Introduction to Engineering Design

Introduction to Engineering Design

Introduction to Engineering Design is the first core course in the Engineering curriculum. This course is part of a series of courses developed by the National Alliance for Pre-Engineering Programs, Project Lead the Way Inc. for high school students interested in careers in engineering. In this first course we will be studying the engineering design process and focus heavily on computer modeling.

Course Outline:

Unit 1: Design Process

Unit 2: Technical Sketching and Drawing

Unit 3: Measurement and Statistics

Unit 4: Modeling Skills

Unit 5: Geometry of Design

Unit 6: Reverse Engineering

Unit 7: Documentation

Unit 8: Advanced Computer Modeling

Unit 9: Design Team

Unit 10: Design Challenges

Grading Policy:

The grading policy for this course follows the Georgetown High School campus grading policy.

Major Projects or Tests 70%

Daily Grades 30%

Classroom Behavior:

Engineers and Engineering Technologists are considered “professionals” in industry. Professional behavior will be modeled in our classroom. The expectation is students will behave in the classroom as they would at a professional paying job.

Contact Information:

The most effective way to contact me is via e-mail: BurtonS@. If you need to call me, my office phone number is 943-1800 x8223. If you call during the school day you will most likely reach my voicemail, so please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. My conference periods are currently scheduled as 3rd and 5th period.

|A-Day |B- Day |

|1st - Cross Country |5th- Conference |

|2nd – Algebra 1 (Room 223) |6th – Algebra 1 (Rm 223) |

|3rd - Conference |7th – Introduction to Engineering (Rm 730) |

|4th- Physics (Rm 415) |8th – Civil Engineering (Rm 730) |

Student Supplies:

1. Mechanical pencil and ballpoint pen (Student should bring to class each day.)

2. Three ring binder or folder to keep handouts. There will be a lot of handouts, you will want some place to save them.

3. Optional: Memory stick or thumb drive to use for saving or transferring files.

Online Curriculum: The PLTW curriculum is available online, including all presentations and handouts, at . Students will be provided an individual password to access this site.

Tutorials: I will be available by appointment after school. I coach cross-country before school, and rotate between 3 different rooms, so please let me know if you plan to come in so I can be in the engineering room.

Note: A bound, technical notebook will be provided to each student during the first week of school for class notes. This needs to be stored in the classroom.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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