Candida score test

Candida score test

This Candida score will help you to assess the possibility or severity of yeast related health problems. It is just a guide. To confirm Candida overgrowth you will still need a urine test, stool test or blood test.

Risk Factors:

1) Have you ever taken antibiotics for longer than a month or more than once in a year? If so, score 5.

2) Have you has a high sugar diet, now or in the past- even as a child? Or have you ever lived through high level of stress?

If so, score 5

3) Have you ever had a high alcohol intake, or taken drugs?

If so, score 5

4)Have you ever had any steroid treatments- pills, injections, creams, inhalers? (For women, this includes the contraceptive pill or hormone therapy.)

If so, score 10.

Score for Risk factors:

Please add your Points here :... 

Present Symptoms

Score 1 point per line if any or all of the symptoms are occasional or mild.

Score 2 points per line if any or all of the symptoms are frequent or moderately severe.

Score 3 points per line if any or all of the symptoms are really severe or disabling.

5) Depression, anxiety, irritability, mood swings. Points:...

6) Poor memory, lack of concentration, feeling spacey or unreal. Points:

7) Fatigue, lethargy, feeling drained.  Points:...

8) Indigestion, heartburn, food intolerance, bloating, intestinal gas. Points:

9) Constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ache, mucus in stools. Points:....

10) In women: Premenstrual syndrome, period pain or irregularities, infertility, endometriosis, loss of libido. Points:...

11) In men: Prostate problems, infertility, impotence, loss of libido.


12) In women: Vaginal burning, itching, discharge. Points:...

13) In men: Irritation of groin or genitals. Points:...

14) Muscle aches or weakness, joint pain or stiffness. Points:...

15) Eczema, psoriasis, rashes, itching. Points:...

16) Athlete's foot, ringworm, fungal toenails. Points:...

17) Cravings for sweet food, chocolate, alcohol, bread. Points:...

18) Sensitivity to perfume, chemical smell, petrol fumes, tobacco smoke. Points:...

19) Any symptoms getting worse on damp days or mouldy places.


20) Dizziness, loss of balance, recurrent ear infections, deafness.


21) Insomnia, waking unrefreshed, drowsy during the day, need for excessive sleep. Points:...

22) Body odour, bad breath. Points:...

23) Sores in mouth, sore throat. Points:...

24) Nasal congestion, post-nasal drip, sinusitis. Points:...

25) Pain or tightness in chest, wheezing or shortness of breath.


26) Urinary frequency, urgency, burning. Points:...

27) Spots in front of eyes, burning or watery eyes. Points:...

28) Easy bruising, chillness, cold hands and feet. Points:...

29) Headache, migraine. Points:...

30) Numbness, burning, tingling, lack of coordination. Points:...

31) Irritation around anus. Points:...

Score for Present symptoms(questions 5-31):...

Score for risk factors( questions 1-4):....

Total score:...

If your Total score is 75-100 

There is very little doubt that you may have yeast infection.

If your Total score is 50-75

You very probably have yeast infection.

If your Total score is 25-50

You quite possibly have yeast infection.

If your Total score is 0-25

Count yourself blessed- but watch your step!


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