Competency-Based Interview Questions College of Nursing (Faculty-Specific)

Competency-Based Interview Questions College of Nursing (Faculty-Specific)


Leading Question Follow up Questions

Key Criteria

Communication/Collaboration; freely shares knowledge, information, ideas, resources, expertise, etc.

Tell us about a job How did you

Good communicator

situation where you communicate it?

Shares information

were a member of a

Team player

team and had

What resulted from your Networker

information and



resources that

Recognizes others'

would be beneficial

input, ideas and skills

to other members of

Open to change

the group.


Flexible and adaptable to changing needs, evolving trends, and new ideas.

Leading Question

Follow up Questions

Key Criteria

Tell us about a time How did you manage the

when you were


leading a project

team (or were a

What was the final

member of a project outcome?

team) and the


resources, or desired

outcomes changed.

Adaptability Positive approach Use of encouragement Team player Good manager Leader Open to change


Leading Question

Follow up Questions

Key Criteria

Maintains effective relationships and focuses on and meets needs of internal/external customers.

Can you tell me

What did you do to

about a time when a support your colleague?

coworker or team

member came to you

with a personal


Collaborator Observant of coworker needs Trustworthiness Patience Takes time to listen Empathetic response

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Competency-Based Interview Questions College of Nursing (Faculty-Specific)


Leading Question

Follow up Questions

Key Criteria

Receptive to input from others and uses diplomacy and tact when providing input and direction.

Give an example of a How did you communicate Good communicator

time when you had the issues?


to give directions to


a co-worker who was What happened?


not performing well

Good manager/leader

in his or her job.

How did it impact your Sensitivity

relationship with the co- Recognizes others'


input, ideas and skills

Open to change

What would you do

differently if you had to

do it over?


Leading Question

Follow up Questions

Key Criteria

Technological skills; seeks new organizational product, or technical knowledge.

What kinds of professional development have you pursued at your current (or most recent) position?

How did you apply those newly learned skills or knowledge on the job?

Initiative Self-development Professional development

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