Child Care Center Director Interview Questions and Answers

Child Care Center Director

Interview Questions And Answers


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Child Care Center Director Interview Questions And Answers




Child Care Center Director Job Interview Preparation Guide.


Question # 1

What qualifies you for this position as Child Care Center Director?


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Question # 2

Tell us what do you enjoy most about being a preschool director?



Answer:I have a heart for children, their caregivers, the church and God. I have many years of experience with teaching my children and others. Ive taught in the Childrens

Ministry for over 5 years. I can get along with many types of personalities. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this a successful.

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Answer:Possibly managing a preschool, or even moving into teaching again.


Question # 4

Where do you see yourself in 5 years as Child Care Center Director?


Answer:Stay fresh with my computer skills, possibly study art and become an art teacher someday.


Question # 3

Tell me in what areas would you most like to develop?


Answer:The pride of being able to provide a nurturing learning environment for children, families, and teachers. It's rewarding to watch the program succeed and be part of

the team. I was once in the shoes of a teacher and to be able to now be a director makes me feel very honored. I believe that programs need to have administration that

has a love for children and fostering their educational success.

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Question # 5

Tell us what are your career goals?

Answer:To find an environment that feels like a family, I want to like the people I work with and grow the business together.

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Question # 6

Tell me why did you choose to pursue a career as a Preschool Director?

Answer:I want my job to make a difference, I can think of no better place to start than working with kids and their parents to get them excited about learning. I respect the

owner for wanting to create a great place for kids to do that and the great reputation it has within the community.

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Question # 7

Tell us what have you found to be the best way to monitor the performance of your work and/or the work of others?

Answer:Keeping lists. Asking for feedback, and frequently touching base with team members.

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Question # 8

Explain me your passion for children?

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Answer:I am passionate about helping each child learn as much as possible without ever having to stop being a kid. I strongly believe in play-based learning, fostering

independence, and maintaining consistent boundaries and expectations. I love helping children become stronger individuals while having a great time simultaneously.

Question # 9

Tell me how do you evaluate the productivity of your staff?

Answer:I ask that my staff rise to the occasion to satisfy the needs of their classroom, the families they serve, and the company as a whole. I will evaluate negatively if any of

these criteria suffer, or if a person's attitude is poor.

Question # 10

Please explain are you efficient with your time?


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Question # 11

Tell us what skills do you think are most critical to this job?


Answer:Yes. I make a list of what I need done and put it in the order of importance and check it off one by one.

Answer:The most crical skill a director needs to have to run a the center is passion for chldrren their families and people woring for them. To be willing to jump in to help the

teachers and other staff members. To be the director you have to be willing to wear the many hats it requires to get the job done. YOu have to know the rule and regs.

You have to be confident.


Question # 12

Tell me what kind of work environment do you thrive in?


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Answer:Busy, but respectful. I like for people to get along and not have conflict between team members. I like to have a fair amount of autonomy, I do best when I can

self-propel and not be micro-managed.


Question # 13

Tell us as a teacher, what activities did you create or implement that saw the most improvement out of your children?


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Answer:The activities that they are involved in are the ones that I see the children get the most out of. Also if the activity is interesting to the child, if they are part of the

activity they feel a sense of belonging.

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Question # 14

Tell me an example of a time when you were able to demonstrate excellent listening skills. What was the situation and outcome?

Answer:When my son came to me with mental health concerns. It was tough for him to talk about but I was patient, asked him questions to get his perspective, and together

we decided on a course of action.

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Question # 15

Tell me an experience in which you successfully assisted a teacher in solving a difficult problem with a student's progress?

Answer:We had a few kids who were struggling with some basics. I offered to have a break out session with them to catch them up, sort of an intensive review of that section

of the course. It helped a lot.

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Question # 16

Explain me about your last experience recruiting, interviewing, or hiring an employee?

Answer:That would have been interviewing prospective students for an advanced program within the cosmetology school that simulated a real salon environment. Students

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were chosen for their academic excellence as well as their creative talent and the interview was set up as a practice interview for their first job.

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Question # 17

Explain about the last time you oversaw the work of someone else. How did you effectively motivate, develop, and direct the worker?



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Answer:I believe leading a team starts with motivation. I motivate my employees by noticing their efforts and recognizing improvements and achievements. This helps

develop a trusting relationship that makes coaching and directing effective.

Question # 18

Explain me how do you stay current on new children's activities, and teaching techniques?

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Answer:By being attuned to children's needs and interest's. I also am aiming to finish my Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood in 2017. Studying and researching also

helps keep my teaching techniques new and fresh.


Question # 19

Tell us as the director of our facility, how important is a child's safety and what measures would you take to ensure parents that their children are being left and

watched in great care?

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Question # 20

Can you please explain how do you handle stressful situations?



Answer:The safety of every child in our care is paramount. The most important measure that can be taken is open and proper communication. Poor communication instills

doubt, fear, and failure. I have many strong ideas on how to optimize our staff and center's communication skills as effectively and efficiently as possible, and even

open more methods of communication throughout the day.


Answer:Pressure is very important to me. Good pressure, such as having a lot of assignments to work on, or an upcoming deadline, helps me to stay motivated and productive.

Of course, there are times when too much pressure can lead to stress; however, I am very skilled at balancing multiple projects and meeting deadlines, which prevents

me from feeling stressed often. For example, I once had three large projects due in the same week, which was a lot of pressure. However, because I created a schedule

that detailed how I would break down each project into small assignments, I completed all three projects ahead of time, and avoided unnecessary stress.


Question # 21

Tell me an example of when you accomplished a goal that was personally challenging?


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Answer:I accomplished my certificate 3 in early childhood and my diploma in early childhood while working full time. It was challenging in the sense that I had a huge

responsibility in the centre and also alot of work to do outside of the centre.

Question # 22

Tell us how do you handle performance reviews? Tell me about a difficult one?

Answer:My experience as a leader and mentor to educators qualifies me for the position. I am punctual, loyal, committed, professional and hard working.

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Question # 23

Tell us what would your current coworkers say about you?

Answer:She is a private person but is also part of the group. She cares about the children and co workers. She oversees her class well.

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Question # 24

Explain me an improvement you personally initiated?

Answer:Starting a recycling program at the school.

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Question # 25

What is your greatest strength as Child Care Center Director?

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Answer:Creativity, I can usually come up with several ideas for any problem or issue.

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Question # 26

Can you tell me about your education?


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Answer:I graduated high school in 1985, then I went to Santa Monica College to study business and accounting. I stopped a couple classes shy of my associates degree when I

was pregnant with my first child.

Question # 27

Please tell me what is your greatest weakness? What are you doing to improve it?

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Question # 28

Tell us how do you deal with difficult parents?



Answer:My greatest wekness is that im very hard on myself. I try to do the best and be the best and I sometimes upset myself or sress myself out if I feel im not bringing

enough to the table. I am trying to stop thinking about it so much because with my eork experience if I was that bad or a horrible worker I would have been

reprimanded by now.

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Question # 29

Tell us are you trustworthy?



Answer:I find it is best to find a way to get on the same team. Ultimately, we both want what is best for the child, so that is our common ground. It depends on the issue of

course, but I have found that being kind, respectful and firm have been quite successful.

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Question # 30

Tell us an experience that demonstrates your ability to manage time effectively?


Answer:Yes very much so. I believe in honesty 110%. This is a quality I believe many would mention about me. I've been taught to be trustworthy and abide by that value.

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Answer:I have worked many jobs where time management was a crucial and constant factor. I used to deliver newspapers on a deadline. I had to create and execute the most

time-efficient routes possible. Managing evening operations at a childcare center while preparing and serving meals took tremendous time management, but the

experiences that fostered within me the most effective time management skills came with working on an assembly line in a manufacturing factory. The units came

down the line one after another, and you had to have your task mastered in order to keep up. And the people that truly excelled at the job were those who not only

mastered their personal job, but the jobs of those around them as well. If the person in front of you falls behind, it is best to know how to get him or her back on track

as quickly as possible.

Question # 31

Please explain how would others describe you?

Answer:A realist. I see things as they are without a lot of fluff but am able to see the good things and blessings.

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Question # 32

Tell me are you a natural leader?

Answer:No. I have developed into my leadership role thanks to our former ed who was very instrumental in ensuring that her team was exposed to a multitude of leadership

training events. She also instilled in us the value of collaborating and partnering with others.

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Question # 33

Tell me how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work?

Answer:I keep a tickler file of things that need attention and check it frequently. I arrive a little early each day to go over tasks for the day and decide which is most pressing

and what other things I can fit in as I go.

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