For the next class, you will need to bring a bag with ...

Bag Speech Directions

For the next class, you will need to bring a bag with three items in it for the Any Old Bag Will Do… introduction. Any bag or something that serves as a bag, (ie. hat, guitar case, bowling ball carrier…) will be used to transport three items: one that represents your past, one that represents your present and one that represents your future.

During class, you will introduce yourself using these items. Your presentation will be in three stages with an introduction, body and conclusion.

For the Introduction, start with an attention-getter and then a credibility statement (which is simply stating your name and a comment of your grade level). Next, identify the significance of the “bag” you selected. Next, make a preview statement which simply explains that you will be sharing items that are representative of your past, present and future.

In the Body of the speech, give a brief explanation about each of the three items in your bag. Use little stories, descriptions or explanations to help convey the item’s significance.

Lastly, your Conclusion will start with a summary of your main ideas which was that you shared something from your past, present and future. Follow this with an invitation to your audience to respond in some way and then give the big finish final comment.

You do NOT need to write out this presentation but you should rehearse it at least twice. Hopefully, you’ll speak about two minutes, but there is no time criterion for this speech.

*********************See reverse side for a sketch of my sample ****************

Bag Speech Sample


➢ Attention Getter: I love Malley’s chocolates. This is my favorite snack and your way to an A.

➢ Credibility: My name is Heidi Kaminicki and I’m a 7th Grade Language Arts teacher here at Hudson Middle School.

➢ Preview: Today, I’d like to share some items that are representative of my past, present and future.


I. To represent my past….CD of Broadway musical

A. When I taught H.S. Drama…

B. Former students in shows in NYC & Chicago

II. To represent my present…pictures of boys (Ahhh)

A. Connor 15, Brad 11. My joy, delight, angst, gray…

B. Baby pics look identical to husband & self yet we’re adoptive family

III. To represent my future…book of Ireland

A. Maiden name and heritage

B. Future trip to see 40 shades of green with husband who needs medication


➢ Summary: Today I shared a bit about my past, present and future.

➢ Call to Action: I invite you to share yourself with all of us next week and all semester.

➢ Final Appeal: Just like my favorite Malley’s chocolate, I’m looking forward to a really sweet second semester!

*********************See reverse side for directions ****************


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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