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Pre-Birth to Three: Introduction


This DVD has been created to enhance the revised guidance Pre-Birth to Three: Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families. The accompanying CD will provide further opportunities to explore key messages, practical case studies, current research and reflective questions.

The revised Pre-Birth to Three guidance recognises the importance of brain development pre-birth. And also reflects the aspirations of Scottish government policy, such as the Early Years Framework, Equally Well, Achieving our Potential, Curriculum for Excellence and Getting it Right for Every Child.

The Pre-Birth to Three Guidance includes practical case studies and links to current research that can support improved evidence based practice.

The film clips on this DVD share practical ideas from a variety of early years settings, to support you as you work with, or for Scotland’s youngest children and their families.

This may help you evaluate your own role in supporting children during their critical years pre-birth to three, and to reflect on the relevance of the four key principles:

The Rights of the Child


Responsive Care


The DVD content is relevant for all staff working directly with babies and young children, but it will also be valuable for others who are working in local authorities, the private and voluntary sector, colleges, universities and other agencies involved in the care and wellbeing of children.

This is intended to be a flexible professional development resource. You can select the sections most relevant to your needs, or choose to engage with the full resource. You will notice that some of the film clips are shown more than once, this is to illustrate and support the holistic nature of working with babies and young children in an early years setting.

The Pre-Birth to Three Guidance DVD and CD have been designed to be used either independently or in tandem with each other, and all materials are also available online. It is envisaged that you may use these clips to support different aspects of continuing professional development. This DVD is accompanied by a CD which offers further professional development opportunities, additional film clips, reflective questions, links to relevant documentation and useful websites.

This resource contains several sections to explore and stimulate discussion:

A Shared Vision sets the context of the Pre-birth to Three Guidance within the Scottish policy landscape.

The Importance of the Early Years focuses on brain development including pre-birth, and how this could have some bearing on our work with Scotland’s youngest children and their families.

Using Research to Inform Practice helps us keep up to date and use research as a welcome tool in assisting staff in the critical task of ensuring high quality provision for all children.

The Four Key Principles of The Rights of the Child, Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect are investigated and are split into four sections for ease of viewing, and are interlinked and should be viewed as related items.

Elements of the key principles have been divided into nine features to enable more focussed reflection on adapting the Pre-birth to Three Guidance to your own context. The nine features are:

Role of staff: It is vital that staff working with Scotland’s youngest children engage in their own professional development, where they regularly reflect on what they are doing in day to day practice, why they are doing it, and ensure it is evidence informed.

Attachments: Secure attachments with significant adults help babies to develop the skills, values and attributes that are essential for them to become confident individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens. When babies and young children feel confident they find it easier to get along with others, and feel secure about exploring and investigating the world around them.

Transitions: Transitions are times of change. Where transitions are well supported children can learn to manage change in a positive way, which is a valuable skill for life. Transitions are most effective when the key people involved with the child work collaboratively and share necessary information.

Observation, Assessment and Planning: Observation, assessment and planning are essential if staff are to be responsive to the changing pace and flow of children’s interests and enthusiasm.

Partnership Working: The vision, values and principles which underpin Scottish government policy support strong and effective partnerships across families, services and the wider community. The getting it right for every child approach has been designed to ensure that all parents, carers and professionals work effectively together, to give children and young people the best start, and improve their life opportunities.

Health and Wellbeing: It is essential that staff help babies and young children enjoy a healthy and balanced diet, feel good about themselves and develop resilience and self awareness.

Literacy and Numeracy: Children lay the foundations of literacy and numeracy development during their earliest years. This can then be built upon through life-long learning.

Environments: Providing enriching environments that are appropriate to children’s stage of development and individual interests is central to their cognitive and physical growth. Resources should offer stimulation and provide opportunities for children to explore their world, and to be active.

Play: Play is very powerful in promoting children’s development and learning. One of the most important considerations for staff supporting play is to ensure that children have the time, space and freedom to initiate plan, lead and conclude their own play.

We must have the courage and commitment to insist on the very best care and education for Scotland’s babies and young children. Let’s work together to ensure that we have the very best outcomes for all of Scotland’s children and families, now and in the future.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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