Intro to Psych

Intro to Psych

Interview paper

F. Purificato

You will interview an individual, of any age, who has a psychological disorder, the parent of a child with a disorder, or someone who works with children or adults with disorders. The individual does not need to be, but may be someone you already know; including a family member; but you should schedule and conduct a real interview.

After you have finished the interview, you are to write it up in essay form: deleting the questions from the essay.

The structure of the paper will look like this:

1. Introduction

a. Presentation of the subject

b. Brief explanation of whom you interviewed and the nature of the disability

2. Body

a. Interview written as a narrative

b. You are encouraged to use quotations, but sparingly

I suggest a maximum of three quotations

At a minimum, your report should address the following questions:

How has living with the disorder affected:

The individuals school experiences?

The individuals type of job (or future job plans)

The individual’s family life

What is the individual’s greatest frustration, pet peeve, related to living with the disability in today’s society?

3. Conclusion

A brief personal reflection: what did you learn from this experience? Please do not give your opinion about the person’s life.

The paper is to be typed double spaced, presented on white paper with black ink, using size 12 font. Use regular print (not bold or italic-except where necessary) your paper should be 3-5 pages long with the proper use of paragraphs. Your paper should be free from spelling errors and grammatical errors. Make sure you have your first and last names, and your class section on the paper. You could use a header on the first page of the report or create a separate cover page.

Typed papers due no later than DEC 18 2006

Reminder: the paper is to be handed in on or before the due date. Being absent on the due date is not an excuse for handing in the paper late., For each day the assignment Is late 10 points will be deducted from the grade.


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