
Designated Field Experience C: Textbook SelectionDistrict and Teacher Interview Questions & ResponsesEAD 5207/11/2018Michelle WilliamsWhat process was used in the districts textbook selection?The North Carolina State Board of Education adopts textbooks at the state level. Our governor selects a textbook adoption committee.The textbooks that we were given the opportunity to look at was placed on display tables in the back of our media center. We were invited to come to the media center during our grade level planning time to review the textbooks and give our feedback.Thought to myself, “When I taught in the brick and mortar setting, we were invited to review textbooks on an individual basis.” “It is a great ideas to have grade-level teams review proposed textbooks.”Who was involved (position and role, internal and external)? Five teachers in grades K through 5, five teachers in grades 6 through 8 and four superintendents, teachers, or principals in grades nine through 12. There is also three parents of students grades K-5, three parents of students in grades 6-8 and two parents of students in grades 9 through 12. All selected members are required to attend an up to ten-day training session on content standards and how to complete a textbook evaluation.Thought to myself, “I did not realize that so many people played a part in textbook and material adoptions.” I also thought, “It is great to have parents involved, that way they can see what their children are expected to learn and what goes into a lesson.”I know that teachers (I think all certified personnel) were given the opportunity to review the textbooks and give feedback by checking the textbook that would best meet our needs in the classroom.Please describe collaboration aspects of textbook selection.Each textbook committee member is assigned a proposed textbook to review complete a written evaluation. The board of education files all of the feedback reports. The textbook selection committee and the board of education review the feedback reports in one session. The board of education takes into consideration all of the feedback and makes the final decision on which books best meets state requirements. The Board of Education then requests bids from the publishers whose materials were chosen. One sample of each textbook and materials are sent out to the schools in the state. Teachers vote on the textbook and materials that they feel would best meet their students’ needs. Once all votes have been tallied, the state board of education approves of the textbooks that will be adopted throughout the state.We worked in grade level teams to review teacher’s manuals, student’s materials and technology that was provided. We took a concept time, which we were working on with our students. We looked to see if standards are being addressed and how they would appeal to students and consumables. We also looked at manipulatives and technology that was provided with each proposed adoption. We then checked our choice on a ballad and placed it in an envelope.Thought to myself, “It would be nice if we could select our textbooks.” I also remembered back when I involved in the textbook selection process in my brick and mortar school. We got the opportunity to win the materials that we were reviewing through a raffle. I actually won a set of materials and a teachers rolling cart.Were the materials reviewed for cultural bias? Yes, all of the textbooks selected were reviewed for cultural bias. All textbooks evaluated must be balanced in its representation of culture, ethnic, racial, gender and special needs. Balanced representation must be evident in the text, photos, graphics, charts and so forth.When our grade level reviewed the material. We did not review the materials for cultural bias. We did not think of that. Now that you are asking this question, I will be sure to do make sure that we do this as a team, next time.“When I was involved with textbook review for adoptions, I also never thought to review for cultural bias.”Did the materials meet curriculum requirements? The textbooks and materials that were chosen did meet NC curriculum requirements. Proposed materials must meet at least 80% of the North Carolina Standard Course of study. Content, instructional levels, teaching strategies must be consistent with North Carolina’s curriculum’s philosophy and goals. The curriculum standard of the adoption that we chose was written in both the teacher’s manual and student materials.Thought to myself, “It is good that the standards were written in the students’ books. They can see what they are expected to learn, not only in school, but at home too.”How were the standards incorporated into the process of textbook selection?All textbooks submitted must be aligned to the North Carolina State Standards. If a publisher wants us to consider adopting their textbooks and other materials, they are responsible for insuring that our NC State standards correlate with their materials. The standards must be correctly worded in the proposed adopted materials.What worked well, and what did not?I feel that the textbook adoption process is a well-oiled machine. Ever since I have been at my school, we have always done textbook adoptions that way. I do feel that the state chose the adoption that they wanted us to have. It seems like the text books that are chosen for our school are never adopted. I would like to know the tallies for each textbook selection. It would be nice if the schools could receive that information.Thought to myself, “I remember thinking the same thing, every time a new textbook was adopted.”Do you have recommendations for the future? I know that 5 teachers from grades K through 5, 5 teachers from grades 6 through 8 and possibly four teachers are selected at the high school level. I would perhaps like to see more teachers representing the various school districts in North Carolina. We have one hundred counties in North Carolina. I feel that the teachers are in the trenches using these materials. They should have more of a say to as to which textbooks are being considered for adoption.Textbook selection committee member handed me a physical copy of a criteria sheet used in the math Grades K-5 textbook adoption process.I would like to know what the tallies were for each textbook selection. It would be nice if the schools could receive that information.Thought to myself, “If teachers can actually see the tallies for each textbook that would eliminate teachers thinking that their opinions are not considered in the textbook adoption process.” ................

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