Summer I 2005 CS 3401 (Introduction to Computer ...

Summer I 2005 CS 3401 (Introduction to Computer Organization and Assembly Language)

Section 30114 MTWR 5:30 - 8:15 pm

Instructor: Dr. Ali Berrached

Office: S712 Tel: (713) 221-8639



Office Hours: MTWR 4:15-4:45 pm and by appointment.

Catalog description: (4-4-0) Organization of general-purpose computers; data representation and arithmetic; instruction sets and addressing modes; assembly language programming; computer arithmetic, program control structures, basic I/O operations; memory hierarchies. Laboratory and homework assignments include programming in the Intel 80x86 microprocessors.

Course prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in CS 1410 or CS 1408.

Textbooks: The Essential of Computer Organization and Architecture, Linda Null and Julia Lobur, Jones and Bartlett. Textbook web site:

Course grade: The course average is determined by one midterm exam (40%) and a comprehensive final exam (40%), laboratory assignments and programming projects (10%), and quizzes (10%). The course grade is determined by the standard college formula based on the course average: "A" (90 100), "B" (80-89), "C" (70-79), "D" (60 69), or "F' (0-59). Test dates will be announced at least one week in advance. The student must have a passing average (60+) on both test and programming projects to pass this course; otherwise he or she should receive at best a "D". ALL lab assignments and programming projects must be turned in to receive a grade besides an "F".

Note: If you have no more than four absences for the semester and your final exam score is higher than your midterm exam score, your midterm exam score will automatically be replaced by your final exam score.

Last day to withdraw from a course: June 23, 2005 (6:00 PM)

Final exam: June 30, 2005 5:30-7:30 pm

Course content:

|Chapter |Sections |

|1 |1-8 |

|2 |1-6 |

|4 |1-8 |

|5 |1-6 |

|6 |1-6 |

|7 |1-8 |

|8 |1-4 |

Make-up assignments and exams: Homework assignments are to be completed and turned in by the due date at the beginning of class. Late assignment will not be accepted. Make-up exams will only be given in cases of documented emergencies. It is your responsibility to contact your instructor with documentation of your emergency as soon as possible. All missed grades will be recorded as zeros.

Academic Dishonesty: For this class, all work must be done individually -- no group work is allowed. You are encouraged to generally discuss assignments with fellow students, but may not copy their solution or code. Doing so constitutes academic dishonesty which will be sanctioned with a grade of F in the course. Please remember that as a member of the UHD academic community you are bound to observe the academic honesty code in all your school work. A grade of 0 will be given for any course work where cheating is detected. See for more information on UHD’s policy on academic dishonesty.

Statement on reasonable accommodations: UHD adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities should be notified to register with Disabled Student Services and contact the instructor in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations.


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