Comprehension Interview - Mrs. Judy Araujo

Comprehension Interview

Adapted from Keene’s Major Point Interview for Reading, Mosaic of Thought, 1997

Student ______________________ Date ________ Text (pg.) __________________________

Teacher(for narrative texts): What has happened in the story so far?

_____ Setting _____ Characters _____ Problem(s) _____ Events _____ Solutions

Teacher (for informational texts): What are you learning about? __________________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher: Start reading where you left off. I’ll listen. (Student whisper-reads while teacher records miscues and self-corrections on back of interview sheet).

Text Level: _____ Easy (96-100%) _____ Instructional (90-95%) _____ Frustration (< 90%)

Teacher: Keep reading and I’ll stop you once in a while and ask you some questions.

|Strategy |Questions |Student Response |Rubric |

| |What can you do to make the sentence| |No response or “I don’t know.” |

|Self-Monitors |make sense? | |Fix-up strategies do not clear up |

|Is aware of errors and uses |What do you do when you come to | |confusion. |

|fix-up strategies when meaning|tricky words? | |Fix-up strategies help construct |

|breaks down. |What can you do to help yourself? | |meaning. |

| |Tell me what you read. | |1. No response or “I don’t |

|Retells |What happened first? Next? | |know.” |

|Remembers what was read and |Tell me about the characters, | |2. Partial retelling, does not |

|retells information in |setting, problem, solution, etc.? | |address all story elements. |

|sequence. | | |3. Retells events in logical |

| | | |order and comments on |

| | | |all story elements. |

| |What did you think about when you | |No response/ “I don’t know.” |

|Connects |read that part of the story? | |Response is not related to text. |

|Makes connections to personal |Did it remind you of something you | |Connection relates background |

|experiences, previous |already know, or an experience you’ve| |knowledge & personal experiences to |

|knowledge or other texts that |had, or another book? Tell me about| |text and enhances comprehension. |

|s/he has read. |it. | | |

| |What do you think will happen next? | |No response or “I don’t know.” |

|Predicts |What might you learn next? | |Prediction is not substantiated with |

|Makes logical prediction(s) |What in the text helped you make that| |text. |

|based on events. |prediction? | |Prediction is consistent and logical |

| | | |with text. |

| |What did you picture in your mind? | |1. No response. |

|Visualizes |What did the characters look like? | |2. Image is unrelated to text. |

|Creates mental images of |What could you draw to illustrate | |3. Image is closely matched |

|characters, events and/or |that idea? | |with text and further |

|ideas. | | |clarifies complex ideas or |

| | | |anomalies. |

| |What is this part mainly about? | |1. No response or incorrect. |

|Summarizes |Tell me in one or two sentences what | |2. Recalls some events in |

|Provides short statements that|you just learned. | |random order. |

|capture main idea and related | | |3. Synthesizes succinctly, |

|details. | | |recalling main idea and |

| | | |details in sequence |

|Strategy |Questions |Student Response |Rubric |

| |What did you wonder about as you were| |No response or an unrelated question. |

|Questions |reading? | |Literal question with short answer. |

|Asks questions while reading |What questions did you ask yourself? | |Higher-order question that represents |

|to clarify meaning or extend |What confusions did you have? | |complex thinking about text. |

|the meaning. | | | |

| |What did the author mean by _______?| |No response or “I don’t know.” |

|Infers |What made you think that? | |Response is literal or not logical. |

|Reads “between the lines” to |What were you thinking when the text | |Response is logical and shows |

|capture unstated, but implied |said _________? | |inferential thinking. |

|information. | | | |

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|Record Miscues and Self-Corrections |

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