Intro Paragraph:

Intro Paragraph:

Topic Sentence: Introduce title and author of the story; you can give an adjective describing the story (i.e. powerful, heartwarming, etc.)

Exs: -The story “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros relates to all of us.

- Sandra Cisneros writes a touching story titled “Eleven” that teaches us a

valuable life lesson.

- The story “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros is very heartwarming.

- Sandra Cisneros’ short story “Eleven” teaches us a lesson that is important

for us to remember throughout different stages of our lives.

Brief summary of story – 2-3 sentences

Thesis: State the author’s name and his/her theme

Exs: Cisneros teaches her readers that…….

Through her powerful characters…..

Cisneros teaches us….teaches her readers…..

Cisneros writes a touching story that……

Throughout her story, Cisneros…….

Cisneros sends a message that……..

Body Paragraph 1:

TS: State the main idea of the paragraph or introduce a portion of the story’s plot that relates to the main idea of your paragraph

CD: (1-2 sentences) – Example, quote, character trait (trait must include an example/quote) from story that supports your theme

CM 1: (1-2) sentences – Explain what is happening in the story’s plot at the time your example/quote takes place.

Ex: “At this point in the story……”

CM 2: (1-2) sentences – Explain how your example is important… does it PROVE YOUR THEME??

Ex: “This is an important part to the story because….” “This shows that……” “This event supports the story’s theme/message because….”

(Repeat the entire process again for a second example/quote/trait:)




CS: Wrap up the paragraph

Body Paragraph 2:


*Note: You may break it up differently by writing one paragraph with 2 examples and two paragraphs with one example if you’d like.

Conclusion Paragraph:

In 4-5 sentences, re-state your main points, re-state your thesis, and give your opinion (optional)


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