Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools / Front Page

How to Ace Your College Interview

Before the Interview:

Be punctual. Make sure you have directions to where you are going and allow plenty of time to get there.

Dress appropriately. Men should wear a button down shirt, dress pants, and preferably a tie. Women should wear a nice blouse or sweater with a skirt or dress pants. Jewelry should be understated so that it is not distracting.

Practice. You do not need to rehearse your answers, but it can be helpful to practice a few interview questions with a teacher, counselor or parent. Some questions to think about:

Why do you want to attend this college?

What is your greatest strength/weakness?

What has been your greatest experience in high school?

What has been your biggest challenge so far?

What are your plans after graduating from college?

Also try to watch the news or read the newspaper so that you have an understanding of major current events.

During the Interview:

Be yourself! Do not just tell the interviewers what you think they want to hear. They do not expect you to be perfect, but they do expect you to be genuine.

Be certain. Pausing a few seconds to think before giving an answer is much better than saying things like “uh” and “ah” a lot, which makes you look indecisive. Once you give an answer, stick to it, and be prepared to support it.

Be aware of your behaviors. Try to sit still, make eye contact, and keep your arms uncrossed. Avoid distracting habits like biting nails, twisting hair or cracking knuckles. If you sit up straight and smile, you will look confident, even if you’re nervous!

Be positive. As much as you can, phrase your answers in a positive way. Do not be critical of teachers, school or friends. You can critique a situation without being overly negative.

Be honest. Interviewers can tell when you are exaggerating or being untruthful. If you do not know how to answer a question, you can ask for further explanation. It is better to admit that you do not know something than to fake your way through an uninformed answer.

At the End of the Interview:

Prepare one or two questions to ask at the end of the interview. Interviewers will often ask you if you have any questions. If you have questions ready, then you appear prepared and interested. Also, be sure to thank the interviewer for their time and consideration.


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