Course Syllabus for EGS 1006C, Introduction to the ...

Course Syllabus for EGS 1006C, Introduction to the Engineering Profession

Course Syllabus for EGS 1006C, Introduction to the Engineering Profession

Catalog Course Description

This course is an overview of academic and professional requirements in various engineering disciplines. This course covers various concepts such as engineering ethics, effective team building skills, technical presentation skills, and networking.

Class Time and Location

Tuesday 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M., Building 4, Room 120



1. Robert's Rules of Order at 2. Florida Board of Professional Engineers at 3. Undergraduate catalog of the university you expect to attend 4. Microsoft Office Help and Training at

Professor's Information

Name: Prof. Stefan Bidigaray Office: West Campus, Building 3, Room 121 Phone: 407-582-5160 (office) Email: Office Hours: Monday: 12:00 - 14:30 Tuesday: 13:00 - 15:00 Wednesday: 13:30 - 14:30 Thursday: 13:30 - 14:30 Friday: 9:30 - 12:00 (virtual only)

Student Performance Assessment


Individual Assignments

30 %

Attendance and Participation *

20 %

Team Thank you Letters

20 %

Engineering Case Study

20 %

Engineering Competition

10 %


100 %

90 - 100 % = A 80 - 89 % = B 70 - 79 % = C 60 - 69 % = D 0 - 59 % = F

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Course Syllabus for EGS 1006C, Introduction to the Engineering Profession

* Attendance/Participation grade is based on individual student's attendance to class and group meetings, participation of group assignments and projects, and adherence to the Class Room Policies listed below.


Class Room Policies

1. Individual Assignments are due before class starts. Students must submit assignments online, through Blackboard, unless otherwise instructed.

2. "Thank you letter" to speakers is due the Monday after a presentation before the start of class. 3. Student will be withdrawn if absent for three (3) consecutive classes. 4. Two (2) or more unexcused absences from class may result in a letter grade drop. 5. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED (even for medical reasons). No Exceptions! When in

doubt, submit your work EARLY! Excuses, such as "Blackboard was down" are not acceptable. Plan ahead! 6. Showing up to class 15 or more minutes late to class will cause you to be counted absent for the day. ALL presenters deserve that respect and professionalism on our part. 7. Any recording of the lectures or class activities by video or audio is not allowed without prior written approval from the instructor(s). 8. Computers, cell phones or any other electronic equipment must be OFF during class. 9. Sleeping during class is strictly prohibited. 10. No food or drink is permitted in the class room. 11. Changes in the syllabus and/or schedule may be made at any time during the term by an announcement from the instructor. 12. Walking in and out of class during class hours is considered disrespectful to speakers and lecturers and will not be tolerated. 13. Cheating is strictly prohibited! If any student is caught cheating, the professor has the right to withdraw the student from the class with an F and recommend expulsion from the program through a referral to the Dean of students. DO NOT copy someone else's work.

All dates and times listed above are due to change. An announcement will be made in class, if such a situation occurs.

Important Dates

March 22, 2019 Withdrawal Deadline - "W" Grade

April 21, 2019 Last day of class

April 29, 2019 Grade Due

Course Learning Outcomes

Students will...

... learn from a wide range of engineering guest speakers that will share the duties and responsibilities of the professional engineer in the past, present and future, and will then complete several projects associated with the lectures. ... thoroughly explore the curricula of the College of Engineering, select a major and possible minor, and also complete several projects associated with the curricula.

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Course Syllabus for EGS 1006C, Introduction to the Engineering Profession

... work in a group setting on technical projects requiring individual research, analytical thinking, consensus building, and synthesis of analysis to produce a written report that will presented within a group setting. ... prepare a complete plan of study and financing by session and year for completing their desired engineering degree.

Class Schedule

The following is a tentative schedule based upon class needs. The instructor reserves the right to make any schedule change necessary.


Prof. Stefan Bidigaray and Syllabus Overview; WEEK 1 Engineering Courses at Valencia College;

Discuss team and individual assignments.

WEEK 2 Speaker: Jessica Camillo and Dr. Graham Quirk

WEEK 3 Speakers: Valencia's Engineering Societies

WEEK 4 Speaker: Prof. Andy Ray / Topic: Engineering Failures


Speaker: Siemens Panel / Topic: STEM@Siemens Individual Assignment 1 - Valencia Study Plan

WEEK 6 Speaker: Mr. Mike McKee / Topic: Photonics Engineering at UCF

WEEK 7 Speaker: Ms. Ansbro-Poelvoorde / Topic: Navy NUPOC and CEC Program

WEEK 8 Speaker: Dr. Robert Stanfill


Speaker: Mr. Tony Shahnami Individual Assignment 3 - Cover Letter and Resume

WEEK 10 SPRING BREAK - College Closed

WEEK 11 Speaker: TBD

WEEK 12 Teams 1, 2 and 3 - Engineering Case Study Presentations

WEEK 13 Teams 4 and 5 - Engineering Case Study Presentations

WEEK 14 Teams 6 and 7 - Engineering Case Study Presentations

WEEK 15 Engineering Competition

New Withdrawal Policy

Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawal), a student who withdraws from a class before the withdrawal deadline will receive a grade of "W". A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. A faculty member MAY withdraw a student up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of "W". Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of "F". For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please go to:

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Course Syllabus for EGS 1006C, Introduction to the Engineering Profession

Expected Student Conduct

Valencia is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but also to the development of responsible personal and social conduct. As a registered student, you assume the responsibility for conducting yourself in a manner that contributes positively to Valencia's learning community and that does not impair, interfere with, or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the college as described in the Student Code of Conduct (College Policy: 6Hx28: 8-03).

Being convicted in a court of law for a criminal offense involving personal misconduct may constitute sufficient grounds for suspension or expulsion from the college.

Student Core Competencies

The faculty of Valencia College has established four Core Competencies that describe the learning outcomes for a Valencia graduate. They are: THINK, VALUE, COMMUNICATE and ACT. These general competencies can be applied in many contexts and must be developed over a lifetime. They specify how learning can be expressed and assessed in practice. They enable students and faculty to set learning goals and assess learning within and across the many disciplines of human inquiry. Use the descriptions and examples of academic work for each to measure your own learning outcomes. Samples of the academic work are great additions to your Learning Portfolio. For further information on student core competencies please go to:

Students with disabilities

Students who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Student with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The OSD determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities (West Campus, SSB 102, ext 1523).

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