Second Interview prep worksheet - University of Minnesota

Second Interview Preparation And Follow Up Checklist


STEP 1: Research the Company

_____ Complete “Knowing the Company” Worksheet

_____ Contact and interview 2-3 individuals who work or worked at the company

_____ Prepare 15 questions to ask

STEP 2: Research How the Company Interviews

______Gain intelligence on type of questions the company asks

______Contact and interview students/alums who have gone through the process

______Research the company individuals with whom you will meet

STEP 3: Prepare for Questioning

_____ Meet with the GBCC to practice interview questions you find most challenging

______Prepare 3 examples using STAR technique for each key competency

______Learn, Review and Practice Case Interviewing Techniques (if applicable)

______Rehearse Opening “Tell Me About Yourself” i.e. Your Story

______Rehearse Close “Why should we hire you?”

______Rehearse “Decision that Backfired on You”

______Rehearse “Time that you made a decision that negatively impacted others”

______Rehearse “Time when you had to face an ethical decision”

STEP 4: Confirm Logistics

______Confirm travel arrangements (if applicable)

______Confirm how to get there and where you will park

______Confirm dress code

______Confirm who you will be meeting

______Confirm agenda: start time and end time

______Prepare interview attire (extra hose for ladies, pressed shirts for gentlemen)

Follow Up

STEP 5: Complete Follow Up

______Send thank you letters

______Follow up on unanswered questions

______Follow up if deadline passes and you have not heard from company



Use Wilson Library Database Indexes for Research


Focus on Results!


Identify a Second Place to Park as a Back Up!


Focus on What You Learned


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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