Introducing Your Essay - 3rd floor Learning

Introducing Your Essay

Keep the aim of the essay in mind—to convince the reader of a truth using textual evidence and logical reasoning.

The introduction…

• Frames the discussion--defines, shapes/controls the whole essay.

• Leads us into the argument.

• Entices the reader to continue.

1. In one or two sentences—A General introductory statement: a universal, forceful idea/observation.

- a provocative quotation

- a startling statistic or fact

- a dramatic and unique comparison or contrast

2. In one or two sentences—Name the text and topic.

3. In one or two sentences—Establish controlling idea (thesis statement) and 3 subtopics.

Thesis statement should be…

- limited in scope (specific)

- argumentative (make a debatable point)

- meaningful

Concluding Your Essay

• the last chance to reinforce your argument.

• should concisely retrace your argument, but not repeat it in detail. (Remind the reader of the steps you have taken, but don’t take them again.)

1. In one or two sentences—Summarize the evidence used to support your thesis, tie your subtopics together, and lead into a recap of your position statement.

2. In one or two sentences—Restate the thesis, but not in the exact words used in the introduction.

3. In one or two sentences—Shift the perspective from the specifics of your position statement to get an overall view of the topic you have developed, and the wider issues raised by your analysis. This might include…

- a summative judgment of the work.

- an overall assessment of one aspect of the work (characterization).

- suggesting further implications of the discussion

- encouraging the readers to relate your essay to their own knowledge or experiences.


Your conclusion should leave readers with the impression that you have done all that could be expected within the precise bounds of your thesis statement. It should also remind readers that you have proven your position as outlined in the introduction, and make them think about what you have written.


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