Ms. Rigano's Math Classes

|August - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|26th |27th |28th |29th |30st |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 | |

| | | | | |

| |Topic: Intro to course, grading rubric,|Topic: Intro to Group |Topic: What is Statistics? |No School |

| |class rules |Work | | |

| | | |HW: None | |

| |HW: Have parents sign |HW: None | | |

| |contract and return | | | |

|September - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|2nd |3th |4th |5th |6th |

| |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |Day 7 |

| | | | | |

|No School |Topic: What is Stats – |Topic: What is Stats - |Topic: What is Stats – |Topic: What is Stats – |

| |Vocab |Variables |Basics of Measurement |Collecting Data |

| | | | | |

| |HW: None |HW: Flaws of Averages |HW: Create and Type a |HW: Edit 10 question |

| | |worksheet |10 question survey |survey |

|9th |10th |11th |12th |13th |

|Day 8 |Day 9 |Day 10 |Day 11 |Day 12 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Are Stats Lies? |Topic: Review |Topic: What is Stats –Test |Topic: Graphs – |Topic: Graphs |

| | |Hand out Timeline |Representing Qualitative | |

|HW: None |HW: Study |Assignment |Data |HW: Work on Project |

| | | | | |

| | |HW: Start Project |HW: Work on Project | |

|16th |17th |18th |19th Day 16 |20th Day 17 |

|Day 13 |Day 14 |Day 15 | | |

| | | |Topic: Graphs Quiz |Topic: Application of |

|Topic: Graphs – |Topic: Graphs – |Topic: Graphs | |Graphs Assign. |

|Representing |Percentiles |Timeline ‘Project’ |HW: Collect Peer Data | |

|Quantitative Data | |Due | |HW: None |

| |HW: Practice with Box | | | |

|HW: Bring in graph from |and Whisker HW & |HW: Review WS + Study | | |

|home/internet/paper |Finish Timeline |+ Collect Peer Data | | |

|23rd Day 18 |24th Day 19 |25th Day 20 |26th Day 21 |27th Day 22 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Comparing Graphs |Topic: Comparing Graphs |Topic: Graphs - Test |Topic: Battery Debate |Topic: Handout Debate |

| | | | |Project – Computer Lab |

|HW: Finish Review WS |HW: Study |HW: None |HW: None | |

| | | | |HW: Come up with Topic |

|30th Day 23 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Intro to Linear | | | | |

|Regressions Activity | | | | |

| | | | | |

|HW: Finalize project topic | | | | |

|October - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |1st Day 24 |2nd Day 25 |3rd Day 26 |4th Day 27 |

| | | | | |

| |Topic: Regression Notes |Topic: Linear Reg. with |Topic: Tootsie Roll Lab |Topic: Tootsie Roll Lab |

| | |Graphing Calc. Practice | | |

| |HW: Scatter Plots WS | |HW: Work on Project |HW: Finish Lab |

| | |HW: TR Permission Slip | |Questions |

|7th Day 28 |8th Day 29 |9th Day 30 |10th Day 31 |11th Day 32 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Review |Topic: Linear Regressions |Topic: Work on Projects |Topic: Linear Regression |Topic: Linear Regression |

| |Quiz |-Laptop Carts |Activity |Activity |

|HW: Study | | | |Finish Project |

| |HW: Work on Project |HW: Work on Project |HW: Work on Project | |

| | | | |HW: Finish Projects |

|14th |15th Day 33 |16th Day 34 |17th Day 35 |18th |

| | | | |Day 36 |

|No School |Topic: Debate Projects |Topic: No Class – C3 Day |Topic: Finish Debates | |

| |Due – Start | | |Topic: Reflections Due |

| |Debates |HW: Project Reflection |HW: Project Reflection |Distribution Notes |

| | | | | |

| |HW: Start Reflection | | |HW: Density Curves WS |

| | | | | |

|21st Day 37 |22nd Day 38 |23rd Day 39 |24th Day 40 |25th Day 41 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Normal |Topic: More with Normal |Topic: Standard |Topic: More z-score |Topic: Z-Scores |

|Distribution – the Basics |Distribution |Deviation |Practice | |

| | | | |HW: Z-Score WS1 #5-7 |

|HW: Basics WS |HW: Finish WS |HW: Z-Score WS1 #1-4 |HW: None | |

|28th Day 42 |29th Day 43 |30th Day 44 |31st Day 45 | |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Z-Scores |Topic: Z-Score Quiz |Topic: Z-Scores |Topic: Z-Scores | |

| | | | | |

|HW: Study |HW: Practice with |HW: WS #1 – 3 |HW: None | |

| |z-tables WS | | | |

|November – Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | |1st Day 46 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Topic: College Fact Sheet |

| | | | |Project – Computer Lab |

| | | | | |

| | | | |HW: Work on Project |

|4th Day 47 |5th |6th Day 48 |7th Day 49 |8th Day 50 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Z-Scores |No School |Topic: Work on Project in |Topic: College Fact |Topic: Review |

| | |Class |Project due | |

|HW: Work on Project | | |Review |HW: Study |

| | |HW: Finish Project | | |

| | | |HW: Study | |

|11th |12th Day 51 |13th Day 52 |14th Day 53 |15th Day 54 |

| | | | | |

|No School |Topic: Review |Topic: Standard |Topic: Stats with a |Topic: Stats with a |

| | |Deviation Test |Graphing Calc. |Graphing Calc. |

| |HW: Study | | | |

| | |HW: None |HW: Finish Instructions |HW: Make a Cheat Sheet |

|18th Day 55 |19th Day 56 |20th Day 57 |21st Day 58 |22nd Day 59 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Review Stats with |Topic: Stats with a |Topic: Probability Review |Topic: Permutation & |Topic: Permutation & |

|a Graphing Calc. |Graphing Calc. Quiz | |Combination Cont. |Combination Cont. |

| | |HW: More Perm/Comb | | |

|HW: Study |HW: None |Practice WS #1 – 5 |HW: None |HW: Review WS |

|25th Day 60 |26th Day 61 |27th Day 62 |28th |29th |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Permutation & |Topic: Permutation & |Topic: Probability |No School |No School |

|Combination Quiz |Combination Challenge | | | |

| | |HW: Have a Great | | |

|HW: None |HW: None |Thanksgiving! | | |

|December - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | | |

|2nd Day 63 |3rd Day 64 |4th Day 65 |5th Day 66 |6th Day 67 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Draw that Spinner |Topic: Probability – the |Topic: Probability – |Topic: Random # Tables |Topic: Random # Tables |

| |New Stuff |Distribution Tables | | |

|HW: Create your own |SNOW DAY | |HW: Example #3 on the |HW: None |

|spinner with 4 clues |HW: Prob WS – Front |HW: Prob WS – Back |notes | |

|9th Day 68 |10th Day 69 |11th Day 70 |12th Day 71 |13th Day 72 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Review |Topic: Basic Probability |Topic: Prob. w/ Multiple |Topic: Prob. w/ Multiple |Topic: Binomial |

| |Quiz |Events |Events |Distributions |

|HW: Study | | | | |

| |HW: None |HW: Probability with |HW: None |HW: Finish Practice |

| | |Multiple Events HW | | |

|16th Day 73 |17th Day 74 |18th Day 75 |19th Day 76 |20th Day 77 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Binomial |Topic: Review |Topic: Review |Topic: Probability Test |Topic: Color-by-Number |

|Distributions | | | | |

| |HW: Make a cheat sheet |HW: Study |HW: None |HW: Have a Great Winter |

|HW: None | | | |Break! |

|23rd |24th |25th |26th |27th |

| | | | | |

|No School |No School |No School |No School |No School |

| | | | | |

|30th |31st | | | |

| | | | | |

|No School |No School | | | |

| | | | | |

|January - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | |1st |2nd Day |3rd Day 79 |

| | | |78 | |

| | |No School | |Topic: Movie |

| | | |Topic: Movie | |

| | | | |HW: None |

| | | |HW: None | |

|6th Day 80 |7th Day 81 |8th Day 82 |9th Day 83 |10th Day 84 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Deal or No Deal |Topic: Game (Day 1) |Topic: Game (Day 2) |Topic: Handout Project |Topic: Work on Project |

| | | |(Probability Games) | |

|HW: None |HW: None |HW: None | |HW: Work on Project |

| | | |HW: Work on Project | |

|13th Day 85 |14th Day 86 |15th Day 87 |16th Day 88 |17th Day 89 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Work on Project |Topic: Project Due |Topic: Midyear Review |Topic: Std. Deviation |Topic: Midyear Review |

| |Std. Deviation Review | |Quiz | |

|HW: Finish Project / Std. |(peer teach ws) |HW: Finish Packet | |HW: Study/Make Cheat |

|Deviation Review WS |HW: z-score Review HW | |HW: Finish Packet |Sheet |

|20th |21st Day 90 |22nd Day 91 |23rd |24th Day 93 |

| | | |Day 92 | |

|No School |Topic: Midyear Exam |Topic: Carnival Day | |Topic: College Placement |

| | | |Topic: College Placement |Practice |

| |HW: None |HW: None |Practice |(UMass Lowell) |

| | | |(UMass Lowell) | |

| | | | |HW: None |

| | | |HW: None | |

|27th Day 94 |28th Day 95 |29th Day 96 |30th Day 97 |31st Day 98 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Basics of Sampling |Topic: Central Limit Thm. |Topic: Central Limit Thm. |Topic: CLT and Z-Scores |Topic: CLT and Z-Scores |

| | | | | |

|HW: The Basics WS |HW: None |HW: None |HW: Using the CLT WS |HW: None |

| | | |#1 – 8 | |

|February - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | | |

|3rd Day 99 |4th Day 100 |5th Day 101 |6th Day 102 |7th Day 103 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Basics of |Topic: CI Review |Topic: CI Quiz |Topic: CI with Means |Topic: CI with |

|Confidence Intervals | | | |Proportions |

| |HW: Study |HW: Reviewing Surveys | | |

|HW: MC Review WS | | |HW: Finish WS |HW: Finish WS |

|10th Day |11th Day 105 |12th Day 106 |13th Day 107 |14th Day 108 |

|104 | | | | |

| |Topic: CI Applications |Topic: Review |Topic: Confidence |Topic: Article Survey |

|Topic: Confidence | | |Interval Test |Assignment |

|Intervals |HW: Finish Activity WS |HW: Study | | |

| | | |HW: None |HW: Collect data & |

|HW: None | | | |Happy February |

| | | | |Vacation! |

|17th |18th |19th |20th |21st |

| | | | | |

|No School |No School |No School |No School |No School |

| | | | | |

|24th Day 109 |25th Day 110 |26th Day 111 |27th Day 112 |28th Day 113 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Article Survey |Topic: Article Survey |Topic: Survey Project |Topic: Survey due at end |Topic: Collect Data |

|Assignment |Assignment | |of class | |

| |(Due today) |HW: Project | |HW: Work on Project |

|HW: Work on Project | | |HW: Extra Credit - Type | |

| |HW: Extra Credit | |Letter to Junior | |

|March - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|2nd Day 114 |3rd |4th Day 115 |5th Day 116 |6th Day 117 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Collect Data |No School |Topic: Collect Data |Topic: Collect Data |Topic: Project due at end |

| | | | |of class |

|HW: Work on Project | |HW: Work on Project |HW: Work on Project | |

| | | | |HW: z-score refresher WS |

|9th Day 118 |10th Day 119 |11th Day 120 |12th Day 121 |13th Day 122 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Experiments – the |Topic: Hypothesis Tests |Topic: P-value |Topic: P-value Practice |Topic: P-value Practice |

|Basics | | | | |

| |HW: AP Practice WS |HW: P-value HW |HW: Finish WS |HW: Taste Permission |

|HW: Basics Intro HW | | | |Slip |

|16th Day 123 |17th Day 124 |18th Day 125 |19th Day 126 |20th Day 127 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Types of Errors |Topic: Can You Taste the |Topic: Experiments Quiz |Topic: 2 Samples Tests |Topic: 2 Sample Tests |

| |Difference? | | | |

|HW: Types of Errors HW | |HW: None |HW: None |HW: Finish WS |

| |HW: Quiz Review HW | | | |

|23rd Day 128 |24th Day 129 |25th Day 130 |26th Day 131 |27th Day 132 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: 2 Sample Tests |Topic: Hula Hoop Activity |Topic: Review |Topic: Review |Topic: Experiments Test |

| | | | | |

|HW: None |HW: Finish Analysis |HW: Additional Exp. |HW: Study |HW: None |

| | |Review WS | | |

|30th Day 133 |31st Day 134 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Stats on the |Topic: Stats with a | | | |

|Graphing Calc |Graphing Calc. | | | |

| | | | | |

|HW: Finish Notes |HW: Work on Project | | | |

|April - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | |1st Day 135 |2nd Day 136 |3rd Day 137 |

| | | | | |

| | |Topic: Stats with a |Topic: Graphing Calc. |Topic: AP Practice |

| | |Graphing Calc. |Quiz | |

| | | | |HW: Finish Practice |

| | |HW: Study |HW: None | |

|6th Day 138 |7th Day 139 |8th Day 140 |9th Day 141 |10th |

| | | | | |

|Topic: AP Practice |Topic: AP Practice |Topic: Practice AP Test / |Topic: Practice AP Test / |No School |

| | |Take Home Test |Take Home Test | |

|HW: Finish Practice |HW: Finish Practice | | | |

| | |HW: None |HW: Take Home Test | |

|13th Day 142 |14th Day 143 |15th Day 144 |16th Day 145 |17th Day 146 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Ethics |Topic: Ethics |Topic: Movie |Topic: Movie |Topic: Movie |

| | | |Take Home Test Due | |

|HW: Take Home Test |HW: Take Home Test / |HW: Take Home Test | |HW: Happy April |

| |Movie Permission Slip | |HW: None |Vacation |

|20th |21st |22nd |23rd |24th |

| | | | | |

|No School |No School |No School |No School |No School |

| | | | | |

|27th Day 147 |28th Day 148 |29th Day 149 |30th Day 150 | |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Movie |Topic: Movie |Topic Ethic Article |Topic: Start Ethics Paper | |

| | | |– Computer Lab | |

|HW: None |HW: None |HW: None | | |

| | | |HW: Work on Paper | |

|May - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | |1st Day 151 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Topic: College Placement |

| | | | |Practice (U of Cincinnati) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |HW: Work on Project |

|4th Day 152 |5th Day 153 |6th Day 154 |7th Day 155 |8th Day 156 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Ethics Paper Due |Topic: Finish Ethics |Topic: Movie |Topic: Movie |Topic: Start Study Guide |

|Ethics Presentations |Presentations | | |Project |

| | |HW: None |HW: None | |

|HW: None |HW: Tuskegee syphilis ws | | |HW: Work on Project |

|11th Day 157 |12th Day 158 |13th Day 159 |14th Day 160 |15th Day 161 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: AP Open Response |Topic: AP Open Response |Topic: AP Open Response |Topic: AP Quiz (Open |Topic: Study Guide Due |

|Practice |Practice |Practice |Response) |Start Final Project |

| | | | |– Computer Lab |

|HW: Work on Project |HW: Work on Project |HW: Study |HW: Finish Study Guide | |

| | | |Project |HW: Work on Project |

|18th Day 162 |19th Day 163 |20th Day 164 |21st Day 165 |22nd Day 166 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: Final Project |Topic: Final Project |Topic: Final Project |Topic: Final Project |Topic: Review (#13-24) |

| | |After School Extra Credit – Movie: |(due at end of class) | |

|HW: Work on Project |HW: Work on Project |Stanford Prison Experiment | |HW: Finish Review |

| | |HW: Work on Project |HW: Review Packet #1-12 |Packet #25 – 28 |

|25th |26th Day 167 |27th Day 168 |28th Day 169 |29th Day 170 |

| | | | | |

|No School |Topic: Review (#29-31) |Topic: Final Exam |Topic: Final Exam |Topic: |

| | | | | |


| |sheet | | | |

|June - Statistics |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | | |

|1st Day 171 |2nd Day 172 |3rd Day 173 |4th Day 174 |5th Day 175 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: |Topic: |Have a safe and enjoyable summer and |Topic: |Topic: |

| | |good luck next year! | | |

|HW: |HW: | |HW: |HW: |

|8th Day 176 |9th Day 177 |10th Day 178 |11th Day 179 |12th Day 180 |

| | | | | |

|Topic: |Topic: |Topic: |Topic: |Topic: Last Day |

| | | | | |

|HW: |HW: |HW: |HW: |HW: |

|15th |16th |17th |18th |19th |

| | | | | |

|22nd |23rd |24th |25th |26th |

| | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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