
ADVICE FOR SCHOOLS IN MANAGING THE RISK OF CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) TRANSMISSION IN SCHOOL BOARDING PREMISESUpdated 5 October 2020CONTENTS TOC \t "HEADING 1,1,HEADING 2,2,Heading 3,3" 1.Updated restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne and rural and regional Victoria PAGEREF _Toc52794181 \h 32.Audience of this advice and definition of school boarding premises PAGEREF _Toc52794182 \h 33.Attendance at school boarding premises PAGEREF _Toc52794183 \h 3A. Return of students to school boarding premises PAGEREF _Toc52794184 \h 3B. Health and safety requirements for students returning from metropolitan Melbourne to school boarding premises in regional Victoria PAGEREF _Toc52794185 \h 5C. Transportation to and drop-off at school boarding premises PAGEREF _Toc52794186 \h 54.Workplace Directions and COVIDSafe Plans PAGEREF _Toc52794187 \h 65.Minimising the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in school boarding premises PAGEREF _Toc52794188 \h 7A. Transmission reduction strategies for boarders PAGEREF _Toc52794189 \h 7B. Transmission reduction strategies for staff PAGEREF _Toc52794190 \h 8C. Principles regarding the use of face masks PAGEREF _Toc52794191 \h 9D. Facility management PAGEREF _Toc52794192 \h 9E. Identification and management of suspected and confirmed cases PAGEREF _Toc52794193 \h 10F. Identification and management of close contacts PAGEREF _Toc52794194 \h 11G. The Victorian Chief Health Officer’s Workplace Directions and additional requirements for employees and employers regarding suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) PAGEREF _Toc52794195 \h 116.Developing and implementing risk management plans PAGEREF _Toc52794196 \h 117.Developing individual action plans for students and staff PAGEREF _Toc52794197 \h 12A. Individual action plans for students PAGEREF _Toc52794198 \h 12B. Individual action plans for staff PAGEREF _Toc52794199 \h 138.Involving parents in decision making PAGEREF _Toc52794200 \h 139.Resources PAGEREF _Toc52794201 \h 14Updated restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne and rural and regional VictoriaOn 6 September 2020, the Victorian Government announced the roadmap for reopening Victoria and moving towards COVID Normal. The roadmap includes a plan for a staged return to on-site schooling. School boarding premises may begin a staged return of students to their facilities for the beginning of Term 4 as corresponding year levels return to on-site schooling in metropolitan and regional Victoria (read Section 3: Attendance at school boarding premises). This advice has been updated to support school boarding premises throughout Term 4 and the gradual return to on-site schooling. School boarding premises should follow the advice in this document. This includes advice regarding the staged return to school, transmission reduction strategies and management of suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19). School boarding premises may also refer to Health and safety advice for on-site schooling in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19).School boarding premises should:develop and continue to review a coronavirus (COVID-19) risk assessment and mitigation planning process, specific to that facility, including for boarders and staffdevelop and continue to review individual action plans for all students and staff attending the school boarding premisesfollow the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s Workplace Directions, including through developing a COVIDSafe Plan.Each school boarding premise is different and will face varied issues and challenges in minimising the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19). Audience of this advice and definition of school boarding premises The guidance in this fact sheet has been developed by the Department of Education and Training (the Department) for schools or entities that operate school boarding premises (also referred to as ‘facilities’ in this document). School boarding premises are defined as premises at which accommodation services are provided to students enrolled at or attending a registered school. The primary purpose is to enable or facilitate a person to enrol at or attend a registered school. ?A school boarding premises does not include ‘a premises or place at which camping facilities, including accommodation services, are provided on a short-term basis to students of a registered school who are required by the school to attend the premises or place as part of instruction in a key learning area or an extracurricular activity of the school’. Therefore, this guidance does not relate to school camps and programs running for less than 12 weeks. Typically in these scenarios students from one or multiple schools reside together in order to undertake core curriculum at a location away from the usual school site for a specific purpose or to attend a specific program e.g. leadership program, sustainable living program, personal development program.Attendance at school boarding premises A. Return of students to school boarding premises Following the Victorian Government’s announcement of Stage 3 and Stage 4 restrictions on 2 August 2020, the Department issued advice that school boarding premises should seek to minimise the number of students attending their facility, including a strong recommendation that all students residing at school boarding premises who could safely and practically return to their family home should do so. Consistent with the staged return to on-site schooling in Victoria, school boarding premises may now begin a staged return of students to their facilities for the beginning of Term 4 as corresponding year levels return to on-site schooling in metropolitan and regional Victoria. The date of students’ return to school boarding premises must be as close as possible to their return to on-site schooling date. For school boarding premises in regional Victoria:All students may return to school boarding premises for Term 4. This includes students currently residing in metropolitan Melbourne who ordinarily attend school boarding premises in regional Victoria, who have returned home due to coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions (refer to Section 3B: Health and safety requirements for students returning from metropolitan Melbourne to school boarding premises in regional Victoria). Students in years 11 and 12, and Year 10 students enrolled in Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning?(VCAL) units: should return to school boarding premises as close as possible to 5 October 2020can attend school for essential assessments only in the week beginning 5 October.Students in years 7 to 10: should not return to school boarding premises prior to Thursday 8 October 2020can return to on-site schooling from 12 October 2020the later return of these students is intended to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in school boarding premises, which could impact senior students’ ability to complete examinations, including the General Achievement Test (GAT), during the week of 5 October 2020Year 10 students enrolled in VCE and VCAL units who need to attend on-site assessments during the week beginning 5 October 2020 are exempt from this recommendation.Any students attending school boarding premises before their return to on-site schooling date must continue to learn remotely from the school boarding premises. For school boarding premises in metropolitan Melbourne:Students may return to school boarding premises consistent with the staged return to on-site schooling in metropolitan Melbourne. Students in years 11 and 12, and Year 10 students enrolled in VCE and VCAL units:should return to school boarding premises as close as possible to 5 Octobercan attend school for essential assessments only in the week beginning 5 October.Students in Year 7: should not return to school boarding premises before Thursday 8 October 2020can return to on-site schooling from 12 October 2020.Students in years 8 to 10:should not return to school boarding premises before Thursday 22 October 2020can return to on-site schooling from 26 October 2020.Any students who are not in the on-site schooling cohorts, but did not return home during Stage 3 and Stage 4 restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne and remain in residence at the school boarding premises, will need to learn remotely from the school boarding premises. For Year 10 students enrolled in VCE and VCAL units and attending school boarding premises in metropolitan Melbourne, on-site schooling is permitted for those units only. Remote learning is required for all other units. It is recognised that there may be complexities involved with timing the return of students to school boarding premises. School boarding premises and families should endeavour to meet the recommended timeframes detailed above. During the week commencing 5 October, to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in school boarding premises, which could impact senior students’ ability to complete essential assessments, school boarding premises must limit mixing between senior students and all other students in attendance. This is in addition to a general ongoing requirement to reduce mixing between different cohorts of boarders. Refer to Section 5A: Transmission reduction strategies for boarders. B. Health and safety requirements for students returning from metropolitan Melbourne to school boarding premises in regional VictoriaStudents who ordinarily attend school boarding premises in regional Victoria but are currently residing in metropolitan Melbourne due to coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions can return to their school boarding premises at the beginning of Term 4, or as close as possible to their return to on-site schooling date (read Section 3A: Return of students to school boarding premises). Students returning to regional Victoria from metropolitan Melbourne must meet certain requirements as a condition of their return. These following requirements are established in the Restricted Activity Directions (Non-Melbourne) (No 6) issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS): Before students from metropolitan Melbourne return to a school boarding premises in regional Victoria, the school must require that students or their parent or carer provide a statement attesting that: in the 14 days prior to departure from metropolitan Melbourne to the school boarding premises, the student has not displayed one or more symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)in the 14 days prior to departure from metropolitan Melbourne to the school boarding premises, the student has not been a close contact of a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19)within three days before departure from metropolitan Melbourne to the school boarding premises, the student has received a test result stating that they have not been diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19)for the period of time from when the student took the coronavirus (COVID-19) test until the student returned to the school boarding premises, the student has self-quarantined.School boarding premises should also maintain daily observation of students returning from metropolitan Melbourne for 14 days following their return. School boarding premises must maintain daily written records of whether students display one or more symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). If students display any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they must be immediately isolated and referred for testing. Refer to Section 5E: Identification and management of suspected and confirmed cases.C. Transportation to and drop-off at school boarding premises Where possible, students should return to school boarding premises via a private vehicle. Where students are dropped-off at school boarding premises by a parent or carer, school boarding premises should encourage staff and parents to observe physical distancing measures. This should include:ensuring parents not to congregate in areas inside or around the facility providing multiple entry and exit points to the facility if appropriatestaggering drop-off timespositioning signs at facility entry points to encourage 1.5 metres physical distancing between adultsensuring parents and carers are wearing face masks. Where students return to school boarding premises via other transport, students should:practise hand hygiene before and after using public transportpractise physical distancing at bus stops, train stations and interchange locations for other shared transport services where practical.Physical distancing should also be exercised by parents, carers and school staff at bus stops, interchanges and train stations. Workplace Directions and COVIDSafe PlansWorkplaces that are permitted to remain open in Victoria are subject to the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s Workplace Directions, which place specific requirements on permitted workplaces, including for employers and employees. These include preventative measures that must be taken to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission, and steps that must be taken by employers if they are made aware of a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) who attended the workplace whilst infectious. All workplaces in Victoria are now required by law to have a COVIDSafe Plan unless an exemption applies. COVIDSafe Plans are intended to help workplaces protect their staff, customers and visitors and to prevent and prepare for a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace. For more information, visit the DHHS Victoria’s restriction levels page. As school boarding premises are workplaces, they are required to complete a COVIDSafe Plan. The requirement for school boarding premises to complete COVIDSafe Plans is in addition to the requirement for:COVIDSafe Plans completed by associated schools the risk assessment for boarders referred to in this document.COVIDSafe Plans must set out:the actions of school boarding premises to help prevent the introduction of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplacethe level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for the school boarding premises workforcehow school boarding premises will prepare for, and respond to, a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace.COVIDSafe Plans must demonstrate how school boarding premises will meet all of the requirements set out by the Victorian Government. More information on COVIDSafe Plans can be found on the Business Victoria website. School boarding premises should continue to review their COVIDSafe Plans, taking into account any changes to the Workplace Directions. Minimising the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in school boarding premisesTo minimise the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission in school boarding premises, school boarding premises are required to complete a risk assessment and mitigation planning process. The risk assessments undertaken by school boarding premises must include, but not be limited to, a consideration of the following factors. The Department has developed a risk assessment and mitigation planning template to accompany this factsheet that school boarding premises may use to assist in undertaking the assessment. Consideration of these factors may also assist school boarding premises in completing their COVIDSafe Plans.A. Transmission reduction strategies for boardersTransmission reduction strategies must be consistently implemented for all students residing at school boarding premises. School boarding premises must consider:Establishing appropriate processes to assess that boarders are well and not symptomatic. Given the current levels of community transmission in Victoria, temperature testing of all students will not be routinely required in Term 4.Revising sleeping arrangements:single rooms for sleeping are preferred to limit potential transmissionwhere single rooms are not available, school boarding premises should consider grouping students who are together in class within a dormitory (creating ‘bubbles’).Minimising use of shared bathrooms:bathrooms and toilets for individual use must be used where availableif shared, additional cleaning and hygiene measures must be implemented. Reducing mixing between different cohorts of boarders in the facility. Strategies should include: staggering dining times in shared dining rooms to reduce group numbers and cleaning between dining sessionsallocating boarders to specific shared communal facilities, such as bathrooms, toilets and recreation areaswhere students are not learning on-site at school, establishing defined remote learning areas for different cohorts of boarders.Where possible, pursuing a variety of strategies to support physical distancing between all students, and also between students and staff. Physical distancing should be applied facility-wide, with the exception of within sleeping quarters. Staff and students should also practice physical distancing with any visitors or contractors who enter the facility.Holding classes outside and encourage students to eat outside, weather permitting.Encouraging regular hand hygiene for all students, particularly before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toiletwhere soap and water are not readily available, ensuring that hand sanitiser is available in every occupied room. Adhering to principles regarding the use of face masks as outlined in Section 5C: Principles regarding the use of face masks. Establishing circumstances under which boarders will be able to temporarily leave the site where necessary (for example for a medical appointment) and processes to support any visits. Delivering education and training for boarders on coronavirus (COVID-19) and transmission reduction strategies, including:displaying clear signage about transmission reduction strategies throughout the school boarding premises, including in all communal areas, to re-enforce these parameters and protocols. Where appropriate, school boarding premises should consider providing this signage in languages other than English. Ensuring the availability of mental health and wellbeing supports.B. Transmission reduction strategies for staffTransmission reduction strategies must be consistently implemented for all staff at school boarding premises, including staff who reside at the school boarding premises and staff who attend for work only. School boarding premises must consider the following factors to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) to staff. These factors are for consideration in addition to the requirements of the Workplace Directions and a school boarding premises’ COVIDSafe Plan. Establishing appropriate processes to assess that staff are well and not symptomatic. Delivering education and training for staff on coronavirus (COVID-19) and transmission reduction strategies, including:displaying clear signage about transmission reduction strategies throughout the school boarding premises, including in all communal areas and staff areas, to reinforce these parameters and protocols familiarisation with the school boarding premises risk assessment and COVIDSafe Plan. Delivering education and training for staff, where relevant, on the appropriate use of PPE when managing someone displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). The Department has provided schools with guidance on the use of PPE. Reinforcing that physical distancing is required between adults, including by emphasising the 1.5 metre rule.Applying density restrictions (density quotients) in staff areas, for example staff lunchrooms, and any areas accessed by visitors.Consider holding meetings outside and encourage staff to eat outside, weather permitting.Adhering to principles regarding the use of face masks as outlined in Section 5C: Principles regarding the use of face masks. Where staff reside at school boarding premises:single rooms for sleeping are preferred in order to limit potential transmissionbathrooms and toilets for individual use should be used where availableif shared, additional cleaning and hygiene measures must be implemented.Encouraging regular hand hygiene for all staff, particularly before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toiletwhere soap and water are not readily available, ensuring that hand sanitiser is available in every occupied room, including staff-only areas.Staff who are medically vulnerable should seek advice from their medical practitioner in relation to their on-site attendance. In line with other members of the community, teachers and staff may be at greater risk of more serious illness if they are infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) if they are: aged 70 years and overaged 65 years and over and have chronic medical conditionsof any age and have a compromised immune systemAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and are aged over 50 with chronic medical conditions.Ensuring the availability of mental health and wellbeing supports.C. Principles regarding the use of face masksFace masks must be worn by staff and secondary students who are 12 years and over if there is any chance they will be interacting with staff or students they do not live with, irrespective of if this is in or out of school hours, unless a lawful exception applies. Examples of such interaction include interaction with staff who attend the boarding school to supervise remote learning but do not live there, or interaction with other students who live in separate quarters.If staff and students are only interacting with other students and staff whom they share residential quarters with, they do not need to wear face masks while inside their residential quarters, in recognition that this is like being in their own home.Secondary students aged 12 and over attending on-site schooling must wear face masks at school. This is consistent with the Department’s face masks advice for schools.A fitted face mask that covers the nose and mouth is now the only permitted type of face covering. Face shields on their own do not meet these requirements. DHHS has identified a limited number of circumstances in which lawful excuses or exceptions for not wearing a face mask apply.For further information on principles regarding the use of face masks, school boarding premises should refer to the Department’s face masks advice for schools and guidance from DHHS. D. Facility managementSchool boarding premises should refer to the Workplace Directions for specific obligations on employers that may be relevant to facility management.School boarding premises must consider safety and transmission reduction strategies related to the management of their facility, including:Conducting routine enhanced environmental cleaning of school boarding premises and cleaning of high touch surfaces. Reducing the need to interact with high touch surfaces (for example by keeping doors open, with the exception of doors to bedrooms and bathrooms).Ensuring the provision of adequate hygiene facilities and supplies, including soap, running water and hand sanitiser. Reconsidering the need for shared equipment and wiping equipment down between use where necessary. Increasing ventilation, strategies should include:increasing outdoor air ventilation whenever possible to dilute the concentration of an airborne virus and to filter air recirculating in a spaceconsidering opportunities for outdoor learning and working where appropriate, as alternatives to indoor interactions where possible, air recirculation should be eliminated or minimised by setting air conditioning units to use external air rather than recyclingdoor jams should be used where possible to keep air circulating and avoid the need to close and open doors (with the exception of doors to bedrooms and bathrooms). Considering catering and mealtime processes, including staggering to reduce mixing between cohorts of students and staff. Considering use of indoor/outdoor recreation areas, including reducing mixing between cohorts of students. Considering use of laundry areas and other ancillary areas.Establishing processes to control site entry and exit. Establishing processes for and records of visitors and contractors who are present for 15 minutes or more. Establishing processes for and records of staff and students who are present for 15 minutes or more. Limiting visitors and contractors to the facility to:those providing an essential service (e.g. health service, catering deliveries, cleaning service, laundry collection)parents, carers, guardians, relatives and others who may be providing care or support to students or staff at a school boarding premises, where necessary.Limiting out-of-facility visits in line with current restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, including adherence to any restrictions on: the number of reasons to leave homepublic gathering limits and social bubbles. Implementing appropriate infection prevention and control at facility health clinics/infirmaries, including appropriate use and supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and physical distancing requirements. E. Identification and management of suspected and confirmed casesSchool boarding premises must establish arrangements to identify and isolate suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19). To respond to a suspected case, school boarding premises must follow current advice from DHHS: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) suspected case: What you need to know To respond to a confirmed case, school boarding premises must follow current advice from DHHS: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) confirmed case: What you need to know. School boarding premises should refer to the Workplace Directions for more about what employers must do in the event that an employee is a suspected or confirmed case and was at work in the 48 hours prior to developing symptoms. Arrangements for identifying and managing suspected and confirmed cases should include: conducting daily screening using a questionnaire to aid early identification of symptomatic students, staff and visitors seeking advice from the student’s family doctor or the medical practice providing GP services to the facility to arrange testing of symptomatic studentssymptomatic staff should not attend work and should be encouraged to seek medical advice about testingisolating a suspected case until the test result is knownestablishing processes and procedures for isolating any cases that arise, including development of individual action plans determined in advance for each student and staff member, refer to Section 7: Developing individual actions plans for students and staff immediately activating the action plan for any student and staff member who becomes a suspected or confirmed case. Any isolation at the facility must meet expected criteria for any case in the communityPPE should be used in line with guidance for schools, with staff trained to understand when and how to use PPE appropriately appropriate cleaning must take place following a confirmed case on a school boarding premisesschool boarding premises must follow current advice from DHHS: How to clean and disinfect after a COVID-19 case in non-healthcare settings. F. Identification and management of close contactsThere are challenges in identifying specific close contacts within a school boarding premises unless measures to reduce mixing between different cohorts of boarders are implemented and adhered to.Due to high density and close living arrangements, the numbers of students and staff defined as close contacts could be large, such as all who lived in a shared space such as a dormitory. If there is a large number of confirmed cases or close contacts at a school boarding premises, this could result in the facility needing to temporarily close. School boarding premises must also keep records of any staff member, student or visitor who attends the school premises for more than 15 minutes, to assist with contact tracing if required.In the event of a confirmed case, the school boarding premises must work closely with DHHS to facilitate rapid contact tracing using the above records.School boarding premises must establish processes and procedures for quarantine of any identified close contacts, including the development of individual action plans. Quarantine at school boarding premises must meet the expected criteria for any close contact in the community. School boarding premises must follow current advice from DHHS: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) close contact: What you need to know.School boarding premises should refer to the Workplace Directions for specific steps that employers must take in the event that a staff member tests positive and was at work whilst infectious, including contact tracing. G. The Victorian Chief Health Officer’s Workplace Directions and additional requirements for employees and employers regarding suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19)In line with the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s Workplace Directions, there are additional specific requirements for employees if they test positive and for employers if they become aware of a staff member who is a suspected case or has tested positive.School boarding premises and employees should refer to the Workplace Directions for full details of these requirements. Refer to Section 4: Workplace Directions and COVIDSafe Plans. Developing and implementing risk management plans Building on the risk assessment or review of arrangements for students, staff and facilities, school boarding premises need to develop and continue to review comprehensive risk management plans – in addition to their COVIDSafe Plan – to minimise the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19). School boarding premises must also keep in mind their child safety obligations and any relevant regulatory requirements, including those for international students.Risk management plans should include:scenario planning for single and multiple confirmed cases and/or close contacts, where the school boarding premises remains openscenario planning for single and multiple confirmed cases and/or close contacts, where the school boarding premises needs to temporarily closedetails of mitigation strategies that ensure the risks identified during the risk assessment process are managed as far as reasonably practicable, including through meeting the current recommendations for transmission reduction strategies as well as infection prevention and controlthe development of individual actions plans for each student and staff member, determined in advance, outlining what will happen if they become a confirmed case, suspected case or close contact. Read Section 7: Developing individual actions plans for students and staff. Risk management plans should also include working closely with DHHS in the event of multiple cases in the facility.School boarding premises should continue to refer to current DHHS COVID-19 health advice and adjust procedures and protocols as required. School boarding premises should also maintain current knowledge of requirements related to COVIDSafe Plans, and update these as required. Developing individual actions plans for students and staffSchool boarding premises are required to develop and update individual action plans for every staff and student attending the facility as appropriate. All existing individual action plans should be updated if and when students and staff return to school boarding premises to reflect their attendance. A. Individual action plans for students Individual action plans for students are required to include information on:Whether the student continued to reside at the school boarding premises during the Stage 4 (metropolitan Melbourne) and Stage 3 (regional Victoria) restrictions or returned home. For students that returned home, details of if and when the student returned to the school boarding premises (consistent with the attendance policy outlined in Section 3: Attendance at school boarding premises).For any future restrictions, whether the student will return home or continue to reside at the school boarding premises. If a student is to return home, details of any travel arrangements or interstate quarantine requirements.For students in attendance at the school boarding premises, the process that will be implemented if:they are a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19)they are a close contactwhere a student will spend any isolation or quarantine periodif the isolation or quarantine period is not at the school boarding premises, details of how students will travel there, noting that the health advice is that students remain in situ unless they have health symptoms requiring a hospital admission or the facility is unable to accommodate safe isolation or quarantining. Any other obligations consistent with the school boarding premises’ COVIDSafe Plan.B. Individual action plans for staffIndividual action plans for staff are required to include information on:Whether the staff member continued to reside at or attend the school boarding premises during the Stage 4 (metropolitan Melbourne) and Stage 3 (rural and regional Victoria) restrictions or returned home. For staff that returned home, details of if and when the staff member returned to the school boarding premises, including for residential purposes.For any future restrictions, whether the staff member will continue to reside at or attend the school boarding premises, or return home. If a staff member is to return home, details of any travel arrangements or interstate quarantine requirements.For all staff members residing at or attending the school boarding premises, the process that will be implemented if:they are a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19)they are a close contactwhere a staff member will spend any isolation or quarantine periodfor staff who ordinarily reside at the school boarding premises, if the isolation or quarantine period is not at the school boarding premises, details of how the staff member will travel there, noting that the health advice is that staff remain in situ unless they have health symptoms requiring a hospital admission or the facility is unable to accommodate safe isolation or quarantining. Any other obligations consistent with the school boarding premises’ COVIDSafe Plan. Involving parents in decision makingIt is recommended that school boarding premises ensure that families and carers have a clear understanding, with documented acknowledgement, of the facility’s proposed risk management plans, COVIDSafe plan and the advice included in this document. Parents and carers should also be consulted regarding the development of their child’s individual action plan and provided with a copy of this plan. ResourcesThe following resources may assist school boarding premises to understand and meet the requirements detailed in this document:Roadmap to reopening Victoria: .au/coronavirus-covid-19-restrictions-roadmaps Department of Education and Training resourcesRisk assessment and mitigation planning template for school boarding premises.Term 4 arrangements in schools: Health and safety advice for schools: 4 School operations guide: guidance for schools: masks guidance for schools: of Health and Human Services resourcesCoronavirus disease (COVID-19) confirmed case: What you need to know Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) suspected case: What you need to know Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) close contact: What you need to know How to clean and disinfect after a COVID-19 case in non-healthcare settingsCoronavirus advice: Face masks guidance: density guidance: Workplace Directions and Restricted Activity Directions: COVIDSafe Plan resourcesDHHS advice on ‘Business and Industry – restrictions by industry’: COVIDSafe Plans: Creating a COVIDSafe workplace: ................

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