R - Gavilan College


Section # 0164 and #0868  Wednesday 4:00-7:05 PM

This hybrid lecture/online class will be delivered partially over the internet. To succeed in this course it is recommended that you have direct access to a computer and spend no less than three hours per week online, use the forum platform as a communication tool and/or direct email.    

Room # PB 9

Instructor: Rey Morales rmorales@gavilan.edu

Office: PB 11M

Office Hours: 10-12 Monday and Wednesday or by appointment

Required Text:

Shier D., Butler J., Lewis R., Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology- 9th ed., McGraw- Hill

Martin, Terry. Laboratory Manual Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology - 9th ed., McGraw- Hill


Recommended Text:

McKenna, Mary. Biological Science 15: Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology Gavilan College


Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology (Bio 15) will study the structure and function of the human body. The course consists of on online lecture which you are required to visit at minimum twice a week (follow schedule lectures listed below) you are also to attend a weekly three hour lab.


This is a fast paced course and requires that you have some general biology, chemistry and math background to succeed in the course (Bio 10 is recommended but not required). Flashcards, good note taking skills, and group learning are also essential for success in this course.


This course is required for admission to the LVN program at Gavilan and other community college nursing programs and is CSU, UC transferable. It is also required for the P.E. degree at Gavilan and can be used to help fulfill the GE requirement for science.



Material will be presented primarily in the form of online lectures, readings assignments from text/supplement, and 'active' group learning assignments which may include interactive case studies. You will be required to download all lecture material and assignments, so it is essential that you have a computer with internet access to succeed in the course.


Lecture will cover the points to be learned and will direct your study from the text; however any material presented in class (lab) may be included in the lecture exam, thus, you are required to attend all class online lecture and labs and also take excellent notes to do well in the course.


1. Develop a detailed understanding of the anatomical and physiological aspects of the human body.


2. Develop an understanding of the physiological interactions and compensatory mechanisms used by the body's organ system in maintaining homeostasis.


3. Develop critical thinking skills through the use of the scientific method.


4. Prepare students choosing careers in allied health professions such as nutrition, psychology, sports medicine, and holistic health.


5. Where time permits study various pathologies, and methods by which physicians make specific diagnosis. Some basic pharmacology may be included as well as interactive case studies.

LECTURE: 64% of Course Grade

Examinations: (300 points)  The best 2 of 3 lecture exams (Exams 1-3) and the comprehensive final (Exam #4) will count towards your final grade.  Each exam will consist of multiple choice questions, and short answer type questions.  Lecture, laboratory exercises, class assignments and reading material are all fair game. 

  Three Lecture Exams and A Comprehensive Final will be given throughout the course. There are 40-50 multiple-choice questions on the lecture exams worth 2 points each and a short answer type question worth 10 points.

  The final exam (Exam #4) is mandatory and will not be drop as the lowest exam score! The comprehensive final contains 100 multiple-choice questions (worth 100 points) and will be given the last week of class. The comprehensive final contains a short answer type question worth 10 points, fifty multiple-choice questions from topics presented the eleventh week- and- on and fifty multiple-choice questions will be selected from the previous lecture exam topics.


Lecture Online Quizzes: 25 points (Best 5 out of 6 scores).

Each quiz is worth 5 points and will be posted online and must be completed before due date- NO EXCEPTIONS!   Each quiz consists of five short answer or multiple choice type questions that cover the most recent lecture topics and assignments.  No make-ups will be given for any reason; if you miss a quiz then you drop that score.

Lecture Homework and Handouts:  45 points (approx. 15 study outline handouts)

Lecture "fill-in" assignments (Study Outlines) will be taken from the course website and from McKenna’s Bio 15 Supplementary Manual worth 3 points each and be collected on the day of each lecture exam.  Online lecture assignments may be assigned and also be collected throughout the course.  Late assignments will not be accepted!


LABORATORY: 34% of Course Grade

Lab Assignments: 99 tentative points (33 tentative labs @ 3 points each)

Each laboratory assignment/exercise is worth 3 points each and due the day of lab or otherwise noted.  There are no make-ups for missed laboratory assignments!  If you miss a class you forfeit 2 laboratory assignment points!  If you leave early YOU WILL loose points. 


Laboratory Quizzes: 100 points (Tentatively BiWeekly! 15-20 points each)

Weekly Lab quizzes will be given throughout the session worth anywhere from 15 to 20 points each and will consist of material learned in lab (assignments, handouts, and discussion).  These quizzes will typically be given on lab day before our lecture exam.  The format of each exam will primarily be identification with some matching and short answer concept questions.    

Participation: 15 points (5 pts deducted for each absence and 3 for each tardy).

At the end of the session, your attendance will be reviewed. Perfect attendance and punctuality means that you keep the 15 points for class participation. Five points will be deducted for each absence and two points for each tardy. If your 15 points are taken up for absences and/or tardiness you are subject to be dropped from the course. As per college policy, students missing one more class value than the unit value of the course may be dropped. If you foresee missing more than one or two days of class, please inform me. Please make arrangements with your schedule to be present and on time for all labs/lectures.


Students with special needs such as hear and/or vision impairment should make arrangement with the instructor.

ADA Accommodation Statement: Students requiring special services or arrangements because of hearing, visual or other disability should contact their instructor, counselor, or the disabled Student Service Office.


Grading Policy:

Your grade will be determined based upon the total points earned on assignments, take home quizzes, and Examinations (584 Tentative Total Possible points for the semester).

              Course grades are based on the percentage of points earned.

              Midterm Exams Drop lowest                                                                200 points

              Comprehensive Final @100 points                                                       100 points

              Lab Quizzes                                                                                         100 points

              Online Quizzes                                                                                       25 points

              Lab Activities                                                                                         99 points

              Homework                                                                                             45 points

              Participation                                                                                           15 points

                                          TOTAL POINTS MAY VARY                            * 584 points

Your grade will be determined by the percentage you earn of the total possible points available.


|Grade |% |

|A |90-100 |

|A- |88-89 |

|B+ |86-87.9 |

|B |80-85.9 |

|B- |78-79 |

|C+ |75-77.9 |

|C |68-74.9 |

|D |58-67.9 |

|F | ................

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