Confirmation Interview Questions

Confirmation Interview Questions

The following questions will help to facilitate a faith conversation between parent and child, and assist with interview preparation. Keep in mind the following: ? We approach interviews as conversations in faith. Interviewers are interested in not only what

candidates have learned, but also what is in their hearts. ? Interviews last about 8-10 mins. per student. ? Questions serve as a framework. As such, not all questions will be asked, and the interviewer may choose

to ask a question not on this sheet.

OTHER NOTES: ? CCC refers to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The numbers refer to the paragraph number where

the information can be located. ? Bible References: If you do not have a Bible, go to , go to Bible, then click Book of the Bible. ? ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS DO NOT NEED TO BE TURNED IN

****************************************************************************************** 1. Do you want to be Confirmed? WHY?

2. What does Confirmation mean to you personally?

3. What is Confirmation? See pages 2&3 in the Confirmation book for a great explanation of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Also see the section in your book entitled "Prayers and Good Things to Memorize" for the effects of (what happens when) Confirmation. NOTE: We do not teach that Confirmation makes candidates an adult in the church. How will being confirmed help you to live how God wants you to live?

4. What is Pentecost? Read Acts chapter 2 verses 1-13. What does Pentecost mean to you today?

5. What is a Sacrament? A visible sign of an invisible reality instituted by Christ. Meaning, what happens on the outside happens on the inside. Example: In confirmation you are sealed (or marked) w/ chrism oil on the forehead. This visible sign points to the reality that your soul is marked/sealed for Christ. Sacraments are also avenues to Grace (see CCC 1127).

6. What is the sacrament of reconciliation? This is also called confession. It is when we confess our sins and receive forgiveness from God. Why is it important? It wipes away our sins, repairs our relationship with God, disposing our hearts to the Graces He wants to give us. The Act of Contrition is a prayer said after confession; it can be found in "Prayers and Good Things to Memorize".

7. What is Grace? Grace is a gift from God. It is power! Power to live the life God wants you to live. (CCC 1121)

8. Can you name at least one gift and one fruit of the Holy Spirit? Gifts and Fruits are listed in "Prayers and Good Things to Memorize" and in the table of contents. How can you use them in your life? In the Church?

9. What are the 10 Commandments? See them listed in "Prayers and Good Things to Memorize". Also see in this section " The 10 Commandments for Children" for practical application of the Commandments. When and why were they given to us? Given to us by Moses after the Israelites were freed from slavery. This is important because the 10 Commandments actually set us free. By living as God wants us to, we are free from sin, which separates us from God. What are the great commandments? Please read Matthew chapter 12, verses 30-31 in the Bible.

Confirmation Interview Questions

10. What are the 8 Beatitudes? When and why were they given to us? See lesson 6 in the Red Confirmation Book and Matthew chapter 5, verses 1-12, in the Bible. ALSO: Beatitudes are instructions on how to live a happy life... a life contrary to how the world views happiness. See this link: This short video is spoken in English, but has subtitles in another language. It's a great explanation.

11. Who is your Sponsor? Why did you choose him/her? 12. Who is Jesus? Why did he die on the cross for us? 13. Have you met Jesus? Would you like to? 14. What is your favorite Parable or Bible reading about Jesus? Why? 15. What is a familiar image of Jesus for you? 16. Do you pray daily? How do you pray? Do you know what Adoration is? 17. What is the rosary? The rosary is a prayer to remind us that Jesus loved us so much that He died on the

cross for us. It tells the story of Jesus' life in four parts: The joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, the glorious mysteries and the luminous mysteries.

? For Instructions on how to pray the rosary go to , click Prayer and Worship, click Prayers and Devotions, click Rosaries (on the left)

18. Do you know the Apostles Creed? See "Prayers and Good Things to Memorize" for the Apostles Creed.. What is it? A statement of what we believe as Catholics.

19. How do you intend on becoming an active member in the Church? 20. How are you living out your faith? 21. What Saint did you choose and why? 22. Have you thought about a vocation (to the priesthood/religious life)?

23. Do you go to Mass?

24. Do you have any questions for me (the interviewer)?

25. Are you planning on being a part of EDGE or LIFE TEEN and/or getting involved in parish life in another way? How?

26. What have you liked about the Confirmation Program? How can it be improved?


? Confirmation: Sacramental Preparation: Diane Dahlin (2013) ? The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC): ? United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:


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