Principles of Technology 04-05

APES Scope and Sequence

|1st Semester |2nd Semester |

|Environment, Policy, Ethics, and Economics |Food, Agriculture, and Soil |

|Ch 1, 6,7 |Ch 9, 10 |

|Stewardship |Forestry, agriculture, and rangeland |

|History of environmental movement |Types of pesticides and herbicides |

|Global Issue Connections |Food production and health |

|Tragedy of the commons |Relevant laws and treaties |

|Sustainability |Erosion |

|Government Policies |Soil Conservation |

|Globalization |Soil types, formation and composition |

|Cost vs. Benefit |Biomagnification |

|Human Populations, Toxicology and Human Health |Geology / Mineral Resources |

|Ch 8, 14 |Ch 2,23 |

|Human Population sizes and distribution |Geologic time scale |

|Fertility rates |Plate tectonics and Geography |

|Growth rate and Doubling time |Rock Cycle |

|Population Histograms |Earthquakes and Volcanoes |

|Demographic transition |Mining |

|Global economics |Relevant laws and treaties |

|Toxicology – causes and effects on health | |

|Exponential Growth | |

|Community and Population Ecology |Air / Air Pollution / Climate Change |

|Ch 3,4,5,11 |Ch 17,18 |

|Species interactions |Biochemical Cycles |

|Energy flow and pyramids |Greenhouse gasses |

|Biogeochemical cycles |Acid deposition |

|Sustaining biodiversity |Human health risks / |

|Population dynamics / Carrying capacity |Indoor air quality |

|Biomagnification |Environmental degradation |

|Game management |Ozone Depletion |

|Invasive species |Relevant laws and treaties |

|Climate and Biome Biodiversity |Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy |

|Ch 4,12 |Ch 19,20,21 |

|Biomes (Land/ Water) |Energy forms, units, and conversions |

|Habitat loss |History and Global energy use |

|Land management |Fossil fuel resources and uses |

|Public and Federal lands |Nuclear energy |

|Weather and Climatology |Renewable energy |

|Forestry |Energy conservation |

|Relevant laws and treaties |Economic impacts |

| |Relevant laws and treaties |

|Water / Water Pollution |Waste Management |

|Ch5, 15,16 |Ch 22 |

|Water Cycle |Solid waste disposal and reduction |

|Surface and Ground water issues |Waste reduction ( 5 R’s) |

|Eutrophication |Hazardous chemicals and waste |

|Conservation |Environmental hazards |

|Water ecology |Human health / toxicology |

|Sewage treatment |Relevant laws and treaties |

|Relevant laws and treaties | |

APES Labs and Activities

| | |

|1st Semester |Goals |

|Environment, Policy, Ethics, and Economics | |

| | |

|Tragedy of the Commons |1. Learn what a common is and how humans can harm it |

| | |

|Global Issue Connections |2. Demonstrate the interrelationship of all topics |

|Populations and Toxicology | |

|World Populations Lab |1. To view histograms and dynamic histograms of different |

| |countries and interpret them. |

|Histogram Lab |2. Practice interpreting histograms |

| |3. To graph population data, interpret population trends and |

|Too many People Activity |evaluate the impact of populations on resources |

|Comparing Populations in China and India |4. To see the different ways the two largest countries in the |

| |world have approached population issues |

|Daphnia – Estimating Populations |5. To learn to estimate population size by removal sampling |

| |techniques |

|Duckweed Population growth |6. To monitor over time the increase in duckweed as an |

| |example of exponential growth |

|Herbicides and LD50 |7. To determine a true kill proportion |

|Community and Population Ecology | |

|Eco-Column |1. To study the interrelationship between land and water |

|Species Diversity |2. Demonstrate the variations in diversity and math involved |

|Owl Pellet Dissection |3. To dissect and identify what the owl ate and how many |

|Endangered/Extinct Species Brochure |4. Research the ESA and justify the importance with |

| |examples |

|Zone of Tolerance |5. Relate DO and temperature and its effects on a goldfish |

| | |

|Parking Lot Biodiversity lab |6. Demonstrate the variations in diversity and math involved |

|Climate and Biome Biodiversity | |

| | |

|National Park Brochure |1. Research, design and present information on a NP |

|Aquatic Biodiversity and Field Study |2. To test the water at a local pond for chemical |

| |characteristics, and life biodiversity |

|Soils Permeability |3. To learn how to calculate the permeability of a soil sample |

|Weather and Climate Lab |4. Learn the patterns of weather systems and how geography |

| |effects weather |

|Terrestrial Transect |5. Learn to do transect counts and calculate desity |

| |6. Explore a local nature preserve and examine the physical |

|Arbor Hills Nature Preserve Field Trip |and chemical characteristics of the location by collecting |

| |samples to be analyzed in the field and back in the lab. |

|Hot Spots! |7. Locate a “hotspot” and collect info as to why it is of major |

| |importance |

|Water / Water Pollution | |

| | |

|Water, Water Everywhere |1. To learn the different water issues occurring around the |

| |world |

|Water Filter/Sewage Treatment Lab |2. Learn the step that occur in treatment plants and to |

| |construct their own filter system |

|Water Chemical Lab |3. To collect samples from around the area and test each for |

| |specific chemicals |

|2nd Semester |Goals |

|Air / Air Pollution | |

| | |

|How much is a pound of CO2? |1. To help create a visual when calculating a carbon budget |

| |and carbon footprint |

|Air Particulates Lab |2. To collect data on indoor and outdoor air particulates and |

| |compare different locations for each |

|Food, Agriculture, and Soil |1. To learn the environmental and human effects of some |

|Pesticide Label Lab |common household pesticides |

| |2. To evaluate different herbicides to determine their toxicity |

|Toxicity of Herbicides Lab |and effect on a plant due to s specified dosage |

| |3. To learn how to determine the texture of a soil sample |

|Soils Texture Lab |4. To determine the amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and |

|Soil Chemical Lab |Potassium in a sample of soil and decide the best choice of |

| |fertilizers for that sample |

|Soil Porosity and Permeability |5. To calculate the permeability of soil sample |

|Geology / Mineral Resources |1. To learn how to read seismographs, locate epicenters and |

|Earthquake Activity |look at temperature gradients in the earth |

| |2. To determine the relative ages of fossils to define the ages |

|Rock Cycle and Formation Activity |of rocks and understand radioactive decay |

| |3. To scale geological time and put present time into reference |

|Geological Timeline | |

| |4. To discuss the impact of our use of fossil fuels and how that |

|Cookie Mining |use affects the environment |

|Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy |1. To calculate the percent efficiency solar panel for |

|Solar Panel Lab |converting a light bulb to solar power electricity |

| |2. To determine the average use of electricity use by |

|How many Kilowatts? |household appliances and how much money is spent over |

| |time using the current KW rate for a local power provider |

| |3. To compare and contrast different types of usable coal |

|Coal Comparison |using characteristics such as heat output, air pollution and |

| |burn time. |

|Waste Management |1. To learn how landfills work, laws and requirements for |

|Land Fill Field Trip |landfills |

| |2. To learn how to build an indoor and an outdoor compost |

|Build an Indoor Compost Bin |bin, and learn how they can reuse renewable waste |

| |3. Learn about major oil spills in history and strategies to |

|Oil Spill Remediation |remediate a spill |

| |4. To understand the scope of recycling in the area, the |

|Recycling Plant field trip |volume of saving from a landfill and the economic and |

| |environmental benefits |


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