Course: World Studies

Course: U.S. History/American Experience

Grade Level: 10

Title: Impact of Japanese Internment

|Lesson Summary: During World War II, many Americans supported the decision to intern those people who were viewed as being potentially disloyal to the country, |

|this specifically being Japanese Americans. In hindsight, most Americans look at this decision as one that lacked proper judgment. However, shortly after the |

|attacks on September 11, 2001, this rhetoric was revisited. Students will investigate this event and trace its legacy. |

| |

|Estimated Lesson Duration: 2 days |

|Preparation: |

|Divide students into groups of four. |

|Arrange for time in the Media Center computer lab (2 days). |

|Notify the students that they will need to meet you in the Media Center computer lab for the day of the lesson. |

| |

|Instructional Procedures: |

|1st Day of the Lesson |

|Have the students sit with their groups (one computer per student). |

|Pass out copies of the Digital Archives sheets for the students (one copy per person). |

|Within the small groups, have the students decide among themselves, which aspect each will be responsible for researching. |

|Inform the students that they will have about 20 minutes to research their portion of the assignment. |

|Upon completion of the individual research, students will instruct the members of their groups on their findings. Each group member will record this information |

|on their own sheets. (20 minutes) |

|Discuss the findings of the groups with the remaining time. (5 minutes) |

|Discuss point of view |

|Rights of citizens |

|Parody of 14th amendment (Equal Protection Clause) |

|If time was an issue, have students complete the remainder of their sheets for homework. |

| |

|2nd Day of the Lesson (Individual research) |

|Allow the Media Specialist to introduce the specific database that the students will use and its functions. (15 minutes) |

|Pass out copies of the Korematsu v. United States (1944) Research Sheet and allow the students to research the case. (25-30 minutes) |

|With the remaining time, review the information with the students. (5 minutes) |

|Inform the students that they will need to review their information over night in order to prepare for the quiz tomorrow. |

| |

|Day after the lesson |

|Pass out copies of the post-test to the students (allocate about 5-10 minutes for this or less depending on the students ability to answer the questions). |

|Collect the copies of the post-test. |

|Differentiated Instructional Support: |

|For some students, the research portion can be given out as an individual project as opposed to a group assignment. Additionally, modifications to the assignment|

|can be made according to teacher specifications for the second day of research, as the information can be accessed for various reading levels at: |

| |

|Extension: |

|Students can read the book Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston. This book covers the experience of a woman who was interned as a young girl at the |

|Manzanar internment camp. The book can be used as a discussion or for a report. |

|Materials/Resources Needed: |

|For the teacher: CPU’s for each student, web connection, copies of the post-test, copies of the Digital Archives sheet, copies of the Korematsu v. United States |

|(1944) Research Sheet. |

|For the students: Notebooks, textbooks, pen or pencil. |

|Key Vocabulary: |

|Internment |

|Issei |

|Nisei |

|Sansei |

|Executive Order 9066 |

|Technology Connections: This lesson will make use of the Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives located at |

|. |

|Worksheets: |

|Post test (See attached) |

|Digital Archives Sheet (See attached) |

|Korematsu v. United States (1944) Research Sheet (See attached) |

|Ohio Academic Content Standards: |

| |

|Social Studies: |

|Grade: 10 |

|Standard: History |

|Benchmark: F |

|Organizer: 20th Century History |

|Indicator: 11b (Analyze the impact of U.S. participation in World War II with emphasis on: The internment of Japanese Americans). |

| |

|Library Guidelines: |

|Grade: 10 |

|Standard: Information Literacy |

|Benchmark: B |

|Organizer: Evaluating Resources |

|Indicator: 1 (Examine information for its accuracy and relevance to an information need (e.g., for a report on pollution, find information from sources that have |

|correct and current information related to the topic). |

|Evaluation: |

|The post-test will serve as the evaluation for the lesson. This should serve as a short-assessment for the students. Short and extended response questions as |

|needed. |

Action Plan for: Impact of Japanese Internment (Day #2 Only)

Class: U.S. History/American Experience

Grade Level: 10th

1. Welcome/Introduction

2. Today’s focus is on the Supreme Court case of Korematsu v. United States (1944)

a. Synopsis of the case:

• Fred Korematsu was an American-born citizen of Japanese descent who grew up in Oakland, California.  He tried to serve in the United States military, but was rejected for poor health.  He was able, however, to get a job in a shipyard.  When Japanese internment began in California, Korematsu evaded the order and moved to a nearby town.  He also had some facial surgery, changed his name and claimed to be Mexican-American.  He was later arrested and convicted of violating Exclusion Order No. 34 issued by General DeWitt, which barred all persons of Japanese descent from the “military area” of San Leandro, California.  There was no question at the time of conviction that Korematsu had been loyal to the United States and was not a threat to the war effort. 

Korematsu challenged his conviction on the grounds that the relocation orders were beyond the powers of Congress, the military authorities and the President.  He also asserted that to apply these orders only to those of Japanese ancestry amounted to constitutionally prohibited discrimination based on race.  The government argued that the exclusion and internment of Japanese Americans was justified because it was necessary to the war effort.  They said there was evidence that some Japanese Americans were involved in espionage, and argued that because there was no way to tell the loyal from the disloyal, all Japanese Americans had to be treated as though they were disloyal.


b. Focus on legal action taken as a result of violating personal freedoms.

3. Introduction of databases to be used:

a. Student Resource Center Gold

• Types of Articles (*=type of article that you want to use for this assignment)

1. Commentary

2. *Event Overview*

3. Topic Overview

4. *Narrative Biography*

4. Search strategies

a. Search by the full name of the case:

• Korematsu v. United States

b. Using the tabs to find more information

c. Locating a Primary Source

5. Legacies*

a. Can this type of governmentally endorsed discrimination happen again?

b. Is the government justified in restricting personal freedoms in order to protect national security?

6. Questions

Names: ___________________________________

U.S. History _____°

Date: ___________________________________

Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives Sheet

(Complete your portion AND the “Aftermath” on the backside, then share with your group members)


1. Type in the following website into the address bar:

2. Use the “tabs” to answer each of the questions in regards to each of the following.

❖ People (Read the Overview)

1. What type of occupations were Japanese Americans on the West Coast involved in prior to the internment?


2. Click on the link for the 42nd Regimental Combat Team and read about it. How does the existence of the 42nd Regimental Combat Team ironic? Explain.


3. The overview often talks of the Japanese being shown in pictures as happy. Choose a picture or drawing from those listed that shows what you believe the reality of the situation to be and explain your position.

• Title of the image: _______________________________________________________________

• Explanation:



❖ Places (Read the Overview)

1. What was the limit of personal belongings that Japanese Americans could bring with them to the Internment Camps?

2. What was the effect of Executive Order 9066 from these points of view?

• Japanese American Grocery Store owner:


• Non-Japanese neighbor of a Japanese American:


3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Find the internment camp in Topaz, Utah and select it. In the Search results, click on the “Topaz Times” in the first row. Click on one of the pages and enlarge it by clicking on it. Read one of the articles. What details standout to you about what life was like in this particular camp?

• Title of article: __________________________________________________________________

• Reflection of article:


❖ Daily Life (Read the Overview)

1. Explain what life in the interment camps was like for the following:

• Living conditions:


• Eating meals:


• Employment:


• Recreation:


2. What was significant about James Wakasa?



❖ Personal Experiences (Read the Overview)

1. Estelle Ishigo had a different experience than many internees at the Lone Heart Mountain Relocation Center. Create a one paragraph diary entry explain as part of her memoir below.


2. Explain the impact of the interment camps on either of the two individuals listed below. Circle who you choose to explain:

• Dwight Uchida

• Stanley Hayami


3. Explain how attending and graduating from Aquila High School at Tule Lake would have been different than any other high school.



❖ Aftermath (Find the timeline on the webpage)

1. What is significant about the following dates?

• 1981: __________________________________________________________

• August 1988: ______________________________________________________

Names: ___________________________________

U.S. History _____°

Date: ___________________________________

Korematsu v. United States (1944) Research Sheet

Instructions: Use the search strand “Korematsu v United States.” Find the first entry that is noted as a Topic Overview. Answer the following questions.

1. Explain the first case that was brought in order to challenge the internments?

• Name of case: _________________________________________

• Explanation of the case and the ruling by the Supreme Court:


2. What about Fred Korematsu would draw more attention to him as opposed to the plaintiff in the first case?


• Was the government justified in its punishment of Korematsu more so than the punishment of the plaintiff in the first case?


3. What argument did Fred Korematsu present in his defense?


4. Summarize the differences between Justice Black’s opinion and Justices Jackson’s dissent.


5. Which argument by the Justices do you feel is the most compelling? Choose a quote by that person that supports your personal opinion.

• I side with Justice:________________________

• “________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”

Click on the back arrow at the top of the webpage. Find the first entry listed as a Narrative Biography. Complete the following task.

6. Explain how Fred Korematsu eventually got justice.


Name: ___________________________________

U.S. History _____°

Date: ___________________________________


1. During times of war or perceived danger to the United States, groups of Americans have been singled out as potentially disloyal to the country. For example, during World War I, patriotic support for the war led to a distrust and persecution of German-Americans. In some places, German language instruction was forbidden, and German culture and heritage were subject to discrimination.

• Identify a group of Americans that was targeted as potentially disloyal in the years between 1940 and 1985.

• Explain why this group was targeted.

• Explain what this group endured as a result of being targeted as potentially disloyal.

• Explain what legal action was taken to fight this situation.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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