be made available in the undercroft of the town hall. Free energy audit for community buildings available through Severn WyeImproved broadband and mobile phone signal Increasing countryside access Re-instating blocked rights of way for walkers Improving access to the rivers for canoeingKentchurch estate21Theme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject5.Transport and accessibilityImprove transport options for people without carsPooling resources for transport for regular nights out for village youths. Creating a car/lift share networkRaise awareness and use of schemes:Grass-Routes Community Transport Bridges Community Car Scheme Connect the village to the wider region and beyond.Reopening the station at Pontrilas as a request stop with Shuttle buses linking the village and the station. Overcome issue with disabled access?Possible partnership with: group in Ewyas HaroldHay festivalPontrilas Saw Mills 13J/ OTheme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject6. Traffic ManagementParkingCars and trucks speedingReduce the speed limit or put in place traffic calming measures.Theme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject7. Protecting the character and heritage of the village and landscapeCreating a permanent village archive of social historyDisplay in the undercroft of the Town Hall, book or an online resource.Macadam archive and other sources.Shaping Grosmont audio recordings?Planning skillsPlannning authoritiesCadwAONB designation Kentchurch estateMoney12JReconnect the village with farming life Share rural skills before they are lost? ?Selling more farm produce locally34(do they have time?)RTheme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject8. Employment(also links to need for broadband)Sustain farming in an uncertain futureOpportunities for diversification may need to be explored. Theme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- Reject9. Sustainability Sustainable energy for the villagevillage to become carbon neutral Plastic and litter freeUse of hydroelectric power or small scale generation such as Solar PV panels.Use WFG Act to help guide all decision makingTheme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- munity governance-collaborating and involving everyone to succeed. Identify or develop group/ groups to lead on community action to work collaboratively and constructively for the good of the village. Should be as representative as possible of the communityVillage forum/ umbrella group?Sub groups /Working groups?Village panel to give opportunity for wide community munity councilGrosmont EventsOther interested /active groups and individuals3Theme Issue/objectiveOpportunity/ ideasStrengths to build on: Who / What already exists-which could be linked/ developed?Would you like to be involved?Who else needs to be involved?What other resources are required?Priority?How important?How urgent?Ranked 1-5 (1= high priority)Priority?How feasible?Ranked 1-5(1= very feasible) Who could deliver?C-CommunityJ-Joint Community & support organisationO -For Other organisation/ somebody elseR- RejectOther-1Other-2 ................

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