Interview Questions - Rocky View Schools

Interview Questions

Use the following questions as a guide to help you explore how environmental issues involve political and economic decision making?

In addition to these questions, you MUST ask 3 questions of your own and provide the responses for all questions.

1. Name 3 environmental issues that you are MOST concerned with and explain why?

2. How do environmental issues affect your quality of life? Provide three examples.

3. To what extent do you agree that government has a role in solving environmental problems?

4. What political and economic decisions should Canadians make to respond to climate change?

5. What is the Kyoto Protocol? (please explain this to the person you are interviewing if they are unsure – page 316)

6. Do you feel the Kyoto Protocol is an effective answer to climate-change? Explain.

7. Do you feel that our Conservative government is doing enough to reduce Green House Gas emissions? Explain.

8. What is more important in your opinion – the environment or the economy? Explain.

9. What do you do on a personal level to reduce GHG emissions?

10. What do you think about the environmental impact of the Oilsands in Northern Alberta?

11. What do you know about the Keystone Pipeline?

Now think of 3 questions of your own!!


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