Sets and Set Operations .edu

CSCE 222

Discrete Structures for Computing

Sets and Set Operations

Dr. Philip C. Ritchey

Set Notation

? Set: an unordered collection of objects (members, elements)


? ? is a member of ?, ? is an element of ?


? ? is not a member of ?, ? is not an element of ?

? Roster method

? S= 1,2,3,4

? Set Builder

? ? = ? O ? ?? ? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? 5

? ? = ? O ? ?+ ? < 5


? Jumping Jacks!

? Kidding

? List the members of the set:

? ? O ? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ??????? ??? ? < 100

? 0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81

? ? O ?2 = 2

? ? 2, 2

? Use set builder notation to describe the set:

? 0,3,6,9,12

? 3? O ? ?? ?? ??????? ??? 0 ? 4

? ?3, ?2, ?1,0,1,2,3

? ? O ? ?? ?? ??????? ??? ? 3

Common Sets

? ? = , ?2, ?1,0,1,2, , the set of integers

? ?+ , the positive integers

? ?? , the negative integers

? ? = [0, ]1,2,3, , the set of natural numbers


? ? = O ?, ? ?, ? 0 , the set of rational numbers


? ?, the set of real numbers

? ?+ , the set of positive reals

? ?? , the set of negative reals

? ?, the set of complex numbers

? ?: the universal set (set of discourse)

? ?: the empty set,

? ? is a non-empty singleton set

Interval Notation

? Shortcuts for sets containing numbers

? [ , ] mean inclusive. Closed interval.

? ( , ) mean exclusive. Open interval.

?, ? = ? O ? ? ?

?, ? = ? O ? < ? < ?

?, ? = ? O ? ? < ?

?, ? = ? O ? < ? ?


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