Job Search Master Class® “Law of Threes”

Interview Prep Blank for Military SpousesJob Search Master Class? “Law of Threes”Listen HARD to the questionPause, think of three points you want to makeSay three points and pause, giving them time to write or digest them.Be engaging; not a robot. When they ask you to expand or elaborate, be prepared to elaborate and have a conversation!Job Search Master Class? “Law of Threes”Listen HARD to the questionPause, think of three points you want to makeSay three points and pause, giving them time to write or digest them.Be engaging; not a robot. When they ask you to expand or elaborate, be prepared to elaborate and have a conversation!Most Common QuestionsAnswer ExamplesWhat are your greatest strengths? ORWhat would prior co-workers say your strengths are? What are your greatest weaknesses? ORWhat would prior co-workers say your weaknesses are?Tell me about yourself.(This is one of the types of “Elevator Pitch” questions. Read the “Elevator Pitch” handout in Module 1, Lesson 3)How do you handle stress and pressure?Describe a difficult work situation or project and how you overcame it. ORTell me a time when you….?Do you have experience in…?Why are you leaving or why have you left your job? Why do you want this job? Why do you want to work for our company?Why should we hire you? What are your goals for the future? What was your most recent compensation?What is your target compensation? What motivates you?Are you overqualified for this job?If the interviewer knows you are a Military Spouse, you may get some unique questions!Are you a military spouse? I see you are a military spouse. Aren’t you going to move again soon?<You can fill in any number of questions you believe you may be asked…then write the answer!>Now, download the handout called “Interview Questions to Ask” (In Module 5, Lesson 1) so you prepare you’re the very important questions you will ask them! When they ask “Do you have any questions for me?” your answer will always be YES!List the questions you will ask here: (6-10) ................

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